This video answers so many questions about myself, I lost my religion when I was 13 years old, since then I have strived to live a honest, ethical, respectful, life with compassion for all living things, as a 70+ year old I have had a good life without the shackles of religion, I have found that what you give you get back ( KARMA ) with out knowing it I’m mostly a Buddhist. As for the notion of heaven and hell, it is nothing moor than a control mechanism.
Sending positive energy to everyone watching this video. May you feel surrounded by love, empowered by strength, and guided by the light of the universe
@@BuddhistWisdomUnlocked thank you . “Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation ‘ ( Baha’i writings in the 1800s) WE R 1 .
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s]
The Jewish religion, which is the oldest Abrahamic religion, knows no fysical places for Heaven and Hell. Both are spiritual concepts: Heaven (Gan Eden) as a situation near to God and spiritual happiness. Hell (Gehinnom) as a temporary situation of purification.
@@MD-lf3gt in Islam what ever crime wickedness a muslim did , no punishment for the Muslims, the punishment of muslim will be given to jews and Christians.
If it is then it hasn't done India much good. India has one of the worst class systems and abject poverty in the world. Contemplating your belly button doesn't help people. A genuine hand does. So too does connecting with our Creator through Christ.
Rulers in Asian countries (China, Japan, Thailand, etc) also use religions to control their masses. Buddhism is not different to other religions in this regards. I've visted several Asian countries and I didn't find people to be free. On contrary...
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s]
This video gives a comprehensive and full description of the main points of Buddhism. I would like to add that it is an invaluable help to recognise and use Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Psychology and Buddhist Meditation. I have been a Buddhist since 1981 and I've found it an invaluable help thru out my life.
I am agnostic and turn to science for answers but I do respect Buddhism out of all of the major religions, it is more rational and humble than the other religions.
Humanities future will see a balance of true religion and true science. One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth. God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
Heaven & hell is just a control game used by religion, truth is we all reincarnate until we achieve the highest level of karma, spiritual enlightenment. Excellent video people that believe in religion should learn and understand this.
The truth is you don't know and these are just ideas> truth is we all reincarnate until we achieve the highest level of karma, spiritual enlightenment. } Buddhism isn't about believing in ideas as facts.
Konsep ajaran dari santan darma itu ,Atma atau roh manusia itu pada mulanya suci karna berasal dari Yang Maha Suci .,,selama manusia jatuh kedalam perbuatan dosa ,berarti selama itu dia tidak dapat kembali pada Tuhan Yang Suci di Sorga ,dan akan mengalami proses ulang ,,atau daur ulang ,dan beringkarnasi kembali ke alam marcapada .itulah makna hukum karma ,untuk mencapai surga manusia harus betul " suci ,karna hukum karma itu bekerja otomatis ,,semua manusia akan tersaring sendiri ..,mana yg suci akan lolos ,mana yg masih kotor akan didaur ulang ,sehingga menyadari bahwa hukum karma itu betul ada ,sebagai peringatan pada manusia agar menjaga kesuciannya ,agar dapat menuju sorga .,ibarat sebuah produk ..,hanya yg terbaik sajalah yg lolos ,sedang yg dlm proses produksi banyak yg kotor dan mengganggu proses produksi akan di daur ulang ..😊
@@ashoktuladhar9551 Definition of religion: a particular system of faith and worship. plural noun: religions "the world's great religions" a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. "consumerism is the new religion" the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. "ideas about the relationship between science and religion" Seems like Buddhism, as practiced throughout much of Asia, is indeed a religion
Absolutely! Thich Nhat Hanh, Goldstein, and even Yoda all offer profound wisdom on living mindfully and with compassion. Thanks for sharing this beautiful insight! 🙏🌟 Namaste
In "Theravada" Buddhism in Sri Lanka, all enlightened "Baghavath Buddhas" appear on earth , after eons of life times of purification of the mind, as a fulfilling universal qualification to perfecting qualities of "conscious energies" described in Sri Lankan Buddhist pali canon / texts "marghadi " Buddhas' spoken sound language written Pali Tripitaka" as "paramitha kamma" (perfectible universal deeds). The Baghvath Buddha has described sentience beings existing in 31 realms. All creations in this universe are "energies" with influence of the six ( 6 ) aggregates "elements" 1. sound (ears ), 2. taste ( tongue ), 3, smell (nose ) 4. seeing (eyes ). 5. touch (Body ), 6, feelings(heart ), under "causality" cause & effect . The Buddha has described how universal energy called "kamma" manifests in human form through human faculties of seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, touch & mind (past experiences) called " SANKARA " energy, in Pali canon, through Human 6 aggregates, amalgamating with external world experiences of feelings through the Human "Heart Organ " as electrical waves signals to develop a "seed" to become "conscious energy", which continues to the brain as a "thought" and this continuation of experience is stored in the "subconscious" mind in the human brain called "mano" (pali ) (mind) in Buddhism. This" perception " action is called "thought". Thought becomes a conscious energy, called "kamma/karma = consciousness + phenomenon in Buddhism.Theravada Buddhism in sri Lanka thripitaka
The self is of course an illusion. One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth. God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
@@tripzville7569lf god has given us freedom of choice to do anything what we want so tell were we already existed before god so we said to god to create the cosmos and he created ? If we were not existed before god so god created us for his own enjoyment without our own consent, created misery full world so he cann't be all loving, allkind, Just god. If your bahai god is just, almighty and kind then ask your god make this world sin free, suffering free. If your God cann't make this world suffering free then why we should faith on him ?
@@tripzville7569 without god existance is not pointless. By Deeply studying core teachings of buddhism existance without god is not pointless. In buddhism it is believed that before the time of the extension of cosmos and after contraction of the cosmos there is only one thing. The one thing (energy) is only in state of emptiness or state of meditation. But after infinte time due to spontaneous nature of energy cosmos started to extend by own. Gradually universe evolves and life comes, you can go back to the state of Nirvana or in the state of emptiness due to law of karma by performing good merits.
@@tripzville7569without god existance is not pointless. By Deeply studying core teachings of buddhism existance without god is not pointless. In buddhism it is believed that before the time of the extension of cosmos and after contraction of the cosmos there is only one thing. The one thing (energy) is only in state of emptiness or state of meditation. But after a infinite time due to spontaneous nature of energy cosmos started to extend by own. Gradually universe evolves and life comes, you can go back to the state of Nirvana or in the state of emptiness due to law of karma by performing good merits.
"Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you. When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven"
unconscious and conscious is simple dualism. the one brings the other, just like heaven and hell or nirvana and samsara, good and bad, cowboys and indians, friends-enemies, what have you. the truth is just outside conceptuality
Agreed. One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth. God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Buddhism certainly offers deep insights into the nature of life and suffering. It's great to hear that you resonate with its philosophy 🙏 Namo Buddhaya!
Not really - all the Buddha sought was a way out of pain & suffering & he thought discarding desires, aspirations was the way to do it - he is correct - but what is such a life? Without aspirations, desires, it is a retired life
@ramaraksha01 you partly right we need posssions either satisfy or reward ourselves within our monochromatic lives as the creator??so to speak wishes the similar vein...???!...
@@SuatUstel The problem is how much? You can't say we should have desires only this much - everyone has different views on how much is enough You think you are well set and then an illness or accident and the resulting medical expenses & you lose everything! Your daughter or son want to go to the states and study - do you realize how much money you will need? . But many of the great inventions were made not because the inventor wanted to make money and get rich but because they had a desire, aspire - since ancient times humans wanted to fly and then the wright brothers made it possible Scientists work on eliminating diseases - do you know where they get their funding from? Rich guys who have lost their loved one to one such disease will fund them
💫 Such an inspiring and thought-provoking message! 🌈 It’s amazing how Buddhist philosophy encourages us to look within for peace and happiness rather than seeking it externally. Truly transformative! 🕊✨
Try the absurdity of a belly button philosophy called Buddhism, that claims to acknowledge Christ but ignores his message. Buddhism does not recognise God so it is a philosophy of man, not a religion.
@@nishan375 Correct. One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth. God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless. Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity. 'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
I abandoned Christianity in Sunday School. When they taught us about the Israelite's slaughtering the Canaanites, something in me said, "this is not good". I found Buddhism later in life and it guides me along. No desire to kill people.
Thank you for this lucid explanation. The only addendum I might suggest is this: Enlightenment is not a destination, but an ongoing process. I don't think anyone actually "achieves" Enlightenment, and I do not trust any "guru" who claims that he has done so. Rather, it is best seen as an asymptotic goal--one for which we strive continuously, knowing full well that full and permanent enlightenment is beyond our grasp. Rather, some of the most powerful Buddhist teachings (e.g. the Lojong teachings from the Tibetan tradition) suggest that our inevitable lapses into UNENLIGHTENED behavior--whether it is flashes of anger, greed, lust, cowardice, or despondency--can themselves become our teachers, once we grow accustomed to seeing them that way. If nothing else, such inevitable lapses into unskillful behavior and attitudes, once recognized, keep us honest and humble, as we keep on keepin' on...
When Buddha says desire leads to suffering, I think Buddha means not getting your priorities right. I read this interpretation and this makes sense, it's impossible not to desire anything.
The Buddha talks about attachments or clinging to things leading to suffering, or rather inconsistency, instability; he is describing the changing nature of the world. Experience your desires, but do not be attached to them. Do not yearn for them when they are gone, do not try to keep them when you experience them.
