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  • @cent7369
    @cent7369 5 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    America's Eyes Part 6:
    Blackwood read the report once, then again and again. “This has to be a joke.” he thought to himself. “The men must think it is funny to supply me with false information.” Blackwood looked up at the man who had delivered the information and asked “Is this true?”
    “Yes sir. I saw it with my own eyes. We knew the Cherokee had sold their land to the Portuguese but what we didn’t know that it was actually an exchange. The Portuguese gave them land in India all so that they themselves could have a foothold in the Americas.”
    “Thank you. You are dismissed.” Blackwood said with a gesture.
    “Damn these natives, slipperier than I first gave them credit for.” Blackwood said quietly to himself. Blackwood tapped his finger on his desk in hope it would inspire his thoughts, yet it didn’t work. He was lost.
    It struck him suddenly, “You fool.” he almost shouted. “You bloody fool.” It didn’t matter the Cherokee were in India, all it meant was that it would allow the American army a chance to establish themselves without an all out war for India. Blackwood scrabbled for ink and paper on his cluttered desk. His quill moved rapidly across the paper laying out his plans for the generals to see. In his haste, the odd word was smudged but most of the message was still legible and that was all that mattered.
    Blackwood stood and hurried to his door, swinging it open he passed the letter to his secretary. “See that this dispatched at once. It is urgent and highly confidential. Use one of our trusted messengers, since I know they occasionally like to read our personal messages.” Blackwood ordered sternly.
    Blackwood turned back to entr his office when a cough sounded. The major turned to look at the hooded man stood there waiting. “Major, if I might have a word.”
    “I will not speak to you unless you remove that hood and show me who you truly are.” Blackwood replied.
    The man let out a small sigh but lowered his hood. It had been years since Blackwood had seen that face, but there he stood. “Sir, what are you doing here?”
    “You can drop all formalities. I left the army when we gained our independence and you are the man who gave it to me on a plate.” the man replied.
    “Of course si..” Blackwood halted himself just in time before continuing, “what can I do for you?” Blackwood said walking into his office and gesturing to the man to follow.
    “I just came to say that despite me leaving the army some years ago, if you need anything, anything at all I will do what I can to assist you in achieving those goals.”
    “This may sound rude, but what proof do I have of you helping me out.”
    “Who do you think suggested that we send a ship to India to scout it out. I am pretty sure it wasn’t from your office.”
    Blackwood just stared at the man, “That was you, I thought that was just some lucky move.”
    “Like I said, if you need anything just send a message to my estate and I will help as soon as I can.”
    “Thank you.”
    George Washington turned and left Blackwood to ponder why the man was back.

  • @fuhrab
    @fuhrab 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    "Let's fight this one quickly" - said no one who's ever witnessed a darth mod battle in Empire.

  • @Wolfeson28
    @Wolfeson28 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    26:25 Excellent use of fire and maneuver there; that's certainly a tactic you should keep in mind in your future battles. In the past, you've often had issues with constantly making small maneuvers with your infantry units even when they're already in good position and firing, which cuts down on their firepower. Here, you specifically waited to move the infantry until the cavalry was coming in, thereby eliminating the loss of firing time and also preventing friendly fire on your cavalry. When an infantry unit is in firing range, try to minimize the number of times you move them, but ensure that each move you do make is significant.

  • @chrisbloke9310
    @chrisbloke9310 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    @Lionheartx10 Hi Lionheart. With the native american buildings in the provinces, most of them you can upgrade to your own buildings. However, with some they don't and only upgrade once (see gold pips above the buildings on UI); while if you had your building type then they might upgrade 3 or 4 times as you progress along the tech tree

