@@siphesihlemnguni5778 I think that’s why lately things are going so badly it’s because I neglected him. But I highly appreciate your comment thank you so much 🩵
@@phindymbuazy that’s our biggest mistake whenever things aren’t going well for us we tend to forget about how he has carried us but instead question his existence but ngale kokuningi just pray ngakho konke okuk’hluphayo ukhale futhi makuthi khala ngiye ngizwe ukuthi abantu besifazane ukukhala kuyabasiza kakhulu ekukhululekeni emoyeni. 😊
I hope you heal from whatever happened and also just pray about it just talk to God kwesinye isikhathi umthwalo uyehla, love and light. ❤️
@@siphesihlemnguni5778 I think that’s why lately things are going so badly it’s because I neglected him. But I highly appreciate your comment thank you so much 🩵
@@phindymbuazy that’s our biggest mistake whenever things aren’t going well for us we tend to forget about how he has carried us but instead question his existence but ngale kokuningi just pray ngakho konke okuk’hluphayo ukhale futhi makuthi khala ngiye ngizwe ukuthi abantu besifazane ukukhala kuyabasiza kakhulu ekukhululekeni emoyeni. 😊
@@siphesihlemnguni5778 it truly does help hey 🩵. But in overall thank you this really means a lot 🥹 may god bless you
@@phindymbuazypleasure is all mine 😊 futhi ngisacela ukuSupporter business lamaPerfumes masunawabafana