There is desire, and then there is desire... I was a single dad, and I desired to provide a roof over my kids' heads and food on the table - so I worked. I did not work for the love of money, the accumulation of wealth or power. That level of desire keeps you alive and comfortable. When the kids moved out, I was 48 and could cut back on work, because I needed less money for my care and upkeep. Turns out... I could quit work and retire to Asia. Which was my long term goal, I just made it 15 years earlier than planned. Don't be attached to the result of your work. I try to enjoy what I have, so not to miss it when it is gone. 😎
It is possible not to desire anything Buddha does mean it like the wy he said it. You will only see this wnot by merely believing but by practising mind cultivation through meditation n contemplating through awareness
I think you are reading it wrong - the way he led his life - abandoning his rights as an emperor, his wife, kid, his family and living as a beggar clearly showed that he says abandon all desires
Seneca puts it well.....The Common man believes religion is true. The rich man believes it is false. The politician believes it is handy. All you know is your own mind and are limited by whatever perspectives it is stuck in, whether it is true or provable or not. So, heaven and hell are creations of the mind, limited by your own ability to transcend a fixed perspective on the unfolding of life in the moment, and the meanings you attach to it. Holding onto a dogma is only that, an inability to be open to the constantly new flowing aspects of existance. You can suffer the hell of your imagination and attachments it's created, the heaven of having none of these, or both at the same time, which is the oscillation most people struggle between. These create a hell in your mind, a suffering. Heaven is the reward for a practice that frees you from the attachment to those ideas. That is the bliss, the gift, the livliness, that has always been there for you to experience, no matter what is happening outside of you. As the song says, free your mind, and the rest will follow. When Dorothy wants to go home in the Wizard of Oz, Glinda tells her, your home is within you. You were there all the time. Did you make it a shambles with your thoughts and beliefs or did experience a beautiful kingdom within? That is entirely up to you. And no facts have yet to unmake this.
One thing I love about the early Buddhist suttas in the Pali canon: they all begin with the words "Thus have I heard", which is so different from the declarative pronouncements of the Biblical writings.
Everything debunks Christianity/Religions in general. Life is not about suffering, penance, judgement... Life is and always has been about living ones life. That means a life in 'Good & Bad.' But live your life to the very end, no matter what ones life exists of. LIVE!
I find it amazing that so many do not a King, Dictator in the Gods of Christianity & Islam Gods who demand belief, obedience, support and submission to them and them alone! What we did in life, morals, values do not matter - all that matters is whether we believe & support him or not That is Putin! That is Kim Jong Un! These brutal dictators have handsomely rewarded their blind obedient supporters ready to kill innocents for them and have tortured and killed even children who did not support them! And we their Gods behaving the same way! And these are the top 2 religions of the day! Amazing how easily & cheaply we sell our souls
Thank you for this enlightened video. It felt like gentle rain on a summer´s day. Take a look at the history of Religions : I am not aware of any devastating wars between countries that practice the Buddhist faith, apart from Japan in WWII, and contrast it with the countless wars between Christian countries in Europe, and in the Middle East between adherents to the Islamic faith and Judaism. The myth of heaven and hell is a brilliant way of the Abrahamic religions to enslave the mind of mankind, and gives the Churches, Synagogues and Mosques tremendous power and control over their adherents. Then the concept of an immortal soul is the true confounder. Who on earth thought this one up, and where does it reside? What is the proof of its existence? Yet for millennia belief in a human soul has been central to what we think who we are.
Solid video. Well articulated information. One concern however, we have to be careful when speaking about other religions. It can come off, sounding as if we’re saying they are inferior, which I don’t feel is the intention that this video is going for. But especially these days, people are very sensitive about the subject, and not creating hurt, or the need for another to defend their different belief system is important. Thank you for all your videos 🙏👍
The Buddha indeeed taught heaven and hell, he called it right view and is first part of noble 8fold path, he Even influenced Jesus Christ teachings, in his trip to India in his Lost bible years in India, Jesus traveled the silk road.
Jesus most likely seem to have come in contact with yogis and enlightened perfect masters and not Buddhist practitioners because in Jesus' teachings nothing looks like Buddhist teachings but from the teachings of some saintly lineage.
I think that there is no real fundamental difference between the Buddhist view of karma and the Christian or islam view. It is interesting to noto that Buddhism predates Christianity and Islam. The concept of natural cause and effect simply had morphed into the concept of God. God being another word for natural, the way reality is. What is fundamentally different, however, is that freedom from human condition became perceived as threat, and one doesn't have to delve too deep as to why and perceived by whom. The concept of karma is intuitively understood by most sane people. Doing evil will bring good is counterintuitive. The concepts of heaven and hell are inherent in the concept of karma. Reward and punishment are added as incentive and contra incentive to restraint ultimate freedom which became perceived as threat because it goes beyond duality/polarity.
@@thecomment9489 Where did Jesus encounter yogis? He would have encountered Buddhism in Alexandria (a place of learning) which had a thriving sea route with India. Until recently Buddha's image were discovered in Egypt, probably brought there by Greek Buddhist who were introduced to Buddhism during the time of Alexander.
@@mirrorimage5423 The early esoteric teachings of Jesus resonates with Buddhism, just as it diverted from Judaism. Jesus would have encountered Buddhism in Alexandria from Greek Buddhist. Please look up history of Greek Buddhist.
As a buddhist, such titles and approach is harmful to the buddha dharma. We must be careful with the words we use and not disturb other's peace of mind.
"Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you. When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven"♥
⚔️BuddaH is a self contained example of living the difference from his wealthy family, and the more preferred life of a ferry river owner. He knew the difference between the rich, and of those in constant need. His creator was within his cosmos. His meditation responses were resulting in his life without any companionship. He needed ppl for food, and shelter. Basically, he has answered the question of what life is like at the moment of one’s birth: No responsibility to or from anyone. Thanks to his example we can now follow him, if we don’t have any responsibility, perhaps. The moment of absolute peace last as long as a “ Spark in the Darkness does.” Some are blessed with finding that fraction of a moment enough to be reassured that it exists; until the baby cries for us.🛡️
In "Theravada" Buddhism in Sri Lanka, all enlightened "Baghavath Buddhas" appear on earth , after eons of life times of purification of the mind, as a fulfilling universal qualification to perfecting qualities of "conscious energies" described in Sri Lankan Buddhist pali canon / texts "marghadi " Buddhas' spoken sound language written Pali Tripitaka" as "paramitha kamma" (perfectible universal deeds). The Baghvath Buddha has described sentience beings existing in 31 realms. All creations in this universe are "energies" with influence of the six ( 6 ) aggregates "elements" 1. sound (ears ), 2. taste ( tongue ), 3, smell (nose ) 4. seeing (eyes ). 5. touch (Body ), 6, feelings(heart ), under "causality" cause & effect . The Buddha has described how universal energy called "kamma" manifests in human form through human faculties of seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, touch & mind (past experiences) called " SANKARA " energy, in Pali canon, through Human 6 aggregates, amalgamating with external world experiences of feelings through the Human "Heart Organ " as electrical waves signals to develop a "seed" to become "conscious energy", which continues to the brain as a "thought" and this continuation of experience is stored in the "subconscious" mind in the human brain called "mano" (pali ) (mind) in Buddhism. This" perception " action is called "thought". Thought becomes a conscious energy, called "kamma/karma = consciousness + phenomenon in Buddhism.Theravada Buddhism in sri Lanka thripitaka
It takes awhile to wrap your head around this stuff my realisation is that a religion is like a spiritual country or region with in a spiritual country. We all ultimately move through the Divine whether we like it or not know it or not it does not matter where you are just that you exist.we are all looking for the same thing but because of our unique perception on reality and the divine it makes it not so. Soldier on my friend the end will only be a new beginning
I had an NDE and there were no Gods, I saw that all religions are man made. There were no rewards and no punishments, no judgements. I saw that "hell" is not knowing who we really are, being trapped in the egoic mind. Knowing who we really are beyond the egoic minds activities and movement, is "heaven". I did see people caught in strange hell like loops after the body died, almost like a nightmare but it was self induced, an illusion. They were surrounded by pure unconditional love, who we ALL really are, to help nudge them awake out of their hell like loops.
Since the Buddha lived around 500 BC, his teachings predate the Bible (200 BC old testament) and the Quran (600 AD). So it wasn't really debunking them, since it came long before them.
Buddhism died in India after the fall of Emperor Ashoka, so Buddhism doesn't meet the Abrahamic Religion during BCE. Buddhism meets the Abrahamic religions during the Islamic invasion of Indian subcontinent, spreading Islam in Southeast Asia and Western European Colonization.
As a Buddhist, lord Buddah bring us a school of moral education and self responsibility. A real Buddhist follow the teachings of Buddah rather than pure worship but following the path to non-detachment. Until one knows the meaning of samsara, there will be a more peaceful world
The real God is only one in this world that not belonged to any religion. Buddha is d humane God but u pray it mean direct to real God. Buddha is d BEST because it gives u d full teaching n explanation plus powerful mantra, effectiveness depending on your minds in good or bad.
Instilling the fear into a child's mind saying that they will be burnt in hell if they do anything wrong is simply a form of child abuse! Buddhism's teaching of "karma", meaning you'll get reward or punishment from your own action is a much better reflection of the reality we live in.
Yes Buddhismis the most peacefu religion. An The Buddha didn't want to talk of a personal God because he knew how easily man's pyche can slip into ideologies and dogmas that hinder ones spiritual development. But he was NOT an atheist. Asked about the existence God he responded (I paraphrase); "If Universal Consciouness did not exist then nothing would exist."
Throughout history the Buddhists in Japan stand out as being extremely cruel in the past. It’s the nature of physics to believe there would be octaves of energy spiraling up and down a Fibonacci spiral. Heaven and Hell are just words describing states of energy. To keep one’s balance while following the Tao into higher octaves of energy sounds like a pretty good idea.
Really? In what way? Don’t confuse Buddhism with individual warlords or Buddhist monks who behaved a lot like those mega preachers of the US and Korea.
The Buddha was many centuries ahead of his time! In the very long term (thousands of years from now) it will be the last one standing. For obvious reasons!
