@@TheLucanicLord I'm in Washington State. I've got Ukrainian neighbors. Through them, I know more Ukrainians. They are all young meant with families. They are Christians and don't want to talk about the War in Ukraine at all. One of them countered me with talk about looking out for America. I asked him if he had served in the U.S. Armed Forces. "No." None of them have. None of them do. There's enough "diss" to go around, believe me.
Francis and Dom, I deeply appreciate the privilege of following the funeral service yesterday; your participation in it was really moving; with my PC and a candle lit for David on my kitchen table, I very much felt I was part of a most honorable crowd, honoring your dear friend and colleague; no dry eyes here 😪 However, our loss of David, and David's loss of his physical life, may have led him to a new level of service in the world of spirit. As I wrote in my condolences right after his passing, I have a strong feeling and conviction that the fallen Ukrainian Heros, in the tens of thousands, have welcomed him to their side; with a bird's-eye view, they will be sending vibes of Love to those who are left to fight in the trenches and beyond, including his team at the Telegraph 🌻🌠🌻 (from Norway)
Thermite is an almost dead simple exothermic reaction reaching temp about 2500°C/4500°F, burns through almost anything. Further more since the compound provides its oxidizer it can't be extinguished in the battle field....just molten metal, dropped on a tank turret it will melt armor top to through bottom of hull, igniting munitions and combustibles along the way. Scalable and cheap
Not so simple to keep thermite from destroying your own vehicle, but that is the beauty of using a drone. I did point out thermite was a potential anti tank weapon, but also any other armoured target. Nothing stops it. No normal fire extinguishers work at all.
Oh dear, oh dear Russia Breakthrough 2 Year Old Lines In Multiple Areas - Fighting In EVERY Building - Ukraine Update The rusty soviet shovels are still going strong against the western wonder weapons. th-cam.com/video/opL4rLgGR74/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=WillyOAM
As somebody who has lived and worked in Russia I find Ms Ash’s analysis is spot on. I was constantly lectured by my Russian colleagues about the Third Rome, about mystical nature of russia’s mission and role in the world and in the so-called ‘russkiy mir’, that ‘Moscow cannot exist without Kiev’. In February of 2022 I was certain Putin would invade because this mystical streak does run so deep. Slava Ukraini, slava Davidu (that was larger than life @domnicholls)
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld nooo hey.. keep doing wat ur doing honestly if it wasn't for nato russia wouldn't of been able to rebuild its economy... seriously thank u 😃
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld wats pathetic is all of western europe and Mericans were helping and they still screwed if up... the Russians have inferior soviet equipment remember?
Stay strong. Though David may be gone, his voice and ideas will live on, continuing to make a difference. That is something to truly honour. Cheers from Sweden ❤ Edit: Offline it is today. Going to give my daughter the biggest hug possible and make this day into a big smile on her face.
Agree with the sentiments as to lacklustre support of Ukraine from the West. I know a number of lovely Ukrainian refugees and I’m somewhat embarrassed at how reticent we are to support Ukraine more.
It's a phase where annually, there's coverage of commemorations of particular events in WW2 ~ and we reflect on the generation that saved us from Hitler... ...and then the next news story is of what we're [🇬🇧] avoiding doing that'd help Ukraine protect it's people from Putin. It's ugly and embarrassing.
I don't accept it's as simple as Ukraine is losing territory. The Kursk territory gained may be of enormous political significance. However, we won't know know how significant until after the war.
@@thomasstyan2066 the best solution would be that both countries keep what they've taken, the conflict is frozen and referendums are held in all territories under auspices of UN to decide which country will keep what.
@williammorris584 why lolling? Some months ago, Zelensky said that Ukrainians live in Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and it's no secret that over half of the population of Ukraine consider themselves Russian. There were indigenous Russians' protests today in Odessa coz over the government's decision to destroy the monument to the Russian poet Pushkin. It's a different question as to why Ukrainian government is destroying monuments of art and culture at all. They're even pulling down monuments to the princes of Kiev and to the founders of their cities. Wild bunch. Someone said, a nation with no history is no nation at all. They used harsher words than my paraphrase.
yes. because that specific church was feeding information to russia and supporting the invaders. Orthodox Christianity is not banned. russian funded churches are though.
Dom is correct when he said talking about long-range.Missiles inside russia issue was a waste of time for the last year , but he did talk about it for the last year.
Very interesting contribution about the Orthodox Church(es) in Ukraine. How sad that David couldn't host it. RIP, David. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА! 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Correction, the Russian name for orthodoxy is just a translation of what orthodoxy actually means. It is formed from the Greek ὀρθή (orthē, correct/right/true) and δόξα (doxa, belief/opinion). An orthodox person in Polish is also called "prawosławny" (true believer/practitioner/celebrant) even though Poland is heavily catholic
As an American, We should help Ukraine. My concern is Europe . America is contributing , not only arms and money, but also maintaining a strong military paid for by Americans. For example ,How many tanks does the United Kingdom have ? How many troops ?, How many bombers ? Europe is enjoying spending money on social programs at the expense of their military. Europe is forgetting history , Ukraine is reminding us about their history.
