Update: Never set bestEffort to true if you’re doing scientific analysis. Enabling it will only take a subset of pixels 1e7 pixels from the raster. Always set the maxPixels to a higher number like 1e13 or do server side rendering
Never set bestEffort to true if you’re doing scientific analysis. Enabling it will only take a subset of pixels 1e7 pixels from the raster. Always set the maxPixels to a higher number like 1e13 and tileScale parameter to 16…. or do server side rendering if it shows error. Rather than printing the featurecollection export it to google drive / gee assets “export.table.toDrive() or toAsset()” as csv or shp. It’s called server side rendering. There you’ll have the values and you can see it.
Never set bestEffort to true if you’re doing scientific analysis. Enabling it will only take a subset of pixels 1e7 pixels from the raster. Always set the maxPixels to a higher number like 1e13 or do server side rendering
Thank you. You brighten my day!!
Never set bestEffort to true if you’re doing scientific analysis. Enabling it will only take a subset of pixels 1e7 pixels from the raster. Always set the maxPixels to a higher number like 1e13 and tileScale parameter to 16…. or do server side rendering if it shows error. Rather than printing the featurecollection export it to google drive / gee assets “export.table.toDrive() or toAsset()” as csv or shp. It’s called server side rendering. There you’ll have the values and you can see it.