HYMN SYMPHONY by Corey Field - Vocal Score Scroll with Synth Playback

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2020
  • HYMN SYMPHONY for SATB Chorus and Orchestra by Corey Field (2020).
    I. Hymn to the Earth (Text: "The Source" by Edward Thomas)
    II. Hymn to Eternity (Text: Excerpts from poems by William Blake) 5:18
    III. Hymn to a Prayer (Text: Corey Field) 10:12
    IV. Hymn to a Requiem (Psalm 88) (Text: Adapted from Psalm 88) 16:16
    V. Hymn to the Stars (Text: Adapted from Genesis) 21:12
    For best results use playback video setting 1080p HD
    This recording is an MP3 digital synthesized playback with scrolling piano/vocal score. It is provided to performers to assist in their evaluation of the Hymn Symphony for live performance with singers and orchestra.
    All orchestral and vocal sounds in the recording are generated by a computer synthesizer program using the music notation in the full orchestral score. The synthesized vocal parts are rendered as the syllable "ah" and do not include the actual sung words.
    The full score is available as a PDF at:
    The piano/vocal score is available as a PDF at:
    2 Flutes (2nd doubling Piccolo)
    2 Oboes
    2 Clarinets in A
    2 Bassoons (2nd doubling Contrabassoon)
    4 Horns in F
    3 Trumpets in C
    2 Tenor Trombones
    Bass Trombone
    Percussion (2 players): Crotales, Glockenspiel, Cymbals, Suspended Cymbals, Triangle, Tamtam, Bass Drum
    Chorus (SATB)
    Performance duration ca. 28 minutes
    Complete Poems and Texts:
    I. Hymn to the Earth
    All day the air triumphs with its two voices
    Of wind and rain:
    As loud as if in anger it rejoices,
    Drowning the sound of earth
    That gulps and gulps in choked endeavour vain
    To swallow the rain.
    Half the night, too, only the wild air speaks
    With wind and rain,
    Till forth the dumb source of the river breaks
    And drowns the rain and wind,
    Bellows like a giant bathing in mighty mirth
    The triumph of earth.
    (Poem: "The Source" by Edward Thomas)
    II. Hymn to Eternity
    In futurity
    I prophetic see
    That the earth from sleep
    (Grave the sentence deep)
    Shall arise and seek
    For her Maker meek;
    And the desert wild
    Become garden mild.*
    To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heav’n in a wild flower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
    And eternity in an hour.**
    Turn away no more:
    Why wilt thou turn away?
    The starry floor,
    The watery shore,
    Are given thee till the break of day.***
    From poems by William Blake:
    * from The Little Girl Lost
    ** from Auguries of Innocence
    *** from Hear the Bard

    III. Hymn to a Prayer
    If all of my words
    Were written in air
    Silent as sky
    I would do anything
    If you could hear me now
    Still as moonlight
    Silent as stars
    Hear me
    See me
    For you
    For me
    The dreams in my mind
    Infinite waves
    Crashing like time
    I would do anything
    If you could hear me now
    Still as moonlight
    Silent as stars
    Hear me
    See me
    For you
    For me
    (Text by Corey Field)
    IV. Hymn to a Requiem (Psalm 88)
    O lord, I have cried day and night
    My soul, and my life, draw unto the grave
    Why cast off my soul?
    Why hide from me?
    Selah Lord
    Shall thy wonders be known in the dark?
    Thou hast laid me in darkness, in the deep
    I have known death from my youth
    Thy wrath, lies upon me, beneath all thy waves
    Shall thy love be in the grave?
    Lovers and friends far from me
    My eyes grow dim
    Selah Lord
    Your waves do encompass
    I am floating free
    Far from Thee
    Remember me
    Adapted from Psalm 88: Sources - Geneva Bible (1560), Bishops Bible (1568), King James Bible (1611).
    V. Hymn to the Stars
    I will curse the ground no more
    No more to destroy
    I have set my bow in the cloud
    That I will think
    That I will remember
    Seed time and harvest,
    And summer and winter
    And day and night
    Shall not cease
    Look up now to heaven
    And number the stars
    If you can
    Look up into heaven
    And count the stars
    If you can
    Adapted from Genesis Chapters 8, 9, and 15: Sources - Geneva Bible (1560), Bishops Bible (1568), King James Bible (1611)
    For more information printed vocal and full scores for sale, and how to obtain performing materials for orchestra, please visit the publisher's web site:
    Email: firstleafmusic@gmail.com
    All music and adaptations of texts and poems (c) by Corey Field
    Published by First Leaf Music (BMI)

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