If Yorick's Ghouls get a kill and Yorick himself hasn't actively participated in the kill (or, better, when Maiden solos someone), does Shiv proc? It says on takedown. But something tells me it doesn't work that way for Yorick because that would make him more uninteractive.
nerfed yorick passive only deals 5% less damage at the end... a big nerf was on gwen which lost almost 20% damage on all her abilities cuz her passive applies on everything and also 20% of her healing
"Are you thinking of jumping into another match?" *Queue pops* 😯
Man, Was knee deep in playing league and didn't catch the stream, Tis truly a shame. Cheer's for the video Wise Graveman!
smash of all trades
If Yorick's Ghouls get a kill and Yorick himself hasn't actively participated in the kill (or, better, when Maiden solos someone), does Shiv proc? It says on takedown. But something tells me it doesn't work that way for Yorick because that would make him more uninteractive.
nerfed yorick passive only deals 5% less damage at the end... a big nerf was on gwen which lost almost 20% damage on all her abilities cuz her passive applies on everything and also 20% of her healing
Have you tried Hexplate yet? Its my fav item rn