OK..., JJ's professional opinion. Maia needs a smaller helmet for her grape. The one she wears is too top-heavy. Also, the "bonus side view" is much better than Maia holding the stick/camera. Much steadier. Plus, Maia needs to enjoy the ride more so instead of looking into the camera so often. Music was mucho better than any of your previous videos (since TH-cam scared you with bs music rights crap). You need less gay looking riding gloves (some new ones will be coming in the mail to you soon). Better scenery but still lame. You both need helmet cams, then edit them later into your final product. Maia has a GREAT shirt on! Go Cubs, go..... Blur out your plates, too. Too many towels and commies around. God Speed.
Tough to find music. Maybe it's time for another top 10 list?. Agree she needs to lean back enjoy the ride!
OK..., JJ's professional opinion. Maia needs a smaller helmet for her grape. The one she wears is too top-heavy. Also, the "bonus side view" is much better than Maia holding the stick/camera. Much steadier. Plus, Maia needs to enjoy the ride more so instead of looking into the camera so often. Music was mucho better than any of your previous videos (since TH-cam scared you with bs music rights crap). You need less gay looking riding gloves (some new ones will be coming in the mail to you soon).
Better scenery but still lame. You both need helmet cams, then edit them later into your final product. Maia has a GREAT shirt on! Go Cubs, go..... Blur out your plates, too. Too many towels and commies around. God Speed.