  • @EatMyEMPProduction
    @EatMyEMPProduction 5 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Letter from Private James Rogers of 4th U.S Infantry Company to his younger brother Jack
    “Dear Jack,
    We attacked the camp of the indians at Detroit in the Michigan Territory. The feeling in camp was this was the last stronghold of this brave and tough people. My wound is all healed up now just a little scar I have seen men get more worse than myself. The snow started again.
    We were mustered early in the morning and had General Greene inspect the army before we marched off to battle. We were deployed on the right with one unit to our right and left. The snow was falling even heavier. It was so heavy that we could not see the indians unit they were coming over the hill. There was a big formation of indians heading right for us. We fired a volley in to the indian lancers and pushed them back. We received orders to move forward at the left wheel. Once we stop we fired a volleys in to the indians before the made contact with the 1st Flying Eagle Regiment. There was nothing we could do but watch as that regiment fought until the last man. We were ordered to do a reverse left wheel to be ready for the next attack. We watched as the last of the Flying Eagles we cut down and ran for the rear.
    We saw bowmen firing from over the hill hitting the units next to us. We had routed what we thought was the only wave but we saw the second wave coming. We had time to drag the wounded and dead to safe place behind our line. One of the men who was badly wounded gave him the rest of his rounds and then closed his eyes forever. Us and another regiment moved in to the position the cannons had been and now the indians were close effort for us to see them. We saw bowmen on the hill and they started to hit us. Cpl Smith was hit in the leg by a arrow and was making his way to the rear when he was hit in the back by another and fell to the snowy ground killed. My tricorn was hit by arrow. We were ordered to form a L with one of the New York regiments. We continue to take casualties from the bowmen
    I saw the Chief’s bodyguard and I believe I may have wounded the Chief in the arm but could not really see through the smoke and snow. After the battle was over a few men and I went over a carried Cpl Smiths body over wagon and put a blanket over it so it could be sent back to his family in New York. Corporal George Smith was 27 when he was killed.
    We camped in a nearby town. We have received an new that the British have invaded and destroyed a small army. General Greene has order a few troops to join us near Detroit. John as sent me a letter with a letter for his family. The 9th has been ordered to hold a small town against the British twice their size. He told me that if the 9th is destroyed and he his killed to send them that letter. I hope and pray I will not have to send that letter.
    Please keep the 9th Iron Brigade and Cpl Smith's family in your thoughts today. We know we are going to be engaging the British soon.
    Your Brother
    James Rogers
    4th U.S Infantry Company C, General Nathanael Greene’s Army”

  • @racknat
    @racknat 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    i think each star represents one point of research for the g'men. might want to make your government buildings a priority to increase internal wealth and stability. need to develop that fleet; perhaps two. more and better cannon should, also, be a focus.

  • @user-mb7gb4qt5e
    @user-mb7gb4qt5e 5 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    When you merge units you should merge veterans with veterans to keep the bonuses

  • @JRimbeck
    @JRimbeck 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A letter from Corporal Jōzəf Krimbeck 3rd Regiment of Dragoons K Company to his father.
    “Mein lieber Vater
    The large battle we have been building to has been delayed, when I was out scouting with my buddies yesterday morning we spotted two large Indian armies, even with the Spanish army to reinforce us the battle would likely be loss. So upon reading our report the officers decided we shall pull back to Charleston and gather reinforcements. The ride back to the city was uneventful from a combat standpoint, but as winter is arriving here the cold and rains made the roads mud. It’s a good thing we didn’t drag cannons out with us else I feel that would have gotten stuck in the mud. As is our supply wagons are constantly getting bogged down, and the prospect of having to march through this muck afoot makes me more grateful that I am part of the Calvary
    We made it back to Charleston today, the roads around here are much nicer than the ones inland more over the locals here are happy to see us. Since most of the army is from here it does a great deal for the army’s over all moral. That all being said I must confess I am extremely frustrated for once again we have deployed to maneuver and skirmish while the armies in the north are fighting pitched battles. As it currently stands odds are our home is closer to the front lines then I am, so please be safe as I have read the reports of the Brits being as bad as the Indians when it comes to their treatment of the locals. As winter sets in up north I imagine the battles will die down as the armies will return to winter quarters.
    I apologies for the lateness of the last part of this letter, we just got some more reinforcements and word has reached us that our spanish allies were ambushed and suffered heavy losses. Thus it appears we’re going to be on our own for now, I have been told to start establishing a sentry posts. I am hoping that once we have enough reinforcements that we can return to the field as I do not like the prospect of being besieged, Calvery units are better in the open wheeling to hit a foe’s flank and the idea of being trapped in a city that could be shelled worries me. Regardless I know what I signed up for, please stay safe back home, I’m hoping to get a furlow next spring to visit.
    Your Son
    Corporal Jōzəf Krimbeck 3rd Regiment of Dragoons K Company

