Has the Rapture Already Happened?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 เม.ย. 2024
  • Hugh discusses the rapture and how God will reach out to us and prepare us for the moment. Thank you and please donate if you are able at PayPal, where you don't need an account to donate: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...

ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @shelley8270
    @shelley8270 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi Hugh, another fantastic message. You never disappoint. What a contentious subject, though!! I enjoy the comments here. Many belivers with many different interpretations. But you always respond so eloquently and precisely.
    And the ones who come to fight and argue, you simply send away. I thank the Father for the message He gives to you. It always encourages my heart. Blessings.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Hi Shelley! Nice to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. I too am fascinated by the many positions people take in the rapture. My position is grounded in two things Jesus requires that blend together from the book of Matthew and in the Revelation prophecy, so I see the facts as non-arguable, but then again perhaps not required for salvation. Regardless of position, I just hope people keep serving the Father.
      Regarding those I "Send away," I am doing that more now because the time is short. World events are moving so fast that I can't believe it, but I don't want to exaggerate our position as God's church because I know the end times process has started several times before and it did not complete.
      I am happy you are encouraged, and that is my intention with each message. I'll get to work on the next presentation and I hope to hear from you soon.

  • @ChristinaFromYoutube
    @ChristinaFromYoutube หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Every time Jesus talks of anyone being removed it is the tares. The wicked are removed from the kingdom, not the righteous!
    The man left behind in the field is the righteous and meek man inheriting the earth.
    The woman left behind with her grain is the righteous and meek inheriting the earth.
    We should WANT to be "left behind" to inherit the earth!!
    The "rapture" is of the wicked and they'll find out last minute where they're going I guess.
    "The Son of Man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
    I can't imagine believing I am being whisked away to paradise and then the Lake of Fire come into view all of a sudden.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the debate. I agree the meek will inherit the earth, but not this current earth that Satan has destroyed permanently with sin. The word "rapture" is a taking up, not a punishing event. I agree the tares will be removed to the lake of fire, but simultaneously with the righteous. Matthew 13:30, at the end of the parable of the wheat and tares: "Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” The barn is the new earth. The old earth will be destroyed and replaced with the original, eternal kingdom where we will live as spiritual beings. 2 Peter 3:10; "the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up."
      These two simultaneous events, with the evil being destroyed and the righteous being lifted up to heaven, answer your concerns about timing.
      The earth and it' evil must be destroyed because evil can't exist along with love, evil must be destroyed. Revelation 21:1: "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away."
      Once we are raptured to the spiritual throne, God will be adequately glorified by our presence, and the destroyers will be destroyed, as in Revelation 11:16-18: "The twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying:
      “We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
      The One who is and who was [g]and who is to come,
      Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
      18 The nations were angry, and Your [h]wrath has come,
      And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
      And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
      And those who fear Your name, small and great,
      And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

  • @taysirabdallah4398
    @taysirabdallah4398 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God bless and strength you brother I'm struggling so much hope to go through together

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you, as always. I too am struggling. I have many limitations and problems, as we all do. We are not of this world, but we are forced to live in it if we want to assist the Father in changing it back to His original, eternal place. I too hope to go through to the other side with you and with all of the righteous who are suffering. I appreciate it every time you correspond with me. Stay strong, serve the Father through the son, and we will be rewarded soon.

    • @taysirabdallah4398
      @taysirabdallah4398 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 thank you so much brother god bless you again and ease your pain

  • @wserthmar8908
    @wserthmar8908 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wasn’t the doctrine of rapture formed under the influence of Pauline writings?

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Paul was a false apostle and a false prophet, and Paul gave his false version of the rapture, with his man of sin. The rapture is real, despite Paul's lies. I only quoted the words of Jesus and added one quote from Peter in my presentation. There is clear evidence for the rapture from the words of Jesus and from the themes and patterns of the bible. The modern church is under the spell of Paul's lies in many ways, if that is what you are getting at. If you would like to elaborate, please do so.

