"Just get the shit out of the river!" is probably the most pervasive metaphor for what is wrong with our politics. Actually it's not even a metaphor. Get. The shit. Out of. The rivers. And that's only the starting point
The real indicator of being a pointless moron is titling yourself with the one word "entrepreneur". If you don't have a two word title saying what area your business is in, you're admitting to being an expert in nothing. But even within the two-word titles, some mean less than others. "Healthcare entrepreneur" usually means that you're someone who knows sweet FA about medicine and is a jumped up office manager handling an investment portfolio profiting from others' illnesses. "Tech entrepreneur" is "I have no specialism, but I once made a website, so I know more about everything digital than people with PhDs in specific applications of technology.
I think it's a suitable self title if you have actually sold multiple business's and now live off a pot of moneys interest. Otherwise, you probably have a shitty drop shipping business or are part of an MLM
Him and Chris Morris. Both have appeared on screen quite a lot but next to nobody knows who they are. Stewart Lee, in a different capacity, has moved things along. They're the unsung heroes of our comedy culture.
That was a very good point that we have adverts about benefits fraud, but there's nothing about business fraud which is worth much more money. It sort of says where the governments (Tory and Labour) have stood. Business fraud is apparently fine.
All true, and on top of that is the presence of an entirely legal system that benefits corporate riches whilst exploiting everyone else, a system designed and justified and maintained by the rich for the rich. This has stripped the middle class. We are the frogs in the pot
This man is extraordinary. In The Thick Of It is unprecedented. The interviewer is skilled at darting in and out of the conversation and is a good listener.
Armando is an absolute legend. Not only has he been behind a bunch of my all-time favourite comedies, as a human being he’s completely genuine. Great interview!
"I hadn't realised the extent to which our country is run by infants, who have not being elected, and who will relentlessly rise up the ranks with each failure that they are responsible for" - Armando Iannucci
Thank you for calling out how the Tories constantly riff on the theme of benefit cheats. It was horrible to hear them campaigning on this in 2010. So many people have been plunged into poverty in the years since, but the Tories go back to the same old ideas. We need more about how business fraud totally eclipses benefit fraud - particularly in light of the profiteering during the pandemic. Fabulous interview, absolutely spot on. Iannucci always has something good to say. Enduringly grateful for The Thick of It! 😄
The Linton Crosby playbook honed in Australia a decade ago. He drove the slogan ''lifters and leaners'' to denigrate the alleged hordes of cheats whilst back patting the big corp donors, the unquestioned, laudable and by implication, heroic lifters.
Sometimes it’s the only way you can cope, to make up departmental screaming matches in your head while you decide who will get eviscerated I’ve had a lot of fun imagining The Fucker and Stewart being involved 😂
I rewatched the Thick of It recently (holds up) but I was shocked by how comparatively normal the scandals they were dealing with were. British politics has outdone it for ridiculousness
Literally every day someone tells me something I need is delayed or can't be provided because of Brexit. And yet politicians are completely cloth eared about this. Its infuriating
Give a poor family more money, they spend it, it goes straight back into the economy. Give rich ppl tax cuts, they stash it in their offshore accounts. Many already have more than they could spend in a lifetime. They also employ accountants just to get out of paying tax. Happy to pay their accountants just as much as they should be paying in tax. 40% of universal credit recipients are IN WORK. The real scroungers are big businesses paying so little that TAXPAYERS have to subsidise THEIR BUSINESS. They absolutely should not be allowed to post massive profits if they refuse to pay their employees enough to live on.
I can remain worried but keep my sanity thanks to Armando Ianucci and Ian Hislop. (A bigger struggle for American family members but they do at least have Jon Stewart). It’s up to all of us to keep listening and talking but these chats really help direct how.
RE Jon Stewart I loved the Daily Show during the Trevor Noah years as well but it's so good to have him back! I feel warmth towards him like I do Armando. Hislop was certainly impressive in his similar interview but I've stopped watching HIGNFY for some reason
Business fraud is almost written into the system and even acting minister's have been found guilty of it, but as Armando says benefit fraud is the thing we are focused upon. If all businesses paid their proper taxes we would have a lot more in the coffer.
Fantastic - can't believe I had never heard of in the thick of it... then went and watched the first series episode where the minister hasn't watched any TV, which I can relate to :D
The blue passports are definitely a classic could of been scene- Brexit is done, government is proud to introduce blue passports, but still bound by European tender laws- they go out to tender and a French company wins the tender to produce the blue passports. True story.