  • @edwardjoo4986
    @edwardjoo4986 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    The Master of the Seas; pt. 4
    The journey to India had been uneventful. After stopping for a week at Lisbon and touring the beautiful city, Dolphin made her journey south. She suffered under the storms of the Cape of Good Hope and rode the monsoons of India finally to Goa. To John, it had been a wonderful experience. Lisbon had been absolutely breathtaking, and he had written a letter to his mother before they departed. The ship had stopped at several African ports along the way, and the foreign land was overwhelming to him. They had stopped at one port on the eastern end of the continent for a fortnight, allowing John to venture inland several miles with a guide. He saw huge lions and grazing gazelles. He saw African prisoners being herded into ships, hundreds at a time, to be sold in a foreign land. That was the one experience that he wished that he had not had. Of course, seeing slaves around Williamsburg was common and before seeing the process in which they came to America, John had thought that slavery wasn't a moral wrong. His visit to Africa changed that.
    After reaching India, the ship had moored at a friendly port not twenty miles from Goa. From there, Thomas had ordered John, Matthias, and three other crewmen to journey to the south to gather information on the Cherokee town.
    "And remember, be discreet. You'll be in enemy territory and won't be receiving any outside help. Once you enter Goa, you're on your own, so don't mess up," Thomas warned.
    "We know, brother," said John exasperatedly. "We've gone over the plan a thousand times since Lisbon. You don't have to remind us of the risks involved."
    Thomas opened his mouth as if to say something, then nodded. Without saying goodbye, John mounted his horse and rode to where the rest of the party was waiting.
    "Let's go."
    Entering Goa was easy. All they had to do was pretend to be British soldiers and the guards at the entrance to the town let them in. The city itself was filled to the brim with bustling markets and shops. Thousands flowed from one shop to the next and it was no time before John's party found someone that had information on the garrison. They led the man to a bar, where they ordered drinks (with some difficulty because of the language barriers), and started talking.
    "There seems to be a lot of British and Indian soldiers here," started John. "I thought this was supposed to be a Cherokee city."
    The man guffawed. "You think that matters? No one here cares that their taxes now go to those Indians. Everything here is business as usual. The soldiers are the same, the markets are the same, even the damned gov'nor is still the same! The only thing that changed here was a tiny addition to the garrison."
    The man took another swig at his drink. He was getting drunker and drunker, and John hoped to capitalize on it.
    "How tiny is the addition?" asked Matthias carefully.
    "Heh?" asked the man.
    "The garrison. How much of an addition did it get?"
    "Oh, maybe three to five hundred. However, those Indians like to keep to themselves, so they're no trouble... no trouble whatsoever."
    The Americans exchanged a look. Five hundred men along with an entire garrison were more men than the army had to spare at the moment. John sent Matthias outside, along with Daniel and Benjamin to find out more. He and Obadiah interrogated the man for another hour, but all they got out of him was useless information about the British governor. Disgusted by the man's behavior, John paid for the money, picked up his rifle, and strode out of the tavern with Obadiah following. They both walked to the rendezvous point where they waited for two hours. When Matthias and the others didn't come, John grew worried. If something had happened to them... no, he couldn't think of that.
    He and Obadiah waited for another hour before they decided to go searching for the others. That was when they heard the CRACK! of a gun being fired from the marketplace. The two looked at each other, then sprinted to the source of the sound, unslinging their guns from their shoulders. They rounded a corner to see Daniel on the ground with a bullet in his head while Matthias shouldered a wounded Benjamin and fired back at the British soldiers that had shot at them. John immediately took aim with his rifle and shot at the officer, who was holding a smoking pistol. The man collapsed to the ground as the bullet found its way into his chest. Another shot went off as Obadiah fired his rifle, bringing down another Redcoat. Two had gone down, but there were still a dozen of them firing back, so John ordered Obadiah to help Matthias get Benjamin to the stable where they had left their horses.
    "What about you?" shouted Benjamin.
    "I'll try to hold them off!" he shouted in return.
    Crouching behind a box of turnips, John drew the flintlock pistol that hung at his right hip, painfully aware of the sound of bullets whizzing above his head. When the firing stopped, he stood suddenly, took aim at the soldier at the head of the group, and fired. The man went down, but the others had fixed their bayonets and were charging. Quickly holstering his pistol, he turned and ran as fast as he could, trying to lose the soldiers. He winded through alleyways, broke through houses, and slid under carts. It was only after ten minutes of being chased that he lost the Redcoats. He then doubled back and inconspicuously entered the stables, where his men were waiting.
    "Let's get out of here," he said.
    It turned out that there were not enough men in the garrison to guard all the entrances to the city, so the party escaped with ease. They returned to Dolphin, exhausted. Wearily telling Thomas that they would tell him what happened once they were under sail, he staggered to his bunk and fell asleep.

  • @akrav1983
    @akrav1983 5 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Bug report: American troops shouting "for crown and country"...

    • @warrenlehmkuhleii8472
      @warrenlehmkuhleii8472 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      akrav1983 It happens in Vanilla too, I guess they did not get the memo about the revolution.

    • @randomguy2023
      @randomguy2023 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, wean I first played road to independence I laughed at that.