As a Canadian I understand that Europe is not one homogeneous population. There's a lot of diverse cultures, and a lot of them are shifting toward defense-- especially Poland and the three Baltic nations. The example they provide should shame the rest into accepting the importance of defense spending to ensure peace, including my own Canadian government.
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld Probably best to ignore comments like these. If they were consistent, in 1941 they'd have argued the US should have ended lend-lease to the USSR.
Look at what the financial times and the new york times posted recently: Ukraine has been facing great difficulties along the whole eastern frontline, Russians occupied Uhledar just a few days ago, Pokrovsk is next. Moreover, the UAF are getting pushed out of Kursk oblast, the great gamble of the year, slowly. There's mobilisation crisis going on in Ukraine since the drafting plans have failed to reach the figures in the most embarrassing way. Plenty of stuff is happening in both Ukraine and Russia but Russia is surely not losing. The fact that the Telegraph has been biased in favor of Ukraine in the Ukraine-Russia war topic is a no-brainer. But that doesn't mean that what they are saying is true.
Nato backed Ukraine entered Kursk border region and lost a force the size of Sweden's military and Russia shall let them stay for as long as they keep trying to reinforce failure.
The president that I voted for, Biden, and the collective West have been Spineless and without any Morals. That has been proven over and over again. Their single overriding principle is the preservation of their own Personal Political Careers. Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Never Give Up. Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava. 💙💛
Well, have to talk about something - anything - besides what’s happening at the front. The US continues to be very cagey, especially since European support seems to be fading or endangered after the next elections.
excellent episode and closing thoughts David's thoughts cut through the fog good useful important vital information. Bless Ukraine and Bless the AFU My heart is breaking for the peaceful people of Ukraine. May Ukraine have all defense systems to protect itself possible May Ukraine retake all its land #CrimeaIsUkraine #WhatWeAreFightingfor
Indeed... Igor Moysichuk former deputy commander of aidar battalion reported that of the 27 million population left in ukraina, 77 % know of a KIA. Further reports that 22% of ukrainians have a family member who is a KIA.
Western countries are not discussing restoring peace with Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Newsweek in an interview. "At present, as far as we can see, restoring peace is not part of our adversary's plan. [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky has not revoked his decree banning negotiations with Moscow," Lavrov said. "Washington and its NATO allies provide political, military and financial support to Kiev so that the [conflict] would go on," Russia’s top diplomat added. "What I want to say is that we have been trying to extinguish this crisis for more than a decade, yet each time we put to paper agreements that suit everyone, Kiev and its masters would backpedal," Lavrov continued. "This exactly happened to the agreement reached in February 2014: it was trampled on by the opposition that committed a coup with the US support. A year later, the Minsk Agreements endorsed by the UN Security Council were concluded; these were also sabotaged during seven years, and the leaders of Ukraine, Germany and France, who had signed the document, bragged afterwards that they had never intended to fulfil it. The document initialed in Istanbul in late March 2022 was never signed by Zelensky at the insistence of his Western supervisors, in particular, the then British prime minister," he concluded.
Ukraine’s losses since the beginning of the incursion into the Kursk Region have reached 20,200 troops, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. "In all, during the fighting in the Kursk Region, the enemy lost up to 20,200 troops, 135 tanks, 66 infantry fighting vehicles, 98 armored personnel carriers, 870 armored combat vehicles," the Defense Ministry said. According to the Defense Ministry, since the beginning of hostilities in the Kursk Region, the Russian Armed Forces have also destroyed 580 Ukrainian motor vehicles, 165 artillery pieces, 33 multiple rocket launchers, including eight HIMARS and six US-made MLRS, nine launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, five transport and loading vehicles, 43 radio-electronic warfare stations, nine counter-battery radars, three air defense radars, 20 pieces of engineering and other equipment, including 12 engineering demolition vehicles, a UR-77 demining unit, and two armored repair vehicles. Over the past day, the Ukrainian army lost more than 350 soldiers in the Kursk Region, the ministry added. The Russian military also wiped out six armored fighting vehicles, three artillery pieces, including a French-made Caesar self-propelled howitzer, a US-made M777 howitzer, three motor vehicles, three electronic warfare stations and an engineering demolition vehicle. "The operation to wipe out the Ukrainian incursion is continuing," the Defense Ministry stressed.
@@jaxonl7810 A nation that embodies the very definition of "lie" will never be taken seriously. Maybe after the inevitable collapse, Russia can start over - though that seems unlikely. If only the Russians could recognize that their country is a complete farce. Do they even realize that Russia isn't permitted to win any wars? Are they aware that the West is actually helping them avoid a total collapse?
Why did Hamas rape Jewish women , why burn their babies in ovens. The video footage on telegram , the crimes recorded for eternity . Why not live the Jews? Why not give them a home in their traditional lands? Why be greedy and deny them a home? Muslims can live anywhere in the world . Greed is a sin
As a Christian, Gaza is deeply troubling and I see little hope - because neither side - the current Israeli government nor Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran - are interested in peace.