Red meat from the technocrats to dangle at the populists to distract them, but as we are seeing wit the death of the Tory party the populists have had enough and are sickened by what has happened post them handing the tories their vote over 2019.
They are black and look very similar in shape and size to the old euro ones. Nothing like the old high quality of long ago. Not that I care. My sons company are missing out because of brexit.
Exactly. This isn't about left or right. Or the culture wars. Just get the ruddy basics right. Potholes, health, trains, etc..Nothing works anymore, things that we used to take for granted.
In fact, most of the people I’ve seen in recent Vox Pop interviews KEEP SAYING, “We don’t want tax cuts! Not of these kind! We want to save our NHS, our environment, our education system and our national security!”
Bring back the Thick of It, please Armando! Partly so I can hear Peter Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker again shout "Get the fucking shite out of the rivers!" & no, I don't mean Johnson in a canoe..
One could forgive political policy mistakes, if they owned up to them and course corrected. However, all we hear is condescending platitudes and "Look how well we are doing for you". They don't get that we are not stupid and can see through it
Iannucci is completely correct about the lack of clamour for tax cuts. Why would you reduce the size of a state when it doesn't function? Finding a majority to vote for self-interest should be inconceivable when its evident that public services are in decline following austerity!
"The Day Today" was so prescient that if it were broadcast today it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to separate it from what passes for actual rolling news. "I'm just laughing on the outside, my smile is just skin deep, if you could see inside I'm really crying...you might join me for a weep." 🃏😔
Totally agree about the tories "reforming" welfare. As someone on basic universal credit (signed off with health concerns), being told by rapid neo-libs that I'm lazy and it's too easy is very insulting. They think 393 pounds a month is easy?!?! (not to mention the zero tolerance approach to sanctioning payments)
That little money doesn’t cover the mortgage for two weeks. Before such minor luxuries as food, energy and transport are considered. And forget about ever taking a holiday again.
It's to encourage people to watch for longer than 10 seconds, 'stick around and you'll get all this funny content'. It's just a natural adaption to the rise of tiktock, short, reels, etc.
For those with short attention span and right wingers who want to know if it's something that will offend them. (Mostly the same thing, come to think of it)
Getting shit out of the rivers would require the public sector to restrict the power of the corporations to extract profit from the people. Who seriously thinks this is likely to happen?
I yearn for the Yes Minister days, at least then some of the believed they were putting the Nation first. 1 for them 2 for me has become 3 for me and run like hell before the smoke clears.
A friend volunteered for a charity providing services to the poor, the Local Authority couldn’t afford the £1M grant to fund them last year so they have closed. This year it’s costing the LA £7M to provide the same service.
I love that here's a guy who definitely benefits from Tory tax breaks and neo-liberalism, but he's fighting against these things because he wants to lift children out of poverty. Bravo, Armando. Bravo!
Imagine having the advisors that Sunak has chosen? "Yes, Prime Minister, you should leave the D-Day service in France early"... Consider the applicants who failed selection.
This guy puts his finger straight on the pulse as far as the public goes. Iannucci was more of an editor of reality put together with actors who were really talented and funny. A very good antidote to the politics we know must be happening.
The idea of offsetting savings across governmental departments when they don’t generate cashable savings but have wider system benefits, try getting the treasury to agree to that.
Yep. There's a lot of antipathy towards the BBC generally among the pro-independence side in Scotland, which is in response to the BBC's behaviour since before the referendum. Look at any episode of Question Time with an SNP representative on the panel to see this happening.
And yet, despite the issues we face as a country, people will still fall for some abstract line from Farage about how since Brexit we’ve become the fourth highest country in the world for exports 👍💪 it means NADA
Good point about hotline for tax cheats. I personally know of people who own successful business who claim to be on minimum salary .....then get their money from offshore accounts paying loans or dividends.
Why is it that non politicians sum up the country's ight so much better than the actual politicians? Intelligence? Ethics? Being a decent human being? All of the above?
People love the idea of an entrepaneur because it represents the possibility of social mobility because of merit. It is of course largely a false hope.
