example of sentence-based syllabus in TPR for teaching English: Target sentence: "I want to go to the park." 1. Teacher models the sentence while pointing to themselves ("I"), mimicking the action of walking ("want to go"), and pointing to a picture or a prop representing a park. 2. Students repeat the sentence while performing the actions. 3. Teacher introduces variations of the sentence, such as "She wants to go to the park," "They want to go to the park," etc., continuing to use physical actions to reinforce understanding. 4. Activities can include asking students to choose their preferred destinations and express them using the sentence structure, or role-playing scenarios where they plan outings with friends or family.
thank you, Mr. Mohamed
Good , i like your explanation 🎉
شنو معنى sentence-based syllabus؟
example of sentence-based syllabus in TPR for teaching English:
Target sentence: "I want to go to the park."
1. Teacher models the sentence while pointing to themselves ("I"), mimicking the action of walking ("want to go"), and pointing to a picture or a prop representing a park.
2. Students repeat the sentence while performing the actions.
3. Teacher introduces variations of the sentence, such as "She wants to go to the park," "They want to go to the park," etc., continuing to use physical actions to reinforce understanding.
4. Activities can include asking students to choose their preferred destinations and express them using the sentence structure, or role-playing scenarios where they plan outings with friends or family.