This happened to my grandpa in Argentina. Not an ancient animal fossil, but a WW2 weapon. A rusted STG-44 and a Luger Pistol, all buried in a wooden box with strange writings that look like English and a symbol of an eagle over a strange looking cross. R.I.P. Grandpa. I’ll never forget your funny looking mustache 😭.
No they Rob you by taking and claiming all the credit, also museums pay for fossils but they Pay the archeologist and never pay the person who owns it. This is more of a sad story of how A man lost out on millions of dollars
Umm how ? Sticking out the ground? And nobody has come across it in how many millions of years? In New York? Mowing the lawn? So he never mowed his lawn before? Does that mean the bones are coming up through the dirt now? How long has he been living there? Was it fossilized? In New York? Mowing the lawn? 🤔
You've been conditioned by the people who insist on calling the most mundane news stories false flags. What's the motive here? You think this is the first fossil we've found?
Every little kid digging in the back yards dream.
I like alex's attitude
They found mastodon bones in Oswego County,New York years ago. That little boy is adorable. I hope he finds some treasures.
Truly, a jaw dropping discovery
hehe, see what you did there
Is that little mastadons /elephants on his tie ..? 🤔🤣
he's definitely dressed for the occasion
Excellent! Nice find.
A nice news story. I’m shocked.
The mystery drones killed it.
@@ge2623thanks Obama
There is evidence of foul play.
Woah incredible find!
I hope they paid him a finders fee
0:28 The neighbor sounded exactly like Kamala. 😂😂😂
The earth still has many treasures! Maybe there are others there 🤔
This happened to my grandpa in Argentina. Not an ancient animal fossil, but a WW2 weapon. A rusted STG-44 and a Luger Pistol, all buried in a wooden box with strange writings that look like English and a symbol of an eagle over a strange looking cross.
R.I.P. Grandpa. I’ll never forget your funny looking mustache 😭.
Haha nice one
sounds like the poor guy lost the fossils he found. well thats what he gets for calling in so called professionals
Ross would be very happy
Great find!
Are they going to try and steal it from the guy that owned the property? That stuff is worth a lot of money to collectors.
Of course they will.
It's worth maybe 2500.00 since both teeth and the mandible are there.
“It belongs…in a museum.” - Han Solo
$50 maybe. Tusks sell for less than $1000
@@stuwest3653then why do they call them priceless but if I find one they suddenly hav3 estimates lol
Did he get $ for it? I wouldn’t call anyone if it meant they could seize it or something
Why? they’re state funded…
it's not worth the labor digging it up.
No they Rob you by taking and claiming all the credit, also museums pay for fossils but they Pay the archeologist and never pay the person who owns it. This is more of a sad story of how A man lost out on millions of dollars
This is so incredibly cool!
Very cool. The little boy was adorable, future scientist
Lol that lil kid at the end was cute
There has to be more of it there
I love Mastodon 🤟
That story had some teeth in it.
He will be jailed for keeping an exotic pets.
How many fossils destroyed while building the surrounding areas
*Every one know condos be worth much more than a couple dinosaur skeletons and fossle falafels*
Like all the flora and fauna building your place? Or the roads you drive on? Etc
When I was a Kid I used to dig holes in the ground to find special things like this😂
Awesome, I found a mastodon tooth in the river I hang out at.
Do you live in a van down by the river?
@nicks8026 I wish lol
Not an archaeology dig. It's called paleontology folks. Archaeology is the study of people. Pure ignorance from Melisa Colorado and NBC.
Anthropology is the study of people. Archeology is the study of human made artifacts. Sucks to correct someone only to be corrected yourself, eh?
They only paid the guy $3k? That’s terrible.
That's awesome
Was it next to a crackpipe
That’s so cool
Archaeologist don't dig up dinosaurs!
Go Alex!!!
Yeah yeah something about a dinosaur, whatever, give that kid a news segment already
Not a dinosaur, nimrod.
That kid is so stinking cute‼️
So cooooool!!!!
Somebody is going to say it's ai..... this is so cool.... I would have kept it for myself
It's been there since 4004 BC.
And no money was given to the owner smh its his property after all
13000 years old.??
Still not taking Gobekli Tepe into account hah
DC has the most fossils in the country.
that's good young fella keep digging don't aspire to be a rapper or a ball player
Orange county😮
Change the name to Mastodon County, LOL
Why are all these things always found in the US? 😂 I don't know what to believe anymore
The fossil was found to have special sauce lettuce and cheese.
It's more like ~4000 years old.
i hope the land owner gets to keep his treasure andinstead of just let the government take it from him like they think it belongs to them
Ughh Lucky
Omg that woman laughs like Kamala. Nooooo
Alex 😇❤
A Mast at Dawn?
Umm how ? Sticking out the ground? And nobody has come across it in how many millions of years? In New York? Mowing the lawn? So he never mowed his lawn before? Does that mean the bones are coming up through the dirt now? How long has he been living there? Was it fossilized? In New York? Mowing the lawn? 🤔
13000 years old
There’s always one…
Masto -shwhat??
Girl u Asian acting like you dont know how to pronounce names.
Jesus is the Truth THE BIBLE IS TRUTH
Jesus said dinosaurs existed before.
AI TROLL ... ugh
keep it in church buddy...
Jesus will come back riding a T-Rex. Watch and see. 👻
You mean like The Flintstones?
Is Joe Biden still alive?
Someday, you might find his teeth in your backyard.
Unlike trump’s brain dead followers, yeah.
for some reason i believe this is faked
Who are you
Must be a Trump follower. It's really not that rare of a find but you keep believing buddy. You'll find a conspiracy to latch onto.😏
I believe you’re fake!
But not for a good reason.
You've been conditioned by the people who insist on calling the most mundane news stories false flags. What's the motive here? You think this is the first fossil we've found?
Did it bite em
Homie's about to get paid!🦣💰