"A century has passed since the Great Nuclear War of 2079. The War of the Three Armies of 2179 had winners. With strength, determination, and expert leadership, the freaks that called themselves the Evolved and the Series 9 together with their settlements were all destroyed, thus breaking the unnatural cycle of the world. The Survivors survived once again and received the Earth, our true inheritance. With skilled hands, we restored the land to it's former glory, improved upon it and taught our descendants the mistakes of our ancestors so that this war may never happen again. It is great to be back."
The one who set up the flag should have pierced the pole through both a mutant and a Series 9 robot :D Or even better, just set the flag on a top of a mountain of dead mutants and destroyed robots.
"A century has passed since the Great Nuclear War of 2079. The War of the Three Armies of 2179 had winners. With strength, determination, and expert leadership, the freaks that called themselves the Evolved and the Series 9 together with their settlements were all destroyed, thus breaking the unnatural cycle of the world. The Survivors survived once again and received the Earth, our true inheritance. With skilled hands, we restored the land to it's former glory, improved upon it and taught our descendants the mistakes of our ancestors so that this war may never happen again. It is great to be back."
This is actually the only ending where it is implied that things might get better in the future.
survivors was my favourite team in this game
Its good to see the ending again. Reminds me of Tiberian Sun.
those dropships are straight from Aliens.
humanity... FUCK YEA!
the best ending!
survivor team is the best!!!!!!
The one who set up the flag should have pierced the pole through both a mutant and a Series 9 robot :D Or even better, just set the flag on a top of a mountain of dead mutants and destroyed robots.
Cool idea.
i always use humans
Kurwa gra mojego dzieciństa ;(
Szkoda że tak mało ludzi ją znało :c
Ja grałem w WAR WIND 1 i 2 dobre gry
I wich someone remage the game to 3d like this:' )
build fliers and search, remember it shall possibly be hidden behind a building or such...
where can i download iso of this game for psx?
0:46 - 1:07
awesome music
have you the iso can you send ?????
Yea, hopefully another company would be willing to pick this one up.
where can i download the psx version?
Ene Böbibö! Ene böö ene böö ene bö bi bööö!
sure was
survivors and series 9
@razorzzzz i think warcraft II was much nicer than kknd
because kknd have no wow!
I can't find the last enemy unit on map to finish All Robots Must Die :(
I make flying units and select them. Then, I roam the map looking at the minimap for yellow dots.