    • @thesmokingtoad2836
      @thesmokingtoad2836 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Late to the party but that's why I like playing empire 2 as thirteen colonies because hearing that makes sense lol

  • @PatriotGabe
    @PatriotGabe 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This series got me to re-download Empire and Darthmod! Loving it, keep it up!
    The way the AI behaved in your battle with the British happened to me too but luckily I was on the defense so I could just sit back and shell those Austrians rather than try to fight them. Thank God for forts lol

  • @goldenmania7356
    @goldenmania7356 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been thinking about this and one thing you can do after having 100% friendly forces in the Americas, is just build up for a few turns and skip through it. Then return with a large income, some armies to name, and a nice navy for defence or offense

  • @huckfinn2850
    @huckfinn2850 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The biggest frustration is shitty AI hang ups. The other is game crashes that are unavoidable so save often. I love the game but wish developers or modders would fix these issues. Alot of Total War Games just need polish on older games like this.

  • @odoyle2129
    @odoyle2129 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Flawless victory!!

  • @panagiotisnest8142
    @panagiotisnest8142 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi from Greece, first and second like. Good work bravo

  • @senshibat8920
    @senshibat8920 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    native cropland cant be upgraded so you need to deconstruct and make it westernized to reap the full harvest.

    • @NightKnight347
      @NightKnight347 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Native cropland matches European palatial estates with no cost to him, and no effect on population happiness. Also, he does not have the agricultural tech to upgrade anyway, so it is even more of a bad idea.

  • @senshibat8920
    @senshibat8920 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Also bt routign through settlements you seem to gain movement..the Arcadia governors house is still burning.

  • @ElDyret
    @ElDyret 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Is there any difference in downloading the darthmod from moddb instead of twcenter? I mean is it the same version of darthmod? 😊

  • @quercingtime
    @quercingtime 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Does anyone have any good tips to get the Efforts of others, achievement?

  • @KazzoKiller3890
    @KazzoKiller3890 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should fight with 40 unit battles.

  • @hexmark4879
    @hexmark4879 5 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @dubsterbryan
    @dubsterbryan 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    build your economic buildings build your economic buildings build your economic buildings and your infastructure.

  • @christosstavropoulos9079
    @christosstavropoulos9079 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rush the research towards quicklime!!!

  • @mmmdesignllc
    @mmmdesignllc 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why dont you use the stone walls for defense? @20:00

  • @totalwartimelapses6359
    @totalwartimelapses6359 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Notification gang

  • @Coldstreamer17
    @Coldstreamer17 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Word of advice for artillery (trust me I've won battles with just 2 cannons against a full stack). When you want your artillery to fire at something, take them OFF Fire at Will, but if you don't care what they shoot, turn it on..

  • @michaeldavis9357
    @michaeldavis9357 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dub thee, "Der Kessel Kaiser"!

  • @frerderickbays2762
    @frerderickbays2762 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    damn game didnt let us see this happen

  • @Sanchezinator
    @Sanchezinator 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    as a second comment, I think it would also be worth using your general to run down some enemies if you decide to continue a battle, I don't know if it provides anything useful other than veterancy but at least it's an extra cav unit to run down enemies with :D

  • @lordoffrog2354
    @lordoffrog2354 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anyone know how to download darthmod on iMac ? Can’t work it out

  • @frerderickbays2762
    @frerderickbays2762 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    well kids lets see if he can win a battle twice

  • @derpgod
    @derpgod 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what is "darthmod"????

    • @redneck752
      @redneck752 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      A complete overhaul mod for total war Empire. One of my favorite mods for any game all time.

  • @starfreakist
    @starfreakist 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    YES KARMA IS A BITCH! So what did you learn from this LionHeartx10?

  • @Sanchezinator
    @Sanchezinator 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    It'd be cool (however cliche) if the stories reflected having to skip that clutch victory by saying it was just a dream from the general of the American army XD

  • @AnthonyAvouris
    @AnthonyAvouris 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    *decides to write history book of contemporary American history*
    *learns about a battle rumored to happen by Florida*
    *encounters a 'witness' who claims that the Americans and Spaniards gave the Cherokee a beating*
    *writes the battle into the book*
    *is never told that the battle never happened*
    *confuses tons of history students for generations afterwards with an account of a major battle that never happened*
    Step Three: Profit

    • @oliverwoodcock5307
      @oliverwoodcock5307 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just can't bring myself to erase that battle from history lol .... an epic snatching of victory from the jaws of defeat. A true lionheart total war classic.

  • @nightfall3332
    @nightfall3332 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @lazyedits4
    @lazyedits4 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Empire total war:The tricorns are wrong, it should be better, now its shit