From what I understand he doesn't even feel pathetic just... confused. I'm imagining his eyes just blue screen after the fight because he cannot process the fact that he lost.
Whoa, Sega Genesis style adds to this track a touch of... Sadness? I dunno, but it fits better than any version of this theme to make you feel Forte's frustration for defeating Rock, and to make you wonder if he's truly an enemy or just a troubled ally.
Rodrigo Méndez why use the japanese names also that brings up a quetion if american megaman still has rock as his name and megaman as a title of sorts same with proto/blues then what is bass' real name
@@bubbykins4864 I can get behind that. My headcanon is the Japanese given names are the ones listed on their original blueprints, the localized names are nicknames the robot has earned. (Or given themselves.) I.e.: Named Forte on the blueprints, calls himself Bass alternatively. Reploid is named VAVA on his blueprints, earned the nickname Vile due to his personality. And so on and so forth.
I only now realized that this version of Bass has the Dr Wily theme remixed into it at the start. That's pretty unique. Bass himself is awesome. I do find it interesting that in this part, Bass uses the Treble Adapter but Mega Man doesn't get his Rush Adapter. Even if it had just been for this battle and this battle only, it would have been cool.
I can literally taste hints of Star Light Zone in there. and since it's my favorite Sonic 1 song I'm very happy with that choice. Another great Genesis remix.
I'm actually glad this game gave me my first taste of battling Bass, because I had this awesome song playing in the background! XD And you did terrific remixing it with Genesis soundfonts, the bell kinda makes me think of Columns. ^^
You made his theme come alive with this remix I'm not kidding the SNES version just sounds...FLAT, and WATTERY... You brought all the sounds out, it sounds GORGEOUS
TheLegendOfRenegade, BAD PUN! Although Bassline is in perpetual forte throughout this entire piece, and the Treble is just a nice add-in it seems. Awesome work.
Ristar: Corrupted Original Hero Dynamite Headdy: Beau Mega Man Wily Wars: Bass (Mega Man 8) Sonic: Shadow with Balkiry Boost/Wisp Control Tails Examples.
If you mean that Bell kind of instrument doing the main melody, I think it was from Sonic Crackers aka the Beta version of Knuckles Chaotix while it was still a genesis game. Basically a slightly diff version of Sonic 3s soundkit
Yeah, you're right. But actually the joke is more than that, because 'Forte' means 'Strong' in some other languages, so he is trying to say that the Genisis remixes are his 'Strength'.
bass's earholes and purple eye marks and his connection to zero all remind me of sigma... but the frill on his head and his black coloration remind me more of dynamo and his headgear.
Ever notice how whenever Megaman meets one of his old enemies, he suddenly becomes a pacifist? Like, come on dude. Quit trying to weasel out of every fight.
Damon Steele how does that relate to this what im saying is that because bass isnt like a mindless monster (re)programmed to kill everyone, he's probably more able to decide not to fight megaman
Bass must feel pathetic after fusing with Treble and Empowered by Evil Energy
Only for normal Mega Man to defeat him
Bass: SIGH..Guess i will buy my house
At that point, I would've just blasted my own head off.
From what I understand he doesn't even feel pathetic just... confused.
I'm imagining his eyes just blue screen after the fight because he cannot process the fact that he lost.
English teachers: is this forshadowing an event?
Everyone else: bass said shut up.
Bass:"Megaman! You can't escape this time!"
Megaman: (Fucking-dude, just stop. This never goes your way.)
0:19 Bass: Megaman! You can't escape this time!
Megaman: Yeah, whatever -_-
Frisk Undertale
Mega Frisk:From MegaTale. XD Random thought came into my mind.
Bass: Mega Man! You can’t escape this time!
Mega Man: like every time I fight some other robot 🙄
Bass: Megaman! You can’t escape this time!
Megaman: *S L E E P*
Whoa, Sega Genesis style adds to this track a touch of... Sadness? I dunno, but it fits better than any version of this theme to make you feel Forte's frustration for defeating Rock, and to make you wonder if he's truly an enemy or just a troubled ally.
Rodrigo Méndez why use the japanese names also that brings up a quetion if american megaman still has rock as his name and megaman as a title of sorts same with proto/blues then what is bass' real name
@@chickenmaster7514 Bassman
@@chickenmaster7514 Forte "Bass" Wily.
