I was 5 years old when this film was taken and does it bring back memories. Looking for my dad in these films of a by gone era but just wishful thinking. Now living in LA for the last 49 years as I always wonder how life would have been different if we didn’t move to Cali. I am still a Montrealer till the day I no longer walk this earth.
I was 9 when this was taken. Always watching these kinds of vids for a glimpse of my life as it was. Hoping to see my slice of life back then that I so cherish. Nothing so far. But these satisfy enough. I agree with you 100% my friend. I moved to western Canada. My body lives there now. But my soul is still back there. In my Montreal.
Memories Memories Almost forgotten (3:29 in the video CfCf-Tv van) 1968 I was working for CfCf-Tv where at time I drove that van .Then tv was live where a team of enthusiasm man and woman was eager to discover the world it's city and share it with Montrealers Now in my seventy I truly can say These where the good old days. Thanks
Did you know anyone named Angelo Biello ? He worked at CFCF and was a cameraman. He was married to my sister's best friend. Passed away at a young age from cancer.
I remember when Gord Martineau smoked a cigar last night on air at CFCF try doing that in Toronto 45 years ago would have been busted! Bumped into Gord decades later and told him I remembwr the cigar he laughed
WOW, best city in the world. I was 2 yrs old and this vid brings back so many of my childhood memories. Not much has really changed in MTL. This was before Mcdonald's, Wendy's and coffee shops all over. I wish it was 1968 again and i can start over and be 2 again. I Love MTL. That little kid at 6:50 is now close to 70 yrs old. Where has the time gone?? It went so fast. Thanks for this great video.
I was 9 at the time, going to St. Patrick's Boys elementary school on Dorchester St. (Rene-Levesque Blvd.). I so agree with you my friend. What I wouldn't give to be back there again :)
@@mikesaccoia5748 Mike, it's so sad how time just flew. I remember being 8 and thinking how i will be young forever and it'll be an eternity before i am 50+. now i'm 53. can't believe how fast it went. i really do wish i can start all over again and be 8 and play all day in the park with my friends and come home and mom has supper ready. Today, u don't see kids outside anymore like before. the parks near my house are empty. back in the early 70s, all the kids were outside in the sun running around. Today, they are all inside playing xbox or on the internet. I am so happy we had none of this stuff back then and we enjoyed the outdoors and fresh air and got exercise. i am so happy i grew up in my era and not today. tv, movies and music was way way better back then too. everything was better. life has changed. I just wish it didn't go so fast. Too bad i can't re live it all over again. i had such a fun childhood.
@@@claude878878, Claude, you and I are of a kind. Word for word I feel, agree and remember exactly what you have just described. I recall so fondly playing with my friend Didier at Parc Viger. The Molson Clock, in the background, like a mother watching over us. Even back then I knew I was living in a very special time. To be sure I was curious about the future. But was in no hurry to get there. I feel the same as you, felt I would be forever young. Would that I could, to keep that time alive forever. Alas here we are. And yes, today l feel as you do. Life is not being lived. It's being broadcast, by social media, video games etc. Society has become a passive participant in life. We are so fortunate to have lived the real life then. Thanks for sharing my friend.
@@mikesaccoia5748 how about your watch??? I got a time machine almost ready in my garage but your gold rolex can get you a front row seat in time machine!!😁😁😁
J,avais 20 ans a l,epoque. Tous adoraient le centre-ville, tel que le chantait Petula Clark ! Seuls les touristes s,extasient maintenant devant les charmes de Montreal. Les Montrealais de souche fuient cette ville pour la banlieue, ou mieux, la campagne.
Effectivement, la direction de Montréal nous a envoyé un message clair : "on veut pas vous voir avec vos voitures " alors j'y vais seulement lorsque que je n'ai aucun autre choix. Je vois pas pourquoi j'irais dépenser mon argent ou je ne suis pas bienvenue. Joliette c'est parfait pour moi.