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 , thank you for your reply. I need to study the evidence for non-Pauline Rapture, as previously I had thought it’s inherently Pauline

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@wserthmar8908, thank you for clarifying. I used most of the verses that can point you toward a non-Pauline rapture, so that's a good start. Also, the rapture represents a prominent bible theme of how God's plan of salvation is fulfilled by something physical becoming something spiritual. God takes our righteous works, which are physical, and turns them into glorifying energy to overcome sin and satan, and that is the spiritual side. Jesus, by his example, led us to a method where the temples that are our bodies will, by our physical actions, become spiritual and eternal in heaven, and in the case of the rapture, we will skip a natural death to do so. Good luck on your journey. Check in any time you may need to discuss anything.

    • @kingoftruth9149
      @kingoftruth9149 หลายเดือนก่อน

      My comments were deleted immediately from my MAIN channel:
      Concave Earth Christians
      I'm exposing Acts, Paul & 2 Peter... and the flipped-around rapture
      that the elites have pushed out through the churches.
      Find my MAIN channel! Check the playlists, for the Apostle Paul playlist...
      I show through all Scriptures, just omitting Acts/Paul.

  • @robertdoucet1207
    @robertdoucet1207 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What do you think of the essenes were they true believers

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't know much about the Essenes. They were Jews and devout, and had some leanings to Christianity. Perhaps they were influenced by the book of Enoch in their day? They seemed to believe that the end could come at any time, which is true, and is one of the points I repeat constantly in my presentations. Anything you want to add would help me on this topic.

    • @robertdoucet1207
      @robertdoucet1207 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 from my research they predicted the messiah would come twice once in the Jubilee of 25 ad to 75 ad and then in the 2025 ad to the 2075 ad. so I believe I could see the messiah return in my lifetime.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@robertdoucet1207 , Thanks for that information. Jesus can certainly come in your lifetime, and mine. The end times process can begin any time, and can therefor conclude at any time. We make the end times happen as God's elect and righteous. 2 Peter 3:11-13 says we can hurry up the process: "Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

    • @Jerry-ft5lo
      @Jerry-ft5lo หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@robertdoucet1207Isaac Newton also calculated ( but didn't won't to set a date, because exactly no one knows, except God) that it would be around 2060. So that goes also with the Essense time table. Some of us maybe won't see thet, but I hope, pray and work to be able to get resurrected and get a heavenly body and be in his Kingdom without sin.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I love your attitude! Pray and hope, but work to earn it. The key to the end coming sooner or later will be the upcoming world-war the Satanists are building up to right now. If the church stays strong through this tribulation, then the end can come. Thanks and keep in touch.

  • @CodexExposition
    @CodexExposition 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So ridiculous that a most gory, demonic, horror movie add be played before these teachings. Good and evil indeed as opposites playing out in even in the small things.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      This I understand, and yes, at every level, from the tiniest daily issue of life, to the largest methods of running the world, the dark force falsely opposes evil against good.

  • @Faithful_Watchman
    @Faithful_Watchman หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That is correct, rapture hasn't happened yet, and it is coming soon, but the rapture occurs within, not before, this coming 7-year period (Daniel's 70th Week) that begins at sunset of Oct. 2, 2024 Elul 29, which begins Oct. 3 Tishri 1, after the Latter Rain (the 2nd outpouring of the Holy Spirit), which might (not dogmatic) fall on June 1, 2025 Pentecost.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's an interesting analysis, and your date is very soon! I see the rapture as more fluid, and can happen at any time. The key to me is momentum, and I see a lot of momentum right now.

