Wow i thought the only colors u can use in 2v2 ranked is red and blue so u can play against everyone as if 2 teams choose the same color they will never meet in match making but maybe they fixed it and maybe the opposite team will appear using a different color on ur screen
It’s almost like Lucian pays people to lose to him. It’s unbelievable he just sigspamms and they walk into it. I’m so confused how u could lose to this guy
Love you all! Here's Community Colors (Activate in the Malhalla; You have to guess the last digit): TAQZBX-Y1BC9*
Good luck!
It was e
Who got it tho
Not me
0:21 That Isaiah set up is tough af!!!!
Wishing you all a lovely rest-of-the-day/night ahead!
me: starts watching premiere
premiere: alright imma head out
THANK U LUCIAN! u da best ur vids always make my day ;]
What is it
@@StoriesNFacts_ its on youtube
@@Hamza_26632 he meant wht is the feature
irdk what it is
What's going on Lucian!! Just want you to know that your one of my favorite content creators for Brawlhalla!!
When you wake up at 3 am and don't know what do you come at here this guy
What if charged og is coming in level
I believe this feature has been in the game for quite a bit now
how are you doing double combo with spear
Hey Lucian, how you feeling today. Gotta do a daily check up XD
Feeling fantastic today thanks sir
Wait, What new feature?
I’m trying it on my switch but it doesn’t work
Hey could you make a volkov video
How to do neutral air???
i think this feature has been here for a while iirc
What feature?
☘️Much love🔥❤️
love your vids man
Your videos are really cool Lucian. Congrats
Hey lucian, could please explain how to use the skal emote?
You equip it in the menu, and set it to the key/right stick direction you want to use it with
@@sanimani thank you :) but how do you drink it?
I'm hyped for kung-fu panda 🔥🔥
When does it come
@@Ruzunzz_ 24 march
Hey Lucian do you read all of your comments?
When we gonna play 2s Lucian?
Talking about new features I hope brawlhala starts actuall content other than cosmetics new legends or weapons.
That feature was always there
Can u do a scythe combo vid
I got my snacks im ready
you jump of the air 2 times how
Double jump
Diamond is 1800 elo?
I already finished all my challenges for all the weeks so far
Wow i thought the only colors u can use in 2v2 ranked is red and blue so u can play against everyone as if 2 teams choose the same color they will never meet in match making but maybe they fixed it and maybe the opposite team will appear using a different color on ur screen
Your are so good at the game
Can’t wait for the new crossovers Wednesday and also here is something I always wanted to now Lucians_Sword do you watch anime
Who's your favorite legend?
Love the vids
Its faith , and his main was brynn
My Favorite is Onyx (Lvl 30 and Black XD)
What does new feature mean exactly?
Finished all neutral air ko in 3 hours first day cannon is perfect for it
Yeah and bow
oh new feature for utube
Hi Lucian sword im back on youtube watching your videos
What is the new feature
Was he like a Lucien main or something, why is his name Lucian Sword
He said previously for personal reasons
@@xddsr2469 oh
Keep up the good work
Great job today Lucian
big fann of skillzWG not seen him in your vid a long time.Hi skillz. commented on video 5
Hi! :D
@@SkillzWG sheeeeeesh
What is it
WHAT IS IT I MUST KNOW (tip: watch the video)
@@Lucians_Sword I was able to make it at the end of the premier 😂
Boomie and Sandstorm vs Lucian and SkillzWG
Ez win.
@@SkillzWG Omg Are u real!!!!🤩. Big Fan🙏
@@tanishawasthi5470 lol thanks for being a fan
who asked?
I wont even try for the code
Imagine getting it couldn't be me
@@sulphate6928 I feel you
you should play nimwe (dusk crossover)
Lucian sir roland has the same style as koji
It’s almost like Lucian pays people to lose to him. It’s unbelievable he just sigspamms and they walk into it. I’m so confused how u could lose to this guy
Imagine brawlhalla VR?
That would be sick
So what the new feature
good bro
I played against you once and I got doo dood on so hard😂 you were onix I was mirage I think?
The best team!
Lucians sword you are so good
please play more 2v2
You are the best
you play on controller and your better than me 😭
Yo wussup Lucian do more 2v2s pls
Or 2v1s??😎
I love u vid
Ay lucians sword who do u enjoy playing the most?
His kid talking at the background
Hey Lucian, can I get noticed
Not Lying. Lola is in my clan
i think
I Love you msks
U make me better
buff jiro
I finally made it to plat in ranked 1’s. I know yall dont care but i just had to let that out😂
800th like❤❤❤
I got ss of my man’s beating u😂
what up
The sky
No it isnt new i played 2s like a month ago and it was there so idk
d-pad only challenge
That's not even hard
@@sanimani he uses an xbox controller
I heard a kid.
imagine teaming on one person and spamming lmaooo
What’s good seventh comment let’s goo baby
Exalted lion members Roland Ragnar Diana mordex Isaiah
Your a controller player yet I see not tutorials on your channel.
Can you do ranked 2v2 with your wife please?
First comment :)