Mes modèles de bus préférés! GMC TDH-5303, GMC PD-4107, Canadian Car & Foundry CD-52 et TD-51, des Mack (probablement un C-49-DT) et le Canadair-Flxible CL-218. Avoir une machine à remonter dans le temps, je choisirais d'y aller le temps autour de l'Expo avec mon appareil photo
This was filmed the summer I was born, but I have never ever seen Montreal roads look so smooth and well paved. I'm old enough to say this was the last time it looked like that, obviously a post-Expo bonus.
Wonderful video to watch. I was 7 years old, growing up in Point St. Charles, (15 minutes away). I remember riding the bus with my mother and going "uptown" shopping with her. Always got some of those great suckers at Laura Secord's on the corner of Peel and St. Catherine before catching the 58 bus home across the street. Simpson's was her favorite store and I still remember the delivery man coming to our house back then, his name was Charlie. Expo 67 had just happened the year before and I remember walking to the entrance on bridge Street just beside the old Autostade. I remember seeing all of the people walking over there some coming as far away as Verdun and LaSalle. Never saw so many pedestrians on Wellington st. in my life. See how the folks on the streets are going about their business calmly and so nicely dressed, not like today. Same with the vehicles on the roads, no road rage and the pavement is well kept. Great time to grow up. Too bad that in two years time the FLQ crisis will be on our hands and Pierre Laporte will be murdered. Sorry for the long winded story.
@@leocadieux6781 Tazman was 7 years old and children should enjoy a comfortable little existence, Leo: the tragedy of our world is that children are still traumatised by war, terrorism, territorial aggression, hunger, poverty and racism. As for your line about oppressed people, reflect on real oppression whether in North Korea or Palestine or Syria etc etc. Life in Montreal in Tazman's time was paradise compared with many parts of the world. Nobody was enslaved, nobody was tortured, nobody was excluded.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS Cool. J’avais deux ans. J’ai vu tout ceci mais évidemment je ne peux pas me rappeler. J’adore tout ces vieux films, surtout en couleur. Beaucoup est encore exactement pareille. J’ai reconnus Metcalfe, Sté-Catherine, Guy, Dorchester (aujourd’hui René Lévesque)..……… La plupart des gens qu’on voit sont malheureusement décédés aujourd’hui. Merci ! SINCE I’M BILINGUAL - AS SO MANY OF US IN MONTREAL ARE - I WILL TRANSLATE. Cool. I was two. I saw all of this but obviously don’t remember. I love all these old films, especially in colour. Much of it is exactly the same today. I recognized Metcalf, Ste-Catherine, Guy, Dorchester (now René Lévesque)…..….. Most of the people we see are unfortunately now deceased. Thank you
C’est moi ou il y avait davantage de beauté et d’esthétisme dans notre ville à l’époque ? Les enseignes, les bâtiments,les voitures, les constructions… Tout, si l’on regarde bien, avait un soucis esthétique. On ne faisait pas les choses seulement pour leur aspect pratique, mais les concepteurs mettaient une partie d’eux-mêmes dans ce qu’ils faisaient. La preuve : qui a déjà vécu dans ces duplex datant des années 20-30 se rappelleront ces murs de plâtre épais avec ces scultpures que les artisans faisaient - comparativement à ces murs de placo-plâtre fade et mince comme un 0,25$ dans lesquels on pourrait presque s’y enfoncer une main si tant est qu’on s’appuie un peu trop fort dessus !! Quand va-t-on revenir à des considrations esthétiques dans les centre-villes ? Peut être que les gens seraient moins déprimés ???… Du moins est-ce ma conviction!
Tellement d'accord avec vous madame!Montréal n'est plus ce qu'elle était.Ces affreux autoroutes ont cicatrisé la ville et c'est très dommage.Coté historique c'est la ville de Québec qui remporte la palme.Bravo Québec!
@Philippe Riopel C'est pourtant de 1956 à 1966 que furent construites les autoroutes 40, 720 et 15 que nous connaissons aujourd'hui... soit avant ce vidéo!
Par example, je me souviens aussi à l’époque que les rues étaient pleins de déchets aux bords des trottoirs. Ça ca a beaucoup changé. On avait tous la même mentalité. C’était partout comme ça. Des canettes, de paquets de cigarettes, du papier, des bâtons de popsicles, des sacs de chips…… J’ai l’âge d’avoir vraiment remarqué les changements avec les années.
