Dear Bob, you should play Divorce Yorick, where you and your Maiden have decided that you're both better off apart, so you have to release her as much as possible in another lane so that the game effectively becomes 6v5 for your team! I'd recommend building items like Shojin's and Liandry's so that Maiden gets really strong and can solo someone. Some items like Hollow Radiance and Statikk Shiv can also activate when Maiden or your ghouls kill a minion, so they're great for turning her into a split-pushing machine (and last patch made Malignance work on Maiden, which might be worth checking out).
Dear Bob, you should play Jumpscare Warwick. Build as many speed items as you can and play jungle so you are not locked to a lane. If possible convince your team to play champions that increase your speed further. Bonus points for jumping over enemy jungle walls for ganks.
Dear Bob, at 24:29 you said, "Is that a Protobelt Tahm Kench? I do believe that is a Protobelt Tahm Kench. That's kind of INSANE!" I believe you have good taste and should play as the Killer Katfish. Start with Protobelt and Swifties to chase your prey, then build strong AP items like Cosmic Drive and Rabadon's Deathcap to add the final kick to your Killer Lick. May things go swimmingly with this "INSANE" strategy.
Dear Bob, have you heard of Tank-nivia? You build full tank items on anivia causing your egg passive to be ridiculously tanky, paired with a guardian's angel you will force the enemy to have to kill you three times. Use your CC and wall to enable your team, feel free to run this in the top or support role. GOOD LUCK BOB!
Dear Bob, you should play crit Teemo. You max Q first, and when you have both Essence Reaver and Navori Flickerblade, you can blind an enemy with almost 100% uptime. It also allows for constant usage of Teemo's W, which makes it hard for enemies to catch you or get away.
@@tryagain3618 Well, that's correct, I am not a native speaker. I can't see what's wrong with my sentence though, if you could tell me I would appreciate it Edit: Wait I'm stupid, it's threw not throwed LMAO Guess my English lessons still came in clutch
Dear Bob, I heard of anchor Nautilus, and I heard it is good. You either play top or support (maybe the return of Derek), and you build a lot of health and slow items. Items such as Rylai's, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Randuin's. The goal is to anchor your enemies until the adc or jungler can feast on them. At the very least, it'll improve your map awareness and trust (hopefully) in your team.
Dear bob, I think that you should try being emotional support and autofill for your team for 5 games since a lot of league players have terrible mental stability. Simply encourage your team in all ways possible to counteract the negativity of League.
Dear Bob you should try support Cho'gath. How it works is simple you try to get level 6 as fast as posiible and controll drake. After support item you buy tear of goddess, Heartsteal, some boots and warmogs. You also should comment about how your meal for example "cho'gath hungry" or "delicious"
Dear Bob, you should play AP submarine Rek'sai, her AP scaling on burrowed Q and W had a huge buff, just snipe them with Q and EXPLODE them with W. You can either go first strike or dark harvest, just take scorch as secondary for Q.nThe build path will be Liandry's>Horizon focus>Cosmic drive>any other AP equip. Have fun :D
Dear Bob, you should play with our certified Good Boy with the Stinky Warwick strategy. Well, actually Warwick isn't the one stinky, but he will be following the smell of others with his w. The build is centered around movement speed, all items must have movement speed on them, and all runes must be movement speed related. The goal here is to be as fast as you can, so you can ult low-life enemies from across the map, miss, kill them anyway, and then proceed to type "woof" in all chat. Other dog related words are acceptable as well. Additional challenge: the "woof" must be sent immediately after the kill, no matter what. Even if you're under tower, even if you're fighting other people, you have to type it.
Hello Bob, I came across this cool and stylish build, tried by the time itself. It's called a Blucian and it's exactly what you'd think it is. Lucian, with blue runes, blue items, blue chroma played on the blue side. For items it's recommended to build Muramana and Phantom dancer for damage, Iceborn Gauntlet and Rylai's Crystal Scepter for kiting (originally it was Gauntlet and Mallet, but Mallet is no longer in the game), Mercury's for boots and last item is a joker where you can pick whatever you need and is blue enough for this strategy to work. Good luck!
@@karolbielen2090 you are partly correct, but you know, you can dodge it in champ select. (But yes for the purpose of making a video, this step would be kinda optional I guess)
Dear Bob, you should play Teemo. There's this guy named tenmo player who reached Challenger by playing only Teemo. That's exactly what you need to secure those sweet 5 wins. We believe in you!
Dear Bob, I think you should play the strat "whatever it takes to get to emerald". In this strat, Bob gets to play whichever champion he wants for a whole video (5 games). Bob can play his comfort pick, a meta pick, a counterpick, or anything he wants as long as he gets to emerald. This strategy doesn't require Bob to play a specific champion for the whole video. Bob can play different champions through different games. You got this Bob, we believe in you!
Dear bob, I heard about this Vladimir strategy where you max W first and have infinite sustain during your weak lane phase (using it on every wave). You should try it, rushing fiendish codex and cdr boots
Dear Bob, you should play the PentaBuild. The PentaBuild is where you play any champion of your choosing that is in the metal band, Pentakill. The catch is, you can only build items that Pentakill songs are named after! Items such as, Infinity Edge, Thornmail, Edge of Night, Dead Man's Plate, Mortal Reminder, etc.
Dear Robert, you should play Banana Caster Soraka. As a classic build with years of proven trial and error, you should feel comfortable in knowing that your time playing the build is built on the backs of thousands of League players, spending thousands of combined hours testing this particular build for your own convenience. You can utilize any combination of AD items in order to turn your bananas into a force to be reckoned with. Also, it's really funny when her auto attacks get to a ridiculous size when utilizing this strategy. Enjoy!
Dear Bob, you should play Ghost Gank Lillia, I heard it's good. This strategy consists of playing Lillia top, not fight your laner opponent and perma push your lane, so you get to sit on the bushes and cast your E through the river, ghost ganking your midlane or botlane! I recommend some haste like torchfire and horizon focus so you get to spam E and R. With this strategy, you and your allies are going to be well fed, and you will warm the hearts of your teammates with your kind non-stoping help!
Dear bob, do jumpscare Warwick. Build for max movesment speed so when you ult you can truly embody the spirit of Warwick and jumpscare people. Take ghost, youmuu's ghostblade or whatever you wish as long as it gives you a lot of movespeed for the longest ult.
Hey Bob, did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
Dear bob, I think you should play heimerdinger with a friend on zyra botlane, this synergizes together exactly and spawn a bunch of random stuff to win while afk. You just build normal items and set up traps in the bushes.
Dear Bob, you should play Immortal Bastion Swain. You shall become the immortal bastion by laning and rushing Heartsteel so you can… steal the enemies hearts. You shall live on to equip Riftmaker, Liandrys, Hollow Radiance and Unending Despair. You can choose what the last item shall be but I would recommend Winters Approach or spirit visage. You will not buy boots, bastions do not need to be fast, they need to hit their item spikes… or so I’ve been told. If possible it shall be arranged that a magical kitten will sit on your shoulders and make the immortal bastion even more immortal. You will be unstoppable, the kittens ability will give you speed and slow the enemies so that your ultimate can last forever while the item effects never reset. Meanwhile you can clear an entire wave on another lane by casting just your W. Thank you Bob
Dear Bob, you should play AP Gangplank. This build focuses on demanding the enemy to avoid team fighting on your ultimate you first build lich bane so you have some barrel damage. Next you go malignance to get that juicy mr reducer and ultimate haste. Next you can go either shadowflame or horizon focus. After that you build the other. The last item is situation based, either rabadons, or Morellonomicon for damage or anti heal. I hear this also gives you an insane heal on your W as well. enjoy!
Dear Bob, You should try the Vi-olent Versatility build! Vi scales with AD, AP, and HP, making her incredibly adaptable. Since attack speed suits her well, you'll have to at least build Guinsoo's Rageblade and Nashor's Tooth. From there, it’s up to you-you can take her in any direction, but don’t forget to stack some HP and AD for extra punch! You can even add some burn with Blackfire Torch or Liandry’s Anguish.
Dear Bob, I once heard of a legend who terrified any enemy that came his way, he took down giants and small ones without distinction, his name was Tenmo Player, for these last games you should follow in his footsteps
Dear Bob, you should play the ONE SHOT TEAM. The strategy consists of picking Jinx, Ashe, Ezreal and Karthus (or any other champ with a global ultimate) with low ultimate CD builds. If you time the ults correctly you should be able to just one shot the enemy ADC as soon as they respawn, making it an easy win by forfeit from the enemy team. The key of the strat is to land Ashe ult first to prevent the enemy from flashing, Ezreal's does the base damage to get the enemy low on health and for last Jinx's or Karthus' for the execute. And, since the game will be longer than usual, if you're in a 5 stack you can just send a Nasus top and make him a god by the time the game has been going on for 50 minutes.
Dear Bob, you should play upgrade Victor, where you build everything that upgrades. This build requires a Ornn, any tear item, gathering storm and for you to upgrade all your ability's
Dear Bob, you should play full lifesteal Trundle with as much attack speed ass possible that builds 6 cull's wich means you would have INSANELY much more gold that you're enemies and every cull gives 3 HEALTH PER HIT!! Wich means u will never be low and u can never die!
Dear Bob you should try support Cho'gath. How it works is simple you try to get level 6 as fast as posiible and controll drake. After support item you buy tear of goddess, Heartsteal, some boots and warmogs.
Dear Bob, I highly recommend playing 'Ability Power Wukong" this strategy works well in the middle lane of summoners rift and deals ridiculous damage early in the game. Starting with the order of fully upgrading your E ability first and W ability last and taking your Ultimate upgrade whenever. The build order starts with 'Lich Bane' to still get value out of your E+Q combo while still dealing damage with your E. Buying defensive, sorcerer or swiftness shoes are viable but I highly recommend buying sorcerer into squishier match-ups. The build then continues on with 'Luden's Companion' for burst, 'Rabadon Deathcap' for extra ability power, 'Stormsurge' or 'Banshee's Veil' can be swapped in the different orders depending on the crowd control the enemy team has. and 'Riftmaker' as a final item. This build is surprisingly very powerful with high burst and engage being able to disengage with your W ability.
Dear Mr. Bob, you should try the immortal Braum jg. The build is centered around life steal and simply not dying. You build ravenous for the life-steal, then buy berserkers for the attack speed, and then bloodthirster spirit visage for more lifesteal. You constantly invade enemy jg, save your shield til low health and then swing away when shield is up to regen. Thank you for your consideration.
Dear Bob, you should play picka bo Pantheon on toplane is build that is so overpowerd that what ever hero hoes not a full tank will cry and go afk because of insane burst and cooldown. me as pant main climb with it from silver to emerald. the items for that build is : Bork /merc / collegtor / domion (crit) /spear of shojin / pro hydra gl hf my friend 😃
Dear Bob. Once upon a time, in this channel, there was a series called Tenmo to challenger. I feel like, if you want to win five in a row, you need to go on a training arc with Tenmo player and then play Tenmo for the final opportunity to climb to emerald this season.
Dear Bob, you should play Slingshot Tenmo. As Tenmo is the Swift Scout, you have to build 5 Scout’s Slingshots and Swiftness Boots and only then you can upgrade them and build other things. Let Tenmo scout ahead!
Dear Bob, you should bring back Top Kench and be totally wholesome about it because that's what Bob is all about, working with his community and being wholsome.. right?
Dear Bob, I think YOU🫵 should play AP Cho'Gath for your next games. This build is: anoying, have good dmg, help you stack fast and it is fun :). With runes i suggest arcane commet for some extra dmg and ultimate hunter which is super suitable for Cho'Gath. You should go botlane (to play against champion that have low hp => easier to stack). With items i suggest Doran's ring as a starting item then for core items u can build hextech rocket belt (for more mobility) or malignace (for faster ult cooldown if you want to stack faster) -> ionia boots -> liandry (good burn dmg) then a rabadon that help u have more ap into a zhonya which can help you stay alive if get ambushed and you can either build void staff for more magic pen or banshee's veil to have a higher survival chance for your last item. You should max out your q to maximize the dmg and have a dominating position. p/s: enjoy bullying the enemy team haha
Dear Bob, as soon as the new patch is here, play second support Sion, where the point is that there is no before 5 minute armor at the bot tower, so you just play as 3 ppl on botlane until the 5. minute. The enemy botlane cannot do anything agaist your super strong early lane, and your op passive, here you get 3-4 plates at least, while only getting 1 lvl's worth of xp behind your enemy laner, who probably didn't take a single plate yet, because of the 85% damage reduction on the top tower.
Dear Bob, you should play a build that I made that is a lot of fun to do if you like being annoying. Marathon Runner Singed. You build Boots of Swiftness, Shurelya's, Deadman, Force, Cosmic Drive, and Experimental Hexplate. For Summoner spells you take ghost and teleport to be all over the map. Runes goes Phase Rush, Nimbus, Transcendence, Gathering storm, Demolish, and Overgrowth. The mini runes are Adaptive, Move Speed, and the Tenacity runes. The goal is to be a nuisance and just run around the map with no one able to catch you with your 800 move speed with everything activated and 780 move speed for a solid 5ish seconds. Burn up the rift and give Singed a proper exercise!
Dear Bob, I’ve heard that you play Teemo. You should play Q max arcane comet Teemo support. With this strategy you can basically disable the enemy ADCs damage, which I’ve heard is quite good.
Dear bob, you should play Ivern + Fiddle sticks botlane. You might need to recruit the honourable Derick, but with this insanely powerful strategy, Ivern bushes will allow free fiddle sticks fears with every ability. Good luck
Dear Bob, you should play the shroom bush teemo, where your playground are the bushes and all you do is lure the enermies into your shrooms and watch them die in pain! I'd recomment you go jungle teemo.
Dear Bob, you should play early burst Kindred mid. A lot of people underestimate Kindreds early dmg since she is a scaling jgl. But with Press The Attack and her E she deal large amounts of dmg with one trade. Now that her E got a dmg buff in the last patch, she does even more unexpected dmg. She also has sustain with her passive, which makes laning easier. You start with W into Q and try to burst them as soon as you get lvl 3. By plaing mid you should also secure the first passive mark on scuttle. Buy Kraken into Collector and snowball the entire game.
Dear Bob, you should play "Cant touch me brand Toplane", where your first item is rylais and ur second item is cosmic drive. From here noone will be able to reach you by any chance. Since noone can touch you now, you should go and start burn the enemies more and more by grabbing liandrys and blackfire torch. Good luck in trying this.
Dear bob, you should play Jax of all trades. *The items:* Triforce (AD, AS, HP, CDR) Mercs (MR, Tenacity) Chemtech Putrifier (Mana regen, Heal power) BORK (Life steal) Frozen Heart (Mana, Armor) LDR (Crit, Armor pen) Stormsurge (AP, Magic pen, Move speed) *The runes:* Anything you want as long as it has Jack of all trades *The Champion:* I forgor 💀 Note: Certain items can be switched out as long as you end up with 15 unique stats (Ravenous for BORK, mortal reminder for LDR etc. Leave a comment if ur build can fit more jack-compatible stats in it.)
Dear Bob, once again I suggest you try Anivia Support, with stun and wall you can secure kills or save your team,, with Ult (and Rylais) you control giant zones in team fights. For a build, I like going Imperial Mandate, Sleigh, Rylais, Ionian Boots and fill the last to slots with what the team needs (Morello, Shurelia, Wardstone, etc.)
Dear Bob, You should play BOILING WATER NAMI because she's about to bring some much-needed pain to the mid lane. With Imperial Mandate, Nashorn Tooth, and Liche Bane, you'll be scaling up her damage output while also keeping yourself healthy while driving the enemy team mad, pluss endless slow and dameage with your E. Most importantly: Nobody expects nami to do damage, they'll go at you and die before they understand what happened.
Dear Bob, I have a gift for you. Play Pianta Teemo. You need these wins to get emerald, so in this build you’ll just build whatever you believe the famous TH-camr, Pianta would go for on Teemo. Enjoy!
Dear Bob, you should play Never Die Nautalis. This is where you maximize your shields to be as large as possible. You also must use the shield bash rune to fully utilize your poweful shields.
Dear Bob, you should play Maximus Jaximus. It's a strategy that solves Jax' only problem: He scales with every stat in the game, except with Max HP! So for this build, we'll only build Items that scale with Max HP or Bonus HP. These include Heartsteel, Warmog's Armor, Riftmaker, Overlord's Bloodmail, Titanic Hydra, Unending Despair, Sunfire Aegis, Hollow Radiance, Abyssal Mask and Hullbreaker. Of course, a true Maximus Jaximus still needs acceptable footwear, so boots will not fall under this rule, you're free to build whichever pair you wish. For runes, of course, Grasp of the Undying is perfectly viable, but since this build will make you fight for long times, Conqueror is absolutely fine, too. If the enemy is very slippery, you may also take Phase Rush, a true Maximus Jaximus should be able to utilize any Rune to be the best at what they do! And so are you, Bob! I wish you the best in all the ventures that are yet to come for you!
Dear Bob, you should play Heartsteel Pyke. The idea behind the build is that infinite stacking health converts into infinite stacking AD for Pyke. You can build anything else you like.
Dead bob, you should play human stance udyr, pretty much instead of using any of the skills (stances) you stay in human stance (the stance you start in, don’t upgrade or use any skills), maybe build items with effects like hyrda for clear speed, frost gauntlet for cc, etc.
Dearest Bob, I hope this finds you well. To win now you need a build capable of carrying far quickly and for that, you will need to use on hit hecarim. The build consists of using trinity force for the on hit sheen effect, rapid fore canon for the extended range on e and an infinity edge to boost the crit damage your e does. The whole point is you 1 shot people by running into them. Thanks, Lee
Bob, I've heard that Annie's friend Tibbers is pretty strong, but only if he can hit the enemy. Unfortunately his cast range isn't very long and his cooldown isn't the shortest, so you need to help him out a bit. Position: Mid lane Items: Malignance, hextech rocketbelt, Shurelya's reverie Key runes: Electrocute, relentless hunter, cosmic insight The general plan is to abuse the mobility provided by these items to outpace your opponent on the map and consistently land Tibbers without flash. You might not be one-shotting individual targets, but you will be hitting more targets more often.
Dear Bob, I sincerely think you should play full tank pyke in the midlane as he has a 14:1 HP:AD ratio so you can just shank people and also not die. I’d recommend going grasp and overgrowth and building heartsteel first for funny bell auto attacks. Thank you for considering my offer, best wishes Bob. P.S. How’s the wife?
Dear Bob, you should play Syndra & MF Combo. This is where your duo uses MF's Q to bounce the bullet to a minion and you use Syndra's W to throw the minion towards the enemy to deal extra dmg everytime.
Dear Bob, you should play Sniper Ashe. The objective is to build AP and Ability haste to maximize the ultimate damage and decrease the cooldown to a degree that you can use it frequently. This will give you good poke and you'll be able to use your ultimate a lot because of the low cooldown. You'll be able to pick enemies for your team to engage, finish off enemies from high range or help your team in fights your not even close and you'll have ultimate for basically every fight. Your ult will do a huge amount of damage, your W will be a good source of consistent damage because of the burn and you'll still have the slow utility on your auto attacks. You should start with Manamune early because you need mana and you won't scale with AP before level 6, it will also increase you AA damage, which is still relevant (specially early game). You'll build the itens that have burn effects (Liandry and Blackfire) because they can be activated by your W (even without AP scaling) and build Malignance for the Ultimate Ability haste. You finish your build with whichever item you prefer: Rabaddon's for higher AP, Shadowflame so your DOT crits, Zhonya's for the active... As for runes, you can decide which is best, but you need Domination either as the main or secondary for Ultimate Hunter and Cheap Shot. You might want to replace Liandry in the build if you think it was overnerfed, but I think it's still the best way for you to deal damage to tanks.
Dear Bob, you should play Locket Gragas using the standard Phase Rush into Inspiration rune tree, but opting for Jack of All Trades to give your varied build some more oomph. Start by acquiring the epic item Lost Chapter for the mana regeneration in lane, thereafter you will purchase Cosmic Drive for its sizeable Ability Haste and powerful Movement Speed boosting effect allowing you (alongside with Phase Rush) to stick to an enemy or follow a group of enemies closely, paving the way for your team. After the mandatory Sorcerer's Shoes, you will want to build Locket of the Iron Solari. It is cheap and gives you some much needed-tankiness for the mid-game, as well as attaining more Jack of All Trades stacks. Now that you have become a well-fortified F1 Race Car, complete your Lost Chapter into the Malignance item, giving your Ultimate a ludicrously low cast time. As needed, cap off your build with a Cryptbloom, or an Abyssal Mask. Godspeed.
Dear Bob, you should play Tower Destroyer Ziggs in the toplane. You need to pick Demolish in order to get that big tower damage to synergize with your W and explode the enemy towers! Also, the be as efficient as possible, you need to help your jungler to manage to get all 6 Voidgrubs, even if it costs a death or a drake (the grubs damage is really boosted). Finally, i recommend burn items such as Blackfire Torch and Liandry's to poke the tanky toplaners and maybe Seraph's for some survivability. I heard it's good! Best of luck to you!
Dear Bob, play Jare Jare Daze Volibear. Go Nashor's Tooth ALWAYS first item besides starter items. Second Lich Bane or Shadow Flames. Your Passive increases ATK Speed proportional to AP. Your Goal is to demolish Towers and demolish Enemies. Oh also take demolish C: Ora ora... ora ora ora.... ooooooooooooooooooooora Edit: If someone types in Chat to you, reply with Ora, ORA!!!, ora :(
Dear Bob, you should play AP Bel’Veth. Her W and ultimate have insane AP ratios, and buying a Nashor’s Tooth means your attacks/on-hits will also scale with AP. Make sure to snag a Guinsoo’s for that juicy on-hit goodness as well.
Dear Bob, you should play crit rush Gangplank, he does alot fo dmg with his barrels when you crit, so if you build full crit component you can get alot of crit the quickest and start doing big dmg faster than if you build full items
Dear Bob, you should play Magic Horse Hecarim. You go full AP Hecarim jungle, your W and R both have good AP scaling and you max W first followed by Q, E, and R whenever you can! You take Phase Rush wtih Dom second for extra damage. Start by going Lich Bane, with CDR boots. Follow it up with a cosmic drive then build straight into a Riftmaker. Last 2 items will be Deathcap and if you need defensive get a banshii or hourglass!
Dear Bob, you should play one last time with Derrick and you should play either Swain and Galio Bot lane or Viktor and Veigar Double Cage stun in bot lane , I heard they are good startegies
Dear Bob, you should play jungle Pyke made famous by a Pianta "good guide." in fact, it has been so long since the last jungle Pyke good guide, that perhaps Bob could record an updated Jungle Pyke Good Guide for the current season while climbing!
Dear Bob, you should play support Quinn, where you want to rush the symbiotic boots and yommu's into full lethality to become an assassin support roaming the entire map. This strategy will prevent you from losing cause of bad teammates, you'll win their lanes for them!
Dear Bob, you should play attack speed tenmo. You build purely attack speed instead of ap. Build could be like beserkers,nashors, rageblade, bork, phantom dancer, kraken, etc. (wits end for mr) The blind mixed with your barrage of attacks will do wonders.
Dear Bob, you should play Moskito Gragas Jumpscare, preferably in support fill with a strong adc, the playstyle is similar to river Shen as in you roam the whole map causing impact in every lane, with movement speed runes , hexflash and only the red trinket to clear wards and have constant pressure around the map, you build AP items that give cdr and ult haste, or defensive that do the same. Take note of the objectives timer so you are there before everyone else, also you are not the carry but your constant and relentless pressure as a splinter to the enemy team will guarantee a victory, that or you get fed and impact the game as the real carry and remember, flash always has to be used, your sole job is to force a play or annoy the enemy's soul. And moist importaintly, have fun :D.
Dear Bob, You should play wizard Irelia. She has surprising ap ratios, and her w makes her super tanky and deals a ton of damage. Plus a lot of ap items are attack speed/on hit, which synergizes really well with her kit. Stuff like Nashors and Guinsoos are really good on her.
hi bob, you should play angry rammus. it's simple. rammus has had enough being the tank for his team and now goes full crit to murder the enemy himself. you take pta, build full crit, prio q and e max to cc the enemy while you auto them to death
Dear Bob, keep this hush hush but Ivern is on a top secret mission and needs you at the helm. You should play Ivern support with smite, infiltrating the enemy jungle and stealing their secret documents. This mission can be completed totally undercover where you're essentially double jungling with jng pet, or by weaving in and out of enemy lines playing with your ADC after stealing the odd camp with supp item. Runes and build wise you'll be playing generic support items, with either Glacial and blue line, or Summon Aery build
dear bob, you should try sharp stone, a lethality build for malphite... it consist of profane hydra into cyclosword into axiom arc... for runes hail of blades is a must, then cheap shot, eyeball collector, ultimate hunter... for secondary runes it can be whatever you want but my favorites are legend: haste and coup of grace
Dear Bob, You should play Ap Tham Kench with Gohst and TP. You wait until lvl 6, then gohst at your enemy, slap them, swallow them and spit them unter your turret. Normal Build: Hearsteel, Swifties, Riftmaker, Liandry's etc.. I heard its really good.
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Stonks TF, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Stonks TF? This, is BobWatcher ep. 15
Dear Bob, you should play vroom vroom Warwick. You go jungle with ghost, blue smite and build movement speed items. This build is very fun and can catch opponents by surprise when you ult. Hope you'll have fun and get the 5 wins!
Dear Bob, you should play Debuff/buff Swain. You basically take Rylais, Malignance, Abyssal Mask, Cosmic Drive and Frozen Heart. If it doesnt have any ap, you could put Eternal Despair instead of Abyssal.
Dear Bob you said it by your self you need 5 wins , so you should play the 1v9 machine that will guarantee you this wins even with bad teammates and good opponents. This is Master Yi Just play Master Yi full attack speed and win every single game
Dear Bob, support Singed got me to emerald and can get you the same! Predator used to be the best but I think aftershock will be good in those moments where you're a little too deep. 😂 Rylais and shurelya's make you a Rakan with constant uptime is the best way I can sum it up. After that you can build into burning, movespeed/tanky items, or even a cheeky mandate. Such a flexible pocket pick will leave your enemies speechless and I trust in your ability to carry. Best Saul Flingman
Dear Bob, you should try one hit bard. Go around the map, collect chimes build full ap. If you can 1 hit the ADC with just 1 auto attack, it's mission complete
Dear bob, you should play "The nexus defender" your role should be jungle and you CAN'T go on the other side of the river (The enemy side) this also means that one of the objectives will be unreachable unless they are kited into the river for you.
Dear Bob, You should play "Infinite AD Scaling" Pyke. Pyke gains AD from Bonus HP in Items and runes at a 14HP=1AD. Runes should be HP scaling with Grasp of the Undying. First Item rush should be Heartsteel (Base Heartsteel give 57 AD). After that you should build any AD item with Bonus HP. Can be played Mid or as a Support.
Dear Bob, In the next game you should let the spirit of YESsuo take over Bob. I think that would be very interesting and help Bob reach his goal of promoting to emerald.
Dear Bob. You should play Jhingle (Jhin jungle). Both lethality and crit will work well, and using Jhin's W and R, you can gank safely while doing your buffs.
Dear Bob, you should play AD Leblanc. You have most mobility than any ADC and better wave clear. Getting a GA makes her especially frustrating to play against.
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Pantheon with Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter to become an unkillable high damage tank with armour pen and max health damage scaling with your health, so that you can sit in people with w until they die.
Dear Bob, you should play full movement speed kai´sa, I´m talking zephyr, statik shiv, phandom dancer, cosmic drive, opportunity, stromsurge. With this build you will zoom to emerald pretty much immediately and since kai´sa can build anything it will work just fine. For your runes you obviously have to go phase rush, water walking and celerity, for your secondary tree you have to atleast pick up relentless hunter.
Dear Bob. You should play Heartsteel Pyke, I've heard it's good. It lets you get infinite AD scaling and with Pyke's roaming ability with Soul Shoes he can collect them frequently enough to become a major threat even from the support role. I like the Triumph and Bounty runes for extra gold to get the item as quickly as possible. Best of luck on your climb!
Dear Bob, you should play jungle neeko. The strategy revolves around cosplaying as any of the jungle friends and surprise the enemy laners by ganking as the different camps
Dear Bob, I have an interesting one for you. You should try a full attack speed Mordekaiser. Your ability cool down and dmg will be through the roof. You are allowed to take defensive items, but only Abyssal Mask and Thormail are allowed. Fire build though and has won me many games.
Dear Bob, deep in the taverns of Demacia rumors have been spread that Lux is on the juice now and tries to get off that pesky ability power. Afterall her brother was never alright with her doing all that magic related stuff. She is built different now. Try equipping her with a blade of the ruined king for dueling power, an infinity edge to get the edge over the enemy some navoris flickerblade in case you need infinite roots and slows, a triforce because she kinda looks like princess Zelda when you close your eyes and its really dark and top it off with an attackspeed item of your choice. What to build first is up to you, but the blade of the ruined king is essential before you get the infinity edge.
Dear Bob, You should play AD critgar. This is Veigar but instead of building AP mage items, He builds marksmen crit items. Since he gets passive AP from his stacks he doesn't really need to build any AP. You build essence reaver for the mana sustain, IE for bigger crits then whatever you please after. You can take any precision tree rune but the best is Fleet footwork.
Dear Bob, you should play Divorce Yorick, where you and your Maiden have decided that you're both better off apart, so you have to release her as much as possible in another lane so that the game effectively becomes 6v5 for your team! I'd recommend building items like Shojin's and Liandry's so that Maiden gets really strong and can solo someone. Some items like Hollow Radiance and Statikk Shiv can also activate when Maiden or your ghouls kill a minion, so they're great for turning her into a split-pushing machine (and last patch made Malignance work on Maiden, which might be worth checking out).
"but you, i'm afraid, are maidenless"
Follow the above comment, rename to Maidenless Yorick
oh no no more yorick pls
Bro we need a good strat for emerald
@@huhulili9021 no he still has his maiden, they're just apart most of the time.
They still reconcile from time to time so maidenless is void.
Dear Bob, you should play Jumpscare Warwick. Build as many speed items as you can and play jungle so you are not locked to a lane. If possible convince your team to play champions that increase your speed further. Bonus points for jumping over enemy jungle walls for ganks.
Bonus bonus points for missing them in mach 5 and disappearing from their view
mostly ap tho
cause the ap items give quite a lot of move speed
glad I'm ont the only one who wanted this
Dear Bob, at 24:29 you said, "Is that a Protobelt Tahm Kench? I do believe that is a Protobelt Tahm Kench. That's kind of INSANE!" I believe you have good taste and should play as the Killer Katfish. Start with Protobelt and Swifties to chase your prey, then build strong AP items like Cosmic Drive and Rabadon's Deathcap to add the final kick to your Killer Lick. May things go swimmingly with this "INSANE" strategy.
This sales pitch in itself was “INSANE”, well done!
"add the final kick to your killer lick" ✍🔥
Your PFP is, as you said yourself, INSANE.
Dear Bob, have you heard of Tank-nivia? You build full tank items on anivia causing your egg passive to be ridiculously tanky, paired with a guardian's angel you will force the enemy to have to kill you three times. Use your CC and wall to enable your team, feel free to run this in the top or support role. GOOD LUCK BOB!
“We made $5 were stinking tf up” immediately misses minion
Dear Bob, you should play crit Teemo. You max Q first, and when you have both Essence Reaver and Navori Flickerblade, you can blind an enemy with almost 100% uptime. It also allows for constant usage of Teemo's W, which makes it hard for enemies to catch you or get away.
Wouldnt attack speed teemo be better for this? And shojin?
@@Shad0wWarr10r shojin doesnt refund cd anymore tho
Flickerblade is based on remaining CD percentage. You don't need much attack speed to get optimal output
This is even better on briar. Infinite bezerk, heals and stun, and she also scales with ad
That botlane throwed the game and blamed the team lmao
pov non native speaker
@@tryagain3618 Well, that's correct, I am not a native speaker. I can't see what's wrong with my sentence though, if you could tell me I would appreciate it
Edit: Wait I'm stupid, it's threw not throwed LMAO Guess my English lessons still came in clutch
get life
@@tryagain3618 even native speakers make mistakes with their own language. For example, the word "You're" and "Your".
@@goncalosilva3116 i said this to the guy who wrote about ur gramar
Dear Bob, I heard of anchor Nautilus, and I heard it is good. You either play top or support (maybe the return of Derek), and you build a lot of health and slow items. Items such as Rylai's, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Randuin's. The goal is to anchor your enemies until the adc or jungler can feast on them. At the very least, it'll improve your map awareness and trust (hopefully) in your team.
Dear bob, I think that you should try being emotional support and autofill for your team for 5 games since a lot of league players have terrible mental stability. Simply encourage your team in all ways possible to counteract the negativity of League.
Dear Bob you should try support Cho'gath. How it works is simple you try to get level 6 as fast as posiible and controll drake. After support item you buy tear of goddess, Heartsteal, some boots and warmogs. You also should comment about how your meal for example "cho'gath hungry" or "delicious"
Dear Bob, you should play AP submarine Rek'sai, her AP scaling on burrowed Q and W had a huge buff, just snipe them with Q and EXPLODE them with W. You can either go first strike or dark harvest, just take scorch as secondary for Q.nThe build path will be Liandry's>Horizon focus>Cosmic drive>any other AP equip.
Have fun :D
Dear Bob, you should play with our certified Good Boy with the Stinky Warwick strategy.
Well, actually Warwick isn't the one stinky, but he will be following the smell of others with his w. The build is centered around movement speed, all items must have movement speed on them, and all runes must be movement speed related. The goal here is to be as fast as you can, so you can ult low-life enemies from across the map, miss, kill them anyway, and then proceed to type "woof" in all chat. Other dog related words are acceptable as well.
Additional challenge: the "woof" must be sent immediately after the kill, no matter what. Even if you're under tower, even if you're fighting other people, you have to type it.
Good ideaaa + in arcane theme
@@guimi7336 Bob is an Arcane fan, he must play this!!
*smelly warwick
Hello Bob, I came across this cool and stylish build, tried by the time itself. It's called a Blucian and it's exactly what you'd think it is. Lucian, with blue runes, blue items, blue chroma played on the blue side. For items it's recommended to build Muramana and Phantom dancer for damage, Iceborn Gauntlet and Rylai's Crystal Scepter for kiting (originally it was Gauntlet and Mallet, but Mallet is no longer in the game), Mercury's for boots and last item is a joker where you can pick whatever you need and is blue enough for this strategy to work. Good luck!
I need to see that
you don't have any influence on wht side you play on
@@karolbielen2090 you are partly correct, but you know, you can dodge it in champ select. (But yes for the purpose of making a video, this step would be kinda optional I guess)
@@metaljag3306 dodging is cancer and dodging for such a stupid reason is just beyond
Dear Bob, you should play Teemo. There's this guy named tenmo player who reached Challenger by playing only Teemo. That's exactly what you need to secure those sweet 5 wins. We believe in you!
Dear Bob, I think you should play the strat "whatever it takes to get to emerald". In this strat, Bob gets to play whichever champion he wants for a whole video (5 games). Bob can play his comfort pick, a meta pick, a counterpick, or anything he wants as long as he gets to emerald. This strategy doesn't require Bob to play a specific champion for the whole video. Bob can play different champions through different games. You got this Bob, we believe in you!
(Excluding Teemo)
nah bro you got to stop trying to be a chief
Dear bob, I heard about this Vladimir strategy where you max W first and have infinite sustain during your weak lane phase (using it on every wave). You should try it, rushing fiendish codex and cdr boots
Dear Bob, you should play the PentaBuild. The PentaBuild is where you play any champion of your choosing that is in the metal band, Pentakill. The catch is, you can only build items that Pentakill songs are named after! Items such as, Infinity Edge, Thornmail, Edge of Night, Dead Man's Plate, Mortal Reminder, etc.
Dear Robert, you should play Banana Caster Soraka. As a classic build with years of proven trial and error, you should feel comfortable in knowing that your time playing the build is built on the backs of thousands of League players, spending thousands of combined hours testing this particular build for your own convenience. You can utilize any combination of AD items in order to turn your bananas into a force to be reckoned with. Also, it's really funny when her auto attacks get to a ridiculous size when utilizing this strategy. Enjoy!
fleet footwork energized bananas.
Dear Bob, you should play Ghost Gank Lillia, I heard it's good.
This strategy consists of playing Lillia top, not fight your laner opponent and perma push your lane, so you get to sit on the bushes and cast your E through the river, ghost ganking your midlane or botlane! I recommend some haste like torchfire and horizon focus so you get to spam E and R.
With this strategy, you and your allies are going to be well fed, and you will warm the hearts of your teammates with your kind non-stoping help!
Not showing the gold earned after the game is criminal
It probably wasn't anything impressive, so he didn't include it XD
Dear bob, do jumpscare Warwick. Build for max movesment speed so when you ult you can truly embody the spirit of Warwick and jumpscare people. Take ghost, youmuu's ghostblade or whatever you wish as long as it gives you a lot of movespeed for the longest ult.
Hey Bob,
did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
I would like to unread this thanks.
@@choosenonyx96 I do not see anything wrong with this post my guy
Dear bob, I think you should play heimerdinger with a friend on zyra botlane, this synergizes together exactly and spawn a bunch of random stuff to win while afk. You just build normal items and set up traps in the bushes.
Dear Bob, you should play Immortal Bastion Swain.
You shall become the immortal bastion by laning and rushing Heartsteel so you can… steal the enemies hearts. You shall live on to equip Riftmaker, Liandrys, Hollow Radiance and Unending Despair. You can choose what the last item shall be but I would recommend Winters Approach or spirit visage. You will not buy boots, bastions do not need to be fast, they need to hit their item spikes… or so I’ve been told.
If possible it shall be arranged that a magical kitten will sit on your shoulders and make the immortal bastion even more immortal.
You will be unstoppable, the kittens ability will give you speed and slow the enemies so that your ultimate can last forever while the item effects never reset. Meanwhile you can clear an entire wave on another lane by casting just your W.
