How to Apply HTV to Painted Wood


ความคิดเห็น • 10

  • @haleyndj0105
    @haleyndj0105 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love chalk paint! I have some that I got at Walmart (only because Starcraft is so expensive!! lol) I like those stab n grab too.. they look really comfortable to use! You've answered every single question I had about using HTV on chalk paint though!! 😊

  • @cbugni
    @cbugni 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fabulous video! To the point! Answered all of my questions ad no jibber… hello friends over and over! Etc! Easy listening! Thank you! All of my questions were addressed!

  • @ChristianMusic852
    @ChristianMusic852 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi ! I just recently subscribed to your channel . I was wondering where you get you. Star craft paints (especially the navy) I just love it and the blush. Plus I've been wanting to learn more about using HTV other than just on T-shirts. Look forward to seeing more of your videos. I also hope it isn't any trouble but what fonts did you use for all the words so I can write them down. I just love this sign ! Also I don't have an Easy Mini (just yet, I'm asking m son for the 9x9 Easy Press for Christmas) . I have just a regular household iron (suggestions). What size is the sign ? Plus I have the Cricut Joy machine.

  • @andreagideon4869
    @andreagideon4869 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    After the project is done can I wax the wood using a clear wax with the HTV on it? I’m making a cutting board and would like to wax my project

  • @heatherhannah
    @heatherhannah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    how hot do I set a household iron to do this?

  • @donnagajewski5375
    @donnagajewski5375 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm stuck & frustrated! I tried for the FIRST time applying htv to painted wood using my cricut mini press. But I did it wrong..just pressed down & didn't move it around & heat too high and it pulled off the paint all around the htv...So watched some more videos (yours included 🙂) and figured I should coat/seal the paint (chalkboard). So put a coat of modge podge on. Waited a couple hours & tried again at lower heat, less time & moving it around..didn't work AGAIN. Did something to the modge podge or something..🤷🏼‍♀️ I really want to be successful with this technique, but I'm wasting htv & time (had to sand down, repaint & seal..
    WHAT am I doing wrong?? 😩

    • @donnagajewski5375
      @donnagajewski5375 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Can't figure out how to add a picture..??

    • @tastefullyfrugal
      @tastefullyfrugal  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you have the EasyPress mini set to the first or second heat setting? Also with the EasyPress Mini it works best if you move it around in slow motions

    • @donnagajewski5375
      @donnagajewski5375 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tastefullyfrugal the first time, no, too high (3)
      But 2nd time only on one. I'm now trying it on an unpainted...well, actually I think it IS painted (I bought it like that from hobby lobby)
      And how long to wait b4 peeling backing? Some people say wait until completely cooled. Others say warm peel. Unfortunately, I've had this htv for a while & didn't keep label..😬

    • @tastefullyfrugal
      @tastefullyfrugal  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@donnagajewski5375 I always do it on the second line and move it around for about 15 seconds, pull back the parchment paper and check to see if it's stuck to the wood. Also, what type of HTV are you using? Some are a warm peel and some you need to let them completely cool before you peel the backer off