I've found out that this is actually the Midlands version of BBC1 as opposed to the national version. They were running late due to an extra programme.
Very noisy clicking of buttons etc. Always wondered why the perfectionists at the BBC didn't do more to try and hide the sound the the mechanical buttons on the announcers desk..
With the hour markers in gold instead of blue, James? Good spot, I hadn't noticed that! I take it the Midlands pres. clock mechanism was still mechanical judging by the movement, maybe their clock face colours were setup differently (or wrongly!) compared to the national feed's full electronic clock?
I've found out that this is actually the Midlands version of BBC1 as opposed to the national version. They were running late due to an extra programme.
Very noisy clicking of buttons etc. Always wondered why the perfectionists at the BBC didn't do more to try and hide the sound the the mechanical buttons on the announcers desk..
What the heck happened to the clock?
With the hour markers in gold instead of blue, James? Good spot, I hadn't noticed that! I take it the Midlands pres. clock mechanism was still mechanical judging by the movement, maybe their clock face colours were setup differently (or wrongly!) compared to the national feed's full electronic clock?
@jamiebird8915 Well, according to the listings, the Midlands variant showed a programme about Coventry's progress to the FA Cup final.
A ventriloquist dummy broke it 👲🏼🎡
@@jamiebird8915They would still have had their version of the Noddy camera and Coxbox for the clock and maybe that could only generate two colours?