I thank you for providing information about buddhaism. anyway here are the state's where a person saw the illusions of hell and heaven and saw nivarana ( in Pali pronounication) the last state - arahat ( pali - al ra han ta) the third state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - al nar gar meet) the second state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - ta dar gan) the first state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - taw tar pann) sorry that I couldn't find the translation. Google should probably put the translation there. if you don't get it I"ll explain the last state is knowing the 4 noble truth. the third is knowing 3 noble truth the second is knowing 2 noble truth then the first is knowing 1 noble truth. hope you understand🙃
Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective! It’s always great to explore different interpretations of Buddhist teachings. I appreciate your effort to provide clarity :)
Buddhism combined with Dialectical Materialism (& HIst Mat) should be exciting Synergy of Self with the Relationship of the Social Systems & the Philosophy of the Universe. Wil investigate :)
Rebirth to a next life is an illusion just like Heaven and Hell. What is the difference between the Nirvana and death? Without emotion, there is no suffering, but also no motivation, no life. The joy in life is the victory over challenges, but it also comes with the pain of the struggle. Embrace the challenge, live.
Buddy, is the way to go. NOT as a clear philosophy, but as the MINDSET of always questioning, testing, and eventually following the correct path.😊 No need to compare to other systems based on the same stories. Let it go...the whole Kabuki Theatre 😮😂😊
When I was in Afganistan in the 1970s I went to Bamian, where the world's tallest standing Buddha was. 180 feet tall. You had to hire a person to take you to the top of the Buddha's head. So I did. I had gotten turned on to Buddhism in 1969, and all 6 books I had with me were about Buddhism. So, as I was sitting there on top, I looked out across the Bamian valley, and asked the man who had brought me up there, "Why aren't you people Buddhist anymore?" His reply was "Because it didn't work." Now the Afghans had practiced Buddhism for about 12 hundred years, they had been Buddhists since before Alexander the Great came there and the Afghans were the first people in the world to adopt Buddhism as their state religion. That is until the Sufis came and turned them onto Islam. Buddhism is now actually the world's fastest religion in decline, loosing around 400,000 adherents annually.
Afghanistan was converted by the sword, not because of some inherent flaws.. Buddhism is not declining demographically due to some lack of appeal, it is declining due to poor demographic trends in traditionslly strong Buddhist regions like East Asia & China. These things are cyclical and may be different again in a few decades.
There is no love in Buddhism only selfish desire to become your own God or self actualize and also doesn't talk about the problem of sin....Jesus is.the only way to God....Jesus is Lord
@@michaelhenderson2657 Love is essential in Buddhism, it isn't selfish because there is no self in Buddhism, so becoming one's own God and self-actualizing do not accurately describe what Nirvana, Enlightenment, and even things like sunyata and dependent origination mean.
As a Buddhist I still find it so inspiring and rewarding watching these Video Clips. However, you mention the Bible and Quran and have omitted the Tanak. Isn't the Tanak part of the Abrahamic list of religions as well.
Heaven and hell do exist. The problem is they translate their meanings wrong. In the Christian world or other religions, they think of heaven and hell as a place. But it is not a place, it is a "state of mind." You don't go to heaven, you create your own heaven. "YOU" are in fact a mini-heaven in the making. Heaven is like your body with all the cells working together as communities to make yourself feel good as a whole being. That whole being is God, but you're only a cell in the whole body of the living God. When you died, it does not judge you, but place you in a communities where you're comfortable. Either heaven or hell depending on your state of being while you were in the physical world. Nirvana in Buddhist is the same as state of being. There is no God that punish you because you create your own heaven or hell while you're living the natural world and when you died, you're being placed in a community according to people of the same state of mind as yours. No man has seen God because it is the totality of the communities of being...just like no cell can see the whole since it is a part of it. But if you look at any man, you see the image of the living God.
As far as I know, in buddhism, there is a mention about 7 heavens and 7 hells, now ofc these are temporary places or realms not like heaven and hell mentioned in the bible or quran as permanent realms. Another thing is I have heard lots of theravada buddhist monks preach about Buddha even visiting one of these heavens to meet some gods, which indicates buddha did encounter or believe something like heaven, maybe had a different view about it. Also another point to consider is that Jesus said, when asked by one of his disciples where the heaven was, his answer was that the kingdom of god is in your heart and so does the hell. So what actually jesus said was heaven and hell is our own state of mind and not a place limited by space and time. But in Islam, the view is quite different according to what I have learnt. Obviously as everyone knows muslims kiss the black stone in the ka'ba whch they think came from heaven, so according to them heaven is kind of a physical place that exist. Note : not insulting islam here, just commenting on what I have heard from muslim scholars. Buddhists thrive to end suffering and enter nirvana, christians thrive to live a pleasing life and enter heaven. Whichever path we take, hope one day everyone regardless whom they follow, can find true meaning of their life. Thats whats all about at the end of day. God bless all of you
31 realms in Buddhism. A total of three types and 26 heavens, 1 human world, and 4 suffering realms. Among that, there are 9 major hells, and around hundreds of hells all in all.
Thank you for sharing these insightful thoughts! It's beautiful how each path, whether Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam, offers its own perspective on life and the pursuit of peace and understanding. 🙏🌟
As long there are places, there are impermanent due to the act of creation doesn't matter where and when. Anything that being created is impermanent. If the Lord is permanent, he would not have to flood the place multiple times kill his own creation, harm live etc. Any creation is not out of space and time.
A center path is through transcending judgement may be realized as the formless by finding a positive purpose within all actions by defining actions as a motivation either toward or away from LIGHT REALIZATION . WE need to first go beyond a need to quantify and define actions through presuming a positive purpose within ALL and perceiving energy rather than form. WE ARE a formless energy temporarily assuming form within I AM, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
There is no mention of hell in the Bible, there are a few mentions of the under world where souls dwell waiting for judgment. Hell is a medieval construct based upon mistranslations. A person is here to learn lessons, and every time you come back to Earth, you’ve new lessons to learn.
thanks for the informative video, I have some confusion though I watched religion for breakfast's video where he did mention that Buddhist believe in some kind of hell in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Also I read somewhere that the Buddhists and Jains and their emphasis on birth and rebirth was a catalyst for the varna system as mentioned in the Upanishad's transmigration of the souls so if the Buddhists don't believe in a soul do they believe in randomness like if one person will have another rebirth how we can say it is he ( i hope you got it ). Also, just like the Jains if the Buddhists believe in everything just working on its own then I believe the Vedic religion does have a point to believe in param Atma some kind of supreme being that controls karma and rebirth and the universe.
Buddhism do not believe the existence of the soul in that it is a permanent, unchanging thing. What you called soul is actually slightly ever changing in every moment. The result of causes from the past, bear fruit towards the present and the causes of the present will likewise bear their fruits on the future. Therefore, for Buddhism, there is no soul, only results or effects from the past causes continuously happen towards endless future. As the fruits of your past actions, you may go to heavens or hells after your death, but your time there is never permanent. You will continue to be reborn once you receive the fruits of your past actions. In short, for Buddhism, heaven and hell is like the human world where we will be continuously be reborn in them until we reach nirvana. As for Nirvana, for easiest explanation, it is like a fuelless fire. The fire cannot be maintain without fuel, so does our cycle of rebirths. Once we get rid of the fuels, desires, attachments, and ignorances, we will put out the cycle of rebirths like the fire without fuels, and that is Nirvana, Eternal Peace. P.S. what you called he was the he of previous life is true, except, Buddhism does not call it as soul, as it is not a permanent thing, and is ever changing. i.e. Are you and the you as a toddler the same you? No, right? Same in this case, the he of present life, although is a continuity of the he from previous life, is not considered the same he in a sense of being the same.
Thanks for your comment! Buddhism views rebirth as a continuation of consciousness, not a soul. It doesn’t focus on a supreme being but on individual karma and enlightenment. Different perspectives, but all fascinating!
Hell = ignorance heaven = awareness. Aware that heaven is within your breath embedded in feeling. The art to ignore is to know what to ignore. Ignore your ego know your breath your true Identity with the breath you are every thing a complete breathing human being without the breath you are life less. Every master like Buddha says what you are looking for is within you. The real you your breath. Enlightenment means to know yourself to know to feel the value of your breath focus upon your breath with closed eyes you will feel a peaceful feeling emanate within yourself. Buddha come in human form to give self realization of your breath. Know thyself. The word religion had been derive from self realization of one's self. Knowledge of the world make knowledge able knowledge of the self the source who is keeping alive the coming and going of the breath is wisdom enlightenment salvation. This human body is an illusion but the breath is a perfect reality we received this human body an instrument to experience your breath this human body died. But the breath is immortal in which reside truth consciousness and inner bliss peace. Peace is not a concept but a feeling which reside within every human breath. The breath had no gender the breath come within a saint a sage a king a priest or an ordinary human being practice your breath feel peace in your life become a better Buddhist Hindu Christian Muslim a better human being with a heart full of simplicity kindness and generosity. Buddha means consciousness Krishna means consciousnesss Christ means consciousness that inner light of consciousness is shining within your breath. The breath dispeller of darkness of ignorance and revealer of inner light. Thine eyes be single the whole body will be filled and full with light. The inner light a blind human being born blind can see feel and witness within. The mind always questioning arguing discussing but the heart give simple beautiful answer.
Naturally some were born in the condition to satisfy their "ARCHIVES", some wasn't gifted "Common Sense" and it's easy to ignore the Subtleties of one's core being, the immaterial DIVINITY that is Human's "MOTOR-FORCE" HE "Breaths" for "US", stop breathing means "Death" here = HELL, (that "LAKE OF FIRE" stay in place) means "BIRTH" in GOD'S BEING. HE DEPENDS NOT IN ONE'S "BELIEFS" still HE provides ALL our needs including HIS SUNS aka "PROPHETS", "MOUTHPIECE" to ILLUMINE HUMANITY that we might strive to HARMONIZE with that CORE BEING aka "SOUL" to facilitate HUMAN HARMONY. But the "FALLEN ANGELS" have their ways to purchase "WILLS" and "MINDS" that make INDIVIDUALS their own enemy thereby enemies to others. "HEAVEN- HELL ARE STATES OF THE HUMAN MIND" as per the UPDATED SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS of 1844-1863, they're known as the BAHA'I FAITH. Beware of a world made GODLESS by manipulated "Belief Systems" and the Commercialization of ignorance. Indias's best business are "Gurus" and "Monks" that distance people from GOD WITHIN and benefit from an imaginary Being UP in OUTERSPACE depicted as "HEAVEN" and utterly corrupt GOD'S VEHICLES for the service of Satan's Personifications and the enslavement of MANKIND. Podcast such as this only perpetuate voluntary ignorance while one's FELLOWMEN is HIS presence to prove "Sincerity".