🇺🇦❓А скільки населення України загинуло? Як воюють ті кого насильно на фронт затягли уявіть.Життя, прав і свобода, а Рабство замість цього? В якому сторіччі ми живемо? В Україні одні, корупційні, скандали у людей зброї нема воювати, а їх тягнуть. Може досить обезцінювати життя людей в Україні. Може вже час сценарію Косово чи Південної Кореї? Чи треба щоб менше населення в Україні стало і територій чи зовсім зникла Україна з мапи від депопуляції, що люди, як сирійці з Сирії біжуть від війни. Скільки ще?
It's odd to listen to Francis.Explain the frustration of listening to a statement from america that is contradictory to what's happening on the battlefield. It's the. Same complaint i've had of this blog since I started listening to it a year ago.
Russian military found more than a hundred civilians in Ugledar who were hiding in basements from shells and bombs, waiting for the Russian army to arrive. This was reported by the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, commenting on the liberation of the city. According to the Russian military, during the cleanup of the city they found 116 civilians hiding in basements awaiting the arrival of the Russian Armed Forces. Our military is currently providing assistance to them and doctors are examining them. In the near future they will be taken to temporary accommodation points, where social services will take care of them, etc. At the same time, it is possible that there may still be people somewhere. Kyiv previously reported 107 civilians remaining in the city, but in fact there were more. There are about 115 civilians in liberated Ugledar, they are being helped by Russian soldiers. This is more than the official Ukrainian statement of 107 civilians. - said Pushilin. Ugledar is of strategic importance; the decision on the restoration of the city will be made after its final demining.
The Ukrainians once claimed 1200 km^2 of Kursk was under their control. Now its down to 800 km^2 ... so a third gone. Not spectacular but not insignificant either.
I don't think that either of those numbers are reliable. The most important fact is that Ukraine now owns a chunk of Russia and Russia can't do anything about it. This is extremely embarrassing for Putin even though he's doing his best to play it down.
Polish mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine shot unarmed people in Sudzha in front of civilians, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. "Residents of the town of Sudzha tell about the atrocities of the Ukrainian military in the border area of the Kursk Region. Eyewitnesses confirm the large presence of Poles in the area," the statement said. Refugee Dmitry said in a video provided by the Defense Ministry that foreign mercenaries gathered a crowd of civilians and shot unarmed people. "They gathered all the old people, young people, and shot them in front of everyone. They were Poles. They shot them all," he said. Dmitry also pointed out that during the shooting, two people managed to escape in the ensuing chaos and made their way through the marshes toward Lgov. Another refugee named Sergey said that in Sudzha he left his passport at home and two Ukrainian fighters took him to get the document. According to the resident, they had unusual speech, one of them spoke with an obvious Baltic accent, and both were armed with American weapons. "When I reached for the box with the documents, one of them hit me on the back of the head with a buttstock, and the other one hit me in the leg, and they ordered me to sit down. They tore out the box and scattered its contents around the room," Sergey said. The Ukrainian military were called on the radio, and Sergey managed to hide in a basement, where he stayed until nightfall. While in the basement, he heard the Ukrainian troops returning to the house, smashing dishes and cupboards in search of valuables. During the night he managed to escape.
Ukraine has placed its bets on American F-16 fighters, intending to use them to gain air superiority and establish control over the airspace. But there is one problem that Ukrainians need to know. The thing is that the “best” F-16 fighters are significantly inferior to Russian ones. This was stated by retired US Army General Gordon Davis. In a conversation with representatives of the Business Insider publication, the general noted that the F-16 fighters transferred to Ukraine are already outdated aircraft and even installing modern systems on them, which the US is not going to do, will not allow them to fight on equal terms with modern Russian fighters used in the special operation zone. According to Davis, the F-16s have problems with range and protection. "Even if we install the most modern systems on these aircraft, they will still not surpass the best Russian machines in terms of performance. We can give the F-16 the maximum in terms of ammunition, EW, but they will still be somewhat vulnerable to ground attack. Air defense, as well as for the most modern Russian fighters."
