this camera might not be anything about versatility but its definatelly a revolution in sensor technology (in my opinion) and also with it;s true x3 foveon sensor is truely one of a kind camera and feel of the images. btw. I have sd1, DP2m , DP1, SD14, and ton's of lenses. I like DP series the most. it''s pure photography art pleasure for raw developement. The images it produces are just outstanding despite it's all shortcomings and drawbacks.
this camera might not be anything about versatility but its definatelly a revolution in sensor technology (in my opinion) and also with it;s true x3 foveon sensor is truely one of a kind camera and feel of the images. btw. I have sd1, DP2m , DP1, SD14, and ton's of lenses. I like DP series the most. it''s pure photography art pleasure for raw developement. The images it produces are just outstanding despite it's all shortcomings and drawbacks.
They look fun but I have a sigma sd Quattro. I actually use the jpgs and they look just as good as raw. Can you take the ir filter off for infared?
You should watch the video - the answers are in there.
M42 pentax and helios mf seem to perform well. Not sure what mf glass your using.