    • @Faithful_Watchman
      @Faithful_Watchman หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031: It's not my intention to come across like a know-it-all, but I can assure you the rapture does not happen at any time, but is a set event that occurs after another event, after the Latter Rain (2nd outpouring of His Spirit) begins to fall, which might (not dogmatic) fall on June 1, 2025 Pentecost Sivan 5. Also, the word "soon" is relative, so given we're at the cusp of the end of the six thousand years allotted to mankind, and given rapture comes within this coming 7-year period, I would have to say that it's soon.
      The event that takes place before the rapture is when those from the apostate church come out of it, to receive the true gospel, and they shall go forth in the power of His Spirit, and they shall be slain for the word of God (His Law) and for the testimony which they held. These are the dead in Christ.
      After the dead in Christ rise and stand on their feet, then we that are alive and remain (His faithful, that have, do, and teach the truth, which are few in number, and are kept from and through that tribulation) shall be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ now risen) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
      After that tribulation and rapture then comes great tribulation wherein a great multitude are seen in heaven, having made their robes white in the blood of Lamb, which were slain like those in that tribulation before them, having come to repentance out from the secular world.
      Immediately after the tribulation of those days (both tribulations) then comes His wrath upon the ungodly and the disobedient children. Just prior to His wrath Ezekiel's War, and then the remnant Jews shall come to confess and repent and shall be saved, and then His wrath. Though the world shall increasingly get worse, the latter days or Daniel's 70th Week is not all tribulation. Rather it's an escalation of events go from the Latter Rain, that tribulation, great tribulation, and then to His wrath. Rapture comes after that first tribulation that comes upon those that come out of the apostate church to repentance.
      The rapture event is: post-trib-pre-great-trib-pre-wrath, which occurs within this coming 7-year period that is set to begin in the fall of 2024. Blessing in Christ.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Faithful_Watchman , Thank you for your explanation. I agree with many of your points, especially how you make clear that we have a God who loves those who serve Him and will ruin those who mock Him. So, if you could provide some context I would appreciate it. It has been a few years, but I did encounter the 6000-year theory once. Please help me with that theory in general.
      What biblical references create the beginning of that timeline? Where can one look in the bible to count the time? Daniel prophesied for a king of that time. What makes you think the prophecy applies to today? The Old Testament is about God's relationship with Israel. That relationship ended when Jesus came. Now we have to go through Jesus to get to the Father and the teachings of Jesus rule salvation, so again, what does Daniel have to do with the end of the age?
      On the short nature of the time left in your prediction, they Satanists are setting things up for the end, but in my opinion, not at the pace you describe. We are a few years out by the looks of it. For example, they are just now fomenting a world war by splitting the world into two supposed enemy factions, and they are moving toward digital currencies to steal more money, but my point is, what makes this timeline of yours happen? Did God set this out from the beginning? If so, why is He letting us suffer as we wait? If the end is that close, why isn't the world in the largest war in history? Thanks, and I admire your scholarship.

    • @Faithful_Watchman
      @Faithful_Watchman หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@hughwhitmore-author2031: Thank you for your kind words. You have many questions, so let's take them one at a time.
      Q 1: "What biblical references create the beginning of that timeline?
      A: Genesis 6:3, which says, "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." These 120 years are Jubilee Years, which are 50 years each. Thus 120 x 50 = 6, 000 years.
      Q 2: "Daniel prophesied for a king of that time. What makes you think the prophecy applies to today?"
      A: Without going into great depth, as it would take too long, scripture teaches three timelines: the time past, the last days, and the latter times (end times). On the latter timeline lies a 7-year period called the latter days (Daniel's 70th Week). In the Book of Daniel the angel Gabriel told Daniel what would take place in "the latter days" (Dan. 2:28 and Dan. 10:14), thus this how I know that this prophecy is for a time (the latter days) that is set to begin in the fall of this year.
      Q 3: "The Old Testament is about God's relationship with Israel. That relationship ended when Jesus came. Now we have to go through Jesus to get to the Father and the teachings of Jesus rule salvation, so again, what does Daniel have to do with the end of the age?"
      A: Actually God didn't end His relationship with Israel, rather the other way around. He gave His only begotten Son so to bring them (and us) into relationship with God, as before (OT) it was based on works, which couldn't purge the conscience, which is the purpose of His Cross...to purge the conscience.
      Q 4: "What does Daniel have to do with the end of the age?"
      A: By studying those three timelines mentioned above (the time past, the last day, and the latter times, including the latter days) it reveals why the end times began, which is revealed in the Book of Daniel. According to the angel Gabriel, he told Daniel the end times begin when the apostate church (those that believe another gospel) comes to the full, and deceives many, thinking to be something they're not by that gospel they have made it to be, which gospel most of Christendom have been persuaded to believe, thus why the end times began, which brings about the latter days (last 7 years), which brings us to the end of the age.
      Did I answer your questions or not? If not, then just reply and we'll try again.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Faithful_Watchman, thanks again. How do you arrive at the date when God said he would limit our time to 120 years?