@@curly8029 D'accod avec vous. Il ne faut pas romancer à outrance le passé. Tout n'était pas si rose bonbon que ça. Je me rappelle aussi des déchets partout. C'était épouvantable. Mais je dois dire que le monde était plus présentable que maintenant et comme il y avait moins de circulation, Montréal a l'air plus immense qu'elle l'est.
Oui, je me souviens des plafonds avec les rosaces de platre ou on installe les fixtures, les portes de Bois solide avec des poignés en vitre. C'était sur St Catherine près de Pie -IX.
En '67 tout était beau... comme dit la chanson... le vidéo est de 68 mais la ville se gardait propre pour avant et après suite à l'expo 67... aujourd'hui ils débutent à peine à réparer les rues et trottoirs et les déchets de restauration rapides très présents aujourd'hui sont arrivés après 67...
I was 18 years old then, grew up in Montreal and now live in the UK.....Montreal was the best and still is in my view..Old guy now, but what memories..!
Shawn Christopher White sa fait longtemps que j'avais visionnée la vidéo et comme tu dits sa glace le sang pis la façon qu'il regarde la petite madame une seconde avant de disparaître je pense pas que c'est truqué on dirait les hommes en noir qui voyage dans le temps haha
Liette Bowes on dirait les hommes en noir qui voyagent dans le temps haha on dirait un test voir si devant cette nouvelle technologie des caméras vidéo s'y ils sont capables de disparaître devant la caméra?
Pour l'amour du bon dieu que c'est t-il passer depuis pour que nos sois dans un état lamantable et horrible .. je vois que en 1968 ont avait des belles rues
Not really.. Montreal is a lot more European in style than any other american city. The buildings are also not tall at all compared to other cities due to the fact we don't want to build taller than Mt. Royal.
Avez-vous remarqué, pas de travaux de construction dans les routes et pas de nid de poules... il y en avait pas de corruption à l'époque comment maintenant. Ça mets du matériel cheap, ça charge cher et ça cause des nid de poules à chaque année pour avoir à réparer à chaque année.
En 1968, il n'y avait presque pas de nids de poules. 50 ans plus tard, la ville ressemble à un champ de bataille. Que s''est il passé ? Je suis né en 1982 alors je n'ai malheureusement pas connu cette grande époque de changement.
Thanks JS. Are you related to the famous professor who disappeared after the RCMP checked into him? As for Montreal in 1968, it was a great year. I've researched that very year closely. Other places had a bad time in 68 but Montreal was full of love and draft dodgers.
No relation. My father was in the printing business. An FLQ leader also had the same name, was born the same year, in the same country as my father. Again, no relation.
@@colehara Yes, that's right. I suppose they were still in reasonable condition in 1976 for the Olympics. Nowadays they are a disaster, and even when they are repaved it is done sloppily. The Mafia is heavily involved in all of this.
Seeing the CFCF van at ~3.30 reminds me of Channel 12 TV in Montreal back then. I also used to go to Man and His World which is what became of Expo 67 held the year before this. I was 10-11 years old at the time this film was recorded.
@@sofialadune9351 je peux t'amener faire un tour de cheval et te faire visiter ma cabane. Je bûche du bois aussi. On pourra boire une canette de bière avec un de mes amis ours. Tu pourras t'occuper de ses oursons. On a plus d'ours bruns et de loup ici par ratio de population 🔥👍🐻
@@sofialadune9351 on appelle ça des chalets. Je connais par contre du monde qui vivent dans des Igloos mais c'est plus au nord. Ici c'est des cabanes en bois plus au sud.
Surreal seeing signs in English in downtown. Nowadays when I visit, the signage is so unilingually French but I guess that's what the people want. Just hard for tourists to navigate, oh well. Glad to have google translate apps.
I guess they all thought they'd be on tv. remember, cameras were very rare on the street back in the day. Whenever u did see one, first thing you'd do is try to get in so u can possibly see yourself on tv in the news that night.
This 68 movie was filmed by who ??? some TV truck??? people look very curiously at camera!! I mean everyone was starring and you can read their lips all saying " who is that guy with camera???