@@jakepashley2343of course Ukraine haven’t lost a thing and just 4 injuries in the entire conflict .(1 twisted ankle,1 scuffed knee and 2 broken nails)whereas RF have lost 15million men 10,000 tanks etc
Battle of two BTR-82A with 19 Ukrainian armored personnel carriers, Kursk region th-cam.com/video/mi2dltIU1VI/w-d-xo.html We publish archive footage of a unique battle between two Russian BTR-82A 810 Brigade of the Russian Marine Corps, with nineteen armored vehicles, the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade of the Ukrainian army. The video was filmed in the Kursk region, the 82nd assault brigade on light armored vehicles, tried to enter the rear of the Russian army. Two BTR-82As worked from an ambush, fire was conducted from 30-mm automatic cannons 2A72, armor-piercing ammunition. The positions of the BTRs and the direction of fire are shown in the video, it is partially shortened, the damaged equipment is shown at the end of the video. The official report on the battle is as follows. The Ukrainian column was moving in a composition of nineteen armored vehicles, 12 armored vehicles were able to enter the area of the settlement. Eight armored vehicles were destroyed by crossfire, four armored vehicles were able to drive further, but were also destroyed by other units. Five armored vehicles, before reaching the main road, turned around on a field road and drove back. After the main battle, two armored vehicles tried to break through the ambush, but were also destroyed. Lamp of Knowledge
Russia and Afghanistan will hammer out joint projects in the energy sector, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The statement was made after a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Amir Khan Mottaki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the interim government of Afghanistan formed by the radical Taliban movement (banned in Russia) on the sidelines of the sixth session of the Moscow format of consultations on Afghanistan. "The parties stressed mutual interest of Russia and Afghanistan in maintaining trusting political relations and increasing mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation with a special emphasis on hammering out projects in the energy and agricultural sectors," the ministry said. The Russian Foreign Ministry added that the parties discussed the Afghan settlement, as well as bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Kabul. During the conversation, the parties underscored the leading role of regional negotiation mechanisms on Afghanistan, primarily the Moscow consultation format, and defined the dictate of external forces on Afghanistan's internal development as counterproductive, the ministry said.
Do our (US) politicians and bureaucrats understand how absurd and dishonest they sound ?
They don't care because most of the public don't understand anything too long to fit on a bumper sticker or a hat.
@@TheLucanicLord I'm in Washington State. I've got Ukrainian neighbors. Through them, I know more Ukrainians. They are all young meant with families. They are Christians and don't want to talk about the War in Ukraine at all. One of them countered me with talk about looking out for America. I asked him if he had served in the U.S. Armed Forces. "No." None of them have. None of them do. There's enough "diss" to go around, believe me.
Francis and Dom, I deeply appreciate the privilege of following the funeral service yesterday; your participation in it was really moving; with my PC and a candle lit for David on my kitchen table, I very much felt I was part of a most honorable crowd, honoring your dear friend and colleague; no dry eyes here 😪 However, our loss of David, and David's loss of his physical life, may have led him to a new level of service in the world of spirit. As I wrote in my condolences right after his passing, I have a strong feeling and conviction that the fallen Ukrainian Heros, in the tens of thousands, have welcomed him to their side; with a bird's-eye view, they will be sending vibes of Love to those who are left to fight in the trenches and beyond, including his team at the Telegraph 🌻🌠🌻 (from Norway)
😢😢rest in peace David
Those voices are probably not of this earth any more.
Thermite is an almost dead simple exothermic reaction reaching temp about 2500°C/4500°F, burns through almost anything. Further more since the compound provides its oxidizer it can't be extinguished in the battle field....just molten metal, dropped on a tank turret it will melt armor top to through bottom of hull, igniting munitions and combustibles along the way. Scalable and cheap
Sounds lovely - Slava Ukraini 🟦🟨
Not so simple to keep thermite from destroying your own vehicle, but that is the beauty of using a drone. I did point out thermite was a potential anti tank weapon, but also any other armoured target. Nothing stops it. No normal fire extinguishers work at all.
Oh dear, oh dear
Russia Breakthrough 2 Year Old Lines In Multiple Areas - Fighting In EVERY
Building - Ukraine Update
The rusty soviet shovels are still going strong against the western wonder weapons.
The story behind the story from my Canadian point of view is simple, US is to try to force Europe to defend it's own. Wake up get ready be stronger.
A very good insightful episode today.
Ukraine new strategy, using drones in place of military troops. 😂
Fresh out
Oligarchs are far more entrenched wordwide now then they were after ww2...
Thanks as always guys!
your anger is righteous and your frustration oh so familiar
As somebody who has lived and worked in Russia I find Ms Ash’s analysis is spot on. I was constantly lectured by my Russian colleagues about the Third Rome, about mystical nature of russia’s mission and role in the world and in the so-called ‘russkiy mir’, that ‘Moscow cannot exist without Kiev’. In February of 2022 I was certain Putin would invade because this mystical streak does run so deep.
Slava Ukraini, slava Davidu (that was larger than life @domnicholls)
Nobody likes u
@@RyanBrown-nx8dwlol u mad
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld nooo hey.. keep doing wat ur doing honestly if it wasn't for nato russia wouldn't of been able to rebuild its economy... seriously thank u 😃
@@RyanBrown-nx8dw this is just a huge cope man come on
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld wats pathetic is all of western europe and Mericans were helping and they still screwed if up... the Russians have inferior soviet equipment remember?
Stay strong. Though David may be gone, his voice and ideas will live on, continuing to make a difference.
That is something to truly honour.
Cheers from Sweden ❤
Edit: Offline it is today. Going to give my daughter the biggest hug possible and make this day into a big smile on her face.
We're still winning on all fronts😂.
Who is?
@@waynereid9471Ukraine of course! 😂
In Serbian war of aggression in former Yugoslavia Serbian orthodox Church did the same thing like Russian orthodox Church.
