A word of advice never buy company products theyll cost you extra cash go for copy or some non branded product because they're same in performance and low in cost it's my personal experience
Stupid comment time. I see in all videos I watch with air compressors that you all continue to operate the air tools when the tank starts to refill again. In my manual it says it shouldn’t be used while tank is refilling due to a 75% duty cycle. Can someone tell me what the go is there?
very satisfying your video is better than those 4k 10 mins that talks alot and show nothing ..keep up
Thank youu really appreciate youre positive comment :)
Just bought one, same exact model. Will test this tomorrow on a brad nailer.
Awsome hope you'll love it :)
Hiw is this..?
Sir Is It aluminium or copper?
Que tal te a salido el compresor, saludos?
How much is the retail price?
Very good and useful video.
Thank you
Bro is it good for spray painting?
Nah, I don't think it'll work for spray painting.
What oil to use
if don't read menu or study ($) ,this video work for us.
ऑइल कितना डालता है
Heat to nhi hota sir
im not selling just making video hoping i can help for a closer look before people buying the product
Need soft copy manual/ catalog
What is the compressor's volume flow/air displacement capacity? Can't seem to find any info on this.
50 ltr kithna rate
Lt 24 keeyada ikmanata ewanna piluwannanam
Amount koto
Boss mosta performance ng compressor? Balak ko kasi bomili ng ganyan
sir, nakabili ako ng ganito.. 2 months pa lang gamit ko iba na tunog, maingay na.. di tulad nung unang buwan.. ano kaya deprensya nito?
na check nyo po level ng langis?
Price sir
Comprises lena he
A word of advice never buy company products theyll cost you extra cash go for copy or some non branded product because they're same in performance and low in cost it's my personal experience
You post this at many video's. And no, there is a huge d9fference in quality, durability, service
Prise bathain
Stupid comment time. I see in all videos I watch with air compressors that you all continue to operate the air tools when the tank starts to refill again. In my manual it says it shouldn’t be used while tank is refilling due to a 75% duty cycle. Can someone tell me what the go is there?
from where to i purchase it...urgently