Living in Mtl. in 70's was the best time in history especially going downtown to st cath.st to streetrace all the muscle-cars and those Italian rich kids in ferarris panteras and porches!!! No hassle from cops in those days and picking up young women was incredibly easy! especially if you had a convertable with a good working hi-tech sound system( an 8 track!😁) Montrealers were the coolest bunch of young people anywhere!!!
C´est quoi les chiffres qui défilent, logos et autre bidules qui gâchent l´image ? La seule chose que je retiens est l´état du pavage et des trottoirs sous le maire Jean Drapeau, un visionnaire de la métropole Canadienne de l´époque, remplacé depuis par des.... et Montréal aujourd'hui agonise avec ses infrastructures en ruines. Visiteurs bienvenues. Trous, bosses, fissures, cônes de travaux qui s´éternisent. Le déclin des visionnaires qui lui ont succédés.
I visited Montreal on 3 occasions. My first visit was in 1989 and it was my first experience with East Coast weather. This film was done around late spring and the weather becomes warm and humid. It didn't bother me at all being my ancestry is Southern European. They have extreme weather and I am in a way use to it.
J'ai regarder la vidéo pour voir les automobiles du temps.Chaques voitures est identifiables, marque année modèle !!! Aujourd'hui, elles sont toutes pareilles !!!😭EUARKK!!!👎😢
Quelqu un en moto pas de casque la SAAQ vas augmenter les plaques et les permis de moto watch out mais il n as pas de chance de tomber dans un trou et briser sa monture
Wow big cars on every street and diferrent when I drove there every day in early 1080's , beautiful memories and it was nice to live in one of the best city in the world . Miss those days and thanks for sharing great video
Wow! Nice views. It's still a nice town. Some obvious differences are there's no slob culture in the shots and still tons of English signage all over the place.
Wow, 1968 - my first year driving these very streets. Most of the pretty young women in this video are likely in their ‘70’s; most of the people over 35 are dead. Just saying . . .
I left Montreal for good in April 1968 and seeing this film stirs up a lot of flashbacks. Merci Beaucoup.
I was 5 years old when this film was taken and does it bring back memories. Looking for my dad in these films of a by gone era but just wishful thinking. Now living in LA for the last 49 years as I always wonder how life would have been different if we didn’t move to Cali. I am still a Montrealer till the day I no longer walk this earth.
I was 9 when this was taken. Always watching these kinds of vids for a glimpse of my life as it was. Hoping to see my slice of life back then that I so cherish. Nothing so far. But these satisfy enough. I agree with you 100% my friend. I moved to western Canada. My body lives there now. But my soul is still back there. In my Montreal.
Maybe it's time for you to visit Montreal again.
@@jayron9 Just came across your comment. Just what I was thinking. I have far fewer days ahead than behind. Wise advice my friend :)
But you don 't learn to speak french!!!?
You kind of forget your French when you have lived in California for 50 years 🥲
Memories Memories
Almost forgotten (3:29 in the video CfCf-Tv van) 1968 I was working for CfCf-Tv where at time I drove that van .Then tv was live where a team of enthusiasm man and woman was eager to discover the world it's city and share it with Montrealers Now in my seventy I truly can say These where the good old days. Thanks
Did you know anyone named Angelo Biello ? He worked at CFCF and was a cameraman. He was married to my sister's best friend. Passed away at a young age from cancer.
I remember when Gord Martineau smoked a cigar last night on air at CFCF try doing that in Toronto 45 years ago would have been busted! Bumped into Gord decades later and told him I remembwr the cigar he laughed
My wife’s father was the manager or CFCF 405 Ogilvie Ave. Like Young. Howie the Turtle ..Razzle Dazzle
WOW, best city in the world. I was 2 yrs old and this vid brings back so many of my childhood memories. Not much has really changed in MTL. This was before Mcdonald's, Wendy's and coffee shops all over. I wish it was 1968 again and i can start over and be 2 again. I Love MTL. That little kid at 6:50 is now close to 70 yrs old. Where has the time gone?? It went so fast. Thanks for this great video.
I was 9 at the time, going to St. Patrick's Boys elementary school on Dorchester St. (Rene-Levesque Blvd.). I so agree with you my friend. What I wouldn't give to be back there again :)
@@mikesaccoia5748 Mike, it's so sad how time just flew. I remember being 8 and thinking how i will be young forever and it'll be an eternity before i am 50+. now i'm 53. can't believe how fast it went. i really do wish i can start all over again and be 8 and play all day in the park with my friends and come home and mom has supper ready. Today, u don't see kids outside anymore like before. the parks near my house are empty. back in the early 70s, all the kids were outside in the sun running around. Today, they are all inside playing xbox or on the internet. I am so happy we had none of this stuff back then and we enjoyed the outdoors and fresh air and got exercise. i am so happy i grew up in my era and not today. tv, movies and music was way way better back then too. everything was better. life has changed. I just wish it didn't go so fast. Too bad i can't re live it all over again. i had such a fun childhood.
@@@claude878878, Claude, you and I are of a kind. Word for word I feel, agree and remember exactly what you have just described. I recall so fondly playing with my friend Didier at Parc Viger. The Molson Clock, in the background, like a mother watching over us. Even back then I knew I was living in a very special time. To be sure I was curious about the future. But was in no hurry to get there. I feel the same as you, felt I would be forever young. Would that I could, to keep that time alive forever. Alas here we are. And yes, today l feel as you do. Life is not being lived. It's being broadcast, by social media, video games etc. Society has become a passive participant in life. We are so fortunate to have lived the real life then. Thanks for sharing my friend.
Yea I was 15 and youre right it was the greatest time and city of montreal knew how to party!!!! 😁
@@mikesaccoia5748 how about your watch??? I got a time machine almost ready in my garage but your gold rolex can get you a front row seat in time machine!!😁😁😁
Omg le coin Ste-Cath/Bleury! 😱😍 C’est fou de voir ça!
J,avais 20 ans a l,epoque. Tous adoraient le centre-ville, tel que le chantait Petula Clark ! Seuls les touristes s,extasient maintenant devant les charmes de Montreal. Les Montrealais de souche fuient cette ville pour la banlieue, ou mieux, la campagne.
Effectivement, la direction de Montréal nous a envoyé un message clair : "on veut pas vous voir avec vos voitures " alors j'y vais seulement lorsque que je n'ai aucun autre choix. Je vois pas pourquoi j'irais dépenser mon argent ou je ne suis pas bienvenue. Joliette c'est parfait pour moi.
I can't believe the streets are so nice...
The streets had just been paved for expo67. They would not be repaved for 40 years.
place still looks this clean .
@@tomjones2121 Not really. There are lots of oil stains on the streets which are cause by leaks from poorly maintained cars.
@antonboludo8886 Yeah I remember being young and seeing cars with rusted out holes as big as my fists. Such cars aren't allowed anymore.
@@SurnaturalM Cars were real rust buckets in those days. Lasted 4 years at most.
C'est fou comme c'était beau ! Aujourd'hui c'est des embouteillages constant et des réparations à tous les 10 pieds hiver comme été.
besides the smooth streets and no construction, Downtown Montreal hasn't really changed at all. It still looks exactly the same. J'adore ma Ville.
everyone was so slim and well dressed back then and the cars we're so beautiful...
I was there. Played in a band. Long live “The Ritual”. RIP Gary Townsend
Mes modèles de bus préférés! GMC TDH-5303, GMC PD-4107, Canadian Car & Foundry CD-52 et TD-51, des Mack (probablement un C-49-DT) et le Canadair-Flxible CL-218. Avoir une machine à remonter dans le temps, je choisirais d'y aller le temps autour de l'Expo avec mon appareil photo
Ahhh everything is so clean and everyone is so well dressed. It was so much better back then.
better then what ? it looks exactly the same today ...LOL
This was filmed the summer I was born, but I have never ever seen Montreal roads look so smooth and well paved. I'm old enough to say this was the last time it looked like that, obviously a post-Expo bonus.
Wonderful video to watch. I was 7 years old, growing up in Point St. Charles, (15 minutes away). I remember riding the bus with my mother and going "uptown" shopping with her. Always got some of those great suckers at Laura Secord's on the corner of Peel and St. Catherine before catching the 58 bus home across the street. Simpson's was her favorite store and I still remember the delivery man coming to our house back then, his name was Charlie.
Expo 67 had just happened the year before and I remember walking to the entrance on bridge Street just beside the old Autostade. I remember seeing all of the people walking over there some coming as far away as Verdun and LaSalle. Never saw so many pedestrians on Wellington st. in my life.
See how the folks on the streets are going about their business calmly and so nicely dressed, not like today. Same with the vehicles on the roads, no road rage and the pavement is well kept. Great time to grow up. Too bad that in two years time the FLQ crisis will be on our hands and Pierre Laporte will be murdered.
Sorry for the long winded story.
Yes, too bad that an oppressed people ruined your comfortable little existence 😢
@@leocadieux6781 Tazman was 7 years old and children should enjoy a comfortable little existence, Leo: the tragedy of our world is that children are still traumatised by war, terrorism, territorial aggression, hunger, poverty and racism.
As for your line about oppressed people, reflect on real oppression whether in North Korea or Palestine or Syria etc etc. Life in Montreal in Tazman's time was paradise compared with many parts of the world. Nobody was enslaved, nobody was tortured, nobody was excluded.
@@johnhaggerty4396 I didn't view Léo Cadieux' post, however I can only imagine what it said before being removed. Thanks for the wonderful reply John.
Une voiture pour 5 habitants. On en est à 5 voitures pour 4 habitants. Vous avez choisi le char pour remplacer les enfants. Bravo
clean streets, every one well dressed wow
J’avais deux ans. J’ai vu tout ceci mais évidemment je ne peux pas me rappeler.
J’adore tout ces vieux films, surtout en couleur. Beaucoup est encore exactement pareille.
J’ai reconnus Metcalfe, Sté-Catherine, Guy, Dorchester (aujourd’hui René Lévesque)..………
La plupart des gens qu’on voit sont malheureusement décédés aujourd’hui.
Merci !
I was two. I saw all of this but obviously don’t remember.
I love all these old films, especially in colour. Much of it is exactly the same today.
I recognized Metcalf, Ste-Catherine, Guy, Dorchester (now René Lévesque)…..…..
Most of the people we see are unfortunately now deceased.
Thank you
C’est moi ou il y avait davantage de beauté et d’esthétisme dans notre ville à l’époque ? Les enseignes, les bâtiments,les voitures, les constructions… Tout, si l’on regarde bien, avait un soucis esthétique. On ne faisait pas les choses seulement pour leur aspect pratique, mais les concepteurs mettaient une partie d’eux-mêmes dans ce qu’ils faisaient. La preuve : qui a déjà vécu dans ces duplex datant des années 20-30 se rappelleront ces murs de plâtre épais avec ces scultpures que les artisans faisaient - comparativement à ces murs de placo-plâtre fade et mince comme un 0,25$ dans lesquels on pourrait presque s’y enfoncer une main si tant est qu’on s’appuie un peu trop fort dessus !! Quand va-t-on revenir à des considrations esthétiques dans les centre-villes ? Peut être que les gens seraient moins déprimés ???… Du moins est-ce ma conviction!
Tellement d'accord avec vous madame!Montréal n'est plus ce qu'elle était.Ces affreux autoroutes ont cicatrisé la ville et c'est très dommage.Coté historique c'est la ville de Québec qui remporte la palme.Bravo Québec!
@Philippe Riopel C'est pourtant de 1956 à 1966 que furent construites les autoroutes 40, 720 et 15 que nous connaissons aujourd'hui... soit avant ce vidéo!
Par example, je me souviens aussi à l’époque que les rues étaient pleins de déchets aux bords des trottoirs.
Ça ca a beaucoup changé.
On avait tous la même mentalité. C’était partout comme ça.
Des canettes, de paquets de cigarettes, du papier, des bâtons de popsicles, des sacs de chips……
J’ai l’âge d’avoir vraiment remarqué les changements avec les années.
@@curly8029 D'accod avec vous. Il ne faut pas romancer à outrance le passé. Tout n'était pas si rose bonbon que ça. Je me rappelle aussi des déchets partout. C'était épouvantable. Mais je dois dire que le monde était plus présentable que maintenant et comme il y avait moins de circulation, Montréal a l'air plus immense qu'elle l'est.