NIRVANA is an ancient goal the teaches to PURGE all negative thoughts and inclinations and measure our dealings with our Fellowmen and our "Service to Mankind" to achieve the "State of Purity of Heart, Mind and Character" called NIRVANA. A life's recommendation a "Goal for Living" striving to apply the TEACHINGS OF GOD'S SUN. "THE SON OF GOD" was intended as a CELEBRITY for the BUSINESS of the GOSPEL. That simple.
Buddhism teaches about suffering and removal of suffering by following the eight-fold path. All religions have the same spiritual teachings, such as the Golden Rule. Baha'u'llah Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith considers Him as the Fifth Buddha, the Buddha of universal enlightenment.
The Buddha went in search of seeking a way out of Pain & suffering Ancient Hindus tried to advice him that his was a lost cause but the Buddha did not listen His solution? Abandon desires, aspirations - then one will be happy He was right - but every solution, every choice comes with a downside And the downside is - what is life without ambition, desires and aspirations? We have moved forward from our cave man's existence to today because of desires, aspirations while every other creature on earth still lives the same way as their ancestors did If everyone followed the Buddha's advice back in the day - we would still be living as he did back in the day! Buddhists will be reborn as lower life forms for human life is not what they want - it comes with desires, aspirations Animals, trees have just the basic desires, aspirations - all they want to do is eat, procreate and be safe If that is all the Buddha says we should want, then no need to be born a Human being - better to be reborn a Tree
It is very unwise to jump to the conclusion that mental "realms" of suffering do not exist simply because the Buddha's teachings speak of liberation in Nirvana, which is exactly the same as "heaven," "the kingdom of God," or other terms found in all scriptures of all ages. Spirits themselves communicate through mediums every day and tell us about their personal experience in the afterlife. These experiences vary infinitely from pure bliss to sheer terror and pain. Don't take my word for it, study the countless channeled communications available in Spiritism, an ever-growing body of knowledge about spirituality.
If what goes forward in the next life is a bundle of energies which is not me, my self, my soul, how did the Buddha remember past lives. Is the new being without my soul because the soul does not exist. Is karma not just another framework for moral judgement? Is it not self-judgement on the desire-action-flux of life. To what does karma apply if there is no soul and no self to apply it to. ?
If there is no ultimate authority, there is no order, no accountability and no source of being. In the beginning God created heaven and earth! Our identity is rooted in our heavenly father who so loved the world he gave his only son.
Buddha was dead but only Jesus resurrected Himself from death and was witnessed by many . Who should I follow : The one who conquered death or the one who did not ? 😊
Buddhism is a peaceful religion,it teaches people to be compassionate,generous and treat people with kindness. It teaches,not to steal,rape,take someone else’s wife or husband or anything that is not rightfully yours,is a sin, and sin equals karma…
Well it is the christian tradition and islamic tradition that have made them like that there were this famous group called Ikhwan al safa during the abbasid times whose views on heaven and hell was different unlike that of the mainstream tradition. The revelations in the bible and the Qur'an are equally esoteric and deep but the way their traditions have approched them is wrong. There are depictions of heaven and hell and these spheres even in buddhist teachings but they are interpreted in this sense which for me is same as that of interpretations of famous saints such as meister eckhart and many Islamic sufi sheikhs such as ibn al arabi. One could even agrue for jesus and the deep spirituality and radicality that his figure entails as read in the gospels about how he spoke and how he wanted us to live.
Thank you for your insightful perspective! It's fascinating how different traditions offer deep and varied interpretations of heaven, hell, and spirituality.
@mayawisdom888 well I do agree that the buddhist perspective is obviously more refined and succinct than the Bible and the Qur'an for it was the tradition and ministry of Siddhartha Gautama who was the foremost master of establishing coherent and intelligent community of followers of dharma ,i believe so more than any other dharma figure although I would reserve the respect for Jesus on the same level but definitely not for christianity and it's tradition.
While I agree that in the West the idea of shaming innocent kids into conformity through the threat of hell is disgusting, it's false to say their no hell in Buddhism. I've been to Buddhist temples in both Thailand and Singapore that have rather graphic depictions of it.
Buddhism do believe in Hells and Heavens and has explained all these realms even further but all of these aren't eternal . According to Buddhist cosmology there are 31 realms of existence which is categorized into 3 realms ( sensuous realms, form realms, formless realms) which includes Hell( cold, hot , sub hells etc ) , Hungry ghost, Animal, Human, Demi-gods,6 Sensuous heavens , 16 form Brahma realms and 4 formless Brahma realms altogether these 31 realms are called Samsara ( within the cycle of death and birth).Our own Karma plays driving force to be born in these realms no other eternal Capital Creator "GOD", decides it or believing in any specific GOD can only grant you to the key of heaven . To be more specific our last state of mind decides our next birth (last chyuti xaan ) if one dies in grief, revenge, anger,scared how we fell burning , chilling , heavy, pinching sensation and if one dies with these state of mind then one will be born in similar circumstances like burning hell, freezing hell, crushing hell etc. And if one dies with satisfaction , openness or in samadhi ( concentration bliss) one will be born in similar circumstances. Buddhism isn't Athletic religion but a Non-Theistic religion.
Heaven and hell is a state of conciousness, when you are in a default state of bliss and no mortal and material things can move you, then you have reach heaven state or the highest frequency. Hell is the state in which a person have succomb to his primal instinct, influenced by mortal desire and material world, always wanting to prove, always wanting to be recognized, always wanting to hoard and acquire, always on survival mode. Many of us claimed to know GOD but we don't know GOD, we are someone who is in hell since the beginning. In todays world only few have reached heaven.
This video answers so many questions about myself, I lost my religion when I was 13 years old, since then I have strived to live a honest, ethical, respectful, life with compassion for all living things, as a 70+ year old I have had a good life without the shackles of religion, I have found that what you give you get back ( KARMA ) with out knowing it I’m mostly a Buddhist. As for the notion of heaven and hell, it is nothing moor than a control mechanism.
Sending positive energy to everyone watching this video. May you feel surrounded by love, empowered by strength, and guided by the light of the universe
@@BuddhistWisdomUnlocked thank you .
“Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation ‘ ( Baha’i writings in the 1800s)
WE R 1 .
A reassuring message.The confusion and irrationality of Abrahamic religions are removed.Thankyou.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad the message resonated with you. 🙏✨
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s]
@@tripzville7569can you stop your publicity comments? thank you
The Jewish religion, which is the oldest Abrahamic religion, knows no fysical places for Heaven and Hell.
Both are spiritual concepts: Heaven (Gan Eden) as a situation near to God and spiritual happiness.
Hell (Gehinnom) as a temporary situation of purification.
@@MD-lf3gt in Islam what ever crime wickedness a muslim did , no punishment for the Muslims, the punishment of muslim will be given to jews and Christians.
Buddhism is the best practice of a truly spiritual life. Real freedom and the truth of reality.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! It's inspiring to see how deeply you connect with the teachings of Buddhism. 🙏✨ Namo Buddhaya
If it is then it hasn't done India much good. India has one of the worst class systems and abject poverty in the world. Contemplating your belly button doesn't help people. A genuine hand does. So too does connecting with our Creator through Christ.
Yet, do not become attached to that thought 😊
Freedom? You mean can steal and kill still get the freedom?
The Buddhist religion is so peaceful. It's you and your journey to enlightenment. No one to control you. 😊
Not really - the Buddha went in search for a way out of Pain & suffering - not Enlightenment
Rulers in Asian countries (China, Japan, Thailand, etc) also use religions to control their masses. Buddhism is not different to other religions in this regards. I've visted several Asian countries and I didn't find people to be free. On contrary...
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s]
Peaceful? Ask the Rohingya Muslim minority who are being persecuted at the hands of Buddhist terrorists
Oh really? You obviously haven't lived in a Buddhist country.
This video gives a comprehensive and full description of the main points of Buddhism. I would like to add that it is an invaluable help to recognise and use Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Psychology and Buddhist Meditation. I have been a Buddhist since 1981 and I've found it an invaluable help thru out my life.
I am agnostic and turn to science for answers but I do respect Buddhism out of all of the major religions, it is more rational and humble than the other religions.
Humanities future will see a balance of true religion and true science.
One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth.
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
Human got no other better things to do. Only a handful knows what's life majority like to listen to other cause they instill fear on them.
@@tripzville7569 there is no free will , everything influence everything.
Buddhism does not claim to be the only one. It does not claim to be the only one...the exclusion one...the chosen one... Buddhism is
Heaven & hell is just a control game used by religion, truth is we all reincarnate until we achieve the highest level of karma, spiritual enlightenment.
Excellent video people that believe in religion should learn and understand this.
Replacing one illusion by another.
The truth is you don't know and these are just ideas> truth is we all reincarnate until we achieve the highest level of karma, spiritual enlightenment. } Buddhism isn't about believing in ideas as facts.
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found the message meaningful.
It can be used to control people.