  • @CodexExposition
    @CodexExposition 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hugh, you're on my heart at this moment now, Christian. You know my now re evaluated, non Christian stance. Same as it was, has been, since we last spoke. Who taught us what we believe the scriptures say? Same church that teaches very doctrine of antichrist? Merely running some things by you.
    Requesting you read Johns gospel chapter 10. You will see the motifs as you're a writer.
    Any/all who came before, who "climb" any other way, and do not enter in by the door to the sheepfold are thieves and robbers.
    I am the good shepherd who goes out before his flock and will give his life for it.
    . Hireling does not care for the flock as they are not his. Hireling will flee leaving the flock when he sees wolf from after off.
    How/what would one "climb" to get into sheepfold? A ladder. As in Jacobs. Motif one. Who is a thief and a robber who steals his brother's birth right? Motif two. Who is Labans hired Shepherd who tends to Labans flocks that are not his? Motif three.
    Jacob works for Laban many years. All Jacob gains was first Labans. Laban is a shrewd and unfair employer who can't keep his word yes. Still, all Jacobs possessions he gains by multiplying Labans.
    Laban accused him of taking off like a thief in the night. They do resolve their differences and agree to go different ways.
    When Jacob, the thief who stole his brothers birth right, and also worked as the hireling shepherd of Labans flocks, sees Esau his hairy animal like brother from afar off what does he do?
    Divides the flocks he has gained into two parties and sends them out before him. He then stays behind just in case Esau is still mad and wants to slay him thinking Esau will get to flock 1 before 2, and possibly 2 before him Jacob who is behind. Motif 4.
    Jesus "I am the door to the sheepfold. All must come through the door to get to my Father"
    Jacob about the ladder "surely this is the GATE to God."
    Jesus "I alone am the door. Enter in by me alone."
    Jesus came into Jerusalem casting out demons which were at many times where? "In their synagogues". Where the followed what law? Same people who went out to be baptized by John?
    Of John who testified of Jesus Jesus said "I receive not my testimony from any man. I have a greater testimony. My works testify of me."
    Jesus, who is accounted for in many non biblical/historical accounts, came into Jerusalem which was under Roman occupation. He there withstood it, rebuking it's entire synagogue system, and it's leaders. those demon possessed in that system he healed as well. He then pronounced judgement on it saying not one stone would be left upon its head temple base of operations, and just as he said it came to pass that it's head temple was destroyed as he prophesied.
    This Jesus, if he came to destroy the devil's works, then why at that time, and in the place did he come?
    If he did destroy the devil's works and the synagogue system was destroyed after he died, yet then his followers began to do the same thing in Romes pagan temple system, and his followers could not be stopped no matter what the Romans tried then what would be the only thing, and make efficient things Rome could do?
    You can't beat em join em. How? A narrative.
    About who? The man who's teachings caused it all.
    Key knowing to see in history what Rome did. The Roman welfare system. Rome establishes it in 90s AD. It runs until 270s AD.
    Why did they create it? "Do not forget the poor". These followers, true ones, are taking care of the poor as we read in Acts. We know Rome has the same class system we have. All are have nots who must work whether they can work or can not. All who must wake and say in day out work so they may eat, live, survive in a class system must rise daily and give the best years of their lives.
    Therefore those that have houses, jobs, a little money ect. Still are have nots. So when material possessions are dangled in front of them when they bite the rat race then begins. Hence they strive to attain materials. And then wealth can be generated. And the wealth always flows up. The wealthiest who the mass work for and are always under are taxed the most by the ruling class. So the ruling class can sit back like fat cats as it's millions and millions working under them.
    Yet it those in the rat race begins to take care of the poor what happens? The rat wheel slows down. "Forget not the poor." If they take care of the poor the ruling class loses the wealth being generated. How might you try and stop this. "free handouts" welfare. You'll never guess what cities the Roman welfare system thrived in?
    Antioch where Paul's ministry launched. Ephesus where for a time his ministry had hold. Why?
    The poor there were not being taken care of is the only reason.
    Double header. The latter half you'll at least like to know.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Hi Christian. I hope you are well and serving Father by the teaching He sent with the son. I was able to follow you correspondence through the beginning of John 10, but lost connection to it afterward. In the beginning of John 10 Jesus is speaking of the Jews, the majority of whom had turned to Satan rather than to God the Father.