Spot on. Great insight. ❤
Clown... west 🇺🇸 have risked ww3..de stabilising this region
AIPAC clearly makes bigger campaign contributions that AUPAC.
Ha! I'm first here! Love this pod. So sad about David Knowles. RIP.
Agree with the sentiments as to lacklustre support of Ukraine from the West. I know a number of lovely Ukrainian refugees and I’m somewhat embarrassed at how reticent we are to support Ukraine more.
It's a phase where annually, there's coverage of commemorations of particular events in WW2 ~ and we reflect on the generation that saved us from Hitler...
...and then the next news story is of what we're [🇬🇧] avoiding doing that'd help Ukraine protect it's people from Putin.
It's ugly and embarrassing.
Можете более рьяно поддерживать! Но вопрос зачем и почему сначала задайте
@@АльфредХаликов-ф3ж Почему? Потому что Путин представляет угрозу для всей Европы и свобод, которыми мы наслаждаемся.
@@АльфредХаликов-ф3жWhy? Because the tiny Russian dictator invaded their country.
your not very good at this disinformation thing .........
storm Z is always looking for more idiots though 😂.......🎉
Slava ukraini 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Go and enlist
@@RiwenX I'm not Ukrainian.
Thanks legends
Russian is capturing towns while ukraine still winning in western medai.
War of losers and clowns
For me, Religion of all types is just a Grift.
It'd be nice if that was ALL it was, but it's also a dangerous political force used for control.
1200 casualties per day is almost 1 a minute.
Hahha Doesn't make sense huh ?!😊
It's almost as if it isn't true...
MediaZonaBBCRussia"russian says the oppersite Russian causalties are way way down
@@samsungtap4183 That makes perfect sense Considering Artillery Ratio Long Range Capabilities and Air Superiority
Ukraine is losing territory but winning the war, which is more important than territory
I don't accept it's as simple as Ukraine is losing territory. The Kursk territory gained may be of enormous political significance. However, we won't know know how significant until after the war.
@@thomasstyan2066 the best solution would be that both countries keep what they've taken, the conflict is frozen and referendums are held in all territories under auspices of UN to decide which country will keep what.
OK lol.
@williammorris584 why lolling? Some months ago, Zelensky said that Ukrainians live in Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and it's no secret that over half of the population of Ukraine consider themselves Russian. There were indigenous Russians' protests today in Odessa coz over the government's decision to destroy the monument to the Russian poet Pushkin. It's a different question as to why Ukrainian government is destroying monuments of art and culture at all. They're even pulling down monuments to the princes of Kiev and to the founders of their cities. Wild bunch. Someone said, a nation with no history is no nation at all. They used harsher words than my paraphrase.
Superb podcast,many thanks.
I agree. I've done a 180 degree turn on the Telegraph due to this podcast.
Thankyou Lucy Ash. Going to buy your book. ❤
Ukraine take back “ CRIEMA “
Wasn't the Russian orthodox church in Ukraine outlawed?
Was it?
I know your names now😂
"On Aug. 24, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky signed a new law [...] It explicitly bans the Russian Orthodox Church" Foreign Policy, 23-09-24.
yes. because that specific church was feeding information to russia and supporting the invaders. Orthodox Christianity is not banned. russian funded churches are though.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
I’m going to have to re-listen to that amazing Lady.
Yes she understands Kiril and his jihadist rhetoric as a non-religious person. She makes me proud to be a secular atheist.
Dom is correct when he said talking about long-range.Missiles inside russia issue was a waste of time for the last year , but he did talk about it for the last year.
This is cute. Two FaZZcist accounts pretending to speak to each other ❤@sebastianforbes1
@@sebastianforbes1how many 🥔 🥔🥔 for your “contributions”?
@@anthonyhulse1248How many 🌭🍕for your “contributions”?
@@anthonyhulse1248 no spuds they do it for vodka to stave of the shakes 😂
One tank ? Wow! Wonder weapon!
Very interesting contribution about the Orthodox Church(es) in Ukraine. How sad that David couldn't host it. RIP, David. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА! 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Once they tried to drum the principles of "political economy" into my head, it is turning out that today there is even a "political religion".
Dragon Drone reminds me of the movie, Reign of Fire, in which an actual dragon takes out a tank in largely this same manner.
Correction, the Russian name for orthodoxy is just a translation of what orthodoxy actually means. It is formed from the Greek ὀρθή (orthē, correct/right/true) and δόξα (doxa, belief/opinion). An orthodox person in Polish is also called "prawosławny" (true believer/practitioner/celebrant) even though Poland is heavily catholic
Thanks gents
It’s mostly bs
Bojo’s rationale for supporting Trump is like saying “this tumour has a lovely colour-scheme”.
Hehe, nice, but it's more like: "let's inject this poison, it will probably kill the patient (democracy) but it might also do in the tumor (Putin)."
