Prayer for Nepal with the Six-syllabled Mantra featuring Dream Lotus Orchestra & Choir Om Mani Padme Hum is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with Avalokiteshvara (Buddha of Compassion), who is the embodiment of boundless loving-kindness and compassion. Lyrics of this Song of Praise-- Om Mani Padme Hum(chants) I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Until I attain Enlightenment. By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections May I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings Om Mani Padme Hum (chants with a young girl solo, choir, and soprano)
From Google Translator: Kaohsiung gas explosion last year because of the events organized to pray concerts, I did not expect time over half a year , Far in the roof of the world Nepal has also undergone a shocking earthquake. In addition to spare no effort in the rescue and supplies Hoping to link the note from everyone to pray sincerely , Our love and care to every corner of the world needs , Wish for world peace , and everyone is being.
每次聽到小師姐唱誦時,眼眶就會濕濕的⋯感覺未來充滿希望⋯ 隨喜大家一起在為利眾生願成佛得菩提道上努力😭🙏❤️🌈☀️
花開月圓,盼你來相守 ! 凝眸一瞥,有你來牽隨 ! 誓言遼繞, 舞姿翩翩 ! 我們走在相思湖畔,何止是千年萬年。
祈請 諸佛菩薩護祐尼泊爾有情眾生!
南摩阿彌陀佛。嗡。嘛呢。唄咪。吽。正念,真心,靜心,清淨心念佛。看破,放下,自在,隨緣,念佛。南摩阿彌陀佛。一念相應一念佛,念念相應念念佛。以念佛直登西方極樂淨土的修學方法;關鍵在於「都攝六根,淨念相繼」,集中心神,專一憶念,憶佛唸佛,相續不斷,「現前當來,必定見佛」,「不假方便,自得心開」。 南摩阿彌陀佛。南摩阿彌陀佛。南摩阿彌陀佛。南摩大慈大悲救苦救難觀世音菩薩。嗡。嘛呢。唄咪。吽。
Thanks a lot...
We all Nepalese appreciate your huge support.
Lets Pray For Nepal...
a heart full of gratitude from all the nepalese for your prayers
好震撼!!! 感恩~!
Prayer for Nepal with the Six-syllabled Mantra featuring Dream Lotus Orchestra & Choir
Om Mani Padme Hum is the six-syllabled Sanskrit mantra particularly associated with Avalokiteshvara (Buddha of Compassion), who is the embodiment of boundless loving-kindness and compassion.
Lyrics of this Song of Praise--
Om Mani Padme Hum(chants)
I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Until I attain Enlightenment.
By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections
May I attain Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings
Om Mani Padme Hum
(chants with a young girl solo, choir, and soprano)
Thank you Geoff!
Appreciate the translations, always.
thank you
From Google Translator:
Kaohsiung gas explosion last year because of the events organized to pray concerts,
I did not expect time over half a year ,
Far in the roof of the world Nepal has also undergone a shocking earthquake.
In addition to spare no effort in the rescue and supplies
Hoping to link the note from everyone to pray sincerely ,
Our love and care to every corner of the world needs ,
Wish for world peace , and everyone is being.
I wish there was translation. Being Nepali I cannot understand except the tittle :(
Qristina Acharya just use ur heart and emotion ......feel the love these people have for humans
It's the 6 Syllables Mantra Chanting (Om Mani Padme Hum).