Other "rival" Wily Numbers (personal conversions):
Adieu "Ballade" Wily
Haruku "Enker" Wily
Razor "Punk" Wily
Warock "Baroque" Wily
Breez "Quick Man" Wily
I can get behind that.
My headcanon is the Japanese given names are the ones listed on their original blueprints, the localized names are nicknames the robot has earned. (Or given themselves.)
I.e.: Named Forte on the blueprints, calls himself Bass alternatively. Reploid is named VAVA on his blueprints, earned the nickname Vile due to his personality.
And so on and so forth.
Shadow: Sonic! You can't escape this time!
Sonic: Yeah, whatever you say, fake hedgehog!!!
The Eternal Rival: Theme of Bass
Bass! You're not Phoenix Wright! You do not have permission to put your finger like that!
DJ Mclean Bass: OBJECTION!!
Megaman:..... Wrong franchise Bass.
+NX171 Aww, but it's still Capcom...doesn't that count for somethin'?
Who do you think taught Phoenix Wright how to object??
If Treble was red, Bass would be a phoenix
Hehehe. Both series made by capcom.
Amazing theme for an amazing character. Enough said.
Hell yeah
Much better than the original!
Bass should always have a grittier theme.
Bass: "Megaman! You can't escape this time!" >:O
Megaman: (Seriously....?!) -_-
I only now realized that this version of Bass has the Dr Wily theme remixed into it at the start. That's pretty unique. Bass himself is awesome. I do find it interesting that in this part, Bass uses the Treble Adapter but Mega Man doesn't get his Rush Adapter. Even if it had just been for this battle and this battle only, it would have been cool.
"Genesis remixes really are my Forte"
Nice one ;)
I can literally taste hints of Star Light Zone in there. and since it's my favorite Sonic 1 song I'm very happy with that choice. Another great Genesis remix.
0:20 Bass: Objection!
"Bass...why you don't understand ?"
'Couse you have voise of little girl...Mega man .
I would love to hear bakugo English voice actor for bass
Hohohoho, you sir, have greatly picked up my interest.
Pls no,Boku no Hero sucks!
@@chicopreto9673 doesn’t mean the Voice actors do
@@chicopreto9673 weird ass pfp
Bass:_ Megaman, you can't escape this time !
Megaman:_ Well, Rush attacked me by blame of your dog !
It just works! It just works!
"He who hesistate is lost"
I'm actually glad this game gave me my first taste of battling Bass, because I had this awesome song playing in the background! XD And you did terrific remixing it with Genesis soundfonts, the bell kinda makes me think of Columns. ^^
TAKE ALL OF MY LIKES!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT YES!!! "Shut up! This time I will defeat you!' - Bass
One of favorites back when i was kid.
Ah, Bass and his super extendo arm. This fight did get me hyped...
0:00 to 0:06 i my favorite part! :D
possibly my 3rd favorite megaman game in the series
"Come on Treble!'
You made his theme come alive with this remix
I'm not kidding
the SNES version just sounds...FLAT, and WATTERY...
You brought all the sounds out, it sounds GORGEOUS
This is the 32bit version though
**PSX death glares from corner**
"Remember ME?!"
TheLegendOfRenegade, BAD PUN! Although Bassline is in perpetual forte throughout this entire piece, and the Treble is just a nice add-in it seems. Awesome work.
Theme of WHAT?
Bass (Pronounced Base)
You OBVIOUSLY missed the joke here. Bass says WHAT everytime you hit him with the buster
@KC Grarcia (Facepalm)
SchAlternate *POWER SHOT!*
Put it at 0.75 to get bass theme tempo from megaman battlenetwork 4.5
How am I just now finding this?
Wow! This honestly is the best Bass' theme remake i've ever seen! Very well done and keep it going!
"Mega Man! Today is the day you finally say my name right!"
Ristar: Corrupted Original Hero
Dynamite Headdy: Beau
Mega Man Wily Wars: Bass (Mega Man 8)
Sonic: Shadow with Balkiry Boost/Wisp Control Tails
Brutalist must have!!
bass:MEGA MAN wake up
mega man:......