As an American, We should help Ukraine. My concern is Europe . America is contributing , not only arms and money, but also maintaining a strong military paid for by Americans. For example ,How many tanks does the United Kingdom have ? How many troops ?, How many bombers ? Europe is enjoying spending money on social programs at the expense of their military. Europe is forgetting history , Ukraine is reminding us about their history.
Nice try Ork 😂
there's a 🎉 with your name on it
As a Canadian I understand that Europe is not one homogeneous population. There's a lot of diverse cultures, and a lot of them are shifting toward defense-- especially Poland and the three Baltic nations. The example they provide should shame the rest into accepting the importance of defense spending to ensure peace, including my own Canadian government.
That is the cost that comes with the benefits of holding the world reserve currency status
Francis, your Berlin airlift comparison was impeccable.
I see the Russians have now put their yars on stand bye.
In praise of chemical weapons.
I believe Russia has already responded in kind.
Barrel bombs in Alleppo? RuZZians ❤ chemical weapons, especially on civilian targets.
Can't the Ukrainians do their own stuff.? Why are they always begging for things?
America kinda made agreements to help them in times like this
@@TheSpineOfTheWorld Probably best to ignore comments like these. If they were consistent, in 1941 they'd have argued the US should have ended lend-lease to the USSR.
2000 km is a 4 hour flight on a scheduled passenger jet (eg England to Canary Islands).
Another “game changer “ weapon! Delusional. Comical.
how so? does russia occupy kiev? no. thats thanks to many game changing weapons and clever use of them
@@MatthewFors-f8xur losing. Ur weapons don't work.
@@MatthewFors-f8xu took out one tank ohhhhhh noooooo😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@MatthewFors-f8xwhere's those gamechanging F16s?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@MatthewFors-f8xmaybe the ghost of Kiev will help u
Russia is losing, very embarrassing. Ukraine can capture 1000km of Russian territory per week.
Look at what the financial times and the new york times posted recently: Ukraine has been facing great difficulties along the whole eastern frontline, Russians occupied Uhledar just a few days ago, Pokrovsk is next. Moreover, the UAF are getting pushed out of Kursk oblast, the great gamble of the year, slowly. There's mobilisation crisis going on in Ukraine since the drafting plans have failed to reach the figures in the most embarrassing way. Plenty of stuff is happening in both Ukraine and Russia but Russia is surely not losing.
The fact that the Telegraph has been biased in favor of Ukraine in the Ukraine-Russia war topic is a no-brainer. But that doesn't mean that what they are saying is true.
Nato backed Ukraine entered Kursk border region and lost a force the size of Sweden's military and Russia shall let them stay for as long as they keep trying to reinforce failure.
Ахахах, приедь в Россию и посмотри, как она проигрывает собственными глазами, увиденное тебя удивит. И хватит смотреть ваши лживые СМИ.
Why then is Ukraine continuing to lose territory?
Kiril and his jihadist rhetoric.
Not a word is said of journalist Gonzalo Lira. Down with David a biased journalist
The president that I voted for, Biden, and the collective West have been Spineless and without any Morals. That has been proven over and over again. Their single overriding principle is the preservation of their own Personal Political Careers.
Stay Safe. Stay Strong. Never Give Up. Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava. 💙💛
Stop criticize our president. Especially to foreigners.
judeo christian values > Ukrraine/meek EU
Well, have to talk about something - anything - besides what’s happening at the front.
The US continues to be very cagey, especially since European support seems to be fading or endangered after the next elections.
excellent episode and closing thoughts
David's thoughts cut through the fog
good useful important vital information.
Bless Ukraine and Bless the AFU
My heart is breaking for the peaceful people of Ukraine.
May Ukraine have all defense systems to protect itself possible
May Ukraine retake all its land
Clearly there talking abour Ukrainian causalties.
Indeed... Igor Moysichuk former deputy commander of aidar battalion reported that of the 27 million population left in ukraina, 77 % know of a KIA. Further reports that 22% of ukrainians have a family member who is a KIA.
But Ukraines are considerably higher around 2,000 per day
Johnson & trump … dumb and dumber
Western countries are not discussing restoring peace with Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Newsweek in an interview.
"At present, as far as we can see, restoring peace is not part of our adversary's plan. [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky has not revoked his decree banning negotiations with Moscow," Lavrov said. "Washington and its NATO allies provide political, military and financial support to Kiev so that the [conflict] would go on," Russia’s top diplomat added.
"What I want to say is that we have been trying to extinguish this crisis for more than a decade, yet each time we put to paper agreements that suit everyone, Kiev and its masters would backpedal," Lavrov continued. "This exactly happened to the agreement reached in February 2014: it was trampled on by the opposition that committed a coup with the US support. A year later, the Minsk Agreements endorsed by the UN Security Council were concluded; these were also sabotaged during seven years, and the leaders of Ukraine, Germany and France, who had signed the document, bragged afterwards that they had never intended to fulfil it. The document initialed in Istanbul in late March 2022 was never signed by Zelensky at the insistence of his Western supervisors, in particular, the then British prime minister," he concluded.