Thank you Bob
Dear Bob, you should play AP Gangplank. This build focuses on demanding the enemy to avoid team fighting on your ultimate you first build lich bane so you have some barrel damage. Next you go malignance to get that juicy mr reducer and ultimate haste. Next you can go either shadowflame or horizon focus. After that you build the other. The last item is situation based, either rabadons, or Morellonomicon for damage or anti heal. I hear this also gives you an insane heal on your W as well. enjoy!
Dear Bob,
You should try the Vi-olent Versatility build! Vi scales with AD, AP, and HP, making her incredibly adaptable. Since attack speed suits her well, you'll have to at least build Guinsoo's Rageblade and Nashor's Tooth. From there, it’s up to you-you can take her in any direction, but don’t forget to stack some HP and AD for extra punch! You can even add some burn with Blackfire Torch or Liandry’s Anguish.
Dear Bob, I once heard of a legend who terrified any enemy that came his way, he took down giants and small ones without distinction, his name was Tenmo Player, for these last games you should follow in his footsteps
Dear Bob, you should play the ONE SHOT TEAM. The strategy consists of picking Jinx, Ashe, Ezreal and Karthus (or any other champ with a global ultimate) with low ultimate CD builds. If you time the ults correctly you should be able to just one shot the enemy ADC as soon as they respawn, making it an easy win by forfeit from the enemy team. The key of the strat is to land Ashe ult first to prevent the enemy from flashing, Ezreal's does the base damage to get the enemy low on health and for last Jinx's or Karthus' for the execute. And, since the game will be longer than usual, if you're in a 5 stack you can just send a Nasus top and make him a god by the time the game has been going on for 50 minutes.
Dear Bob, you should play upgrade Victor, where you build everything that upgrades. This build requires a Ornn, any tear item, gathering storm and for you to upgrade all your ability's
Dear Bob, you should play full lifesteal Trundle with as much attack speed ass possible that builds 6 cull's wich means you would have INSANELY much more gold that you're enemies and every cull gives 3 HEALTH PER HIT!! Wich means u will never be low and u can never die!
Dear Bob you should try support Cho'gath. How it works is simple you try to get level 6 as fast as posiible and controll drake. After support item you buy tear of goddess, Heartsteal, some boots and warmogs.
Dear Bob, I highly recommend playing 'Ability Power Wukong" this strategy works well in the middle lane of summoners rift and deals ridiculous damage early in the game. Starting with the order of fully upgrading your E ability first and W ability last and taking your Ultimate upgrade whenever. The build order starts with 'Lich Bane' to still get value out of your E+Q combo while still dealing damage with your E. Buying defensive, sorcerer or swiftness shoes are viable but I highly recommend buying sorcerer into squishier match-ups. The build then continues on with 'Luden's Companion' for burst, 'Rabadon Deathcap' for extra ability power, 'Stormsurge' or 'Banshee's Veil' can be swapped in the different orders depending on the crowd control the enemy team has. and 'Riftmaker' as a final item. This build is surprisingly very powerful with high burst and engage being able to disengage with your W ability.
Dear Mr. Bob, you should try the immortal Braum jg. The build is centered around life steal and simply not dying. You build ravenous for the life-steal, then buy berserkers for the attack speed, and then bloodthirster spirit visage for more lifesteal. You constantly invade enemy jg, save your shield til low health and then swing away when shield is up to regen. Thank you for your consideration.
Dear Bob, you should play picka bo Pantheon on toplane is build that is so overpowerd that what ever hero hoes not a full tank will cry and go afk because of insane burst and cooldown. me as pant main climb with it from silver to emerald. the items for that build is : Bork /merc / collegtor / domion (crit) /spear of shojin / pro hydra gl hf my friend 😃
Dear Bob. Once upon a time, in this channel, there was a series called Tenmo to challenger. I feel like, if you want to win five in a row, you need to go on a training arc with Tenmo player and then play Tenmo for the final opportunity to climb to emerald this season.
Dear Bob, you should play Slingshot Tenmo. As Tenmo is the Swift Scout, you have to build 5 Scout’s Slingshots and Swiftness Boots and only then you can upgrade them and build other things. Let Tenmo scout ahead!
Dear Bob, you should bring back Top Kench and be totally wholesome about it because that's what Bob is all about, working with his community and being wholsome.. right?
Dear Bob, I think YOU🫵 should play AP Cho'Gath for your next games. This build is: anoying, have good dmg, help you stack fast and it is fun :). With runes i suggest arcane commet for some extra dmg and ultimate hunter which is super suitable for Cho'Gath. You should go botlane (to play against champion that have low hp => easier to stack). With items i suggest Doran's ring as a starting item then for core items u can build hextech rocket belt (for more mobility) or malignace (for faster ult cooldown if you want to stack faster) -> ionia boots -> liandry (good burn dmg) then a rabadon that help u have more ap into a zhonya which can help you stay alive if get ambushed and you can either build void staff for more magic pen or banshee's veil to have a higher survival chance for your last item. You should max out your q to maximize the dmg and have a dominating position.
p/s: enjoy bullying the enemy team haha
Dear Bob, as soon as the new patch is here, play second support Sion, where the point is that there is no before 5 minute armor at the bot tower, so you just play as 3 ppl on botlane until the 5. minute. The enemy botlane cannot do anything agaist your super strong early lane, and your op passive, here you get 3-4 plates at least, while only getting 1 lvl's worth of xp behind your enemy laner, who probably didn't take a single plate yet, because of the 85% damage reduction on the top tower.
Dear Bob, you should play a build that I made that is a lot of fun to do if you like being annoying. Marathon Runner Singed. You build Boots of Swiftness, Shurelya's, Deadman, Force, Cosmic Drive, and Experimental Hexplate. For Summoner spells you take ghost and teleport to be all over the map. Runes goes Phase Rush, Nimbus, Transcendence, Gathering storm, Demolish, and Overgrowth. The mini runes are Adaptive, Move Speed, and the Tenacity runes. The goal is to be a nuisance and just run around the map with no one able to catch you with your 800 move speed with everything activated and 780 move speed for a solid 5ish seconds. Burn up the rift and give Singed a proper exercise!
Dear Bob, I’ve heard that you play Teemo. You should play Q max arcane comet Teemo support. With this strategy you can basically disable the enemy ADCs damage, which I’ve heard is quite good.
Dear Bob, you should play Zac, because Bob is a Blob that takes no L
Dear bob, you should play Ivern + Fiddle sticks botlane. You might need to recruit the honourable Derick, but with this insanely powerful strategy, Ivern bushes will allow free fiddle sticks fears with every ability. Good luck
Dear Bob, you should play the shroom bush teemo, where your playground are the bushes and all you do is lure the enermies into your shrooms and watch them die in pain! I'd recomment you go jungle teemo.
Dear Bob, you should play your ultimate weapon known as Tenmo. Get emerald, we believe in you Bob!
Dear Bob, you should play early burst Kindred mid. A lot of people underestimate Kindreds early dmg since she is a scaling jgl. But with Press The Attack and her E she deal large amounts of dmg with one trade. Now that her E got a dmg buff in the last patch, she does even more unexpected dmg. She also has sustain with her passive, which makes laning easier. You start with W into Q and try to burst them as soon as you get lvl 3. By plaing mid you should also secure the first passive mark on scuttle. Buy Kraken into Collector and snowball the entire game.
Dear Bob, you should play "Cant touch me brand Toplane", where your first item is rylais and ur second item is cosmic drive. From here noone will be able to reach you by any chance. Since noone can touch you now, you should go and start burn the enemies more and more by grabbing liandrys and blackfire torch. Good luck in trying this.
Dear bob, you should play Jax of all trades.
*The items:*
Triforce (AD, AS, HP, CDR)
Mercs (MR, Tenacity)
Chemtech Putrifier (Mana regen, Heal power)
BORK (Life steal)
Frozen Heart (Mana, Armor)
LDR (Crit, Armor pen)
Stormsurge (AP, Magic pen, Move speed)
*The runes:*
Anything you want as long as it has Jack of all trades
*The Champion:*
I forgor 💀
Note: Certain items can be switched out as long as you end up with 15 unique stats (Ravenous for BORK, mortal reminder for LDR etc. Leave a comment if ur build can fit more jack-compatible stats in it.)
Dear Bob, once again I suggest you try Anivia Support, with stun and wall you can secure kills or save your team,, with Ult (and Rylais) you control giant zones in team fights.
For a build, I like going Imperial Mandate, Sleigh, Rylais, Ionian Boots and fill the last to slots with what the team needs (Morello, Shurelia, Wardstone, etc.)
Dear Bob, You should play BOILING WATER NAMI because she's about to bring some much-needed pain to the mid lane. With Imperial Mandate, Nashorn Tooth, and Liche Bane, you'll be scaling up her damage output while also keeping yourself healthy while driving the enemy team mad, pluss endless slow and dameage with your E. Most importantly: Nobody expects nami to do damage, they'll go at you and die before they understand what happened.
Dear Bob, I have a gift for you. Play Pianta Teemo. You need these wins to get emerald, so in this build you’ll just build whatever you believe the famous TH-camr, Pianta would go for on Teemo. Enjoy!
Dear Bob, you should play Never Die Nautalis. This is where you maximize your shields to be as large as possible. You also must use the shield bash rune to fully utilize your poweful shields.
"We have a 10 and 0 Mordekaiser this game, we work hard"
*Morde immediately dies*
Dear Bob, you should play Maximus Jaximus. It's a strategy that solves Jax' only problem: He scales with every stat in the game, except with Max HP! So for this build, we'll only build Items that scale with Max HP or Bonus HP. These include Heartsteel, Warmog's Armor, Riftmaker, Overlord's Bloodmail, Titanic Hydra, Unending Despair, Sunfire Aegis, Hollow Radiance, Abyssal Mask and Hullbreaker. Of course, a true Maximus Jaximus still needs acceptable footwear, so boots will not fall under this rule, you're free to build whichever pair you wish.
For runes, of course, Grasp of the Undying is perfectly viable, but since this build will make you fight for long times, Conqueror is absolutely fine, too. If the enemy is very slippery, you may also take Phase Rush, a true Maximus Jaximus should be able to utilize any Rune to be the best at what they do!
And so are you, Bob! I wish you the best in all the ventures that are yet to come for you!
Dear Bob, you should play Heartsteel Pyke. The idea behind the build is that infinite stacking health converts into infinite stacking AD for Pyke. You can build anything else you like.
Dead bob, you should play human stance udyr, pretty much instead of using any of the skills (stances) you stay in human stance (the stance you start in, don’t upgrade or use any skills), maybe build items with effects like hyrda for clear speed, frost gauntlet for cc, etc.
Dearest Bob,
I hope this finds you well. To win now you need a build capable of carrying far quickly and for that, you will need to use on hit hecarim. The build consists of using trinity force for the on hit sheen effect, rapid fore canon for the extended range on e and an infinity edge to boost the crit damage your e does. The whole point is you 1 shot people by running into them.
Bob, I've heard that Annie's friend Tibbers is pretty strong, but only if he can hit the enemy. Unfortunately his cast range isn't very long and his cooldown isn't the shortest, so you need to help him out a bit.
Position: Mid lane
Items: Malignance, hextech rocketbelt, Shurelya's reverie
Key runes: Electrocute, relentless hunter, cosmic insight
The general plan is to abuse the mobility provided by these items to outpace your opponent on the map and consistently land Tibbers without flash. You might not be one-shotting individual targets, but you will be hitting more targets more often.
Dear Bob,
I sincerely think you should play full tank pyke in the midlane as he has a 14:1 HP:AD ratio so you can just shank people and also not die. I’d recommend going grasp and overgrowth and building heartsteel first for funny bell auto attacks.
Thank you for considering my offer, best wishes Bob.
P.S. How’s the wife?
Dear Bob, you should play Syndra & MF Combo. This is where your duo uses MF's Q to bounce the bullet to a minion and you use Syndra's W to throw the minion towards the enemy to deal extra dmg everytime.
Dear Bob, you should play Sniper Ashe. The objective is to build AP and Ability haste to maximize the ultimate damage and decrease the cooldown to a degree that you can use it frequently. This will give you good poke and you'll be able to use your ultimate a lot because of the low cooldown. You'll be able to pick enemies for your team to engage, finish off enemies from high range or help your team in fights your not even close and you'll have ultimate for basically every fight. Your ult will do a huge amount of damage, your W will be a good source of consistent damage because of the burn and you'll still have the slow utility on your auto attacks.
You should start with Manamune early because you need mana and you won't scale with AP before level 6, it will also increase you AA damage, which is still relevant (specially early game). You'll build the itens that have burn effects (Liandry and Blackfire) because they can be activated by your W (even without AP scaling) and build Malignance for the Ultimate Ability haste. You finish your build with whichever item you prefer: Rabaddon's for higher AP, Shadowflame so your DOT crits, Zhonya's for the active...
As for runes, you can decide which is best, but you need Domination either as the main or secondary for Ultimate Hunter and Cheap Shot. You might want to replace Liandry in the build if you think it was overnerfed, but I think it's still the best way for you to deal damage to tanks.
Dear Bob, you should play Locket Gragas using the standard Phase Rush into Inspiration rune tree, but opting for Jack of All Trades to give your varied build some more oomph.
Start by acquiring the epic item Lost Chapter for the mana regeneration in lane, thereafter you will purchase Cosmic Drive for its sizeable Ability Haste and powerful Movement Speed boosting effect allowing you (alongside with Phase Rush) to stick to an enemy or follow a group of enemies closely, paving the way for your team.
After the mandatory Sorcerer's Shoes, you will want to build Locket of the Iron Solari. It is cheap and gives you some much needed-tankiness for the mid-game, as well as attaining more Jack of All Trades stacks.
Now that you have become a well-fortified F1 Race Car, complete your Lost Chapter into the Malignance item, giving your Ultimate a ludicrously low cast time.
As needed, cap off your build with a Cryptbloom, or an Abyssal Mask.
Dear Bob, you should play Tower Destroyer Ziggs in the toplane. You need to pick Demolish in order to get that big tower damage to synergize with your W and explode the enemy towers! Also, the be as efficient as possible, you need to help your jungler to manage to get all 6 Voidgrubs, even if it costs a death or a drake (the grubs damage is really boosted). Finally, i recommend burn items such as Blackfire Torch and Liandry's to poke the tanky toplaners and maybe Seraph's for some survivability. I heard it's good! Best of luck to you!
Dear Bob, play Jare Jare Daze Volibear. Go Nashor's Tooth ALWAYS first item besides starter items. Second Lich Bane or Shadow Flames. Your Passive increases ATK Speed proportional to AP. Your Goal is to demolish Towers and demolish Enemies. Oh also take demolish C: Ora ora... ora ora ora.... ooooooooooooooooooooora Edit: If someone types in Chat to you, reply with Ora, ORA!!!, ora :(
Dear Bob, you should play AP Bel’Veth. Her W and ultimate have insane AP ratios, and buying a Nashor’s Tooth means your attacks/on-hits will also scale with AP. Make sure to snag a Guinsoo’s for that juicy on-hit goodness as well.
Dear Bob,
You should play Tenmo, I mean, Teemo. I hear he’s a great champ to play.
Dear Bob, you should play crit rush Gangplank, he does alot fo dmg with his barrels when you crit, so if you build full crit component you can get alot of crit the quickest and start doing big dmg faster than if you build full items
Dear Bob, you should play Magic Horse Hecarim. You go full AP Hecarim jungle, your W and R both have good AP scaling and you max W first followed by Q, E, and R whenever you can! You take Phase Rush wtih Dom second for extra damage. Start by going Lich Bane, with CDR boots. Follow it up with a cosmic drive then build straight into a Riftmaker. Last 2 items will be Deathcap and if you need defensive get a banshii or hourglass!