Konsep ajaran dari santan darma itu ,Atma atau roh manusia itu pada mulanya suci karna berasal dari Yang Maha Suci .,,selama manusia jatuh kedalam perbuatan dosa ,berarti selama itu dia tidak dapat kembali pada Tuhan Yang Suci di Sorga ,dan akan mengalami proses ulang ,,atau daur ulang ,dan beringkarnasi kembali ke alam marcapada .itulah makna hukum karma ,untuk mencapai surga manusia harus betul " suci ,karna hukum karma itu bekerja otomatis ,,semua manusia akan tersaring sendiri ..,mana yg suci akan lolos ,mana yg masih kotor akan didaur ulang ,sehingga menyadari bahwa hukum karma itu betul ada ,sebagai peringatan pada manusia agar menjaga kesuciannya ,agar dapat menuju sorga .,ibarat sebuah produk ..,hanya yg terbaik sajalah yg lolos ,sedang yg dlm proses produksi banyak yg kotor dan mengganggu proses produksi akan di daur ulang ..😊
Buddhismm is the purest of the major religions. Good presentation.
Buddhism is really not a religion. Should not be taken as.
@@ashoktuladhar9551'The religion taught by Buddha, is not in fact Buddha religion ' -diamond sutra
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation and appreciate your kind words about Buddhism. 🙏 Namo Buddhaya!
@@ashoktuladhar9551 Definition of religion: a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
"the world's great religions"
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
"consumerism is the new religion"
the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
Seems like Buddhism, as practiced throughout much of Asia, is indeed a religion
how do you know the purest? purest is only a unique single God
"Buddhism is a clever way to live a happy, noble & spiritual life." - Thich Nhat Hanh, Goldstein, Yoda.👽
You should also listen Ajahn Brahm, Ajahn Naynadhammo, Ajahn chah, Ajahn Anan, Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn sumedho ....many more theraveda forest monk
@@yroy4457 I do. you can also learn from others, as encouraged by the Buddha.
Absolutely! Thich Nhat Hanh, Goldstein, and even Yoda all offer profound wisdom on living mindfully and with compassion. Thanks for sharing this beautiful insight! 🙏🌟 Namaste
In "Theravada" Buddhism in Sri Lanka, all enlightened "Baghavath Buddhas" appear on earth , after eons of life times of purification of the mind, as a fulfilling universal qualification to perfecting qualities of "conscious energies" described in Sri Lankan Buddhist pali canon / texts "marghadi " Buddhas' spoken sound language written Pali Tripitaka" as "paramitha kamma" (perfectible universal deeds). The Baghvath Buddha has described sentience beings existing in 31 realms. All creations in this universe are "energies" with influence of the six ( 6 ) aggregates "elements" 1. sound (ears ), 2. taste ( tongue ), 3, smell (nose ) 4. seeing (eyes ). 5. touch (Body ), 6, feelings(heart ), under "causality" cause & effect . The Buddha has described how universal energy called "kamma" manifests in human form through human faculties of seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, touch & mind (past experiences) called " SANKARA " energy, in Pali canon, through Human 6 aggregates, amalgamating with external world experiences of feelings through the Human "Heart Organ " as electrical waves signals to develop a "seed" to become "conscious energy", which continues to the brain as a "thought" and this continuation of experience is stored in the "subconscious" mind in the human brain called "mano" (pali ) (mind) in Buddhism. This" perception " action is called "thought". Thought becomes a conscious energy, called "kamma/karma = consciousness + phenomenon in Buddhism.Theravada Buddhism in sri Lanka thripitaka
It challenges my existing beliefs and encourages me to seek inner peace rather than external rewards. thank you.
The self is of course an illusion.
One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth.
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
@@tripzville7569lf god has given us freedom of choice to do anything what we want so tell were we already existed before god so we said to god to create the cosmos and he created ?
If we were not existed before god so god created us for his own enjoyment without our own consent, created misery full world so he cann't be all loving, allkind, Just god.
If your bahai god is just, almighty and kind then ask your god make this world sin free, suffering free.
If your God cann't make this world suffering free then why we should faith on him ?
@@tripzville7569 without god existance is not pointless. By Deeply studying core teachings of buddhism existance without god is not pointless. In buddhism it is believed that before the time of the extension of cosmos and after contraction of the cosmos there is only one thing. The one thing (energy) is only in state of emptiness or state of meditation. But after infinte time due to spontaneous nature of energy cosmos started to extend by own.
Gradually universe evolves and life comes, you can go back to the state of Nirvana or in the state of emptiness due to law of karma by performing good merits.
@@tripzville7569without god existance is not pointless. By Deeply studying core teachings of buddhism existance without god is not pointless. In buddhism it is believed that before the time of the extension of cosmos and after contraction of the cosmos there is only one thing. The one thing (energy) is only in state of emptiness or state of meditation. But after a infinite time due to spontaneous nature of energy cosmos started to extend by own.
Gradually universe evolves and life comes, you can go back to the state of Nirvana or in the state of emptiness due to law of karma by performing good merits.
This makes So much sense !
So great
I'm glad it resonates with you! Thank you for watching ❤
"Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you.
When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven"
unconscious and conscious is simple dualism. the one brings the other, just like heaven and hell or nirvana and samsara, good and bad, cowboys and indians, friends-enemies, what have you. the truth is just outside conceptuality
That is basic Hinduism - the Buddha was a Hindu
@@ramaraksha01 you can do better... don't be lazy
One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth.
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
I am sure that Buddhism is the highest philosophy.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Buddhism certainly offers deep insights into the nature of life and suffering. It's great to hear that you resonate with its philosophy 🙏 Namo Buddhaya!
Philosophy yes,but religion no people need religions.....simply they don't want to varnish into oblivion oblivion
Not really - all the Buddha sought was a way out of pain & suffering & he thought discarding desires, aspirations was the way to do it - he is correct - but what is such a life? Without aspirations, desires, it is a retired life
@ramaraksha01 you partly right we need posssions either satisfy or reward ourselves within our monochromatic lives as the creator??so to speak wishes the similar vein...???!...
@@SuatUstel The problem is how much? You can't say we should have desires only this much - everyone has different views on how much is enough
You think you are well set and then an illness or accident and the resulting medical expenses & you lose everything!
Your daughter or son want to go to the states and study - do you realize how much money you will need?
But many of the great inventions were made not because the inventor wanted to make money and get rich but because they had a desire, aspire - since ancient times humans wanted to fly and then the wright brothers made it possible
Scientists work on eliminating diseases - do you know where they get their funding from? Rich guys who have lost their loved one to one such disease will fund them
💫 Such an inspiring and thought-provoking message! 🌈 It’s amazing how Buddhist philosophy encourages us to look within for peace and happiness rather than seeking it externally. Truly transformative! 🕊✨
Fabulous! Thanks for sharing, for being here and your support matters! 🧡🧡🧡
be here now do no harm help others be still close eyes listen to your breathing.
Awesome saying! Thanks for your insights :)
I abandoned Christianity in the 1980s. Looking back I see the absurdity in the three Abrahamic religions
It's great that you've found your own path and understanding. The journey of self-discovery is always valuable! 🌱
Question every single thing without any hesitation.
Try the absurdity of a belly button philosophy called Buddhism, that claims to acknowledge Christ but ignores his message. Buddhism does not recognise God so it is a philosophy of man, not a religion.
@@nishan375 Correct. One of the BIG FUNDAMENTALS of the Bahai faith is INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION of the truth.
God gives us FREEDOM OF CHOICE, otherwise this existence is pointless.
Check out the Bahai faith , sometimes called buddhism with Gods new plan for humanity.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writing in the 1800s] WE R 1
I abandoned Christianity in Sunday School. When they taught us about the Israelite's slaughtering the Canaanites, something in me said, "this is not good". I found Buddhism later in life and it guides me along. No desire to kill people.
Thank you for this lucid explanation. The only addendum I might suggest is this: Enlightenment is not a destination, but an ongoing process. I don't think anyone actually "achieves" Enlightenment, and I do not trust any "guru" who claims that he has done so. Rather, it is best seen as an asymptotic goal--one for which we strive continuously, knowing full well that full and permanent enlightenment is beyond our grasp. Rather, some of the most powerful Buddhist teachings (e.g. the Lojong teachings from the Tibetan tradition) suggest that our inevitable lapses into UNENLIGHTENED behavior--whether it is flashes of anger, greed, lust, cowardice, or despondency--can themselves become our teachers, once we grow accustomed to seeing them that way. If nothing else, such inevitable lapses into unskillful behavior and attitudes, once recognized, keep us honest and humble, as we keep on keepin' on...
achieves or not is not point.
If you can happy now by your self.
Excellent video explaining heaven and hell.I have been freed from this illusion ,thank you.
Thank you very much you sir; Nicely explained !!
Most welcome! Thanks for being here & we appreciate your support 🌞
Buddhism -- Excellent Religion.
Cool. Appreciate your insights! :) Namo Buddhaya
It's not class as a religion.....teaches the containment .....
I love this, it makes a lot of sense. It's very practical.
When Buddha says desire leads to suffering, I think Buddha means not getting your priorities right. I read this interpretation and this makes sense, it's impossible not to desire anything.
Thank you for sharing your interpretation! It's wonderful to explore how different perspectives can bring deeper understanding to the teachings. ✨
The Buddha talks about attachments or clinging to things leading to suffering, or rather inconsistency, instability; he is describing the changing nature of the world. Experience your desires, but do not be attached to them. Do not yearn for them when they are gone, do not try to keep them when you experience them.
There is desire, and then there is desire...
I was a single dad, and I desired to provide a roof over my kids' heads and food on the table - so I worked. I did not work for the love of money, the accumulation of wealth or power. That level of desire keeps you alive and comfortable.
When the kids moved out, I was 48 and could cut back on work, because I needed less money for my care and upkeep. Turns out... I could quit work and retire to Asia. Which was my long term goal, I just made it 15 years earlier than planned.