I kinda think we need a balance. Conviction politicians can be good and are often interesting to listen to, but if we had many of them we might not get much done. Conviction types don’t make too many friends, don’t compromise and cant, almost by definition, build much consensus. We also need those more flexible politicians that can build a coalition and get stuff done. I think the former make the best TV but the latter make the better leaders. Just my take.
The amazing thing would be a group that joined the run. Saying they will clean the rivers, end child poverty, build better trade connections and reduce the NHS waiting list. State why they don't care about small boats. They want to deal with real issues. Until there is time, they can set up safe transport so people aren't drowning in transit. Can anyone imagine such a group appearing and not instantly being suspicious? We want to ask about cost, even though the reality is all of it is affordable. We have zero trust in politics and those working in politics. That is the real issue at hand. We have been hurt so badly, we can't imagine a world where we could trust politicians.
Politics Joe, they look the most uncomfortable chairs to interview anyone in. Aside from that, this is the only guy I have totally agreed with during this election period, wonderful.
@@debbiegilmour6171 they have been but my pay hasn’t. I was (just) in the 40% bracket (and proud to be paying more for the good of society), now I’m nowhere near it.
"Stop talking about Capital Gains and get the shit out of the river!" Here's betting that for the next three weeks the two main parties will studiously and grim-facedly argue entirely about Capital Gains Tax to prove they are "mature". And that'll be the choice presented in July - a party that does x% cgt versus one that offers y%. For them it is a welcome excuse to avoid the real problems and responsibilities.
Isn't the Original meaning of 'Carrot and Stick Approach' that you dangle a Carrot from a Stick, whilst Riding the Donkey, so the Carrot is forever Unattainable....?
Thanks. It would have been nice to hear thoughts about the stifling effect on political discourse caused by the effectiveness of the right leaning media machine.
I’m disappointed Armando didn’t announce what he does is “watch episodes of Buffy The Vampire slayer while eating spring rolls next to a carpet stained with dried tears”
"Just get the shit out of the river!" is probably the most pervasive metaphor for what is wrong with our politics. Actually it's not even a metaphor. Get. The shit. Out of. The rivers. And that's only the starting point
Priorities for the UK:
1: Get the literal shit out of the rivers
2: Get the metaphorical shit out of the rivers
But it shouldn't have taken Armando to voice it for you.
Charmed life
Why is there not a "get the shit out of the river" party, they'd have my vote.
Sounds like 'drain the swamp'
Who has a charmed life?@@StratsRUs
My Uncle once told me that the term "entrepreneur" was a title bestowed on you by others, anyone using it to describe themselves was a spiv.
That’s brilliant
And now we have the Apprentice a reality show for spivs.
The real indicator of being a pointless moron is titling yourself with the one word "entrepreneur". If you don't have a two word title saying what area your business is in, you're admitting to being an expert in nothing. But even within the two-word titles, some mean less than others. "Healthcare entrepreneur" usually means that you're someone who knows sweet FA about medicine and is a jumped up office manager handling an investment portfolio profiting from others' illnesses. "Tech entrepreneur" is "I have no specialism, but I once made a website, so I know more about everything digital than people with PhDs in specific applications of technology.
I think it's a suitable self title if you have actually sold multiple business's and now live off a pot of moneys interest. Otherwise, you probably have a shitty drop shipping business or are part of an MLM
People that claim "influencer" as their full time profession without ever influencing anyone.
People like this are the embodiment of why the arts and culture are VITALLY important.
Armando is a true national treasure. If something made me laugh like a drain the past few decades, he likely had a hand in it.
Him and Chris Morris. Both have appeared on screen quite a lot but next to nobody knows who they are. Stewart Lee, in a different capacity, has moved things along. They're the unsung heroes of our comedy culture.
Laughs like a drain = didn’t laugh
laugh raucously.
"when I told her I fancied her, she laughed like a drain"
@@ElectronicWitchcraft I've never seen a drain laughing
That was a very good point that we have adverts about benefits fraud, but there's nothing about business fraud which is worth much more money.
It sort of says where the governments (Tory and Labour) have stood. Business fraud is apparently fine.
All true, and on top of that is the presence of an entirely legal system that benefits corporate riches whilst exploiting everyone else, a system designed and justified and maintained by the rich for the rich. This has stripped the middle class. We are the frogs in the pot
Labour employed debt collectors to go after people on benefits. It probably cost them more than benefit fraud.
It’s divide and rule. Turn the working poor against those who can’t work.