Dear Bob, you should play one last time with Derrick and you should play either Swain and Galio Bot lane or Viktor and Veigar Double Cage stun in bot lane , I heard they are good startegies
Dear Bob, you should play jungle Pyke made famous by a Pianta "good guide." in fact, it has been so long since the last jungle Pyke good guide, that perhaps Bob could record an updated Jungle Pyke Good Guide for the current season while climbing!
Dear Bob, you should play support Quinn, where you want to rush the symbiotic boots and yommu's into full lethality to become an assassin support roaming the entire map. This strategy will prevent you from losing cause of bad teammates, you'll win their lanes for them!
Dear Bob, you should play attack speed tenmo. You build purely attack speed instead of ap. Build could be like beserkers,nashors, rageblade, bork, phantom dancer, kraken, etc. (wits end for mr) The blind mixed with your barrage of attacks will do wonders.
Dear Bob, you should play Moskito Gragas Jumpscare, preferably in support fill with a strong adc, the playstyle is similar to river Shen as in you roam the whole map causing impact in every lane, with movement speed runes , hexflash and only the red trinket to clear wards and have constant pressure around the map, you build AP items that give cdr and ult haste, or defensive that do the same. Take note of the objectives timer so you are there before everyone else, also you are not the carry but your constant and relentless pressure as a splinter to the enemy team will guarantee a victory, that or you get fed and impact the game as the real carry and remember, flash always has to be used, your sole job is to force a play or annoy the enemy's soul.
And moist importaintly, have fun :D.
Dear Bob,
You should play wizard Irelia.
She has surprising ap ratios, and her w makes her super tanky and deals a ton of damage. Plus a lot of ap items are attack speed/on hit, which synergizes really well with her kit.
Stuff like Nashors and Guinsoos are really good on her.
hi bob, you should play angry rammus. it's simple. rammus has had enough being the tank for his team and now goes full crit to murder the enemy himself. you take pta, build full crit, prio q and e max to cc the enemy while you auto them to death
Dear Bob, keep this hush hush but Ivern is on a top secret mission and needs you at the helm. You should play Ivern support with smite, infiltrating the enemy jungle and stealing their secret documents. This mission can be completed totally undercover where you're essentially double jungling with jng pet, or by weaving in and out of enemy lines playing with your ADC after stealing the odd camp with supp item. Runes and build wise you'll be playing generic support items, with either Glacial and blue line, or Summon Aery build
dear bob, you should try sharp stone, a lethality build for malphite... it consist of profane hydra into cyclosword into axiom arc... for runes hail of blades is a must, then cheap shot, eyeball collector, ultimate hunter... for secondary runes it can be whatever you want but my favorites are legend: haste and coup of grace
Dear Bob,
You should play Ap Tham Kench with Gohst and TP.
You wait until lvl 6, then gohst at your enemy, slap them, swallow them and spit them unter your turret.
Normal Build: Hearsteel, Swifties, Riftmaker, Liandry's etc..
I heard its really good.
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Stonks TF, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Stonks TF? This, is BobWatcher ep. 15
LETS GOOO, not "late" bobwatcher anymore :3
On time bobwatcher
Love to see you again brother♥
Dear Bob, you should play full lethality jungle Garen and only gank solo lane.
Dear Bob, you should play vroom vroom Warwick. You go jungle with ghost, blue smite and build movement speed items. This build is very fun and can catch opponents by surprise when you ult. Hope you'll have fun and get the 5 wins!
Dear Bob, you should play Debuff/buff Swain. You basically take Rylais, Malignance, Abyssal Mask, Cosmic Drive and Frozen Heart. If it doesnt have any ap, you could put Eternal Despair instead of Abyssal.
Dear Bob you said it by your self you need 5 wins , so you should play the 1v9 machine that will guarantee you this wins even with bad teammates and good opponents. This is Master Yi
Just play Master Yi full attack speed and win every single game
Dear Bob, support Singed got me to emerald and can get you the same! Predator used to be the best but I think aftershock will be good in those moments where you're a little too deep. 😂
Rylais and shurelya's make you a Rakan with constant uptime is the best way I can sum it up.
After that you can build into burning, movespeed/tanky items, or even a cheeky mandate. Such a flexible pocket pick will leave your enemies speechless and I trust in your ability to carry.
Saul Flingman
Dear Bob, you should try one hit bard. Go around the map, collect chimes build full ap. If you can 1 hit the ADC with just 1 auto attack, it's mission complete
Dear Bob, play whatever you like
Dear bob, you should play "The nexus defender" your role should be jungle and you CAN'T go on the other side of the river (The enemy side) this also means that one of the objectives will be unreachable unless they are kited into the river for you.
Dear Bob, You should play "Infinite AD Scaling" Pyke. Pyke gains AD from Bonus HP in Items and runes at a 14HP=1AD. Runes should be HP scaling with Grasp of the Undying. First Item rush should be Heartsteel (Base Heartsteel give 57 AD). After that you should build any AD item with Bonus HP. Can be played Mid or as a Support.
Dear Bob,
In the next game you should let the spirit of YESsuo take over Bob. I think that would be very interesting and help Bob reach his goal of promoting to emerald.
Dear Bob. You should play Jhingle (Jhin jungle). Both lethality and crit will work well, and using Jhin's W and R, you can gank safely while doing your buffs.
Dear Bob, you should play AD Leblanc. You have most mobility than any ADC and better wave clear. Getting a GA makes her especially frustrating to play against.
Riot: "This mans is trying to climb on a non-assassin, deploy the gold 2 brigade"
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Pantheon with Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter to become an unkillable high damage tank with armour pen and max health damage scaling with your health, so that you can sit in people with w until they die.
Dear Bob, you should play full movement speed kai´sa, I´m talking zephyr, statik shiv, phandom dancer, cosmic drive, opportunity, stromsurge.
With this build you will zoom to emerald pretty much immediately and since kai´sa can build anything it will work just fine.
For your runes you obviously have to go phase rush, water walking and celerity, for your secondary tree you have to atleast pick up relentless hunter.
Dear Bob. You should play Heartsteel Pyke, I've heard it's good. It lets you get infinite AD scaling and with Pyke's roaming ability with Soul Shoes he can collect them frequently enough to become a major threat even from the support role. I like the Triumph and Bounty runes for extra gold to get the item as quickly as possible. Best of luck on your climb!
Dear Bob, you should play jungle neeko. The strategy revolves around cosplaying as any of the jungle friends and surprise the enemy laners by ganking as the different camps
Dear Bob, I have an interesting one for you. You should try a full attack speed Mordekaiser. Your ability cool down and dmg will be through the roof. You are allowed to take defensive items, but only Abyssal Mask and Thormail are allowed. Fire build though and has won me many games.
Dear Bob,
deep in the taverns of Demacia rumors have been spread that Lux is on the juice now and tries to get off that pesky ability power.
Afterall her brother was never alright with her doing all that magic related stuff.
She is built different now.
Try equipping her with a blade of the ruined king for dueling power, an infinity edge to get the edge over the enemy some navoris flickerblade in case you need infinite roots and slows, a triforce because she kinda looks like princess Zelda when you close your eyes and its really dark and top it off with an attackspeed item of your choice.
What to build first is up to you, but the blade of the ruined king is essential before you get the infinity edge.
Dear Bob, You should play AD critgar. This is Veigar but instead of building AP mage items, He builds marksmen crit items. Since he gets passive AP from his stacks he doesn't really need to build any AP. You build essence reaver for the mana sustain, IE for bigger crits then whatever you please after. You can take any precision tree rune but the best is Fleet footwork.
Dear Bob, go ap graves support and max smokescreen. Shits hilarious, trust.