    • @CodexExposition
      @CodexExposition 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes, that the Father sent the Son into the world for the world, as this is all I can believe for that's what testifies as truth inward. The Father though, as you know, is absolutely, positively, the very embodiment of holiness forever. He's not an expression of holiness for holiness he is. He's so holy even the light he dwells within none can approach. The light that is! He is as well Spirit being and not physical at all, and can only be worshipped in Spirit and in truth. For the Spirit is the true form of both the Father first and then all born in flesh who are, were first born of the Spirit as Spirit beings. That's who you truly are. A being jacked into a body through a central nervous system. We live in a three dimensional world. Virtual reality is three dimensions. And Pain and pleasure both first register in the mind which is physical.
      So this tells us we do not live in reality. We live in A reality.
      So where we are we can not truly be from as our physical bodies if we choose to can jack themselves into a virtual reality
      headset where we then could act out a physical experience just the same as this one is a world of exact dimensions.
      Because we live in A reality, we must understand that our reality is but a fragmented piece of a greater whole. In our fragmented reality where we are fragmented as well we can think the Father dwells in light so bright even if can not be approached, while at the same time thinking the Father who is Spirit did physical manifest on Sinia in great darkness and smoke. It's easy to think that. We can think he is holy in absolutes, yet kills innocent children in mass abundant for the sins of their parents. Because that's easy to think.
      We can know that the Spirit testified inward to us that it is holy and can do no wrong ever, while knowing it's wrong to murder anyone, yet then turn around and say God smites for God who is so much greater than man can no evil, therefore it's not evil when he kills. This my friend, is the oldest trick in the book.
      This is the true evil for this is what keeps all the chaos going. The belief that the Father is a destroyer of men. Men are destroyers of men. And men use religion to destroy each other.
      This is what Jesus came to show us. That the religious traditions of men are the very works of the devil he came to destroy.
      This is why Jesus spoke is parables. He tells us exactly who the devil is Hugh all throughout his teachings.
      Satan can not Cast out Satan. Meaning he will and would never,, ever, ever do God's will. And Jesus says the same of himself and his Father for they are accusing him of using demons to do God's will.
      So this principle means the death angel which is the destroying angel the went to Egypt would not have obeyed the Father has the Father sent it. And the Father could not do that anyway as he can not divide himself against his own kingdom which is holy.
      Look at the plagues. Frogs as the foul spirit of the false prophet. Flies of the power of Beelzebub. Locusts as Abaddon who is their king. Boils which Satan afflicts Job with. Hail the same that causes men to blaspheme God in Revelation. Blood symbolic of Satanism and pacts w/ devils. Darkness and Death.
      Moses turning his staff into a serpent that consumes serpents. Wizardry. Who is Moses Father in law? High priest.
      What was Joseph in Egypt? Married into high priest family of Potiphera.
      Israel sold out. Their God is not the Father. That's the big deception. Their God is an angel that appears in a burning bush.
      Does Marry named him Emmanuel and does he save his people from their sins? No, they murder him as he said Jerusalem Jerusalem how I wanted to gather you as a mother hin gathers her children but you would not come.
      Hugh, the Bible is the Script they wrote about him. Their script. Yes it's powerful. It's both good and evil though. We are the first living generation now, that can, does, will know this.
      W/ all due respect you probably saw me at my very worst for a reason. Maybe it's to convey this truth to you so you might see that you have been responding just as I was, yet just in you're own way.
      If I didn't love you, I wouldn't do the hard thing. Search you heart. The Spirit of truth there alone will bare witness.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CodexExposition, Christian, my friend. I've encountered you in good times and bad times, and I mean for both of us. Your knowledge of the bible is extensive. You are human AI. This time you managed to not say the exact words I disagree with, but you made them clear within your message. My position is clear and your position is clear. I am not going to change and you are not going to change. I respect you and I hope you respect me. At this point you check in occasionally to troll me, and I'd like that to stop. You are fully aware of the position of this TH-cam channel, and by extension, those who follow it. We don't need any advice or direction outside of the knowledge we believe in and act upon. I also notice you moving through your sales paradigm with one other public media location that shares a lot in common with mine. That is your business and their business, but we'll be doing no more business here. I wish you luck and I will make one suggestion in good faith. If you want to influence people, get your own media site and stop worming into the work of others. It's un-Jesus-like.

