The City of Acre was the capital of the Crusader state for almost exactly 100 years until once more resurgent Muslim forces recaptured most of the holy land. Acre was the last City to fall, most of the remaining members of the other military orders including the Templars and Hospitallers went down fighting on the wall. The Knights Templar, fiery and unyielding, stood to the last man, their swords raised against the onrushing tide of Mamluks. The Hospitallers, stalwart defenders of the weak, fought with equal ferocity, offering no quarter nor seeking any. The Teutonic order, with their perhaps more rational ethos negotiated a way out. All the military orders who existed in Acre at the time of the final Siege and the fall of Acre, they all fought, still the city fell, we know however the Teutonic Knights headquarters, which they called their Convent, actually negotiated it’s surrender to the victorious Muslims the Mamluk Army which had broken in and the survivors left. So in a way the Teutonic Knights went out with a bit of a whimper rather than a bang. Let us not judge them harshly, for who among us can truly claim to know the will of God? The Teutonic Knights may have faltered, but their name endures, a reminder that even the mightiest of earthly orders must bow to the inscrutable designs of Providence.
+ The Teutonic Knights Chant:
The combination of haunting music and this image is 👌 perfection* 🤌
🔥 here comrade, warn urself before u freeze.
The BG Image is awesome
The City of Acre was the capital of the Crusader state for almost exactly 100 years until once more resurgent Muslim forces recaptured most of the holy land. Acre was the last City to fall, most of the remaining members of the other military orders including the Templars and Hospitallers went down fighting on the wall. The Knights Templar, fiery and unyielding, stood to the last man, their swords raised against the onrushing tide of Mamluks. The Hospitallers, stalwart defenders of the weak, fought with equal ferocity, offering no quarter nor seeking any.
The Teutonic order, with their perhaps more rational ethos negotiated a way out. All the military orders who existed in Acre at the time of the final Siege and the fall of Acre, they all fought, still the city fell, we know however the Teutonic Knights headquarters, which they called their Convent, actually negotiated it’s surrender to the victorious Muslims the Mamluk Army which had broken in and the survivors left. So in a way the Teutonic Knights went out with a bit of a whimper rather than a bang.
Let us not judge them harshly, for who among us can truly claim to know the will of God? The Teutonic Knights may have faltered, but their name endures, a reminder that even the mightiest of earthly orders must bow to the inscrutable designs of Providence.
beautiful words indeed!
I surrender