Iannucci is a cultural treasure.
I've found him disappointing in recent years. He seems to have just been protecting his brand.
Where did they dig him up?
This man is extraordinary. In The Thick Of It is unprecedented. The interviewer is skilled at darting in and out of the conversation and is a good listener.
Bwitish politics is currently more ludicrous than the thick of it
Armando is an absolute legend. Not only has he been behind a bunch of my all-time favourite comedies, as a human being he’s completely genuine. Great interview!
Happiness from The Armando Iannucci Show has always been on of my favourite and profound pieces of comedy
"I hadn't realised the extent to which our country is run by infants, who have not being elected, and who will relentlessly rise up the ranks with each failure that they are responsible for" - Armando Iannucci
He's right ✅️
I think about this fact every day 😢
Thank you for calling out how the Tories constantly riff on the theme of benefit cheats. It was horrible to hear them campaigning on this in 2010. So many people have been plunged into poverty in the years since, but the Tories go back to the same old ideas. We need more about how business fraud totally eclipses benefit fraud - particularly in light of the profiteering during the pandemic.
Fabulous interview, absolutely spot on. Iannucci always has something good to say. Enduringly grateful for The Thick of It! 😄
The Linton Crosby playbook honed in Australia a decade ago. He drove the slogan ''lifters and leaners'' to denigrate the alleged hordes of cheats whilst back patting the big corp donors, the unquestioned, laudable and by implication, heroic lifters.
@@bertbristow7172 will be interesting to see if we ever succeed in puncturing the cynical campaigns run by people like Crosby or Cummings.
I am totally guilty of saying "it's just like the Thick of It". Repeatedly.
Likewise with yes minister
I never ever watched it before…
Sometimes it’s the only way you can cope, to make up departmental screaming matches in your head while you decide who will get eviscerated
I’ve had a lot of fun imagining The Fucker and Stewart being involved 😂
I rewatched the Thick of It recently (holds up) but I was shocked by how comparatively normal the scandals they were dealing with were. British politics has outdone it for ridiculousness
@@FabianMacGintyONeill I have never seen it before…
Absolutely Love Iannucci. He’s been a big part of my life and a huge national treasure. Thick of It and Death of Stalin are works of comedy genius.
What an extraordinarily talented and informed man Armando Iannucci is. A terrific interview.
Death of Stalin is one of the best movies
It was good, but that’s going too far! He’s a far better at tv than he is at film.
"I've got documents on all of you!"
"Spit it out Georgy, we're staging a coup here!"
"How can you run and plot at the same time?"
Starmer makes me believe that Stalin has been re-incarnated
Literally every day someone tells me something I need is delayed or can't be provided because of Brexit. And yet politicians are completely cloth eared about this. Its infuriating
Give a poor family more money, they spend it, it goes straight back into the economy. Give rich ppl tax cuts, they stash it in their offshore accounts. Many already have more than they could spend in a lifetime. They also employ accountants just to get out of paying tax. Happy to pay their accountants just as much as they should be paying in tax.
40% of universal credit recipients are IN WORK. The real scroungers are big businesses paying so little that TAXPAYERS have to subsidise THEIR BUSINESS. They absolutely should not be allowed to post massive profits if they refuse to pay their employees enough to live on.
I can remain worried but keep my sanity thanks to Armando Ianucci and Ian Hislop. (A bigger struggle for American family members but they do at least have Jon Stewart). It’s up to all of us to keep listening and talking but these chats really help direct how.
Spot on
RE Jon Stewart I loved the Daily Show during the Trevor Noah years as well but it's so good to have him back!
I feel warmth towards him like I do Armando. Hislop was certainly impressive in his similar interview but I've stopped watching HIGNFY for some reason
Armando Ianucci is brilliant in all ways possible, thank you for an excellent interview🌷🌷🌷🌷
Business fraud is almost written into the system and even acting minister's have been found guilty of it, but as Armando says benefit fraud is the thing we are focused upon. If all businesses paid their proper taxes we would have a lot more in the coffer.
Fantastic - can't believe I had never heard of in the thick of it... then went and watched the first series episode where the minister hasn't watched any TV, which I can relate to :D
The blue passports are definitely a classic could of been scene- Brexit is done, government is proud to introduce blue passports, but still bound by European tender laws- they go out to tender and a French company wins the tender to produce the blue passports. True story.