    • @CodexExposition
      @CodexExposition 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I don't troll you sir. A troll attacks people. It may seem like that, but it's the truth I'm trying to relay to you. Now I admit it is odd that your logical senses can't be reasoned w/. Though I get that as well as we're ALL indoctrinated. You need to know that in my mind I genuinely trying to reach out to you. I have no other intent than that. You believe Jesus words. You as well know he taught in parables. I won't mention it again out of respect for you since you asked. Since you asked I stop may I ask that you sincerely in your own personal time legitimately, humbly ask the Father to show you by the Spirit if this is true or not? Because in truth that's the only thing that can reveal this truth. It's not like I'm some folly minded 14 year old girl who's easily carried away by nonsense. Rather I have one of the most critically thinking, discerning minds you've ever engaged w/ as do you to I. You'll one day soon I do believe come back and say, "thank you for what you tried to do..."
      And then I'll say stop apologizing, there's no need to thank me. What the Father showed me was his hard my heart has become toward my fellow people's.
      "The smiting of them being righteous."
      Completely robbed me if being able to see my own humanity. They were just as we. Nonetheless you have my word. You're in big trouble now though because this mean I just have to pray for via speech pattern which vibrates the very frequencies. "Ultimate truth huh? Any Hugh, get it? Ha ha. Ok bye. No mas I promise.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CodexExposition , I agree with what you said about your discerning mind, and I've enjoyed that and benefitted from it. You are forgetting the forbearance I've shown you for a few years, first when you were not being civil with me while you had some trouble in your life, but then you made it right so I appreciate that and I respect you for it, and second you are forgetting that I've considered your change of heart for several months and dialogued with you several times. I meant the trolling comment. You are here to try to change my mind and the minds of my audience, and we don't want that. So quit trying. I've been put in a similar position with several of my Muslim viewers, which whom I enjoy discourse, but I refuse to argue between the two religions when they move on to pressing me to join their faith, so I have to drop the relationship. I respect their views, and the common origins in the bible we share, but we part company with how Jesus is defined. I'm not going to change their minds and they are not going to change my mind, so it's best to part amicably.
      I also meant the comment on starting your own media channel. Give it a try if you believe strongly in your message. Finally, I'm not going to show any spite or take my option to ban you from my channel. I would like to hear from you if something adverse happens that you need to share.

  • @FlyingBuzzard
    @FlyingBuzzard หลายเดือนก่อน

    "Catching away" ( Rapture ) occurs every moment of everyday . When a child of God leaves this Life they enter the next with the Lord, IF they are Born Again as instructed in Gods Word .
    "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." ( 2 Cor.5 )
    The Lord comes for everyone, as He alone holds the keys to death, hell ( Rev 1 ). The issue is IF they were NOT born again they end up in hell ( also as the Bible [ Gods Word ] describes ) they will be , far from His presence . ( example the rich man lifted up his eyes being in hell ) [ Luke 16 ]
    Everyone has an appointed time and that appointment is either by the grave or the "rapture" ( catching away ) BUT the actual event foretold in His Word you mention has NOT occurred yet. His Word is clear,
    HE who now lets ( restrains ) will Let ( restrain ) until HE be moved out of the way, THEN the son of perdition shall be revealed whom he will destroy with the brightness of his coming .( 2 Thess 2 )
    And NO God is not preparing you for the rapture, YOU are to have YOUR lamps trimmed and burning and full of OIL because the groom will come in an hour YOU think not....like a thief in the night,( 2 Peter 3 ) and the thief does not warn, notify or proclaim when he will come....God will not either, for ONLY God knows that moment, not the angels etc ( Matthew 24 )....SO if no one knows BUT God, NONE of us will know either until that moment comes....it is up to us to stay in HIM and Keep the light ( Gods Word ) burning and stay full of Oil ( the Holy Ghost/Spirit )

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I appreciate your reply and your scholarship, although Paul's input is not needed to understand the rapture. Also, if God was not preparing me for the rapture by my two energetic visitations, what were those events?

