Great video as always man, I tried all pass support lvls and here is what I think for each, PA3 is good for beginners only because you can't assist a pass at all, it is fully assisted which might end up with a pass to a wrong player especially if you're playing on possession game... so it's only good for beginners... PA2 is good for "must win" matches only, because no wrong passes are made and the passes are done perfectly by your little assistance which is much easier than PA1 and I prefer it in "must win" matches because it helps you out to focus more in the match... PA1 is good for normal matches to enjoy the game as it is like when you play ML or against a friend offline/online etc... Manual is only good for enjoying a full manual game in exhibition mode to feel the joy of it...
I agree. I think Master League on full manual would be exhausting.. when I play on full manual im loosing momentum every time i want to pass cos I know I have to aim it perfectly to make a pass. And at the end of the match Im tired myself...😂 The only good thing about manual pass is that, if you master it, you can easily make normal passes into slight through balls. So your momentum would be greater and your playing style would be much more unpredictable. But I never had patience to master it...🤣
One thing I also noticed is that good players doesnt feel good. I tried to use Messi and Salah a lot but they just don`t feel they are one of the best players, they could take the ball from them easily. The same thing with bad players. Tried Flamengo and I didnt notice much difference between playing them and playing a top club. They need to get that sorted for pes 2020
To really see the effect of pass assist, you need to see the corresponding inputs. I find any assists terribly boring. You can basically just tap buttons and push in random directions to put together a decent move. It's rather like FIFA - more of an interactive movie than a good footie game. Manual is where it's at.
It's possible on manual too, you just have to concentrate and be very careful with every pass and first touch. Just a much better game experience than tapping away on buttons with impunity. It also allows you to pass slightly ahead of the receiver so you don't stifle a quick, short passing counter attacks.
Pes 2019 is a ping pong to win game not like 2018...because the ball control is too slow if you control the ball the defender even if he is far from you can get close to you and get the ball before the need to directly pass before ball control...if you control or dribble and pass it will be a real delay between you tapping the pass and the pass going from your feet...thats pes 19 problem...
Seriously, it's utterly pointless, they just pass in circles, 3 star teams playing the game of their lives, every game. The AI was BETTER in 18', man. And dude, the manual passing is also way off, they tampered with the manual passing and now it doesn't work properly. The wrong player reacts to the right pass.
Lethargo226 yeah in manual the game thinks you're passing to another player that is not even close to you're pass, its annoying as hell making the game unplayable, 18 didn't do that. I dont know what they touched in the code that is ruining the thing. The more I play now the more my disappointment grows now.
Something that I hate seeing again is the change player problem. For example at 6:13 Biglia passes to Calabria but the ball almost passes through the feet of another AC Milan player. In this case he keeps the ball but so many times last year I would be screaming for the closest player to pick the ball up.
Though it's hard to get used to, as a mechanic advanced shooting is just brilliant. It's the only scheme that gives you control of where you want the shot to go.
Be prepared for an uphill struggle though :p. It takes a bit of getting used to! The advantage is that it is unambiguous. With normal shooting, does the power bar indicate shot power or height? It's kind of both. With advanced shooting you control placement and power independently. I just think it's the right solution to the problem, and feels great once it clicks.
Advanced shooting is easy mode. Too easy to place into a corner once you get used to it. :P To be honest, though, I find that basic is the hardest to score with. Manual after a few games is easy to work out and rocket shots into the top corner, too.
Yeap other people have said advanced is too easy. I never got that good at it to be honest! That's not to say they couldn't fix it. Make shooting stats have more effect. That's how I thought it worked, but there seems to be some doubt. Anyway, in principle I thin kit's the best, most logical and most fun shooting mechanic. I want to be able to decide direction, height and power independently. Cheers.
I want to play on Manual, but it seems to be impossible to pass to next Player, as in assisted, if you full load the bar and aim, the game will recognoize what you want to do. In manual the pass just gets super fast and the very next players always interfers and tries to stop it instead over the over next.
When you play on pass support 1 online and you have match making set to similar level does that mean you definitely won't be playing someone on level 3,?
Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that. The search algorithm does "sweeps", which if unsuccessful in matching same user settings will then progressively expand outwards in future sweeps by searching PA2/PA3. It's stupid and kills the online modes. Manual actually filters properly, but there's no manual/advanced shooting filter, so you can't guarantee a full manual game.