Don't be attached to the result of your work. I try to enjoy what I have, so not to miss it when it is gone. 😎
It is possible not to desire anything
Buddha does mean it like the wy he said it. You will only see this wnot by merely believing but by practising mind cultivation through meditation n contemplating through awareness
I think you are reading it wrong - the way he led his life - abandoning his rights as an emperor, his wife, kid, his family and living as a beggar clearly showed that he says abandon all desires
Seneca puts it well.....The Common man believes religion is true. The rich man believes it is false. The politician believes it is handy. All you know is your own mind and are limited by whatever perspectives it is stuck in, whether it is true or provable or not. So, heaven and hell are creations of the mind, limited by your own ability to transcend a fixed perspective on the unfolding of life in the moment, and the meanings you attach to it. Holding onto a dogma is only that, an inability to be open to the constantly new flowing aspects of existance. You can suffer the hell of your imagination and attachments it's created, the heaven of having none of these, or both at the same time, which is the oscillation most people struggle between. These create a hell in your mind, a suffering. Heaven is the reward for a practice that frees you from the attachment to those ideas. That is the bliss, the gift, the livliness, that has always been there for you to experience, no matter what is happening outside of you. As the song says, free your mind, and the rest will follow. When Dorothy wants to go home in the Wizard of Oz, Glinda tells her, your home is within you. You were there all the time. Did you make it a shambles with your thoughts and beliefs or did experience a beautiful kingdom within? That is entirely up to you. And no facts have yet to unmake this.
This is more than what I can comment.. This is it
Highly informative and easy to understand. This will aid my meditation this evening. Thanks
Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear it was helpful. Wishing you a peaceful and insightful meditation. 🙏✨ Om Shanti Om
What a great human being he was
One thing I love about the early Buddhist suttas in the Pali canon: they all begin with the words "Thus have I heard", which is so different from the declarative pronouncements of the Biblical writings.
# A very well delivered story !
Everything debunks Christianity/Religions in general. Life is not about suffering, penance, judgement... Life is and always has been about living ones life. That means a life in 'Good & Bad.' But live your life to the very end, no matter what ones life exists of. LIVE!
I find it amazing that so many do not a King, Dictator in the Gods of Christianity & Islam
Gods who demand belief, obedience, support and submission to them and them alone! What we did in life, morals, values do not matter - all that matters is whether we believe & support him or not
That is Putin! That is Kim Jong Un!
These brutal dictators have handsomely rewarded their blind obedient supporters ready to kill innocents for them and have tortured and killed even children who did not support them!
And we their Gods behaving the same way!
And these are the top 2 religions of the day!
Amazing how easily & cheaply we sell our souls
Sending positive energy to everyone watching this video 5:00
Thank you for this enlightened video. It felt like gentle rain on a summer´s day. Take a look at the history of Religions : I am not aware of any devastating wars between countries that practice the Buddhist faith, apart from Japan in WWII, and contrast it with the countless wars between Christian countries in Europe, and in the Middle East between adherents to the Islamic faith and Judaism. The myth of heaven and hell is a brilliant way of the Abrahamic religions to enslave the mind of mankind, and gives the Churches, Synagogues and Mosques tremendous power and control over their adherents. Then the concept of an immortal soul is the true confounder. Who on earth thought this one up, and where does it reside? What is the proof of its existence? Yet for millennia belief in a human soul has been central to what we think who we are.
The one is everything. Peace be with you.
But there is no money in it or controlling followers with fear and rewards! Amen!
Solid video. Well articulated information. One concern however, we have to be careful when speaking about other religions. It can come off, sounding as if we’re saying they are inferior, which I don’t feel is the intention that this video is going for.
But especially these days, people are very sensitive about the subject, and not creating hurt, or the need for another to defend their different belief system is important.
Thank you for all your videos 🙏👍
Beautiful comparison. More such videos expected.
May all beings are Well & Happy !!!
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings in the 1800s]
Elegantly put brother
Thanks for your support bro :) Means alot
240th like!👍
Awesome video!🤘
Keep up the awesome work!🤘😎🤘
Thanks! Will do! Appreciate your support
Excellent explanation!!!
The Buddha indeeed taught heaven and hell, he called it right view and is first part of noble 8fold path, he Even influenced Jesus Christ teachings, in his trip to India in his Lost bible years in India, Jesus traveled the silk road.
Jesus most likely seem to have come in contact with yogis and enlightened perfect masters and not Buddhist practitioners because in Jesus' teachings nothing looks like Buddhist teachings but from the teachings of some saintly lineage.
I think that there is no real fundamental difference between the Buddhist view of karma and the Christian or islam view. It is interesting to noto that Buddhism predates Christianity and Islam. The concept of natural cause and effect simply had morphed into the concept of God. God being another word for natural, the way reality is. What is fundamentally different, however, is that freedom from human condition became perceived as threat, and one doesn't have to delve too deep as to why and perceived by whom.
The concept of karma is intuitively understood by most sane people. Doing evil will bring good is counterintuitive.
The concepts of heaven and hell are inherent in the concept of karma. Reward and punishment are added as incentive and contra incentive to restraint ultimate freedom which became perceived as threat because it goes beyond duality/polarity.
@@thecomment9489 Where did Jesus encounter yogis? He would have encountered Buddhism in Alexandria (a place of learning) which had a thriving sea route with India. Until recently Buddha's image were discovered in Egypt, probably brought there by Greek Buddhist who were introduced to Buddhism during the time of Alexander.
@@mirrorimage5423 The early esoteric teachings of Jesus resonates with Buddhism, just as it diverted from Judaism. Jesus would have encountered Buddhism in Alexandria from Greek Buddhist. Please look up history of Greek Buddhist.
Jesus was 500years later ...
As a buddhist, such titles and approach is harmful to the buddha dharma. We must be careful with the words we use and not disturb other's peace of mind.
Where do Buddhist go when die ?
Quite so. It is not our place to debunk, for example, the Australian Aboriginal
Rainbow Serpent. 🌈
Thanks for your input & support :) It matters
I needed to hear that, I spent most my life trying to force my ever changing views and beliefs on others disregarding their peace and mind!
still he dint change thumbnail
"Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you.
When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven"♥
Beautifully said! It's all about awareness and mindfulness-finding heaven within ourselves. 🙏✨
⚔️BuddaH is a self contained example of living the difference from his wealthy family, and the more preferred life of a ferry river owner. He knew the difference between the rich, and of those in constant need. His creator was within his cosmos. His meditation responses were resulting in his life without any companionship. He needed ppl for food, and shelter. Basically, he has answered the question of what life is like at the moment of one’s birth: No responsibility to or from anyone. Thanks to his example we can now follow him, if we don’t have any responsibility, perhaps. The moment of absolute peace last as long as a “ Spark in the Darkness does.” Some are blessed with finding that fraction of a moment enough to be reassured that it exists; until the baby cries for us.🛡️
Buddhism is not even a religion. It's a philosophy of life that teaches you how to break away from the endless cycles of sufferings.
Thanks for video, I would like to have replies against the comments specially where are questions. I love budha❤
So nice of you :) Your support matters! Om Shanti Om 🙏
Buddhism brings the truth of vedhantha of Hinduism in a simple understanding. Moksha is explained as Nirvana.
Thank you for sharing this perspective! It's beautiful how wisdom connects across traditions. 🙏🌟
In "Theravada" Buddhism in Sri Lanka, all enlightened "Baghavath Buddhas" appear on earth , after eons of life times of purification of the mind, as a fulfilling universal qualification to perfecting qualities of "conscious energies" described in Sri Lankan Buddhist pali canon / texts "marghadi " Buddhas' spoken sound language written Pali Tripitaka" as "paramitha kamma" (perfectible universal deeds). The Baghvath Buddha has described sentience beings existing in 31 realms. All creations in this universe are "energies" with influence of the six ( 6 ) aggregates "elements" 1. sound (ears ), 2. taste ( tongue ), 3, smell (nose ) 4. seeing (eyes ). 5. touch (Body ), 6, feelings(heart ), under "causality" cause & effect . The Buddha has described how universal energy called "kamma" manifests in human form through human faculties of seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, touch & mind (past experiences) called " SANKARA " energy, in Pali canon, through Human 6 aggregates, amalgamating with external world experiences of feelings through the Human "Heart Organ " as electrical waves signals to develop a "seed" to become "conscious energy", which continues to the brain as a "thought" and this continuation of experience is stored in the "subconscious" mind in the human brain called "mano" (pali ) (mind) in Buddhism. This" perception " action is called "thought". Thought becomes a conscious energy, called "kamma/karma = consciousness + phenomenon in Buddhism.Theravada Buddhism in sri Lanka thripitaka
It takes awhile to wrap your head around this stuff my realisation is that a religion is like a spiritual country or region with in a spiritual country. We all ultimately move through the Divine whether we like it or not know it or not it does not matter where you are just that you exist.we are all looking for the same thing but because of our unique perception on reality and the divine it makes it not so. Soldier on my friend the end will only be a new beginning
Beautifully said! We are all on a unique journey toward the same truth. 🙏✨
Good presentation.
I had an NDE and there were no Gods, I saw that all religions are man made. There were no rewards and no punishments, no judgements. I saw that "hell" is not knowing who we really are, being trapped in the egoic mind. Knowing who we really are beyond the egoic minds activities and movement, is "heaven". I did see people caught in strange hell like loops after the body died, almost like a nightmare but it was self induced, an illusion. They were surrounded by pure unconditional love, who we ALL really are, to help nudge them awake out of their hell like loops.
Since the Buddha lived around 500 BC, his teachings predate the Bible (200 BC old testament) and the Quran (600 AD). So it wasn't really debunking them, since it came long before them.
Buddhism died in India after the fall of Emperor Ashoka, so Buddhism doesn't meet the Abrahamic Religion during BCE. Buddhism meets the Abrahamic religions during the Islamic invasion of Indian subcontinent, spreading Islam in Southeast Asia and Western European Colonization.
That was pretty damn good, thanks.
As a Buddhist, lord Buddah bring us a school of moral education and self responsibility. A real Buddhist follow the teachings of Buddah rather than pure worship but following the path to non-detachment. Until one knows the meaning of samsara, there will be a more peaceful world
The real God is only one in this world that not belonged to any religion. Buddha is d humane God but u pray it mean direct to real God. Buddha is d BEST because it gives u d full teaching n explanation plus powerful mantra, effectiveness depending on your minds in good or bad.
