Cyst. Unawd/Deuawd/Ensemble Sioe Gerdd

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ม.ค. 2025
  • Dyma ganlyniadau 1af, 2ail, 3ydd cystadleuaeth Unawd/Deuawd/Ensemble Sioe Gerdd Eisteddfod y Rhondda 2021.
    Noddir y gystadleuaeth yma gan - Aelwyd Cwm Rhondda
    Diolch i’r beirniad - Steffan Prys Roberts
    Here are the results, 1st, 2nd, 3rd for the Musical Theatre Solo/Duet/Ensemble competition.
    This competition is sponsored by - Aelwyd Cwm Rhondda
    Diolch to our judge - Steffan Prys Roberts

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