It's much better without. It's contextual, so you have to learn how to slow down, use close control, and trigger shielding. When things like that are linked to input commands, you end up with spammy unrealistic crap like FIFA online.
The question is: does it give me any kind of advantage if I learn to play on P1? Cuz I remember playing against P2 and P3 players and not feeling an advantage of learning to play on P1.
Thanks for the video. It was interesting. As for me I play only full manual because it’s really about my skills. Skills is everything in any doings. So why playing games should be an exception? The only way to know who is better in a match is to compete with full manual control. Guys who agree with me let’s incorporate to community.
Matthew Spiteri It doesn't matter, I played network 5 last night as I have good Internet but the game had horrible button lag, Konami are simply clueless and don't like customers
From my perspective there's no difference between PA1, PA2, and PA3. For the love of god I don't get why they're helping with strength on PA1. Just helping a little with direction should be enough. It feels too automated.
I play exclusively offline against another human and with PA1 I find the passing is ping pong and the game speed is too quick. With it off its so much more satisfying a have to play measured football which makes it look a lot more realistic. Good game. Nice to play it again after last owning pes 2010.
Why the passes in pes 2019 are delayed ? I mean i am used to FIFA's style in passing in which i hit the pass button and immediately my player passes the ball however in pes 2019 it takes a long time to pass the ball. Is there away to improve that or it will be patched once the game launches?
Mohamed Saad It won't be patched because it's deliberate - a difference in design philosophy. PES makes you think about context: is my player in a position to pass the ball, or is he way off balance, his legs still in the air or at odd angles? Is the ball too far from his foot? Etc. There are animations for players to sort themselves out, and you have to time passing with these, becoming aware of how to take good first touches and how to move into space, get balanced, before passing. Otherwise, it's just ping pong (FIFA).
Gameplay definitely different than 2018, the pace is slower. Superstar difficulty seems to be a little bit easier than 2018 i feel. Those says it plays exactly the same must be FIFA fan boys and possibly haven't even tried it out yet & come to trash PES or troll us for fun.
I here that lot, but its not true. It still matters even with manual passing. Specially on attacking at final third where you are usually pressured from opponent and player passing stats comes for true showing.
Manual passing in videogames is harder than real football, real football is first person view, it's like playing first person shooter games with third person view.
Actually manual passing its much easier on videogames, because you can see lot more of pitch from normal camera views. Also its easier because its videogame, not real life football. If you are using third person camera (like Player camera on PES), sure its much harder to see around you than it is on real life with first person view and that makes passing much harder.
Please do Master League with West Ham. PA1 would be good but try doing manual with 15 minute matches. With Man Utd you will just win everything and everyone. West Hamd signed some very good players it will be very interesting.
the gameplay looks great when you play it i would like the broadcast feeling to be improved in the game, like no screen freezing when making substitutions, no blackouts either, just make it all as smooth as in a real tv also the goalkeepers are still not too realistic, i would prefer if subasic parried the calhanoglu's freekick away at 10:03 instead of catching the ball, it's so unrealistic, no goalkeeper does that
I'm all for manual passing but there needs to be more pass error from the CPU. No matter the difficulty! It's just annoying any team can ping the ball around like Barca.
Hi guys! Did any of you notice the problem on the PC version of a demo, regarding lag on full screen? No matter do i put settings on high, medium or low. But if i go on settings and go window mode no problem what so ever Also, do you find I.A to week especially in an online is really easy to break the defensive line. Yeah, it could be regarding poor opponent but i won 5 out of five easy with 3 goals or more difference...Also, also i use pass support 1.
Just badly optimised again for pc I’m afraid. Gsync if you have nvidia card fixes it but that then creates a load of delay. You would think they will sort for launch but even pes 18 I had to change a load of settings before I could get it to run smoothly even on a high spec pc.
its fun playing manual but unfair to play against COM or a Player that play assisted Noticing that the ball always go space and this make it unexpected which is needed for a football game.
They should just have manual and PA1 (call it assisted) especially for online play can focus on getting PÀ1 realistic and spot on then. I just see no reason to have more assistance than that even if your a beginner. PES League needs to stop PA2 and PA3 if it wants to get taken more seriously.