Russia seems to be doing quite badly😊
Ukraine’s losses since the beginning of the incursion into the Kursk Region have reached 20,200 troops, the Russian Defense Ministry has said.
"In all, during the fighting in the Kursk Region, the enemy lost up to 20,200 troops, 135 tanks, 66 infantry fighting vehicles, 98 armored personnel carriers, 870 armored combat vehicles," the Defense Ministry said.
According to the Defense Ministry, since the beginning of hostilities in the Kursk Region, the Russian Armed Forces have also destroyed 580 Ukrainian motor vehicles, 165 artillery pieces, 33 multiple rocket launchers, including eight HIMARS and six US-made MLRS, nine launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, five transport and loading vehicles, 43 radio-electronic warfare stations, nine counter-battery radars, three air defense radars, 20 pieces of engineering and other equipment, including 12 engineering demolition vehicles, a UR-77 demining unit, and two armored repair vehicles.
Over the past day, the Ukrainian army lost more than 350 soldiers in the Kursk Region, the ministry added. The Russian military also wiped out six armored fighting vehicles, three artillery pieces, including a French-made Caesar self-propelled howitzer, a US-made M777 howitzer, three motor vehicles, three electronic warfare stations and an engineering demolition vehicle.
"The operation to wipe out the Ukrainian incursion is continuing," the Defense Ministry stressed.
Yea, the Russians said that. Nobody believes ANYTHING the Russians say.😂😂😂
Lies 😂
@@jaxonl7810 A nation that embodies the very definition of "lie" will never be taken seriously. Maybe after the inevitable collapse, Russia can start over - though that seems unlikely. If only the Russians could recognize that their country is a complete farce.
Do they even realize that Russia isn't permitted to win any wars? Are they aware that the West is actually helping them avoid a total collapse?
Senator Graham: US authorities should help Israel, not South Carolina hurricane victims
Kol hakavod
What would Jesus say about the war in Gaza?
Why did Hamas rape Jewish women , why burn their babies in ovens. The video footage on telegram , the crimes recorded for eternity . Why not live the Jews? Why not give them a home in their traditional lands? Why be greedy and deny them a home? Muslims can live anywhere in the world . Greed is a sin
@@sebastianforbes1 enjoy the trenches
BuMP000 did my comment get through
As a Christian, Gaza is deeply troubling and I see little hope - because neither side - the current Israeli government nor Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran - are interested in peace.
Ukrainian sources: Kyiv needs over one hundred billion dollars for air defense
🇺🇦❓А скільки населення України загинуло? Як воюють ті кого насильно на фронт затягли уявіть.Життя, прав і свобода, а Рабство замість цього? В якому сторіччі ми живемо? В Україні одні, корупційні, скандали у людей зброї нема воювати, а їх тягнуть. Може досить обезцінювати життя людей в Україні. Може вже час сценарію Косово чи Південної Кореї? Чи треба щоб менше населення в Україні стало і територій чи зовсім зникла Україна з мапи від депопуляції, що люди, як сирійці з Сирії біжуть від війни. Скільки ще?
What a lot of rubbish
UA is an ex Soviet colony… Is Israel a USA/ European colony? Hint: ask a Palestinian.
It's odd to listen to Francis.Explain the frustration of listening to a statement from america that is contradictory to what's happening on the battlefield.
It's the.
Same complaint i've had of this blog since I started listening to it a year ago.
your one of the more sophisticated Ru5k1 operatives.
this is the same person with 2 accounts.
just an agent chating to himself, nothing to see here
@@jakepashley2343 Thanks barney fife lol
Russian military found more than a hundred civilians in Ugledar who were hiding in basements from shells and bombs, waiting for the Russian army to arrive. This was reported by the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, commenting on the liberation of the city.
According to the Russian military, during the cleanup of the city they found 116 civilians hiding in basements awaiting the arrival of the Russian Armed Forces. Our military is currently providing assistance to them and doctors are examining them. In the near future they will be taken to temporary accommodation points, where social services will take care of them, etc. At the same time, it is possible that there may still be people somewhere. Kyiv previously reported 107 civilians remaining in the city, but in fact there were more.
There are about 115 civilians in liberated Ugledar, they are being helped by Russian soldiers. This is more than the official Ukrainian statement of 107 civilians. - said Pushilin.
Ugledar is of strategic importance; the decision on the restoration of the city will be made after its final demining.
Lies 😂
obvious rU5k1
obvious agent is obvious
still earning your potatoes Ivan
reported by the head of a russian funded terrorist group? ok then it must be true right?
Who needs Monty Python with top notch journalism from the Ukraine cheerleading war team like this.
The dancing on a pinhead on this podcast is simply breathtaking…
The Ukrainians once claimed 1200 km^2 of Kursk was under their control. Now its down to 800 km^2 ... so a third gone. Not spectacular but not insignificant either.
I don't think that either of those numbers are reliable. The most important fact is that Ukraine now owns a chunk of Russia and Russia can't do anything about it. This is extremely embarrassing for Putin even though he's doing his best to play it down.
