i saw FOKSE S video !! why didnt you show the part where your tribe was aimbotting them? didnt you come out clean already ? why not just show aimbotting them ??
The Castle is just on the complete opposite Side of the Island😂😂😂😂.... i dont understand why we're not placeing the Fob of an Fob of an Fob'edi Fob there???😂😅
Waiting for your "I BUYED BASES AND LINES FOR REAL MONEY" Video :D 1 week. If not I'll reveal it by myself. What u know: You buyed 2 bases from our alliance. What you don't know: You also fought against us with your tribe cheating :D
This video is a month late 😅 didn't pay tax and you didn't wipe us 😊 also why not show when u starting botting ? I mean if you wanna start being honest to ur community and say that you dupe, team , etc why not go all the way and show botting lol
An alliance is an alliance. The actual act of fobbing twice from two random tribes is ok. But you’re actually alliance teaming here which makes you cheaters
Hope Yall enjoy❤
Seit wann täglich?
Wann streamst du wieder ?
Komm pvp auf 69!
Love the content keep up the good work💯
Op bro you have to continue that serie ❤
The devs told me “don’t build what you can’t defend” meaning if it was away from our main another tribe can fob it at the same time lmao
thats the rules
Very much states that in the rules
@@KHz999 yeah but it’s funny asf
I don't understand anything you're saying because I speak Spanish, but it's good to watch your videos, I learn a lot
“After dropping the tower in a couple of hours” - proceeds to take over 10 hours to drop 1 tower.
he took 10 hours to drop 1 tower? lol
@@FOKSEYT 😂cry
@@lloydhunter6306 why would fox cry? We ended up keeping our swamp at the end of all this, while KHz was forced to sell his lab lol
@@DaTrueSavage951 why did he sell?
Good old time, good vid dude
takes 10 hours to push 1 tower while dub fobbing and spinning is crazy bro
18.43 Bro is very sympathisch
hey khz nice vid but i played ark in last time in 2021 in mts do you still consider ark a playable game in 2023 thanks
Absolutely bro, enjoy they last 4 motnhs on offi
Never touch ark again it’s the worst game I’ve got over 12k hours just don’t play again
@@MadHuhBro i have like 6k mate on 1x
@@Krizzzzzzzzzzz yeah i just downloaded but i dont have a tribe coz i abondoned the game for 2 years
@@sprayhvh I got 11k 1x Xbox official
Great series, now I see as a small tribe player what's really going on !
love ur content man i would love playing ark offi to but i dont have time good vids man keep it up
Ich warte immer ab wann du ein Video bringst endlich du rettest immer mein Tag
Nice Video bitte Daily uploads.
Danke für das Video ❤❤❤ liebe den Kontent gerade
Hey KHz how You get the cap skin
videos aare great bro
Ich hoffe du kennst die medwurst noch aus alten zeiten 😂
na klar
@@KHz999 kannst du mir das video von island 345 schicken 😂
22:29 😂😂
Geiles Video, Serie ist interessant aber ich glaube andere sachen machen dir mehr Spaß also einfach das weiter machen was die spaß macht 🔥🔥
Kuss bro
i miss the island ice series that shi was lit
i saw FOKSE S video !! why didnt you show the part where your tribe was aimbotting them? didnt you come out clean already ? why not just show aimbotting them ??
watch the while Video we killed the botter
@@KHz999 22:29
super video
I enjoyed it! Just wipe them ark will be done in a few months anyways
You guys sound scary asf when asking for tax 😂
Nice vid
Classic KHz Banger!
Love the series
8snt the younger german a youtuber too? I think he was playing on MTS and loves the grenade launcher xD
Khz's Content is top grade. I miss our skylight :(
Noah stop.
yh this is why i opt for survivors and mounted tames over survivors only
Great vid
Hast du schon ein Plan was du machst wenn ark offi server schließen (Ich glaube Ark2 PVP wird schlecht)
Bester ytuber den es ye gegeben hat
Hope you continue the raid
40melee giga op💀😂
khz had aimbotter tribemate
Is it more fun to play in a megatribe or just a 6 man
If u have the time For it Play AS a 6 man If u wanna Play Just Like a few days a week megatribe
i see the swamp but where is the cave?
3 Tage gehypet mal wieder
First guy was high af ahahahah
Offi and your GIGA have only 45dmg ?
Ich liebe dich und deine Videos luis ❤
The Castle is just on the complete opposite Side of the Island😂😂😂😂.... i dont understand why we're not placeing the Fob of an Fob of an Fob'edi Fob there???😂😅
They said thx for the free Lab cave...
baba video
I’m confused why he brought a 50 melee giga to a fob
stream already been like 3 weeks...
im Super sick bro
kHz will you play ark ascended?
198 swamp?
hi khz ly
Drops towers in the first 2 mins then the rest of the Video is on one more tower
waited this
broooo du bist deutscher????
ja baby
bro my mic is so bad wtf
am i the only one confused how all meks on official look gas. like are they just all duped or tf going on
yea they all duped
Waiting for your "I BUYED BASES AND LINES FOR REAL MONEY" Video :D 1 week. If not I'll reveal it by myself. What u know: You buyed 2 bases from our alliance. What you don't know: You also fought against us with your tribe cheating :D
Man it’s almost like he’s making a series showcasing how tribes normally play aka buying bases and lines and cheating
@@copeNdope Oh I do Trevor 😘
It’s almost if your crying cuz ur poor and can’t buy them things
Live your vids brother but for God sakes eat some food 😅 your stats give me anxiety
This video is a month late 😅 didn't pay tax and you didn't wipe us 😊 also why not show when u starting botting ? I mean if you wanna start being honest to ur community and say that you dupe, team , etc why not go all the way and show botting lol
their other base being attacked doesnt make this teaming lol
Как там русский оказался
u sound so big
can u edit ur video more i dont wanna see every gate u mek and c4
Drops tower in 10 hours having to get botters and teamers over bit sad
disable joining discord notification pls it tilts so fucking bad
An alliance is an alliance. The actual act of fobbing twice from two random tribes is ok. But you’re actually alliance teaming here which makes you cheaters
The guys in comms need to chill with the racist language.
boring vid
189th love the vids kHz would also love to get in to smaller if you wanna speak more about this add me on dis