And 'keepers are better on crosses in 2019. Thankfully, in Pro Ev 2018 too many corners/crosses were dropped into the goalkeeper's demesne and he doesn't claim the ball.
I been playing pes since the first game and this is not good, i play on manual everything and its just not good i dont think you can play this game you struggle on manual so you are a amateur imo
Manual PES 2017 - PES 2017 FULL MANUAL Desfrute do melhor que o game pode te proporcionar! Jogue Manual!!! Alterar Cursor - Semiassistido Nível de Auxilio de Passe - Não Tipo de Lançamento - Avançado Tipo de Chute - Manual Drible Automático - Não Carrinho Automático - Não Controles de Companheiros - Manual Velocidade do Jogo - (-1) Cursor Change - Semi-Assist Pass Support Level - OFF Through Ball Type - Advanced Shot Type - Manual Auto-Feint - OFF Auto Sliding - OFF Teammote Controls - Manual Game Speed - (-1)
This was the start of the downfall of Pes the year when they started messing around and adding PA1, 2 and 3. What should have been done to test it is to try the none obvious passes, see how much or often the game over rules you. To me it seems to predict what you will do, it sets up an obvious pass, you dont notice when it predicts right, when it becomes a mess is when it predicts wrong. PA1 especially last year was over powered, its a bit better this year but still more OP then before you could pick PA1. Which is why its so confusing to me when the passing and gameplay gets so much praise and how its classed as a sim when 99% of people play on PA1 or below. PA1 is higher assisted than Fifa on max assist. This to me seems part of the oipening up to a wider audience, dumbing down proccess. Cant talk sim and gameplay when they design it so its also arcade and assisted. Make 1 game or the other. Its doing things like this why still to this very day the PS2 version was considered the peak and still highly reguarded, and most years since have been a complete mess.
pa2 and 3 are overpowered more this can that be fun for me or other ppl who play manual or pa1,when every pass for them is precise its stupid.and i saw in demo 1v1 online that playing with low teams pa1 vs big teams pa2/3 its hard then ever guy who plays only low teams and manual or pa1 and why should i buy this if almost all players play pa3(cheat and noobing).i saw even on konami torunaments ppl play with pa3 THE FK,and they call themselfs pros hahahahahha.pes will be joke until they dont remove pass assisting,learn the game manual its how it should be played pffff
Real question how can u enjoy this arcade mess of a game. After 5 games u can see that its arcade and not simulation at all.every game is the same,every pass is the same scripted shit,there is no randomness
hussar "every pass is the same scripted shit"... You're commenting that on a video where he's comparing assistance levels (i.e., script effect) on passing. Manual is really not anything worth calling scripted. PA1 is still too assisted for my liking, but better than last year. And PA2/3 is a joke.
I think you need to look up the word 'scripted' and use it in a valid way. If you are talking about the AI, then obviously scripted - it's computer code. If they didn't script the passing the AI would never pass. I take it you actually mean that the passing isn't varied enough by the AI? In which case I've seen more variation in the passing styles in PES 2019 than in any previous version, but that's mostly been in the pre-demo videos. I've just played against Schalke and they have attacked me in lots of different ways. I've set up with a deep defence, so they don't try spamming me with chipped through balls. Basically, if you leave them an obvious way to goal, they will exploit it.
I played a few matches and a part from a little glitch/lag on pc, it's a really nice game of football this year!
Great video as always man, I tried all pass support lvls and here is what I think for each,
PA3 is good for beginners only because you can't assist a pass at all, it is fully assisted which might end up with a pass to a wrong player especially if you're playing on possession game... so it's only good for beginners...
PA2 is good for "must win" matches only, because no wrong passes are made and the passes are done perfectly by your little assistance which is much easier than PA1 and I prefer it in "must win" matches because it helps you out to focus more in the match...
PA1 is good for normal matches to enjoy the game as it is like when you play ML or against a friend offline/online etc...
Manual is only good for enjoying a full manual game in exhibition mode to feel the joy of it...
I agree. I think Master League on full manual would be exhausting.. when I play on full manual im loosing momentum every time i want to pass cos I know I have to aim it perfectly to make a pass. And at the end of the match Im tired myself...😂
The only good thing about manual pass is that, if you master it, you can easily make normal passes into slight through balls. So your momentum would be greater and your playing style would be much more unpredictable. But I never had patience to master it...🤣
I take it from this write up that you use PA2 in ranked matches then?
JanguvPES I'm going to use PA2...
One thing I also noticed is that good players doesnt feel good. I tried to use Messi and Salah a lot but they just don`t feel they are one of the best players, they could take the ball from them easily. The same thing with bad players. Tried Flamengo and I didnt notice much difference between playing them and playing a top club. They need to get that sorted for pes 2020
To really see the effect of pass assist, you need to see the corresponding inputs. I find any assists terribly boring. You can basically just tap buttons and push in random directions to put together a decent move. It's rather like FIFA - more of an interactive movie than a good footie game.
Manual is where it's at.
Pass assist 1 is fine. Just a reminder that in football lots of goals are scored by doing 20-30 passes consecutively.
It's possible on manual too, you just have to concentrate and be very careful with every pass and first touch. Just a much better game experience than tapping away on buttons with impunity. It also allows you to pass slightly ahead of the receiver so you don't stifle a quick, short passing counter attacks.
Manual is the only way to play!!
Chris Kendall unfortunately Manual shooting is not good at Evo. But passing is outstanding good
Try play Liverpool vs Liverpool on superstar without changing the gameplan, pass assisted will be useless, it's total epl style of football.
I hope Konami sets PA to 1 for Pes League. That would be actually good to watch rather than ping pong on PA 3.
Abhijeet Juneja do this PES championship league really allow players to play with pass support 2 and 3?
Totally agree
Pes 2019 is a ping pong to win game not like 2018...because the ball control is too slow if you control the ball the defender even if he is far from you can get close to you and get the ball before the need to directly pass before ball control...if you control or dribble and pass it will be a real delay between you tapping the pass and the pass going from your feet...thats pes 19 problem...
if you play master league on manual with long matches like 20 mins or at least 15 it might have chances and might be really fun
Yess is more fun playing all manual because tou have more control of the players and tge team.
Personally, i think Konami should remove pass assist 2 & 3 from online.
PA1 is the best i reckon, manual just puts you at a disadvantage against the CPU and if superstar is too easy there's always legend.
Kakarot manual all the way
Seriously, it's utterly pointless, they just pass in circles, 3 star teams playing the game of their lives, every game. The AI was BETTER in 18', man. And dude, the manual passing is also way off, they tampered with the manual passing and now it doesn't work properly. The wrong player reacts to the right pass.
Lethargo226 yeah in manual the game thinks you're passing to another player that is not even close to you're pass, its annoying as hell making the game unplayable, 18 didn't do that. I dont know what they touched in the code that is ruining the thing. The more I play now the more my disappointment grows now.
where can i find the things that i need to change so i can remove ghosting on the demo?
I’ll be playing on PA1, it’ll be interesting on a return to PES after many years of FIFA. .... but it feels great to be back playing PES!
How do you do little turns like the one with Kessie on 7:48 of the first match???
Hey True. Play your ml on Broadcast Angel. That is the most realistic way to Play it. And makes the most Fun i Think. And it is quite difficult too.
Something that I hate seeing again is the change player problem. For example at 6:13 Biglia passes to Calabria but the ball almost passes through the feet of another AC Milan player. In this case he keeps the ball but so many times last year I would be screaming for the closest player to pick the ball up.
Difficulty may be increased in the final game; better to wait before deciding between manual or PA 1 for the master league
They really need to change their menu style it looks too blank.
Inaam Muaz bland is the right word, but yeah I agree with you.
Could you please do a tutorial on how to get rid of the lag on PC for PES??! Please, would really appreciate that. Keep up the great work brother
Though it's hard to get used to, as a mechanic advanced shooting is just brilliant. It's the only scheme that gives you control of where you want the shot to go.
Be prepared for an uphill struggle though :p. It takes a bit of getting used to! The advantage is that it is unambiguous. With normal shooting, does the power bar indicate shot power or height? It's kind of both.
With advanced shooting you control placement and power independently. I just think it's the right solution to the problem, and feels great once it clicks.