And i'm still not convinced they're even blue! Mine looks black!
And that Franco Dutch company prints them at its factory in Poland. 🤦
Europe is superior to Britain in every way.
Red meat from the technocrats to dangle at the populists to distract them, but as we are seeing wit the death of the Tory party the populists have had enough and are sickened by what has happened post them handing the tories their vote over 2019.
They are black and look very similar in shape and size to the old euro ones. Nothing like the old high quality of long ago.
Not that I care. My sons company are missing out because of brexit.
Great interview thank you very much that was very enjoyable.
Exactly. This isn't about left or right. Or the culture wars. Just get the ruddy basics right. Potholes, health, trains, etc..Nothing works anymore, things that we used to take for granted.
In fact, most of the people I’ve seen in recent Vox Pop interviews KEEP SAYING, “We don’t want tax cuts! Not of these kind! We want to save our NHS, our environment, our education system and our national security!”
Bring back the Thick of It, please Armando! Partly so I can hear Peter Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker again shout "Get the fucking shite out of the rivers!" & no, I don't mean Johnson in a canoe..
One could forgive political policy mistakes, if they owned up to them and course corrected. However, all we hear is condescending platitudes and "Look how well we are doing for you". They don't get that we are not stupid and can see through it
It seems that many people don't see through it. That's why they get voted in again.
"Lessons will be learned"
Disappointing - the latest phrase for effing up
To be fair, a large group of voters have been that stupid for 14 years...
Iannucci is completely correct about the lack of clamour for tax cuts. Why would you reduce the size of a state when it doesn't function? Finding a majority to vote for self-interest should be inconceivable when its evident that public services are in decline following austerity!
Why would you throw good money after bad?
I suggest you look up the words “invest” and “investment” and check their definitions.
"There's shit in the river!" sounds like a joke metaphor being screamed in The Thick of It, except here in the real world it's literally true.
"The Day Today" was so prescient that if it were broadcast today it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to separate it from what passes for actual rolling news.
"I'm just laughing on the outside, my smile is just skin deep, if you could see inside I'm really crying...you might join me for a weep." 🃏😔
The Tories looking at America and trying to replicate the Republican strategy here.
They're just jealous that their ancestors didn’t go to the new world. The US is basically the UK minus any regulation.
because usa has more home ownrership per capits are you dumb , tories a centre left not conservatives today
Boris and Donald both have beautiful hair. And that wins elections.
@@khaartoumsings They have absolutely shocking hair, what are you talking about? It's memorable and distinctive, but shocking.
@@ErwinPommel You don't do irony, do you?!
excellent interview, Oli!
Education standards need to rise again. It’s vital for our future. No one with any ounce of political knowledge would vote Reform
Totally agree about the tories "reforming" welfare. As someone on basic universal credit (signed off with health concerns), being told by rapid neo-libs that I'm lazy and it's too easy is very insulting. They think 393 pounds a month is easy?!?! (not to mention the zero tolerance approach to sanctioning payments)
That little money doesn’t cover the mortgage for two weeks. Before such minor luxuries as food, energy and transport are considered. And forget about ever taking a holiday again.
He is correct as usual. Very intelligent man.
why do we have to have these intros before they get underway. Its now standard on youtube and is bloody annoying
I'm glad that I'm not the only one.
It's a bit like the film trailers showing the best scenes in the film you haven't seen yet.
This and also off mic producers laughing. That's an American import and its so cringe.
It's to encourage people to watch for longer than 10 seconds, 'stick around and you'll get all this funny content'. It's just a natural adaption to the rise of tiktock, short, reels, etc.
The almighty algorithm has decided that it's the only way to get people to watch a video longer than 30 seconds and everyone MUST obey the algorithm
For those with short attention span and right wingers who want to know if it's something that will offend them. (Mostly the same thing, come to think of it)
The king of satire has returned. I loved the Friday Night Armistice in the 1990s, back when the BBC did satirical comedy.
Frankie Boyle's New World Order is worth a watch on the Beeb.
@@tolhumexy6706 That was axed
Didn't Dubya once say that the French don't have a word for entrepreneur ?
It's a great story, but apparently a joke the Tony Blair made to another politician. Damned funny though.
Hell yeah
He's been misunderestimated.
Nice work, Ollie.
