I am located on an isolated closed-gate military installation. We are permitted to run home-based businesses anywhere on the post, as long as we are cleared by the local agency. No one has said anything about the traffic, and it hasn't been an issue, as we have plenty of street parking by our home. Most homes have off-street parking by the garages, so those stopping by the shop out front are not taking up spots for my neighbor's vehicles. You do bring up a great point that the zoning and traffic may be a factor to consider, depending on your location!
Yes, I read my lease to make sure the housing was ok with it and moved forward. This was on a military installation, so slightly different than civilian. I would think the ok from leasing agency, HOA, or other neighborhood entities would likely be all you need. You won't be a commercial kitchen so zoning shouldn't matter. Maybe also check your cottage laws to be safe.
How is your neighborhood zoned? Do your neighbors care for the increased traffic on their street?
I am located on an isolated closed-gate military installation. We are permitted to run home-based businesses anywhere on the post, as long as we are cleared by the local agency. No one has said anything about the traffic, and it hasn't been an issue, as we have plenty of street parking by our home. Most homes have off-street parking by the garages, so those stopping by the shop out front are not taking up spots for my neighbor's vehicles. You do bring up a great point that the zoning and traffic may be a factor to consider, depending on your location!
Did you need to check with your town at all a about doing this on your porch? As far as extra traffic etc.
Yes, I read my lease to make sure the housing was ok with it and moved forward. This was on a military installation, so slightly different than civilian. I would think the ok from leasing agency, HOA, or other neighborhood entities would likely be all you need. You won't be a commercial kitchen so zoning shouldn't matter. Maybe also check your cottage laws to be safe.