in clash of clans, after a troop destroys a building, it retargets onto another. the retargeting speed is random (from instant to about a second). usually this doesnt matter. but in clan capital, sparky and golem are huge, army-defining troops whose retargeting speed can greatly affect how much of the base you get with them. hence, slow vs fast in this context.
Is there any way to dump capital gold every week? Does any clan need capital gold? I'm a clan leader and I need a clan for my members to dump the capital gold. 1.3 mill every week
2:52 attack 1: capital peak
11:04 attack 2: capital peak
21:12 attack 3: builder's workshop
26:07 attack 4: barbarian camp
31:50 attack 5: skeleton park
36:19 attack 6: goblin mines
43:03 attack 7: capital peak
51:12 attack 8: capitak peak
1:00:33 attack 9: barbarian camp
1:05:56 attack 10: balloon lagoon
1:12:01 attack 11: capital peak
1:19:22 attack 12: capital peak
1:30:30 attack 13: capital peak
1:39:52 attack 14: capital peak
watching some of this later and, what is a "slow golem"? you didn't mean golem outside of haste there
in clash of clans, after a troop destroys a building, it retargets onto another. the retargeting speed is random (from instant to about a second).
usually this doesnt matter. but in clan capital, sparky and golem are huge, army-defining troops whose retargeting speed can greatly affect how much of the base you get with them. hence, slow vs fast in this context.
Is there any way to dump capital gold every week?
Does any clan need capital gold?
I'm a clan leader and I need a clan for my members to dump the capital gold.
1.3 mill every week
My clan is open, let me know if they want to dump capital gold every week?
Search up Clara Tenebris, we're a super small unit just trying to get by in clan capital
I just can't use sparky, i lost him so fast everytime D: