Dit bly een van die beste films van gelofte van bloedrivier en uitstekend gedoen. As die boervolk net weer hulle Vertroue in die Almagtige kan kry ja,dit gaan `n prys kos en een daarvan is ware verontmoediging en waarlike oorgee aan die Almagtige God.Baie dankie ek het dit so waardeer en met beter insig daarby.💯
Hulle sal dit nie vir julle leer nie... Want dit word nie gesien as geskiedenis nie, maar "rassisme". Tog was dit NIE oor "ras" nie. Dit is, soos Europa se geskiedenis, meestal oor GROND / eiendom... En, soos jy gesien het in die video, oor VERRAAD. 'n Man wat sy woord gegee het & toe die kontrak/ooreenkoms verbreek het 😢 Versprei die waarheid so ver moontlik. Mag God jou seën ✝️
God Bless South Africa, As a Scottish and Afrikaans descendent in the 1800, I am a committed and proud to be a citizen of this country, my dependents were evicted from Loc Caron In Scotland by the British Empire and Settled in Kronstadt ; Alexander and Roderick iCampbell married and settled in this Country , May God give us grace and Remind us of his this “Great Event” and peace in Our Land, My Sincere Thanks for those who made this True Historical Production , may we Never forget the price that was paid for Faith in God. R / C Cape Town.
Dit wordt niet meer geleerd op scholen in Nederland, zeer indrukwekkende docu, en zeer dankbaar dat ik dit heb gezien, uiteindelijk komt de waarheid aan het licht. Groet uit Holland.
Honor to the Voortrekkers, perhaps the toughest and most self-reliant people in history. It finally took an imperial army of 600,00 making war on their women and children to stop them, since they could not be defeated militarily. Long live the old Free Orange State and the Transvaal, long live Pretorius, Kruger and De Witt. Respect!
Alle eer aan Onse Vader wat in die Hemel is! Hy is ons toevlug en bergvesting. By Hom is ons veilig en Hy sal Sy engele aangaande ons bevel gee om ons te bewaar op ál ons weë!
I have visited many historical sites in SA like Spion kop and Blood River and fascinated bh Boer history and I am of Indian Origin living in UK but my Granfather lived in Edenvale near Joburg around 1915and still have many cousins and friends all over SA beautiful country and I visit evry year I wish all the South Africans peace and prosperity
Although some ' politically-correct' persons may criticize this excellent video, I think that the bravery and determination of the Voortrekkers was unparalled, despite the odds against them in the form of a cruel and treacherous enemy.
Here Jesus ons kom sê dankie vandag 16/12/2020 dat U ons Volk op 16/12/1837 met n wonderwerk die Voortrekkers van die oormag gered het. Here vandag vra ons in ootmoed vergefenis vir onself en ons mede Volksgenote. Vergewe ons vir enige iets wat ons verkeerd gedink, gedoen of gesê het in Jesus Christus naam. Here ons is in 2020 weer op ons knieë en vra dat U Suid-Afrika sal red van die oormag wat tans oor ons Heers.
Ongelukkig is die Belofte nie deur baie onthou of onderhou nie. Ek voel dis❤ waarom SA vandag is waar hy is. Ons moét terugkeer na die Vader en ons Geloftes nakom.
. . . And in 1838 the guns were still loaded at the muzzle and with black powder. It took no less than 20...30 seconds to reload the gun for a single shot.
Baie DANKIE vir die video. Dit maak all betwyfeling stil. Mag GOD se Koninkryk kom! Mag ONS volk weer self standig, self voorsienend en weer GOD vreesend word!
When God makes a covenant with HIS people HE goes to battle for those who are HIS and on their behalf, you lose no good trying to fight the Omnipotant Holy God. Prayer gets the wheels of mercy turning.
It may be out of print now as it was written some years ago, but I recommend the Historical novel by James Michener, titled THE COVENANT. his description of Blood River and the struggles of the people's of South Africa is awe inspiring. It is a literary masterpiece and the struggles to dominate this huge land of South Africa is epic.
A salute to the Boers and the voertrekkers (I apologize in advance as I don't know afrikaner) A salute to South Africa. GOD DOES NOT FORGET! Salute from an admirer of the real history of this brave people, from Brazil!!
Appreciate. I am a descendant through my Mother Magdalena Albina van der Riet and other Afrikaans families Jacobs and Bruwer etc. However I am English through my father so I dont call myself Boer and not recognized as one but I am proud of my Afrikaans Boere ancestors family who were trekkers and sheep farmers etc. The real Boer trekkers were and are good people. Real Boere are hard working tough disciplined loving family people who do believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Bible. Alot more can be said about the real trek Boere not just Afrikaans speaking people. They found themselves in a tough time and situation without much help except standing together and supporting each other. Long live the Boere. I inherited my Boer Ancestors Dutch Bible it still has their finger marks on the pages.
@@rodneymanwaring9396 Thanks for your comment. Amazing! That`s why they were/are a comunity, in the real sense. About that Bible you`ve mentioned: what a heritage!! It can`t be measured in values, because this is pure virtue! God bless you all!
Onthou net dat ons stryd as gelowiges (of ons nou, bruin, wit of swart is) nie teen mekaar is nie, nie teen vlees en bloed nie en ons wapens is nie vleeslik nie. Ons stryd is teen bose geeste in die lug en ons veg hulle in gebed en ons oorwin die duiwel deur die bloed van die Lam en die boodskap waarvan ons getuig en ons het tot die dood toe ons lewe nie lief nie! *Love your enemies, pray for them!* says Jesus. #SwaardVanDieGees
@Stephan Gildenhuys Eers sê jy ek is reg, want so sê die Bybel, dan sê jy ek loop "Bybel onder die arm". Julle sê gewoonlik so wanneer julle nie hou van wat die Bybel sê nie. Ek verheug my as julle my beskuldig "Bybel onder die arm". Ek lief die woord van God en ek skaam my nie vir Jesus of Sy woord nie. Aangaande jou vrae oor verdedig...ek weet nie. Jy het seker die reg om jouself en jou grond te verdedig, maar ek sal nooit iemand kan doodmaak nie. Ek glo ons harte moet soos Jesus s'n wees wat vir Sy vyande gebid het terwyl hy gesterf het aan hulle hande. Dieselfde met Sy apostels, bv. Stefanus wat vir sy vyande gebid het terwyl hulle hom gestenig het tot die dood toe. Doen jy maar soos jy wil. Ek sal vertrou op die Here en vir my vyande bid. Ek het nie my lewe lief tot die dood toe nie. Ek kan nie wag om by Jesus te wees nie. Dit staan geskrywe (oeps hier's alweer _"Bybel onder die arm")_ 🙄 dat ons as gelowiges verlang om weg van die liggaam en tuis by die Here te wees. Die wêreld is so liefdeloos, selfs lou Christene ken nie van ander gelowiges liefhê nie. O ja, rassiste sal nie die hemel sien nie. God is 'n God van liefde en Hy verwag van ons om vir alle mense te bid, die leiers, almal in gesagsposisies sodat ons in vrede kan leef en ook omdat God begeer dat alle mense tot die kennis van die waarheid kom en gered word. (Oeps weer Bybel onder die arm.🙄)
@Stephan Gildenhuys Ek is nie onder die ou verbond wat uitroep om wraak nie. Ek is onder die nuwe verbond in die bloed van Here Jesus wat uitroep om genade en vergifnis. Jesus sê ons moet ons naaste liefhê en ook ons vyande. Jesus sê aan die eerste twee gebooie (om God en ons naaste lief te hê) hang die hele wet en die profete. *Bid vir jou vyande! Jesus sê jy moet hulle liefhê, Jesus sê jy moet jou vyande seën!* Sela.
Lourens Strydom that is the problem Lourens. Man has forgotten the covenants he's made with God. In Europe they have forgotten God. Fighting is not the answer. Repenting is
TheDutchGoldNoob. Ek is Afrikaans. Kom ons kyk of ek jou reg begrypen (verstaan). Jy beweer my taal het jou taal verkrag? Korrek? Jy dink ook dis supergrappig (vreeslik snaaks), korrek? laat my weet asb, want dan kan ek kommentaar lewer die oomblik wanneer ek seker is ek het jou vraag reg verstaan.
True heroes,every man,woman and child. May the covenant once more come to the fore and give the descendants of these Boer the strength and weapons to once again defeat the tyranny that is the South Afrikan leaders and tyrants of today. This New Zealander's prayer.
Dit heeft te maken met het feit dat onze overheid geen argwaan wil wekken voor wat de Britten tegen onze Afrikaner broeders hebben gedaan, omdat het VK in de EU zat. Nu worden de Boeren wel besproken. This has to do with the fact that the Dutch government didn't want to generate hate against Great Britain due to the fact they were in the EU. Now, we do get tought about the Boers.
You boers are as impressive and well... you have a story to tell. I give my praise to you. It wasn't like you took black lands. The Zulus arrived just before you and pretty much genocided the original inhabitants. Treaties and broken treaties, and then you had to fight the British as well. I am in awe. I am no believer, but perhaps it is time to make a new covenant.
@Henrik G, perhaps you should "give God a chance"...? Just pray this one prayer & see what "happens" : "God Almighty, I declare that I am a sinner and in need of salvation. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and came to die for MY sins on the cross & rose again after 3 days. Lord God, please forgive me for the sin I have committed & fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I pray this in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen."
Racist liar. No Zulu were native just like the Khoena and Xam. They came from the East. Long before any European set foot on table bay. The Zulus had a chance to end the reign of terror the Dutch outlaws wreaked upon South Africa. They too their military conservatism too far. If they had decided to adopt guns just like the Khoi-Khoi an San they would have wiped the Boers out.
God makes no new covenants! The only covenant we are in as followers of Jesus Christ is *the covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ* and we are from all tongues, tribes and nations. Christians are not racists. Just saying. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Obey Jesus' commands. Read the Bible and hear God speak to your heart. Let your mind be renewed by the washing with the word of God.🕊️
Ramapoesa has just rewrite history with his speech on reconciliation day calling the zulus freedom fighters and the voortrekkers ( invaders ) whilst he himself as a Venda only came down to the southern tip of Africa a 100 years after the settlers were here.
I think you are making it up that 'Ramapoesa' called voortrekkers 'invaders'. Fortunately today it is all over with. It was tragic all-round but we need to acknowledge the tragic losses and horrible violence that took place. We should now all be like the person below.. ie Proud to be South African.
@@moegrappiesaye4175 yes but the Zululand and Natal were a sovereign state and Voortrekkers disregarded that and wanted to form their own republic in the land Zulus were living on.
So Dingaan het sy eie broer vermoor. Die probleem in ons land is dat hier miljoende mense is wat geen barmhartigheid ken nie. Mense wat nie die woord jammer verstaan nie. Dingaan het geen jammerte vir sy broer of sy broer se gesin gevoel nie. Hy wou net sy broer se welvaart gesteel het.
Sy stief broer Selfde Pa gehad maar verskillende ma's Shaka het dit ook gedoewn sy Pa se troonopvolger vermoor en so die koningskap verkry Dingaan doen dieselfde Suid Afrika se leiers is dood bang die selfde gaan met hulle gebeur daarom die miljoene vir hulle beskerming
What really happened that day was told by one of the warriors grandson ,the Zulu has this law that no Zulu warrior must flee from a fight because he will be casted as a coward and the penalty is death, what the Boer settlers did not know is that when the Zulus had the full advantage that day when they saw an opening of the wagons when the Boer let out a reconnaissance out on a horse to see if there is any solution ,what happened the Zulus stopped in their tracks looking up at the mountain with sudden fear on their faces ,they ran back towards the river where the elder impeys was waiting and they were under the impression that the warriors were cowards and was mowed down with the elders spears ,which turned the river red like blood ,it would not have been possible for the Boers to keep up that fight against thousands of Zulu warriors, but what the Zulus saw that day was a garrison of white ghostly soldiers on the horses coming over the hill. But this lady is wrong it was Piet Retief and his son and a few men that was murdered by Dingaan,after he retrieved king Dingaans stolen cattle from another tribe ,but the x was drawn already on a document allowing land for the Boer . And that became possible when the Zulus murdered Dingaan because of his cruelty towards them ,the Zulus and Boers lived in harmony and became alias against the might of the British empire.
Baie dankie. Dit is ook hoe ek die wonderwerk onthou en soos die skool ons des-tyd geleer het. Dr. Leopold Scholtze in sy boek ""Beroemde Suid-Afrikaanse Krygers" (1988?) dui dit ook (ongeveer) so aan.
Zeer bijzonder. De woorden zijn nog beter te verstaan dan wat men vandaag de dag in sommige delen van Nederland spreekt. Het zijn maar kleine verschillen zoals ij is y en z is s, ch is k, v is w, de is als het duitse vrouwelijke lidwoord die en soms een toegevoegde ie als in dankie en een paar grammaticale vervoegingen die niet volledig lijken in Nederlands of taaltechnisch in taal. Zag laatst de Heuwel van Duiwe. Goeie film en prima te volgen. Dankie!
@hugo ter Lingen, baie dankie (vele dank) vir jou skrywe. Ons as Afrikaanssprekendes vandag kan skaars nog Nederlands lees, en nog veel minder verstaan as Nederlanders "vinnig" praat... Maar dit bly die mooiste taal... En ons poësie (gedigte) het heelparty kere 'n dieper "gevoel" as Engels, juis omdat ons 'n ryke herkoms het uit Nederlands ❤️🧡
Het as kind gereeld Voortrekkerhoogte besoek. Ek is trots op my nasie en hellaas....dorpe-name, strate kan maar verander word maar iets SAL NOOIT kan verander word nie en dit is die feit dat die son om 12 uur op die 16 de Desember elke Godgegewe jaar, Sy Sonstraal op ons gedenksteen laat val om ons volk te herinner dat HY ons nooit sal faal en alleen laat nie. Eendrag maak Mag.
@Marietjie Louw That is true. Shaka's army numbered around 14,000 men, and the effective fighting force of the Zulu kingdom was never more than about 40,000. The largest body of armed men the Zulus put into a single battle was around 25,000 (against the British at the Battle of Isandwana in 1879). But by Southern African standards their army was huge.
Ja, HERE wees ons genadig en ontferm U weer oor ons Blanke Boere Volk want soos dinge nou staan moet ons weer n gelofte doen en weer n Bloedrivier deur maak. Dis net U wat ons sal kan help. Kim
It was different then. The Zulus had assegais and leather shields, the trekkers had muskets. Now, the Zulus have AK-47s, RPGs and bombs. The days of pitched battles are over. Now it's more like house to house.
You are a idiot , it took 90 seconds to load one of those guns and after 10 to 12shots with that gun the barrel had to be cooled ,and you say ? Stop flapping your lips if you don't know what you are talking about , 100 Boers against 9 10 thousand Zulus , the guns wasn't the reason the Zulus lost , and for your information their are more legal fire arms in the white people's hands than in the police and military together , so where are your Zulus you talk about .
History of the Boers is a very sad one first escaping from the Religious persecution in Europe then chased out by the British then the Great Trek in 1838 which was very costly in men and trying to settle but always at war with warring tribes then the Boer wars and the British concentration camps where thousands died and then Apartheid where Big international businesses flourished particularly in Gold mines and other Minerals and used Afrikaners as Guardians of theses businesses in police and defenceforce from where they didn't benefit asmuch as foreign multinationals and now under Democratic South Africa marginalised and the community slowly loosing its way of life and traditions like many Nations before
Baie Dannie van n engelsman wat alhoewel ek is nie as a boer gebore nie maar in my gees en hart ,ek is n boer in kroonstad egboreen my families het n plaas in bethlehem best seder 1905by die naam Van aberfoyle.
Dingaan is not revered among the Zulus. This is because he assassinated his half-brother King Shaka (who was the founder of the nation). Shaka was "firm but fair" in his dealings with the whites. He wasn't treacherous like Dingaan was.
Beste weergawe ooit. Baie dankie.
Dit bly een van die beste films van gelofte van bloedrivier en uitstekend gedoen. As die boervolk net weer hulle Vertroue in die Almagtige kan kry ja,dit gaan `n prys kos en een daarvan is ware verontmoediging en waarlike oorgee aan die Almagtige God.Baie dankie ek het dit so waardeer en met beter insig daarby.💯
Egte geskiedenis. Mooi so gedoen, ek is 'n "soutie" maar my hart is en sal vir ewig met die Afrikaners wees. Die video het vir my hoendervleis gegee!
Dit leren ze ons niet op school hier! Bedankt voor het delen, en groet'n oet noord Nederland.
Hulle sal dit nie vir julle leer nie...
Want dit word nie gesien as geskiedenis nie, maar "rassisme".
Tog was dit NIE oor "ras" nie.
Dit is, soos Europa se geskiedenis, meestal oor GROND / eiendom...
En, soos jy gesien het in die video, oor VERRAAD. 'n Man wat sy woord gegee het & toe die kontrak/ooreenkoms verbreek het 😢
Versprei die waarheid so ver moontlik.
Mag God jou seën ✝️
God Bless South Africa, As a Scottish and Afrikaans descendent in the 1800, I am a committed and proud to be a citizen of this country, my dependents were evicted from Loc Caron In Scotland by the British Empire and Settled in Kronstadt ; Alexander and Roderick iCampbell married and settled in this Country , May God give us grace and Remind us of his this “Great Event” and peace in Our Land, My Sincere Thanks for those who made this True Historical Production , may we Never forget the price that was paid for Faith in God. R / C Cape Town.
Dit wordt niet meer geleerd op scholen in Nederland, zeer indrukwekkende docu, en zeer dankbaar dat ik dit heb gezien, uiteindelijk komt de waarheid aan het licht. Groet uit Holland.
Hi, ja, ek het vanaand my kind vertel hiervan en is BQ (bietjie) teleurgesteld... Goeie docu, mis die passie en waarheid 🫶 SA verewig!❤
My God, hoe lief het U ons nie gehad nie, en nogsteeds maak U bemoeienis met ons. Dankie Vader, alle eer kom U toe.
Thank you from Rhodesia for betraying us. And you gave away your country. What would the Voortrekkers think of you !
Honor to the Voortrekkers, perhaps the toughest and most self-reliant people in history. It finally took an imperial army of 600,00 making war on their women and children to stop them, since they could not be defeated militarily. Long live the old Free Orange State and the Transvaal, long live Pretorius, Kruger and De Witt. Respect!
Not 60 000 try over 750 000 from the beginning of the war to the end
So kosbaar om dit te sien....hoekom ons en ons kinders hier n Godsvolk kon word!!!❤❤❤
Alle eer aan Onse Vader wat in die Hemel is! Hy is ons toevlug en bergvesting. By Hom is ons veilig en Hy sal Sy engele aangaande ons bevel gee om ons te bewaar op ál ons weë!
180 jaar later en al wat mens hoor is hoe ons die land gesteel het.....So much for history....Dankie vir hierdie video.
Ja "ons het mos land gesteel" flippen stupid
@@witpit7285 kan nie wag tot here weer kom nie
Hulle lieg. Ons het geen stuk land kom steel nie.
I have visited many historical sites in SA like Spion kop and Blood River and fascinated bh Boer history and I am of Indian Origin living in UK but my Granfather lived in Edenvale near Joburg around 1915and still have many cousins and friends all over SA beautiful country and I visit evry year I wish all the South Africans peace and prosperity
Just a pity SA is a failed state after 2 decades
My mense my Afrikaner volk....so lief vir elke een wat hul lewens prys gegee het vir die land en vir hul mense.
Was vanoggend by die Gelofte Diens by Paardekraal Monument in Krugersdorp , Baie mense het bygewoon, ons sal NOOIT vergeet van die Gelofte nie!!!
God is truly great, He protects those who pray to Him and trust in Him
Soos byvoorbeeld Piet Retief en sy manne?
Although some ' politically-correct' persons may criticize this excellent video, I think that the bravery and determination of the Voortrekkers was unparalled, despite the odds against them in the form of a cruel and treacherous enemy.
Here Jesus ons kom sê dankie vandag 16/12/2020 dat U ons Volk op 16/12/1837 met n wonderwerk die Voortrekkers van die oormag gered het. Here vandag vra ons in ootmoed vergefenis vir onself en ons mede Volksgenote. Vergewe ons vir enige iets wat ons verkeerd gedink, gedoen of gesê het in Jesus Christus naam. Here ons is in 2020 weer op ons knieë en vra dat U Suid-Afrika sal red van die oormag wat tans oor ons Heers.
Wonderful Video !
And Praise God for Setting the Conditions for the battle & winning it for the righteous.
Kort en kragtig, tot die punt. Dankie.
Een groet en berig van steun aan ons susters en broeders die Boere. Baie liefde vanuit Vlaandere.
Stem die heel beste video baie dankie het dit waardeer
I have a South African history test on Friday this helped alot thanks:)
Ons moet nooit ons gelofte vergeet nie.
Ongelukkig is die Belofte nie deur baie onthou of onderhou nie. Ek voel dis❤ waarom SA vandag is waar hy is. Ons moét terugkeer na die Vader en ons Geloftes nakom.
I went to Pretoria as a child to the monument, how humbling it was, you can feel the atmosphere, such a brave people
. . . And in 1838 the guns were still loaded at the muzzle and with black powder. It took no less than 20...30 seconds to reload the gun for a single shot.
Baie DANKIE vir die video. Dit maak all betwyfeling stil. Mag GOD se Koninkryk kom!
Mag ONS volk weer self standig, self voorsienend en weer GOD vreesend word!
Mag dit so wees🙌
Amen dat ons volk terugkeer na God, bid vir vergifnis en n nuwe pad stap saam met Hom.
Bly een van die beste volks verhale en een van my gunstelinge stoories
Ons sal die gelofte nooit vergeet nie.
Geseende Geloftedag
Geseënde gelofte dag🙏🏼
Jissie hoe tjank ek nou. Dankie Liewe Vader vir U liefde en genade🙏🏻
When God makes a covenant with HIS people HE goes to battle for those who are HIS and on their behalf, you lose no good trying to fight the Omnipotant Holy God. Prayer gets the wheels of mercy turning.
Dankie Vir die goed uitgelegde dokumenter
It may be out of print now as it was written some years ago, but I recommend the Historical novel by James Michener, titled THE COVENANT. his description of Blood River and the struggles of the people's of South Africa is awe inspiring. It is a literary masterpiece and the struggles to dominate this huge land of South Africa is epic.
I learned more from James Michener's novel than I did from history as a subject in high school.
Thanks for this documentary, and the English subtitles
Proud to be a South African...
me too
@@burtvanschalkwyk6409 very much so
A salute to the Boers and the voertrekkers (I apologize in advance as I don't know afrikaner)
A salute to South Africa.
Salute from an admirer of the real history of this brave people, from Brazil!!
Appreciate. I am a descendant through my Mother Magdalena Albina van der Riet and other Afrikaans families Jacobs and Bruwer etc. However I am English through my father so I dont call myself Boer and not recognized as one but I am proud of my Afrikaans Boere ancestors family who were trekkers and sheep farmers etc. The real Boer trekkers were and are good people. Real Boere are hard working tough disciplined loving family people who do believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Bible. Alot more can be said about the real trek Boere not just Afrikaans speaking people. They found themselves in a tough time and situation without much help except standing together and supporting each other. Long live the Boere. I inherited my Boer Ancestors Dutch Bible it still has their finger marks on the pages.
@@rodneymanwaring9396 Thanks for your comment. Amazing!
That`s why they were/are a comunity, in the real sense.
About that Bible you`ve mentioned: what a heritage!! It can`t be measured in values, because this is pure virtue!
God bless you all!
@marcosambrosino glad to see your message thank you
God hoor ons harte, Hy sal ons weer kom verlos!
Van wat?
Onthou net dat ons stryd as gelowiges (of ons nou, bruin, wit of swart is) nie teen mekaar is nie, nie teen vlees en bloed nie en ons wapens is nie vleeslik nie. Ons stryd is teen bose geeste in die lug en ons veg hulle in gebed en ons oorwin die duiwel deur die bloed van die Lam en die boodskap waarvan ons getuig en ons het tot die dood toe ons lewe nie lief nie! *Love your enemies, pray for them!* says Jesus. #SwaardVanDieGees
@Stephan Gildenhuys Eers sê jy ek is reg, want so sê die Bybel, dan sê jy ek loop "Bybel onder die arm". Julle sê gewoonlik so wanneer julle nie hou van wat die Bybel sê nie. Ek verheug my as julle my beskuldig "Bybel onder die arm". Ek lief die woord van God en ek skaam my nie vir Jesus of Sy woord nie. Aangaande jou vrae oor verdedig...ek weet nie. Jy het seker die reg om jouself en jou grond te verdedig, maar ek sal nooit iemand kan doodmaak nie. Ek glo ons harte moet soos Jesus s'n wees wat vir Sy vyande gebid het terwyl hy gesterf het aan hulle hande. Dieselfde met Sy apostels, bv. Stefanus wat vir sy vyande gebid het terwyl hulle hom gestenig het tot die dood toe. Doen jy maar soos jy wil. Ek sal vertrou op die Here en vir my vyande bid. Ek het nie my lewe lief tot die dood toe nie. Ek kan nie wag om by Jesus te wees nie. Dit staan geskrywe (oeps hier's alweer _"Bybel onder die arm")_ 🙄 dat ons as gelowiges verlang om weg van die liggaam en tuis by die Here te wees. Die wêreld is so liefdeloos, selfs lou Christene ken nie van ander gelowiges liefhê nie. O ja, rassiste sal nie die hemel sien nie. God is 'n God van liefde en Hy verwag van ons om vir alle mense te bid, die leiers, almal in gesagsposisies sodat ons in vrede kan leef en ook omdat God begeer dat alle mense tot die kennis van die waarheid kom en gered word. (Oeps weer Bybel onder die arm.🙄)
Jammer mevrou, I would not hold my breath.
@Stephan Gildenhuys Ek is nie onder die ou verbond wat uitroep om wraak nie. Ek is onder die nuwe verbond in die bloed van Here Jesus wat uitroep om genade en vergifnis. Jesus sê ons moet ons naaste liefhê en ook ons vyande. Jesus sê aan die eerste twee gebooie (om God en ons naaste lief te hê) hang die hele wet en die profete. *Bid vir jou vyande! Jesus sê jy moet hulle liefhê, Jesus sê jy moet jou vyande seën!* Sela.
Prys die Here vir Sy goedheid. Hy sal ons weer bevry van die "godelose" as ons terug keer na Hom met ons hele harte.
Ek dink nie so nie. Jy droom mos. Ongelooflik is daar geen God nie.
Lourens Strydom that is the problem Lourens. Man has forgotten the covenants he's made with God. In Europe they have forgotten God. Fighting is not the answer. Repenting is
Afrikaans is gewoon verkracht Nederlands. supergrappig!!😂 (begrijpen jullie afrikaners dit?)
TheDutchGoldNoob. Ek is Afrikaans. Kom ons kyk of ek jou reg begrypen (verstaan). Jy beweer my taal het jou taal verkrag? Korrek? Jy dink ook dis supergrappig (vreeslik snaaks), korrek?
laat my weet asb, want dan kan ek kommentaar lewer die oomblik wanneer ek seker is ek het jou vraag reg verstaan.
Mense oorsee weet niks van ons geskiedenis of ons probleme van vandag nie.
Jammer om te sê ek kry seer ek voel verraai deur van my Afrikaners wat nie meer in die Gelofte glo nie Hoe kan God ons seën as ons Hom veraai
Enjoyed this - thanks! (Grateful for the English subtitles!)
Ons sal die gelofte nooit vergeet nie nooit nie
Net hartseer dat kinders van vandag die nie meer geleer word in skole nie... Voel trots om n boer te wees!
Ek dink ouers kan gerus hul kinders vertel en die video wys. Versprei die video onder ons mense
In my dorp Mosselbaai in Laerskool Park is ek in graad 7 en word die geleer in eksamen die help my vir my eind eksamen
@@babyspectacularw5688 Jy is baie gelukkig om dit nog te kan leer🙏
@@Stefaans007 ja ek is en ek is dankbaar daaroor
Our nation had such a tragic start, but guts was never in short supply
Baie dankie, ek waardeur dit opreg.
Waardeur? Leer asseblief spel.
Geweldige documentaire.
Great video well made and very informative Thank you
True heroes,every man,woman and child. May the covenant once more come to the fore and give the descendants of these Boer the strength and weapons to once again defeat the tyranny that is the South Afrikan leaders and tyrants of today. This New Zealander's prayer.
leuke video , mooi deze geschiedenis te zien, velen weten dit niet in holland
@Jef versprei dit so ver moontlik...
Why is non South Africans watching this lol
@@dianbarkhuizen3648 because this partially our History
Dit heeft te maken met het feit dat onze overheid geen argwaan wil wekken voor wat de Britten tegen onze Afrikaner broeders hebben gedaan, omdat het VK in de EU zat. Nu worden de Boeren wel besproken. This has to do with the fact that the Dutch government didn't want to generate hate against Great Britain due to the fact they were in the EU. Now, we do get tought about the Boers.
@@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 ohhhh yeah didnt know dutch ppl are intrested
Prys die God van Abraham, Isak en Jakob!!! 💪💪💪 🙏
Leuk om die Afrikaanse taal te horen.
lekker om die Nederlands ook te hoor ^^
al de boere daar worde nu uitgemoord
we hoore die mensen te helpen
tis wel ons volk
Vele dank, Charles.
@@TheRdamterror dankie dat jy probeer help
dit is wonderlik om hierdie dokumentêr te sien
Ons het diè plek vele male besoek. Daar naby gewoon, vir ongeveer 14 jaar....
ń Plek van wonderwerke... Prys YAH! HalleluYAH!!!
Keer terug na.Die HERE en Onse HEMELSE VADER sal ons weer help.
Our history be proud 💕💕 renew the Vow 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Never forget the Lord!!
You boers are as impressive and well... you have a story to tell. I give my praise to you. It wasn't like you took black lands. The Zulus arrived just before you and pretty much genocided the original inhabitants. Treaties and broken treaties, and then you had to fight the British as well. I am in awe. I am no believer, but perhaps it is time to make a new covenant.
@Henrik G, perhaps you should "give God a chance"...?
Just pray this one prayer & see what "happens" :
"God Almighty, I declare that I am a sinner and in need of salvation. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and came to die for MY sins on the cross & rose again after 3 days.
Lord God, please forgive me for the sin I have committed & fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
I pray this in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Racist liar. No Zulu were native just like the Khoena and Xam. They came from the East. Long before any European set foot on table bay. The Zulus had a chance to end the reign of terror the Dutch outlaws wreaked upon South Africa. They too their military conservatism too far. If they had decided to adopt guns just like the Khoi-Khoi an San they would have wiped the Boers out.
God makes no new covenants! The only covenant we are in as followers of Jesus Christ is *the covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ* and we are from all tongues, tribes and nations. Christians are not racists. Just saying. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Obey Jesus' commands. Read the Bible and hear God speak to your heart. Let your mind be renewed by the washing with the word of God.🕊️
@Lara Gravenor Who cares you whites are still doing what was in apartheid today! In a country that you do not own!
Ramapoesa has just rewrite history with his speech on reconciliation day calling the zulus freedom fighters and the voortrekkers ( invaders ) whilst he himself as a Venda only came down to the southern tip of Africa a 100 years after the settlers were here.
I think you are making it up that 'Ramapoesa' called voortrekkers 'invaders'. Fortunately today it is all over with. It was tragic all-round but we need to acknowledge the tragic losses and horrible violence that took place. We should now all be like the person below.. ie Proud to be South African.
Zulus were freedom fighters fighting for their own land
@@KingOfAfrica90 no land belong to any human it only belongs to GOD HEAVENLY FATHER
@@moegrappiesaye4175 yes but the Zululand and Natal were a sovereign state and Voortrekkers disregarded that and wanted to form their own republic in the land Zulus were living on.
"with" They cant escape The wrath fof HEAVENLY FATHER HE also knows about every farm murder
Net weer n bewys dat ons God groot en getrou is. Laat ons Hom eer en aanbid en Hy sal sorg en voorsien ❤
So Dingaan het sy eie broer vermoor. Die probleem in ons land is dat hier miljoende mense is wat geen barmhartigheid ken nie. Mense wat nie die woord jammer verstaan nie. Dingaan het geen jammerte vir sy broer of sy broer se gesin gevoel nie. Hy wou net sy broer se welvaart gesteel het.
Sy stief broer Selfde Pa gehad maar verskillende ma's Shaka het dit ook gedoewn sy Pa se troonopvolger vermoor en so die koningskap verkry Dingaan doen dieselfde Suid Afrika se leiers is dood bang die selfde gaan met hulle gebeur daarom die miljoene vir hulle beskerming
Half broet
@@cronjevandermerwe8864 Hoekom half broer?
@@Deontjie dis marnet how ek die storie gehoor het. En oorvertel dit maak seker nie saak nie. Shaka se pa het meer as een frou gehaad
Keep it up boertjies it wil happend again keep on believing
What really happened that day was told by one of the warriors grandson ,the Zulu has this law that no Zulu warrior must flee from a fight because he will be casted as a coward and the penalty is death, what the Boer settlers did not know is that when the Zulus had the full advantage that day when they saw an opening of the wagons when the Boer let out a reconnaissance out on a horse to see if there is any solution ,what happened the Zulus stopped in their tracks looking up at the mountain with sudden fear on their faces ,they ran back towards the river where the elder impeys was waiting and they were under the impression that the warriors were cowards and was mowed down with the elders spears ,which turned the river red like blood ,it would not have been possible for the Boers to keep up that fight against thousands of Zulu warriors, but what the Zulus saw that day was a garrison of white ghostly soldiers on the horses coming over the hill. But this lady is wrong it was Piet Retief and his son and a few men that was murdered by Dingaan,after he retrieved king Dingaans stolen cattle from another tribe ,but the x was drawn already on a document allowing land for the Boer . And that became possible when the Zulus murdered Dingaan because of his cruelty towards them ,the Zulus and Boers lived in harmony and became alias against the might of the British empire.
Very informative documentary.
Baie dankie. Dit is ook hoe ek die wonderwerk onthou en soos die skool ons des-tyd geleer het. Dr. Leopold Scholtze in sy boek ""Beroemde Suid-Afrikaanse Krygers" (1988?) dui dit ook (ongeveer) so aan.
Geskiedenis herhaal homself. God sal sorg.
Nooit sal ons die gelofte vergeet nie dankie varder dat u ons nog n dag gespaar het
Prys di Here!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Zeer bijzonder. De woorden zijn nog beter te verstaan dan wat men vandaag de dag in sommige delen van Nederland spreekt. Het zijn maar kleine verschillen zoals ij is y en z is s, ch is k, v is w, de is als het duitse vrouwelijke lidwoord die en soms een toegevoegde ie als in dankie en een paar grammaticale vervoegingen die niet volledig lijken in Nederlands of taaltechnisch in taal. Zag laatst de Heuwel van Duiwe. Goeie film en prima te volgen. Dankie!
@hugo ter Lingen, baie dankie (vele dank) vir jou skrywe. Ons as Afrikaanssprekendes vandag kan skaars nog Nederlands lees, en nog veel minder verstaan as Nederlanders "vinnig" praat...
Maar dit bly die mooiste taal...
En ons poësie (gedigte) het heelparty kere 'n dieper "gevoel" as Engels, juis omdat ons 'n ryke herkoms het uit Nederlands ❤️🧡
Битва на КРОВАВОЙ РЕКЕ . Heroes -- VOORTREKKERS , как русские первопроходцы в Сибири !
Het as kind gereeld Voortrekkerhoogte besoek. Ek is trots op my nasie en hellaas....dorpe-name, strate kan maar verander word maar iets SAL NOOIT kan verander word nie en dit is die feit dat die son om 12 uur op die 16 de Desember elke Godgegewe jaar, Sy Sonstraal op ons gedenksteen laat val om ons volk te herinner dat HY ons nooit sal faal en alleen laat nie. Eendrag maak Mag.
Die here het hul krag gegee en dit gaan weer gebeur
God is met ons loof en prys Sy Naam
Amazing battle/part of South African history. Would like to hear and English commentary.
I've added English captions thanks!
That's very kind of you, thank you. I love South African history. ;o))))
Love this history
Do check some of your translations - the words/ numbers are not completely accurate in some cases.Thanks for your efforts in this regard!
@Marietjie Louw
That is true. Shaka's army numbered around 14,000 men, and the effective fighting force of the Zulu kingdom was never more than about 40,000. The largest body of armed men the Zulus put into a single battle was around 25,000 (against the British at the Battle of Isandwana in 1879). But by Southern African standards their army was huge.
Australia like South Africa has now gone to pieces! Hopefully God can save us!
at least Australia is still prosperous and could easily go away from liberalism.
South Africa is absolutely stuffed
Fantastiese geskiedenis...
Kan ons hom Aflaai asseblief
Ons vir jou Suid Afrika vergewe ons God
Hoeveel onse in jou pond??? Speak for yourself....dickhead !!!
Trots op my herkoms!
onthou die datum 16 december dit is n heilige dag glo in die here dit is hy wat jou red
Malema se moses!!
Trots Suid-Afrikaner. Sonder Ons Hemelse Vader en Ons Verlosser is ons niks!!
As usual we all find it hard to live together in peace we would all rather be in pieces
Hierdie geskiedenis word nie in ons skole geleer nie.
Ja, HERE wees ons genadig en ontferm U weer oor ons Blanke Boere Volk want soos dinge nou staan moet ons weer n gelofte doen en weer n Bloedrivier deur maak. Dis net U wat ons sal kan help. Kim
It was different then. The Zulus had assegais and leather shields, the trekkers had muskets. Now, the Zulus have AK-47s, RPGs and bombs. The days of pitched battles are over. Now it's more like house to house.
The white man has its mind. That's is all that needed.
They still don't have what the afrikaners had on their side that day
You are a idiot , it took 90 seconds to load one of those guns and after 10 to 12shots with that gun the barrel had to be cooled ,and you say ? Stop flapping your lips if you don't know what you are talking about , 100 Boers against 9 10 thousand Zulus , the guns wasn't the reason the Zulus lost , and for your information their are more legal fire arms in the white people's hands than in the police and military together , so where are your Zulus you talk about .
Ons buig voor U Here.
History of the Boers is a very sad one first escaping from the Religious persecution in Europe then chased out by the British then the Great Trek in 1838 which was very costly in men and trying to settle but always at war with warring tribes then the Boer wars and the British concentration camps where thousands died and then Apartheid where Big international businesses flourished particularly in Gold mines and other Minerals and used Afrikaners as Guardians of theses businesses in police and defenceforce from where they didn't benefit asmuch as foreign multinationals and now under Democratic South Africa marginalised and the community slowly loosing its way of life and traditions like many Nations before
I could not say it better.
Sarel Cilliers is my ouma se oupa groot
Baie Dannie van n engelsman wat alhoewel ek is nie as a boer gebore nie maar in my gees en hart ,ek is n boer in kroonstad egboreen my families het n plaas in bethlehem best seder 1905by die naam Van aberfoyle.
Baie jammer vir al my vote in onse taal
How terrifying would this have been
Voortrekker Geskiedenis verstom my. Net jammer die Stories word deesdae so toegesmeer !!
Where did they get this footage, it must be a very old reenactment
Ja, en so is dít! 'n Ongelooflike Wonderwerk deur Die Hand van Vader YHWH!, wat hier in die "Dierbaar Suid-Afrika", afgespeel het.
Goeie middag
Wie is die persoon wat in die video praat se naam?
Dit klink soos Tiaan Theron...
Nee dis 'n Johan Vereynne
Thanks for the video. The provided English subtitles are poor though!
My Girlfriends family are Descendants of Andries Hendrik Potgieter.
Dingaan is not revered among the Zulus. This is because he assassinated his half-brother King Shaka (who was the founder of the nation). Shaka was "firm but fair" in his dealings with the whites. He wasn't treacherous like Dingaan was.
Shaka sounds like a boet I could have got along with. The African JFK
like Zuma
@@xMilesxHighxClubx mentioning JFK proves you know nothing about history