If I may ask. How do I get this done by translating the content of an ecommerce page dynamically without having a saved locale JSON files for all the language supported by the ecommerce website. Because I understand that for each content translated there is an equivalent JSON file with the translation saved in the project public directory. Must I have to have all the locale JSON files for all the text contents in the website? Is there a dynamic way to achieve this like the way google page translator?
So far, next looks like a crutch .. I have a site that I'm building on react and I've been trying to transfer it to next for the 3rd day already .. wildly planrace
Базару нет имба, работает. Могешь.
HUGE THX, this has helped me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lot S2
the GitHub Reop does not work! please could you provide the correct link?
It was much easier in next 12
What have they done!
How does the useRouter know how to fetch the locale? Mine says the locale is undefined.
hi there hello, there is error with my code. It does not show the Link locales. Bu other all workd fine.
If I may ask. How do I get this done by translating the content of an ecommerce page dynamically without having a saved locale JSON files for all the language supported by the ecommerce website. Because I understand that for each content translated there is an equivalent JSON file with the translation saved in the project public directory. Must I have to have all the locale JSON files for all the text contents in the website? Is there a dynamic way to achieve this like the way google page translator?
Just correctly rewrite everything from video, it works but double check all imports
So far, next looks like a crutch .. I have a site that I'm building on react and I've been trying to transfer it to next for the 3rd day already .. wildly planrace
How to keep user language prefference?
set it in a cookie?
next-i18next doesn't support export command
Do you ever find something that works for export? I am struggling still.