Advanced shooting is easy mode. Too easy to place into a corner once you get used to it. :P
To be honest, though, I find that basic is the hardest to score with. Manual after a few games is easy to work out and rocket shots into the top corner, too.
Yeap other people have said advanced is too easy. I never got that good at it to be honest! That's not to say they couldn't fix it. Make shooting stats have more effect. That's how I thought it worked, but there seems to be some doubt. Anyway, in principle I thin kit's the best, most logical and most fun shooting mechanic. I want to be able to decide direction, height and power independently. Cheers.
I want to play on Manual, but it seems to be impossible to pass to next Player, as in assisted, if you full load the bar and aim, the game will recognoize what you want to do. In manual the pass just gets super fast and the very next players always interfers and tries to stop it instead over the over next.
does manual passing take away from player's individual abilities?
When you play on pass support 1 online and you have match making set to similar level does that mean you definitely won't be playing someone on level 3,?
Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that. The search algorithm does "sweeps", which if unsuccessful in matching same user settings will then progressively expand outwards in future sweeps by searching PA2/PA3. It's stupid and kills the online modes. Manual actually filters properly, but there's no manual/advanced shooting filter, so you can't guarantee a full manual game.
@@janguvpes7518 alright bud thanks for letting me know.
If u put similar level, you get the opponent wich uses the same level pass. I do this and it pairs me with other pass 1 users
@@123456787537 I hope that's true level 1 is a better gameplay
Stevo 89 is it 👍
Great video!
Can you do a video comparing "Basic Through Balls" vs "Advanced Through Balls"?
Where is the link you mentioned you'd put in the description for fixing ghosting?
what nvidia settings did u change to solve glitches with the shadows and ghosting?
Isit me or is their no shielding button? PIm playing false 9 and rarely see my cf shield to bring others in....
iDemeeetriiHD yes there is no shielding button which is disappointing and should be added.
It's much better without. It's contextual, so you have to learn how to slow down, use close control, and trigger shielding. When things like that are linked to input commands, you end up with spammy unrealistic crap like FIFA online.
how is every single one of your players except gk + cbs completely tired by minute 74? this is ridiculous
pinkman punk thats weird, i played as Barca and in 65 min players were only half tired.
That manual passing reminded me of PES 2011 days.
WAY better game play than fifa,Fifa looks the same as fifa 18 slow sluggish and clumsy excellent vid
The question is: does it give me any kind of advantage if I learn to play on P1? Cuz I remember playing against P2 and P3 players and not feeling an advantage of learning to play on P1.
Thanks for the video. It was interesting.
As for me I play only full manual because it’s really about my skills. Skills is everything in any doings. So why playing games should be an exception? The only way to know who is better in a match is to compete with full manual control.
Guys who agree with me let’s incorporate to community.
I'm with you on this full manual is the real deal.
whats the best 'network connection restriction' setting in order to reduce lag pls?
Matthew Spiteri It doesn't matter, I played network 5 last night as I have good Internet but the game had horrible button lag, Konami are simply clueless and don't like customers
mehh it sucks the only thing that pisses me off about PES really :/ thanks for the info anyway great vid
Can please someone explain me how to fix the problem i just want to try the game
From my perspective there's no difference between PA1, PA2, and PA3. For the love of god I don't get why they're helping with strength on PA1. Just helping a little with direction should be enough. It feels too automated.
I know it’s still the demo but didn’t Milan do a swap deal with Juve With Bonucci going to Juve and Higuian going to Ac Milan
You can definitely see that the Ai press you more when you have pass support 1 2 3 maybe do pass support on 1 and play on legendary?
Online is really better now , its more responsive , even when playing against an opponent with worst connection , btw tnx for the ghosting fix :)
SerbianKillJoy yes online seems good
do you play in game speed -1? seems so slow but i kinda like it
Whats the best gamespeed default or +1?
I play exclusively offline against another human and with PA1 I find the passing is ping pong and the game speed is too quick. With it off its so much more satisfying a have to play measured football which makes it look a lot more realistic. Good game.
Nice to play it again after last owning pes 2010.
Why the passes in pes 2019 are delayed ? I mean i am used to FIFA's style in passing in which i hit the pass button and immediately my player passes the ball however in pes 2019 it takes a long time to pass the ball. Is there away to improve that or it will be patched once the game launches?
Mohamed Saad It won't be patched because it's deliberate - a difference in design philosophy. PES makes you think about context: is my player in a position to pass the ball, or is he way off balance, his legs still in the air or at odd angles? Is the ball too far from his foot? Etc. There are animations for players to sort themselves out, and you have to time passing with these, becoming aware of how to take good first touches and how to move into space, get balanced, before passing. Otherwise, it's just ping pong (FIFA).
JanguvPES , cheers mate!!🍻
Great video, always wanted to know exactly what they meant.
I usually just play on Level 1, couldn't exactly say why until now.
What do you think of the gameplay after playing it for sometime? A lot of people say it's exactly the same as PES2018, but I disagree.
Gameplay definitely different than 2018, the pace is slower. Superstar difficulty seems to be a little bit easier than 2018 i feel. Those says it plays exactly the same must be FIFA fan boys and possibly haven't even tried it out yet & come to trash PES or troll us for fun.
You are absolutely right! I just wanted to know @TheTrueBrits opinion
Pes 2018 is much better, this is too slow, the AI in in this games is so bad..if the full games will be like this I'm not gonna buying it.
Playing manual dosent really make sense because the player passing stats dont really matter that much so p1 is the way to go I think
I here that lot, but its not true. It still matters even with manual passing. Specially on attacking at final third where you are usually pressured from opponent and player passing stats comes for true showing.
Manual passing in videogames is harder than real football, real football is first person view, it's like playing first person shooter games with third person view.
Actually manual passing its much easier on videogames, because you can see lot more of pitch from normal camera views. Also its easier because its videogame, not real life football. If you are using third person camera (like Player camera on PES), sure its much harder to see around you than it is on real life with first person view and that makes passing much harder.
BandW it's much easier in real life with first person view when we have full control of our bodies than controlling someone else bodies from above.
Please do Master League with West Ham. PA1 would be good but try doing manual with 15 minute matches. With Man Utd you will just win everything and everyone. West Hamd signed some very good players it will be very interesting.
the gameplay looks great when you play it
i would like the broadcast feeling to be improved in the game, like no screen freezing when making substitutions, no blackouts either, just make it all as smooth as in a real tv
also the goalkeepers are still not too realistic, i would prefer if subasic parried the calhanoglu's freekick away at 10:03 instead of catching the ball, it's so unrealistic, no goalkeeper does that
Just play on pass support 1 and press L2 when ever you want to do a manual pass of any sort
You seemed to play more with a footballing brain in the first half.. it looked good might have to give it a try
Can i get the option file for free ??
I have pes 2019 for ps4 and i have it full manual on superstar difficulty level + 40 minutes of full play.
AI defending s much more agressive (i.e. they rush out more ) when u brought the pass support up
I'm all for manual passing but there needs to be more pass error from the CPU. No matter the difficulty! It's just annoying any team can ping the ball around like Barca.
Hi guys! Did any of you notice the problem on the PC version of a demo, regarding lag on full screen? No matter do i put settings on high, medium or low. But if i go on settings and go window mode no problem what so ever Also, do you find I.A to week especially in an online is really easy to break the defensive line. Yeah, it could be regarding poor opponent but i won 5 out of five easy with 3 goals or more difference...Also, also i use pass support 1.
Just badly optimised again for pc I’m afraid. Gsync if you have nvidia card fixes it but that then creates a load of delay. You would think they will sort for launch but even pes 18 I had to change a load of settings before I could get it to run smoothly even on a high spec pc.
I didn't have this problem in PES 2018. And i use Ati graphics card. Well i hope they will fix it till game comes out...
Lemar at monaco?
Can’t wait to play this on the PS4, fifa this year is so bad
I prefer manual, because it gives me more freedom. But I make use of PA1
I need to get use to the grass texture in this PES...
C. M. Anderson why?
rohezie Huge difference than previous years, especially at night. Grass are too "stand out" than the players.
its fun playing manual but unfair to play against COM or a Player that play assisted
Noticing that the ball always go space and this make it unexpected which is needed for a football game.
Konami should have you do the commentary
They should just have manual and PA1 (call it assisted) especially for online play can focus on getting PÀ1 realistic and spot on then. I just see no reason to have more assistance than that even if your a beginner. PES League needs to stop PA2 and PA3 if it wants to get taken more seriously.
zero pass assist and assistet shooting for me, feels good
Konami should drop pass support 2 and 3 !
Let it be FM or support1 only !
next time try playing away to see how the AI play
And 'keepers are better on crosses in 2019. Thankfully, in Pro Ev 2018 too many corners/crosses were dropped into the goalkeeper's demesne and he doesn't claim the ball.
PES is supposed to be played on manual with -1 game speed.
Zamppa86 no!!!
lol no
Default speed already too slow for me, +2 speed is normal speed
Even on manual it seems a little bit assisted just way to easy
iam here because cjm
I been playing pes since the first game and this is not good, i play on manual everything and its just not good i dont think you can play this game you struggle on manual so you are a amateur imo
I personally like P1
Manual PES 2017 - PES 2017 FULL MANUAL
Desfrute do melhor que o game pode te proporcionar! Jogue Manual!!!
Alterar Cursor - Semiassistido
Nível de Auxilio de Passe - Não
Tipo de Lançamento - Avançado
Tipo de Chute - Manual
Drible Automático - Não
Carrinho Automático - Não
Controles de Companheiros - Manual
Velocidade do Jogo - (-1)
Cursor Change - Semi-Assist
Pass Support Level - OFF
Through Ball Type - Advanced
Shot Type - Manual
Auto-Feint - OFF
Auto Sliding - OFF
Teammote Controls - Manual
Game Speed - (-1)
This was the start of the downfall of Pes the year when they started messing around and adding PA1, 2 and 3. What should have been done to test it is to try the none obvious passes, see how much or often the game over rules you. To me it seems to predict what you will do, it sets up an obvious pass, you dont notice when it predicts right, when it becomes a mess is when it predicts wrong.
PA1 especially last year was over powered, its a bit better this year but still more OP then before you could pick PA1. Which is why its so confusing to me when the passing and gameplay gets so much praise and how its classed as a sim when 99% of people play on PA1 or below. PA1 is higher assisted than Fifa on max assist. This to me seems part of the oipening up to a wider audience, dumbing down proccess. Cant talk sim and gameplay when they design it so its also arcade and assisted. Make 1 game or the other. Its doing things like this why still to this very day the PS2 version was considered the peak and still highly reguarded, and most years since have been a complete mess.
I always defending pes but pes 2019 demo is really bad for me.
👍👍👍👍👍 keep this 💩 coming love the content
New tool out to unlock the game time - up to 255 minutes. Try it out mate, give it a bash!
name of the tool mate..
sider 5.0.0 by Juce
oh man i hope they wont repeatt they did with pes 2013 demo
pa2 and 3 are overpowered more this can that be fun for me or other ppl who play manual or pa1,when every pass for them is precise its stupid.and i saw in demo 1v1 online that playing with low teams pa1 vs big teams pa2/3 its hard then ever guy who plays only low teams and manual or pa1 and why should i buy this if almost all players play pa3(cheat and noobing).i saw even on konami torunaments ppl play with pa3 THE FK,and they call themselfs pros hahahahahha.pes will be joke until they dont remove pass assisting,learn the game manual its how it should be played pffff
Real question how can u enjoy this arcade mess of a game. After 5 games u can see that its arcade and not simulation at all.every game is the same,every pass is the same scripted shit,there is no randomness
hussar "every pass is the same scripted shit"... You're commenting that on a video where he's comparing assistance levels (i.e., script effect) on passing. Manual is really not anything worth calling scripted. PA1 is still too assisted for my liking, but better than last year. And PA2/3 is a joke.
I think you need to look up the word 'scripted' and use it in a valid way. If you are talking about the AI, then obviously scripted - it's computer code. If they didn't script the passing the AI would never pass. I take it you actually mean that the passing isn't varied enough by the AI? In which case I've seen more variation in the passing styles in PES 2019 than in any previous version, but that's mostly been in the pre-demo videos. I've just played against Schalke and they have attacked me in lots of different ways. I've set up with a deep defence, so they don't try spamming me with chipped through balls. Basically, if you leave them an obvious way to goal, they will exploit it.