In the current state of HS, I'm glad you're still here Chump. I've been watching since you posted without showing your bearded self. Hope you keep at it, and thanks for the content.
In today’s game, cards that cost 7 (arguably 6) or more needs to have a game winning effect immediately. Kil’jaeden doesn’t win you the game immediately and the turn you play it, it’s just a War Golem.
Brawliseum is peak chump. My favorite chump video was the run with a beast rogue. Things like that and chumps ability to be the least weird hs content creator is why he's the best
26:47 Opponent plays Park Panther and Chumps Orbital Halo goes to 0 for the remainder of the enemys turn. Does Orbital Halo trigger off of enemy cards in the appropriate positions being played then??? i.e. it is looking for any card being played from position 2 because it is currently in position 1?
I’ve been playing a similar deck in the tavern brawl, but with a dragon package for the extra turn legendary. Got 6 wins multiple times with it Oh the first opponent was as well. But my version of the deck had a lower curve
Great idea, bad implementation. Cut the self damaging synergy stuff (Sauna, Job Shadower), add more 1 drops (Salesman, Oscillator), Drifter, Zilliax. The sweet spot is 7-8 one mana drops to have the highest chance of drawing one in your opening hand, and not more than one; the excess is dropped by Rod so it's fine having a lot of them as long as you secure one in your opening hand. Cut the buff stuff (the 0 mana is ok but not on Overzealous lol), add in Deafen, Acupuncture. If you really want a buff run Purifying Power, which also has double value on Masseuse.
3:11 - me too brother... me too.
I was waiting for this comment 😂
The thing im looking forward about next expansion the most is not new decks but Chump's new videos. Cow Dung deck videos were so fire 🔥🔥
watching chump drop that dung is so awesome
In the current state of HS, I'm glad you're still here Chump. I've been watching since you posted without showing your bearded self. Hope you keep at it, and thanks for the content.
“On turn 1 we can play a 3/3 and then buff it” (and then the spellburst immediately silences the buff, bravo)
I'm almost surprised how much Kil'jaeden underperformed. It was even detrimental in most scenarios.
FWIW it's a 7/7 that made his draws worse
In today’s game, cards that cost 7 (arguably 6) or more needs to have a game winning effect immediately. Kil’jaeden doesn’t win you the game immediately and the turn you play it, it’s just a War Golem.
Im happy for you on getting the Akama :D
00:36 Ah, he took the bait.
14:26 and there it is
@@Narokkuraiit’s his first time playing Hearthstone, go easy on him
Brawliseum is peak chump. My favorite chump video was the run with a beast rogue. Things like that and chumps ability to be the least weird hs content creator is why he's the best
26:47 Opponent plays Park Panther and Chumps Orbital Halo goes to 0 for the remainder of the enemys turn. Does Orbital Halo trigger off of enemy cards in the appropriate positions being played then??? i.e. it is looking for any card being played from position 2 because it is currently in position 1?
I can already tell that astroids are TOTALLY not going to be annoying after a few days.
3:10 i also love pulling my rod
Keep up the good work, Chump
I despise the attack noise of the 1 mana 3/3, this video alone already made me realise I can -not- use it in my decks
Never seen Chump lose before! Do you think this was his first loss ever?
Funny comment but real OGs know it has happened a few times before and actually makes videos more engaging to watch imo
Link? @@BongShlong
@@BongShlongBrooooo noooo he SHOULD upload videos where his tier 7 combo deck gets killed in turn 5 by tier 1 meta face decks
Chump posting his lost? That's new
He did that once in a while back then.
It makes sense for this format
3:11 who doesn't?
I’ve been playing a similar deck in the tavern brawl, but with a dragon package for the extra turn legendary. Got 6 wins multiple times with it
Oh the first opponent was as well. But my version of the deck had a lower curve
3:11 xD
Ending spoilers:
A signature legendary -- which we will never see again on Chump's channel.
1 mana 1/3 were stupid, only a matter of time before they buffed them to 1 mana 3/3s
Cant wait for the 1 mana Chillwind Yeti
Trump will lose his mind when that happens. @@IwillLose
What a sick pull as a reward. Great counter to annoying warriors and control DK
Doesn't the 3/3 silence itself and loses the buff? lol
yeah lol, Spellburst always happens after the spell.
Kibler tried to do this too and got screwed haha
nope, its deathrattle is "heal opponent at 6", so silencing is a buff
@@dimjumper9795 i think they mean if you cast a spell to buff it
if you have the coin or something you can proc the spellburst first I guess
Wait, wouldn't Overzealous Healer silence Orbital Halo off herself if you played them both turn 1?
@@vonBelfry it happens in the video
Hots doing limited?
Chump losing is content lol
I wish I had the card to build decks. I dont know of any budget friendly ones
Fun new format for brawliseum, congrats on 6 wins
To be fair, who doesn't love hitting their own rod?
>1 mana 3/3 self silence
zombie chow in 'shambles'
Justice for Zombie chow :(
First Chump lose ever!? Oh my god
When it lunch this expansion ?
After breakfast and before dinner
starships, multiple inevitability cards, multiple overstated 1 drops... it's all getting a bit silly really
A little late on the upload there Chumpo....
Chump loses a game? This is so weird
❤ chain
Handbuff DK farms, thanks for another deck i can queue into and be 100% sure i just won chump, farming the pirate demon hunters was getting stale.
Great idea, bad implementation. Cut the self damaging synergy stuff (Sauna, Job Shadower), add more 1 drops (Salesman, Oscillator), Drifter, Zilliax. The sweet spot is 7-8 one mana drops to have the highest chance of drawing one in your opening hand, and not more than one; the excess is dropped by Rod so it's fine having a lot of them as long as you secure one in your opening hand. Cut the buff stuff (the 0 mana is ok but not on Overzealous lol), add in Deafen, Acupuncture. If you really want a buff run Purifying Power, which also has double value on Masseuse.
Rigged CC pack RNG ...