Why is this the most sensible viewpoint on the state of public faith in British politics.
We are beyond satire at this point
THE THICK OF IT , bring it back please .
If you want new episodes of the thick of it just pay attention to real life british politics.
@@nickchivers9029 Yep, sad but true , go Green.
Getting shit out of the rivers would require the public sector to restrict the power of the corporations to extract profit from the people. Who seriously thinks this is likely to happen?
So nationalise public services. Fuck the corporations. They're putting shit in our rivers!
6:07 So glad Armando mentioned *Yes, Minister* and *Yes, Prime Minister* - two of my favourite (political) comedies!
I recomend everyone to go watch yes minister.
We were discussing the greatest British sitcom, in the office recently and this was my vote.
Try, I recommend everyone watch the comedy TV series, Yes Minister.😂
And yes Prime Minister
Have been watching it recently and cannot believe how well it has aged.
I yearn for the Yes Minister days, at least then some of the believed they were putting the Nation first.
1 for them 2 for me has become 3 for me and run like hell before the smoke clears.
A friend volunteered for a charity providing services to the poor, the Local Authority couldn’t afford the £1M grant to fund them last year so they have closed. This year it’s costing the LA £7M to provide the same service.
You won’t get any more funding until taxes are increased
@@StephenAnderson-l2l read the comment again but very slowly
This is the first time I hear someone say about the environment, it is too late. And he’s right. It saddens me incredibly that we just let it happen.
Children in Middlesbrough are literally going to bed hungry because of Sunak who represents Richmond which is 15 miles away.
No child in Britain goes to bed hungry. They go to bed obese.
Great interview!
I love that here's a guy who definitely benefits from Tory tax breaks and neo-liberalism, but he's fighting against these things because he wants to lift children out of poverty. Bravo, Armando. Bravo!
What a supportive loyal friend this man was to Graham Linehan, great guy!
Once again we need a comedian / comedy writer to school the media on how to discuss politics, policies and populism...
Imagine having the advisors that Sunak has chosen? "Yes, Prime Minister, you should leave the D-Day service in France early"... Consider the applicants who failed selection.
Armando is brilliant 🎉
This guy puts his finger straight on the pulse as far as the public goes. Iannucci was more of an editor of reality put together with actors who were really talented and funny. A very good antidote to the politics we know must be happening.
The idea of offsetting savings across governmental departments when they don’t generate cashable savings but have wider system benefits, try getting the treasury to agree to that.
Malcolm Tucker would run out of swear words and have an aneurism trying to deal with James Cleverly and Kemi Badenoch.
A fine interview. Thanks
I recall Nick Robinson getting booked in Scotland for lying and creative editing, not for being anti-SNP
Yep. There's a lot of antipathy towards the BBC generally among the pro-independence side in Scotland, which is in response to the BBC's behaviour since before the referendum. Look at any episode of Question Time with an SNP representative on the panel to see this happening.
And yet, despite the issues we face as a country, people will still fall for some abstract line from Farage about how since Brexit we’ve become the fourth highest country in the world for exports 👍💪 it means NADA
GP + Potholes, nailed it!
Good point about hotline for tax cheats. I personally know of people who own successful business who claim to be on minimum salary .....then get their money from offshore accounts paying loans or dividends.
This new habit of putting a 30 econd clip at the beginning really bugs me.
There is a time slider, suggest you use it.
That treatment at the start of the video is proven to retain viewers- it isn't going away.
Why is it that non politicians sum up the country's ight so much better than the actual politicians?
Being a decent human being? All of the above?
Ironically it is usually comedians, particularly satirical, that lead in this area.
It would be amusing to see Rishi Sunak standing in front of a Liam Bentley poster.
People love the idea of an entrepaneur because it represents the possibility of social mobility because of merit. It is of course largely a false hope.
I’ve never heard of The Thick of It. Pleasures to come, it seems…
The Thick of It (UK) and Veep (US) are absolutely the best comedies for anyone with any interest in politics. Armando created both.
The thick of it just got real
Armando is a genius it's that simple
I don’t take advice from my 25 year old. I would be dead or in prison. This explains so much of the idiocy.
'They're not idiots, they're just human'. You are being too kind. Avoiding accountability is not just human - it's a degenerate form of behaviour
The public school alumni have never been held accountable for anything, they just don't know what that is.
They are particularly incompetent human beings, seems to me.