    • @FlyingBuzzard
      @FlyingBuzzard หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 I can not answer about visits because I do not know in whom Visited you as only you can say IF it happened at all, Many have claimed to have been visited by many things and we have various religions based on someones claim of being visited
      BUT again it is UP TO YOU to be prepared and stay IN the will of God and BE Prepared when that time comes
      He is not going to tell you or ANYONE when that day comes...His Word is TRUTH and it plainly states this FACT , "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
      So if the angels and no man knows why did He single you out to say I am coming so and so ? IF it does NOT line up with Gods Word ( whom He is btw ) it simply is NOT God at all for HE and His Word are ONE and HE is NOT a respecter of persons, He would not do for you and not for all His other children, it is just that simple.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@FlyingBuzzard I agree with most of what you are saying, and prior to my visitations I would never have believed such a thing could have happened to anyone. Especially all of those who say they went to heaven and saw Jesus or went to hell and saw the devil, and then came back, which can't happen by the rules of God's creation. In my two visitations, what reached me was pure spiritual energy, not a presence of the Father, the son or an angel, or any verbal input.
      The visitations occurred just after I spent eight days in a row of fasting and praying each day. I didn't stop eating for eight days, I just fasted overnight and into the next day for eight days in a row. In Acts 2:17 Peter quoted the prophet Joel by saying, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams."
      In the end times, the holy spirit will come to us by our works, obedience, faith, purity and diligence. I continue to receive much smaller bursts of energy when I fast and pray every Sabbath, but nothing like the first two episodes. I also tried a third session of the eight-day fasting and praying regimen, but I did not receive a large burst of energy. I have been serving the Father for over eight years now and I hope He is alerting me, and also alerting others, to His care and concern for my efforts. I hope the Father reaches out to you in the same manner, or in any manner He chooses, to reward you for your obedience. Just the words and wisdom you share in this forum glorifies the Father and brings us closer to the return of the son.

    • @FlyingBuzzard
      @FlyingBuzzard 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 Just by your description I suggest you Try the spirits as Scripture states.
      First He does NOT come to us by our "works" for there is ONLY one "WORK" He requires of us and it is recorded in His Word as Jesus Himself gave that description and demand , "What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent"
      IT IS that simple....BELIEF in HIM and as Abraham "believed God" and it was accounted to him as righteousness.
      There is NO OTHER WORK we can do or must do . For from "Belief" comes everything else
      As far as going to heaven or hell. God knows what it takes for some to BELIEVE. Some have to go through hard things and have to face horrible things to wake up and for some it can be just one word .
      And God can do anything and has because he loves us. BUT take not we all REAP what WE sow, and many decisions in life bring us to places many can not grasp, so we have to pay attention to what one states...because it is simple IF it is Gods WORD, it is GOD and if it is NOT Gods Word, it is NOT GOD .

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@FlyingBuzzard Jesus said a lot of things, and fifty four times he said we earn our salvation by works. Faith is one of those works. Those of you who choose the false apostle, false prophet, liar, and serial killer, Saul of Tarsus, choose this miscreant over the son of God. Good luck with that choice.

  • @DEO777
    @DEO777 หลายเดือนก่อน

    At 4:06 you say Revelation 3:3, but it's Revelation 3:10.
    Read Matthew 24:29-30 and focus on these 3 phrases...
    AFTER the tribulation
    THEN shall appear the Son of man in heaven and
    GATHER together his elect.
    Take notice that it says AFTER the tribulation, not BEFORE or DURING the tribulation. So the elect are going to have to endure the tribulation, then Son of man appears, then the elect are gathered together. There is no indication that the elect will be taken up off the earth. Instead, the elect will be GATHERED TOGETHER.
    The elect inherit the earth, not taken up off the earth.
    The wicked are the ones taken off the earth, just like the days of Noah.
    [Pro 10:30 KJV] 30 The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
    These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