It’s funny because he died
Bass looks like he has giant ass socks on
If you mean that Bell kind of instrument doing the main melody, I think it was from Sonic Crackers aka the Beta version of Knuckles Chaotix while it was still a genesis game. Basically a slightly diff version of Sonic 3s soundkit
Ha ha I like the joke that you made in the description because, bass's name in Japanese is Forte.
Yeah, you're right. But actually the joke is more than that, because 'Forte' means 'Strong' in some other languages, so he is trying to say that the Genisis remixes are his 'Strength'.
Mandrok in my lenguage forte os streng and ITS Brasil not Brazil
Bass:Megaman!You can’t escape this time!
this is my forte
Genesis, A 16-Bit Console, PlayStation a 32/64-Bit Console.
SEGA should make:"Genesis does what PlayStationst"?
More like "Genes-is what Playstat-isn't"
How none of your posts have been flagged for spam will forever remain a mystery.
0:20 mega man you can’t escape this time
bass's earholes and purple eye marks and his connection to zero all remind me of sigma... but the frill on his head and his black coloration remind me more of dynamo and his headgear.
Did you know that's this is basically bass's theme from 7 sped up?
At 0:20 it looks like Mega Man was like not this shit again
"I guess Genesis remixes really are my *forte* "
Did you crack this pun on purpose? XD
Don't run away, coward. You'll pay for this insult. I'll be back!
That crystalline synth sounds freakin' awesome! What game was it from?
Probably Sonic
0:30 Megaman just looks disappointed and mildly annoyed.
That pun in the description...
MANm that was a really BASSic pun...
"Bass, Why you don't understand?"
I like it though 🙂
Llevo buscando está versión de la melodía por un largo rato, luego de que la vi en un vídeo cómic de Sonic va megaman
i'm sorry everyone i love megaman 8 bass theme fuck 7
Dat bass.
Bass absolutely gat gud
Sounds like a Sonic Mania boss fight
midi when
Nexus Verse Soundtrack:
Broodwing vs. Phantom Imperial Colonel Trench
Could you put a video up, on how to remix such a track plz? :'D
*sees the joke* 10/10 nice pun Renegade! *claps*
Because it's not spam.... Mystery Solved!
[Insert Rush Jet Adapter Here]
Sees Description.... OH YOU! Better watch ya self or I will kick your BASS!
sounds like some kind of part from cave story sacred grounds
HEHEHEHE, I see what you did there!
Hey you are a genius men!!!! but please make remixes of tracks of megaman x 2!!!!
how long does it take to make these masterpeices?
I should get this game for Saturn and PS
Sonic 8&Knuckles
Bass:Shadow The Hedgehog
Duo:Silver The Hedgehog
Duo:Big the Cat
Dat Description. (I see wut you did there)
dose it support windows vista and not exeed 20 GB? :D
first was I gonna do what I should have done years its bass why you no understand?
Sonic Vs Bass
Bass should have been in Sm4sh
He's in Megaman's Final Smash in Smash Ultimate.
Better than only in an item for a split second, with one character, that most people don’t even use
Ever notice how whenever Megaman meets one of his old enemies, he suddenly becomes a pacifist? Like, come on dude. Quit trying to weasel out of every fight.
"i dont want to fight you!"
yeah well suck it up youve been doing this for years
well admittedly bass seems to have a little bit more free will
Megaman in MM8 was voice by a woman...
Damon Steele how does that relate to this
what im saying is that because bass isnt like a mindless monster (re)programmed to kill everyone, he's probably more able to decide not to fight megaman
He takes after his dad. He doesn't want to have to fight anyone. He just wants everyone to be friends.
This sounds like Castlevania
FL Studio
Base !😃😍😲😻😻
Vanina 😆😆😂🤣🤣😄😅😎🤩😶
Bass 💗💗💓❤️
👩💻😻😻😝😂😆 🎶🎵🎼💻
Megaman !? 😮😑😐😕😡😠
Forte and gospel whatelse
Sonic vs bass
It's too easy to beat bass in megaman 8 -.-
+WHITE4300808 "What?"
Yeah i totally agree, i think that a cool character like this should be extra hard to beat purely because he's so f*cking badass.