@@sebastianforbes1 I wonder why my comment disappeared? It wasn't me.
Lies mitch
dont worry about it he'll be in the front in 8 months
Ukrainian press: Zelensky's office discusses dismissals of heads of GUR, Defense Ministry and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Polish mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine shot unarmed people in Sudzha in front of civilians, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.
"Residents of the town of Sudzha tell about the atrocities of the Ukrainian military in the border area of the Kursk Region. Eyewitnesses confirm the large presence of Poles in the area," the statement said.
Refugee Dmitry said in a video provided by the Defense Ministry that foreign mercenaries gathered a crowd of civilians and shot unarmed people. "They gathered all the old people, young people, and shot them in front of everyone. They were Poles. They shot them all," he said. Dmitry also pointed out that during the shooting, two people managed to escape in the ensuing chaos and made their way through the marshes toward Lgov.
Another refugee named Sergey said that in Sudzha he left his passport at home and two Ukrainian fighters took him to get the document. According to the resident, they had unusual speech, one of them spoke with an obvious Baltic accent, and both were armed with American weapons.
"When I reached for the box with the documents, one of them hit me on the back of the head with a buttstock, and the other one hit me in the leg, and they ordered me to sit down. They tore out the box and scattered its contents around the room," Sergey said.
The Ukrainian military were called on the radio, and Sergey managed to hide in a basement, where he stayed until nightfall. While in the basement, he heard the Ukrainian troops returning to the house, smashing dishes and cupboards in search of valuables. During the night he managed to escape.
Ukraine has placed its bets on American F-16 fighters, intending to use them to gain air superiority and establish control over the airspace. But there is one problem that Ukrainians need to know. The thing is that the “best” F-16 fighters are significantly inferior to Russian ones. This was stated by retired US Army General Gordon Davis.
In a conversation with representatives of the Business Insider publication, the general noted that the F-16 fighters transferred to Ukraine are already outdated aircraft and even installing modern systems on them, which the US is not going to do, will not allow them to fight on equal terms with modern Russian fighters used in the special operation zone. According to Davis, the F-16s have problems with range and protection.
"Even if we install the most modern systems on these aircraft, they will still not surpass the best Russian machines in terms of performance. We can give the F-16 the maximum in terms of ammunition, EW, but they will still be somewhat vulnerable to ground attack. Air defense, as well as for the most modern Russian fighters."
That’s way too much truth for sheeple in here .shhhh Ukraine is vimming
Breaking News 😂 Tank was destroyed !
your tank, 0rky boi
russian tank
@@jakepashley2343 I see...... Ukraine.is winning l😃
@@jakepashley2343of course Ukraine haven’t lost a thing and just 4 injuries in the entire conflict .(1 twisted ankle,1 scuffed knee and 2 broken nails)whereas RF have lost 15million men 10,000 tanks etc
Ukrainian PM Shmygal met PM of Slovakia Fico in Uzhgorod
More cow bells, more spewage from a speware, SE, PA USA
What other kind of thermite is there?😂
Maybe they thought of 'marmite'.
This second speaker's ranting and raving is pathetic. Ukraine is winning
Battle of two BTR-82A with 19 Ukrainian armored personnel carriers, Kursk region
We publish archive footage of a unique battle between two Russian BTR-82A 810 Brigade of the Russian Marine Corps, with nineteen armored vehicles, the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade of the Ukrainian army. The video was filmed in the Kursk region, the 82nd assault brigade on light armored vehicles, tried to enter the rear of the Russian army. Two BTR-82As worked from an ambush, fire was conducted from 30-mm automatic cannons 2A72, armor-piercing ammunition. The positions of the BTRs and the direction of fire are shown in the video, it is partially shortened, the damaged equipment is shown at the end of the video. The official report on the battle is as follows. The Ukrainian column was moving in a composition of nineteen armored vehicles, 12 armored vehicles were able to enter the area of the settlement. Eight armored vehicles were destroyed by crossfire, four armored vehicles were able to drive further, but were also destroyed by other units. Five armored vehicles, before reaching the main road, turned around on a field road and drove back. After the main battle, two armored vehicles tried to break through the ambush, but were also destroyed.
Lamp of Knowledge
Boring! Boorrrring.
Russia and Afghanistan will hammer out joint projects in the energy sector, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The statement was made after a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Amir Khan Mottaki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the interim government of Afghanistan formed by the radical Taliban movement (banned in Russia) on the sidelines of the sixth session of the Moscow format of consultations on Afghanistan.
"The parties stressed mutual interest of Russia and Afghanistan in maintaining trusting political relations and increasing mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation with a special emphasis on hammering out projects in the energy and agricultural sectors," the ministry said.
The Russian Foreign Ministry added that the parties discussed the Afghan settlement, as well as bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Kabul. During the conversation, the parties underscored the leading role of regional negotiation mechanisms on Afghanistan, primarily the Moscow consultation format, and defined the dictate of external forces on Afghanistan's internal development as counterproductive, the ministry said.