    • @DEO777
      @DEO777 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also read Luke 12:45
      There will be two types of people. Those who follow Jesus and understand that he said that he comes AFTER the tribulation.
      Others will say “MY LORD DELAYETH HIS COMING”.
      What does the master do to those who say that?
      he "will cut him in pieces and put him with the unfaithful."
      The people who say "MY LORD DELAYETH HIS COMING" are the ones who expected Jesus to save them before the tribulation, but Jesus never said he was going to save anyone from a tribulation. So you better prepare to endure the tribulation because the rapture is a hoax designed to keep you weak.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@DEO777, First, thanks for correcting me for quoting Revelation 3:10 and calling it 3:3. The rapture is not a hoax. By God's glory we will transition from the physical to the spiritual if we are on the earth during the end of the tribulation. I agree that believers will suffer the tribulation. We are suffering it right now and it's going to get worse, but then we will be taken up. We will be removed from the existing, physical earth because God will destroy it and replace it with the earth. Revelation 21:1: "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea."
      Paul's false version of the rapture is the hoax that is designed to make believers weak. Jesus did say he would save believers. He said it several times. You just want to deny the rapture so you overlook the evidence. Once you separate out Paul's lies and focus on Jesus and the supporting scriptures, the rapture is clear.

    • @DEO777
      @DEO777 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 Ok, I'll review and see if I conflated Saul's false version with what Jesus said.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DEO777 Good luck on your journey. Each time you seek the truth of the bible you glorify the Father.

  • @GrafHermannJoachimvonund-ht9ik
    @GrafHermannJoachimvonund-ht9ik หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So sad that you dont believe in the Bible.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This is a teaching ministry. If you want to make a point, use examples from the bible or move on.

    • @user-ud9og6qm9h
      @user-ud9og6qm9h หลายเดือนก่อน

      What are you referring to just asking??

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@user-ud9og6qm9h, The comment was on my presentation called "Has the rapture already happened." My general rule here is that anyone may comment as long as they are polite, and they can agree or disagree, but if they disagree, they must add to the dialogue by citing the bible as a reference for their position. Many people come here just to waste my time and bait me with rude comments, which does no good for God's kingdom. Thanks.

    • @user-ud9og6qm9h
      @user-ud9og6qm9h หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 you bet!keep faithful! Good work!!!

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@user-ud9og6qm9h Thank you for your kindness. Keep serving the Father by the teachings He sent with the son and soon we will all be together in the renewed spiritual kingdom.

  • @Marinatha123
    @Marinatha123 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lost me here .. Rapture and millennial reign already happened. We are in devils short season now.

    • @WhitmoreProperties-en7dj
      @WhitmoreProperties-en7dj หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I respect your opinion, but whenever someone suggests we are in the short season, I go back and read Revelation, and when I do, I see that far too much tribulation is still due to the earth that has not happened yet, and Babylon certainly has not fallen. The power of Babylon is raging on the earth. When we get to the world war the Satanists are cooking up right now, if the church stays strong, then Babylon will fall. Several times in history we have reached deeply into the end times and each time the Satanist have created huge wars to glorify Satan, retake the earth, and extend Satan's grip. These wars include the American Revolution, the Civil War, WWI and WWII, the string of endless wars since WWII, and now the earth is splitting into two as we lead up to Gog and Magog in chapter 20, so we're almost to the binding of Satan, in my opinion. Also, I don't believe that the thousand year reign necessarily has to be one thousand years. It can be any period needed by God depending on the power of His church. If you would like to make your point, please educate me if you see an error. Thank you.

    • @joshuag7207
      @joshuag7207 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I respect your knowledge, but not enough tribulation has happened yet to enter the millennial reign. The evil spiritual method of Babylon still runs the earth. When Babylon is fallen, we will proceed to the binding of the devil. If the church stays strong through this world war the Satanists are cooking up now, then Babylon will fall and we will proceed to the end. Also, I don't believe the thousand year reign necessarily has to last exactly one thousand years. It wlll last as long as God needs it to depending on the continuing strength of His church.