Yes it's symptomatic of Narcissism.
A LOT of humans must be degenerates by that logic...
Nope. They really ARE idiots.
''No fighting in the War Room''!
1:24 as the writer of time trumpet, obviously. Well. In 7 or so years.
" Try and tell us something, we don't know "
Name one single British writer and dramatist over the last fifty years who is greater or is a more respected social commentator than Armando Iannucci
Terry Pratchett?
@@Piccolosaur The list: Terry Pratchett and Armando Iannucci
Ken Loach
@@l3eatalphal3eatalpha The list: Ken Loach, Terry Pratchett and Armando Iannucci
Opening remarks - politicians are being told what to say. Yes. And it’s obvious. We need conviction politicians
I kinda think we need a balance. Conviction politicians can be good and are often interesting to listen to, but if we had many of them we might not get much done. Conviction types don’t make too many friends, don’t compromise and cant, almost by definition, build much consensus. We also need those more flexible politicians that can build a coalition and get stuff done. I think the former make the best TV but the latter make the better leaders. Just my take.
Sunak is a prat
A twerp.
No he is infinitely worse than a prat as are ALL Tories
Yes but he’s a rich prat who gives not a damn for ordinary hard working people.
The so-called "National Service" announcement, seemed like it was cooked up in the back of limo, on the way to a meeting. Next: Monkey Tennis.
I agree about what is being said about Starmer. He needs to come up with some vision.
Sod " vision" just tax the rich fuckers and fix shit..😅
I don't need a visionary leader. Just baseline competence and not being a completely despicable criminal is quite sufficient.
"Just get the shit out of the rivers".
Why? Just actually do stuff.
Our entire way of structuring society needs rethinking
Seeing Armando in interviews, he reminds me of Steven Moffat
Big Chungus.
thats insane
I love that for some reason I get a "convert to english" option and it says the same damn thing. Big Chungus is real
The amazing thing would be a group that joined the run. Saying they will clean the rivers, end child poverty, build better trade connections and reduce the NHS waiting list. State why they don't care about small boats. They want to deal with real issues. Until there is time, they can set up safe transport so people aren't drowning in transit. Can anyone imagine such a group appearing and not instantly being suspicious? We want to ask about cost, even though the reality is all of it is affordable. We have zero trust in politics and those working in politics. That is the real issue at hand. We have been hurt so badly, we can't imagine a world where we could trust politicians.
Politics Joe, they look the most uncomfortable chairs to interview anyone in. Aside from that, this is the only guy I have totally agreed with during this election period, wonderful.
Exactly right. TQ
I haven’t had a pay rise in years. Raise the minimum wage so the rest go up too
The tax bands need to be increased too.
@@debbiegilmour6171 they have been but my pay hasn’t. I was (just) in the 40% bracket (and proud to be paying more for the good of society), now I’m nowhere near it.
How did thou get Armando Iannucci to deign his presence upon JOE ?
[also, Stop the (sodding) Tories 🎉]
"Stop talking about Capital Gains and get the shit out of the river!"
Here's betting that for the next three weeks the two main parties will studiously and grim-facedly argue entirely about Capital Gains Tax to prove they are "mature". And that'll be the choice presented in July - a party that does x% cgt versus one that offers y%.
For them it is a welcome excuse to avoid the real problems and responsibilities.
Simple. need, a proportional representation voting system. then you give the electorate a voice.
It's almost as if politicians don't have any actually ability or experience, other than winning their bizarre popularity contest. Weird eh?
Is tucker based on Campbell?
I think Campbell was a big influence, among other similar types of people
Isn't the Original meaning of 'Carrot and Stick Approach' that you dangle a Carrot from a Stick, whilst Riding the Donkey, so the Carrot is forever Unattainable....?
Please can you do something in the sound mix to reduce the hosts nose breathing ?
Armando finally realised that everyone is making shit up as they go along.
It takes a man of Iannucci's stature to nail the nation's chief problem in under 30 seconds: Potholes.
Thanks. It would have been nice to hear thoughts about the stifling effect on political discourse caused by the effectiveness of the right leaning media machine.
Oli Says "the Final podcast at the end.... "the final podcast" great name for a podcast
I’m disappointed Armando didn’t announce what he does is “watch episodes of Buffy The Vampire slayer while eating spring rolls next to a carpet stained with dried tears”