My friend believes in Christianity and I really does think it hinders his spiritual growth. Most Christians stays at the ego.
Instilling the fear into a child's mind saying that they will be burnt in hell if they do anything wrong is simply a form of child abuse! Buddhism's teaching of "karma", meaning you'll get reward or punishment from your own action is a much better reflection of the reality we live in.
Absolutely wonderful ❤️
Brother you clear all my doubts 🙏🏻
That's awesome! Thanks for being here buddy, glad it resonates with you
The oldest scriptures of sanatana dharma validates Lord Buddha. N God bless you 🙏💕
Yes Buddhismis the most peacefu religion. An
The Buddha didn't want to talk of a personal God because he knew how easily man's pyche can slip into ideologies and dogmas that hinder ones spiritual development.
But he was NOT an atheist.
Asked about the existence God he responded (I paraphrase);
"If Universal Consciouness did not exist then nothing would exist."
He will soon know how real it is
Is that a threat
How real what is?
Throughout history the Buddhists in Japan stand out as being extremely cruel in the past. It’s the nature of physics to believe there would be octaves of energy spiraling up and down a Fibonacci spiral.
Heaven and Hell are just words describing states of energy.
To keep one’s balance while following the Tao into higher octaves of energy sounds like a pretty good idea.
Really? In what way? Don’t confuse Buddhism with individual warlords or Buddhist monks who behaved a lot like those mega preachers of the US and Korea.
The Buddha was many centuries ahead of his time! In the very long term (thousands of years from now) it will be the last one standing. For obvious reasons!
Sadhu Sadhu sadhu
Thank you for your kind words and support! Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu 🙏🌟
I thank you for providing information about buddhaism.
anyway here are the state's where a person saw the illusions of hell and heaven and saw nivarana ( in Pali pronounication)
the last state - arahat ( pali - al ra han ta)
the third state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - al nar gar meet)
the second state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - ta dar gan)
the first state - "can't find the tanslation" ( Pali - taw tar pann)
sorry that I couldn't find the translation. Google should probably put the translation there.
if you don't get it I"ll explain
the last state is knowing the 4 noble truth.
the third is knowing 3 noble truth
the second is knowing 2 noble truth then
the first is knowing 1 noble truth.
hope you understand🙃
Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective! It’s always great to explore different interpretations of Buddhist teachings. I appreciate your effort to provide clarity :)
I have said it all the time, hope for justice. Cast out evil spirits.
Absolutely! Hope and justice are powerful forces for transformation. ✨
A way of live w/out divine guidance is not a religion.
Hope i grasp ur essence of presentation.
Buddhism combined with Dialectical Materialism (& HIst Mat) should be exciting Synergy of Self with the Relationship of the Social Systems & the Philosophy of the Universe. Wil investigate :)
Rebirth to a next life is an illusion just like Heaven and Hell. What is the difference between the Nirvana and death? Without emotion, there is no suffering, but also no motivation, no life. The joy in life is the victory over challenges, but it also comes with the pain of the struggle. Embrace the challenge, live.
Buddy, is the way to go. NOT as a clear philosophy, but as the MINDSET of always questioning, testing, and eventually following the correct path.😊 No need to compare to other systems based on the same stories. Let it go...the whole Kabuki Theatre 😮😂😊
When I was in Afganistan in the 1970s I went to Bamian, where the world's tallest standing Buddha was. 180 feet tall. You had to hire a person to take you to the top of the Buddha's head. So I did. I had gotten turned on to Buddhism in 1969, and all 6 books I had with me were about Buddhism. So, as I was sitting there on top, I looked out across the Bamian valley, and asked the man who had brought me up there, "Why aren't you people Buddhist anymore?" His reply was "Because it didn't work." Now the Afghans had practiced Buddhism for about 12 hundred years, they had been Buddhists since before Alexander the Great came there and the Afghans were the first people in the world to adopt Buddhism as their state religion. That is until the Sufis came and turned them onto Islam. Buddhism is now actually the world's fastest religion in decline, loosing around 400,000 adherents annually.
Afghanistan was converted by the sword, not because of some inherent flaws.. Buddhism is not declining demographically due to some lack of appeal, it is declining due to poor demographic trends in traditionslly strong Buddhist regions like East Asia & China. These things are cyclical and may be different again in a few decades.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience and insight. It's fascinating to hear about your journey and the history of Buddhism in Afghanistan. ✨
There is no love in Buddhism only selfish desire to become your own God or self actualize and also doesn't talk about the problem of sin....Jesus is.the only way to God....Jesus is Lord
@@michaelhenderson2657 Love is essential in Buddhism, it isn't selfish because there is no self in Buddhism, so becoming one's own God and self-actualizing do not accurately describe what Nirvana, Enlightenment, and even things like sunyata and dependent origination mean.
@@michaelhenderson2657 This is such nonsense. You know nothing.
As a Buddhist I still find it so inspiring and rewarding watching these Video Clips.
However, you mention the Bible and Quran and have omitted the Tanak. Isn't the Tanak part of the Abrahamic list of religions as well.
If you had your last meal it might be your last meal but the world goes on after life it won't be your meal time again
Heaven and hell do exist. The problem is they translate their meanings wrong. In the Christian world or other religions, they think of heaven and hell as a place. But it is not a place, it is a "state of mind." You don't go to heaven, you create your own heaven. "YOU" are in fact a mini-heaven in the making. Heaven is like your body with all the cells working together as communities to make yourself feel good as a whole being. That whole being is God, but you're only a cell in the whole body of the living God. When you died, it does not judge you, but place you in a communities where you're comfortable. Either heaven or hell depending on your state of being while you were in the physical world. Nirvana in Buddhist is the same as state of being. There is no God that punish you because you create your own heaven or hell while you're living the natural world and when you died, you're being placed in a community according to people of the same state of mind as yours. No man has seen God because it is the totality of the communities of being...just like no cell can see the whole since it is a part of it. But if you look at any man, you see the image of the living God.
Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful perspective! It's fascinating how deeply interconnected these teachings and interpretations are.
As far as I know, in buddhism, there is a mention about 7 heavens and 7 hells, now ofc these are temporary places or realms not like heaven and hell mentioned in the bible or quran as permanent realms.
Another thing is I have heard lots of theravada buddhist monks preach about Buddha even visiting one of these heavens to meet some gods, which indicates buddha did encounter or believe something like heaven, maybe had a different view about it.
Also another point to consider is that Jesus said, when asked by one of his disciples where the heaven was, his answer was that the kingdom of god is in your heart and so does the hell. So what actually jesus said was heaven and hell is our own state of mind and not a place limited by space and time.
But in Islam, the view is quite different according to what I have learnt. Obviously as everyone knows muslims kiss the black stone in the ka'ba whch they think came from heaven, so according to them heaven is kind of a physical place that exist. Note : not insulting islam here, just commenting on what I have heard from muslim scholars.
Buddhists thrive to end suffering and enter nirvana, christians thrive to live a pleasing life and enter heaven. Whichever path we take, hope one day everyone regardless whom they follow, can find true meaning of their life. Thats whats all about at the end of day. God bless all of you
31 realms in Buddhism. A total of three types and 26 heavens, 1 human world, and 4 suffering realms. Among that, there are 9 major hells, and around hundreds of hells all in all.
Thank you for sharing these insightful thoughts! It's beautiful how each path, whether Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam, offers its own perspective on life and the pursuit of peace and understanding. 🙏🌟
@@gofun55 hmmm...I will have to read and discover more.
@@briobarb8525 What are you curious about? I may have an answer.
As long there are places, there are impermanent due to the act of creation doesn't matter where and when. Anything that being created is impermanent. If the Lord is permanent, he would not have to flood the place multiple times kill his own creation, harm live etc. Any creation is not out of space and time.
A center path is through transcending judgement may be realized as the formless by finding a positive purpose within all actions by defining actions as a motivation either toward or away from LIGHT REALIZATION . WE need to first go beyond a need to quantify and define actions through presuming a positive purpose within ALL and perceiving energy rather than form. WE ARE a formless energy temporarily assuming form within I AM, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Beautifully said! Transcending judgment and embracing formless energy is a powerful way to connect with unconditional love and light. 🙏✨
There is no mention of hell in the Bible, there are a few mentions of the under world where souls dwell waiting for judgment. Hell is a medieval construct based upon mistranslations. A person is here to learn lessons, and every time you come back to Earth, you’ve new lessons to learn.
When people quit their religion and move another , it only works better because you have decided to do your inner work.
thanks for the informative video, I have some confusion though I watched religion for breakfast's video where he did mention that Buddhist believe in some kind of hell in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Also I read somewhere that the Buddhists and Jains and their emphasis on birth and rebirth was a catalyst for the varna system as mentioned in the Upanishad's transmigration of the souls so if the Buddhists don't believe in a soul do they believe in randomness like if one person will have another rebirth how we can say it is he ( i hope you got it ). Also, just like the Jains if the Buddhists believe in everything just working on its own then I believe the Vedic religion does have a point to believe in param Atma some kind of supreme being that controls karma and rebirth and the universe.
Buddhism do not believe the existence of the soul in that it is a permanent, unchanging thing.
What you called soul is actually slightly ever changing in every moment. The result of causes from the past, bear fruit towards the present and the causes of the present will likewise bear their fruits on the future.
Therefore, for Buddhism, there is no soul, only results or effects from the past causes continuously happen towards endless future.
As the fruits of your past actions, you may go to heavens or hells after your death, but your time there is never permanent. You will continue to be reborn once you receive the fruits of your past actions. In short, for Buddhism, heaven and hell is like the human world where we will be continuously be reborn in them until we reach nirvana.
As for Nirvana, for easiest explanation, it is like a fuelless fire. The fire cannot be maintain without fuel, so does our cycle of rebirths. Once we get rid of the fuels, desires, attachments, and ignorances, we will put out the cycle of rebirths like the fire without fuels, and that is Nirvana, Eternal Peace.
