Mount Altissimo | DJI Mini2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Most High is an imposing mountain when viewed from the sea, although in reality it is not very high. However, its summit, easily accessible, offers an extraordinary view of the Apuan chain, the sea and the Ligurian and Tuscan islands. It was explored by Michelangelo who sensed the potential associated with the extraction of statuary marble and the quarries, most of which are now abandoned, deeply mark the slopes and constitute a sort of Marble Archeology Park.
    It is a mountain formed entirely of marble which, from the sea, appears so impressive that it deserves a name that does not belong to it, reaching its summit only 1589 meters.
    It is entirely included in the municipality of Seravezza (Lucca), to the south, on the sea side, it overlooks the Valle del Serra while to the north it overlooks the Gobbie canal.
    The south side is horrid and falls vertically for over 700 meters, presenting, from a distance, the appearance of an overhanging wall. In reality, it is possible to distinguish a real south wall that leads to the summit, while close to the south-east ridge which then extends south towards Falcovaia, it is possible to distinguish a large amphitheater that refers to the two minor peaks: 1460 m and 1471 in which the famous Tacca Bianca quarries stand out (collective name used for the southern quarries, including the quarry of the same name).
    The northern and eastern slopes, delimited by the west and south-east ridges, are wooded and slope less steeply downstream where the road that leads from Massa to Arni and Garfagnana passes.
    On the summit a new cross was erected on 28 October 2007, very imposing and clearly visible from afar. The Northern Apuan Alps from the summit. From the left Sagro, Grondilice, Contrario, Cavallo, Tambura, Sella and Macina.
    The view from the summit is very beautiful both on the sea and on the northern and southern Apuane.
    The mountain is deeply marked by numerous caves that open on its sides and even reach a great height, most of them are, however, now abandoned.
    We distinguish a northern group of quarries near the north ridge, an eastern group north of altitudes 1471 and 1460 (including the Fondone quarry), a southern group at the head of the Serra valley (including that of the Tacca Bianca), divided into two basins with an appendix in the area of ​​Falcovaia to the south-east, the latter being the most active area today.
    the Tacca Bianca quarry which can be reached by air on the side of the mountain (it is the largest and highest opening).
    Michelangelo Buonarroti, between 1518 and 1520, explored the Seravezza area and the southern slopes of Monte Altissimo in search of marble deposits destined for the facade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence on commission of Pope Leo X, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent of the Medici family. The quarry of the Chapel was activated, located under the parish church of San Martino, which produced marbles which, however, were not used for the Florentine church due to an afterthought by the pope. The great sculptor probably sensed the potential of the area, but the real excavation began only at the end of the sixteenth century and reached important levels of production only with Henraux starting from 1800. So it is absolutely false that Michelangelo obtained the marble from the quarries of Monte Altissimo. for its large sculptures.
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