P.S. what you called he was the he of previous life is true, except, Buddhism does not call it as soul, as it is not a permanent thing, and is ever changing. i.e. Are you and the you as a toddler the same you? No, right? Same in this case, the he of present life, although is a continuity of the he from previous life, is not considered the same he in a sense of being the same.
Thanks for your comment! Buddhism views rebirth as a continuation of consciousness, not a soul. It doesn’t focus on a supreme being but on individual karma and enlightenment. Different perspectives, but all fascinating!
Hell = ignorance heaven = awareness. Aware that heaven is within your breath embedded in feeling. The art to ignore is to know what to ignore. Ignore your ego know your breath your true Identity with the breath you are every thing a complete breathing human being without the breath you are life less. Every master like Buddha says what you are looking for is within you. The real you your breath. Enlightenment means to know yourself to know to feel the value of your breath focus upon your breath with closed eyes you will feel a peaceful feeling emanate within yourself. Buddha come in human form to give self realization of your breath. Know thyself. The word religion had been derive from self realization of one's self. Knowledge of the world make knowledge able knowledge of the self the source who is keeping alive the coming and going of the breath is wisdom enlightenment salvation. This human body is an illusion but the breath is a perfect reality we received this human body an instrument to experience your breath this human body died. But the breath is immortal in which reside truth consciousness and inner bliss peace. Peace is not a concept but a feeling which reside within every human breath. The breath had no gender the breath come within a saint a sage a king a priest or an ordinary human being practice your breath feel peace in your life become a better Buddhist Hindu Christian Muslim a better human being with a heart full of simplicity kindness and generosity. Buddha means consciousness Krishna means consciousnesss Christ means consciousness that inner light of consciousness is shining within your breath. The breath dispeller of darkness of ignorance and revealer of inner light. Thine eyes be single the whole body will be filled and full with light. The inner light a blind human being born blind can see feel and witness within. The mind always questioning arguing discussing but the heart give simple beautiful answer.
Buddhism not religion. State of mind
No gods
Naturally some were born in the condition to satisfy their "ARCHIVES", some wasn't gifted "Common Sense" and it's easy to ignore the Subtleties of one's core being, the immaterial DIVINITY that is Human's "MOTOR-FORCE" HE "Breaths" for "US", stop breathing means "Death" here = HELL, (that "LAKE OF FIRE" stay in place) means "BIRTH" in GOD'S BEING. HE DEPENDS NOT IN ONE'S "BELIEFS" still HE provides ALL our needs including HIS SUNS aka "PROPHETS", "MOUTHPIECE" to ILLUMINE HUMANITY that we might strive to HARMONIZE with that CORE BEING aka "SOUL" to facilitate HUMAN HARMONY. But the "FALLEN ANGELS" have their ways to purchase "WILLS" and "MINDS" that make INDIVIDUALS their own enemy thereby enemies to others. "HEAVEN- HELL ARE STATES OF THE HUMAN MIND" as per the UPDATED SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS of 1844-1863, they're known as the BAHA'I FAITH. Beware of a world made GODLESS by manipulated "Belief Systems" and the Commercialization of ignorance. Indias's best business are "Gurus" and "Monks" that distance people from GOD WITHIN and benefit from an imaginary Being UP in OUTERSPACE depicted as "HEAVEN" and utterly corrupt GOD'S VEHICLES for the service of Satan's Personifications and the enslavement of MANKIND.
Podcast such as this only perpetuate voluntary ignorance while one's FELLOWMEN is HIS presence to prove "Sincerity".
NIRVANA is an ancient goal the teaches to PURGE all negative thoughts and inclinations and measure our dealings with our Fellowmen and our "Service to Mankind" to achieve the "State of Purity of Heart, Mind and Character" called NIRVANA. A life's recommendation a "Goal for Living" striving to apply the TEACHINGS OF GOD'S SUN.
"THE SON OF GOD" was intended as a CELEBRITY for the BUSINESS of the GOSPEL. That simple.
Buddhism teaches about suffering and removal of suffering by following the eight-fold path. All religions have the same spiritual teachings, such as the Golden Rule. Baha'u'llah Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith considers Him as the Fifth Buddha, the Buddha of universal enlightenment.
The Buddha went in search of seeking a way out of Pain & suffering
Ancient Hindus tried to advice him that his was a lost cause but the Buddha did not listen
His solution? Abandon desires, aspirations - then one will be happy
He was right - but every solution, every choice comes with a downside
And the downside is - what is life without ambition, desires and aspirations?
We have moved forward from our cave man's existence to today because of desires, aspirations while every other creature on earth still lives the same way as their ancestors did
If everyone followed the Buddha's advice back in the day - we would still be living as he did back in the day!
Buddhists will be reborn as lower life forms for human life is not what they want - it comes with desires, aspirations
Animals, trees have just the basic desires, aspirations - all they want to do is eat, procreate and be safe
If that is all the Buddha says we should want, then no need to be born a Human being - better to be reborn a Tree
It is very unwise to jump to the conclusion that mental "realms" of suffering do not exist simply because the Buddha's teachings speak of liberation in Nirvana, which is exactly the same as "heaven," "the kingdom of God," or other terms found in all scriptures of all ages. Spirits themselves communicate through mediums every day and tell us about their personal experience in the afterlife. These experiences vary infinitely from pure bliss to sheer terror and pain. Don't take my word for it, study the countless channeled communications available in Spiritism, an ever-growing body of knowledge about spirituality.
If what goes forward in the next life is a bundle of energies which is not me, my self, my soul, how did the Buddha remember past lives. Is the new being without my soul because the soul does not exist.
Is karma not just another framework for moral judgement? Is it not self-judgement on the desire-action-flux of life. To what does karma apply if there is no soul and no self to apply it to. ?
Should avoid HATRED also. Loving kindness in its place.raga- desires
dwesha - hatred
moha ,not realizing 4 truths
That’s why God is a Buddhist.
If there is no ultimate authority, there is no order, no accountability and no source of being. In the beginning God created heaven and earth! Our identity is rooted in our heavenly father who so loved the world he gave his only son.
Buddha was dead but only Jesus resurrected Himself from death and was witnessed by many . Who should I follow : The one who conquered death or the one who did not ? 😊
Were you there or you just simply believe anything
The goal of Buddhism today should be to save the biosphere. It's not happening at this late stage.
Buddhism is a peaceful religion,it teaches people to be compassionate,generous and treat people with kindness. It teaches,not to steal,rape,take someone else’s wife or husband or anything that is not rightfully yours,is a sin, and sin equals karma…
A Buddhist would never speak of DEBUNKING other religions.
Well it is the christian tradition and islamic tradition that have made them like that there were this famous group called Ikhwan al safa during the abbasid times whose views on heaven and hell was different unlike that of the mainstream tradition. The revelations in the bible and the Qur'an are equally esoteric and deep but the way their traditions have approched them is wrong. There are depictions of heaven and hell and these spheres even in buddhist teachings but they are interpreted in this sense which for me is same as that of interpretations of famous saints such as meister eckhart and many Islamic sufi sheikhs such as ibn al arabi. One could even agrue for jesus and the deep spirituality and radicality that his figure entails as read in the gospels about how he spoke and how he wanted us to live.
Thank you for your insightful perspective! It's fascinating how different traditions offer deep and varied interpretations of heaven, hell, and spirituality.
@mayawisdom888 well I do agree that the buddhist perspective is obviously more refined and succinct than the Bible and the Qur'an for it was the tradition and ministry of Siddhartha Gautama who was the foremost master of establishing coherent and intelligent community of followers of dharma ,i believe so more than any other dharma figure although I would reserve the respect for Jesus on the same level but definitely not for christianity and it's tradition.
Excellent. Hinduism is all about pleasing a diety and doing sacrifices. Doing rituals is a waste of time
Thank you for your comment! It's interesting how different traditions emphasize different paths to understanding and growth. :)
While I agree that in the West the idea of shaming innocent kids into conformity through the threat of hell is disgusting, it's false to say their no hell in Buddhism. I've been to Buddhist temples in both Thailand and Singapore that have rather graphic depictions of it.
❤ EXCELLENT 👍💪🤜🤛👊🤝✊❤
Buddhism do believe in Hells and Heavens and has explained all these realms even further but all of these aren't eternal . According to Buddhist cosmology there are 31 realms of existence which is categorized into 3 realms ( sensuous realms, form realms, formless realms) which includes Hell( cold, hot , sub hells etc ) , Hungry ghost, Animal, Human, Demi-gods,6 Sensuous heavens , 16 form Brahma realms and 4 formless Brahma realms altogether these 31 realms are called Samsara ( within the cycle of death and birth).Our own Karma plays driving force to be born in these realms no other eternal Capital Creator "GOD", decides it or believing in any specific GOD can only grant you to the key of heaven .
To be more specific our last state of mind decides our next birth (last chyuti xaan ) if one dies in grief, revenge, anger,scared how we fell burning , chilling , heavy, pinching sensation and if one dies with these state of mind then one will be born in similar circumstances like burning hell, freezing hell, crushing hell etc. And if one dies with satisfaction , openness or in samadhi ( concentration bliss) one will be born in similar circumstances.
Buddhism isn't Athletic religion but a Non-Theistic religion.
Thank you for sharing this insightful explanation! It’s amazing how Buddhism offers such a deep understanding of the cycles of existence. 🙏
Heaven and hell is a state of conciousness, when you are in a default state of bliss and no mortal and material things can move you, then you have reach heaven state or the highest frequency. Hell is the state in which a person have succomb to his primal instinct, influenced by mortal desire and material world, always wanting to prove, always wanting to be recognized, always wanting to hoard and acquire, always on survival mode. Many of us claimed to know GOD but we don't know GOD, we are someone who is in hell since the beginning. In todays world only few have reached heaven.
Thank you for sharing such a profound perspective! It's a powerful reminder of the inner states we can cultivate and strive for. ✨