Oui, je me souviens des plafonds avec les rosaces de platre ou on installe les fixtures, les portes de Bois solide avec des poignés en vitre. C'était sur St Catherine près de Pie -IX.
En '67 tout était beau... comme dit la chanson... le vidéo est de 68 mais la ville se gardait propre pour avant et après suite à l'expo 67... aujourd'hui ils débutent à peine à réparer les rues et trottoirs et les déchets de restauration rapides très présents aujourd'hui sont arrivés après 67...
so clean!
I was 18 years old then, grew up in Montreal and now live in the UK.....Montreal was the best and still is in my view..Old guy now, but what memories..!
C'est moi où à 7:34 de la vidéo l'homme avec le veston et lunettes noir disparaît de la vidéo c'est vraiment bizarre
J'ai remarqué ça aussi - ça fait glacer le sang!
En effet, c'est bizarre. C'est probablement truqué mais pourquoi ?
Shawn Christopher White sa fait longtemps que j'avais visionnée la vidéo et comme tu dits sa glace le sang pis la façon qu'il regarde la petite madame une seconde avant de disparaître je pense pas que c'est truqué on dirait les hommes en noir qui voyage dans le temps haha
Liette Bowes on dirait les hommes en noir qui voyagent dans le temps haha on dirait un test voir si devant cette nouvelle technologie des caméras vidéo s'y ils sont capables de disparaître devant la caméra?
J'pense qu'on le retrouve ici : ou pas?
A few years ago I moved from Germany to Mtl. Except for the streets it looks and feels like today. I can imagine people having a blast childhood here.
Suits and ties to go to the office? What an interesting concept !!
The roads were so good back in those days..
Je donnerais cher pour retourner là , en 1968 :P Ouai ! C la vie :(
Bring me with you if you get that " time machine" working soon!!!😁😁😁
Take me with you!
C'était encore mieux l'année d'avant, 1967, l'année de l'Expo, tout était beau, grand, merveilleux. Qu'on était fier à l'époque !
Il y as des autos qui valent des fortunes aujourd'hui dans ce vidéo, et je remarque aussi qu' il n y as personne d obèse en 1968
La faute à l'industrie alimentaire qui fabrique des aliments ultratranformé qu on ne retrouvais pas à cette époque.
Trop de McDonald Trump rend malade .
a 5;12 les jolies demoiselle tres bien habiller pas comme aujourd hui
Les Montrealaises étaient reputées les mieux habillées en Amérique. Aujourd'hui tout le monde se ressemble, partout en Amérique.
Je me souviens. Thanks for the time trip, just wish it was higher resolution,
Check out the peoples quick curious response after realising there on " candid camera"!!! back in 60's it was pretty rare event to get filmed
Drapeau was the mayor and it shows.
Tous ces Montréalais, jeunes et moins jeunes, ont 50 ans de plus, s'ils ne sont pas déjà morts. Le temps passe...
L'eau mouille-t-elle?
Génération après Génération, ,le temps est cruel..
Pour l'amour du bon dieu que c'est t-il passer depuis pour que nos sois dans un état lamantable et horrible .. je vois que en 1968 ont avait des belles rues
The Montreal I remember the most vividly.
La jeune demoiselle au cheveux court doit avoir 90 ans maintenant si ile est vivante. wow
Non, je dirais environ 72 ans.
The quintessential North American city. Big giant buildings, North American grandeur/charm, and those 60s era cars are awesome.
Not really.. Montreal is a lot more European in style than any other american city. The buildings are also not tall at all compared to other cities due to the fact we don't want to build taller than Mt. Royal.
A much better city than today
Classy town! Even more so then. So much European charm.
De la musique ou des sons peut-être?
personne a remarqué l'homme en complet noir avec lunette noir qui disparrai a 7:32?!?
J'ai remarqué - à glacer le sang!
C'est qui ???
Avez-vous remarqué, pas de travaux de construction dans les routes et pas de nid de poules... il y en avait pas de corruption à l'époque comment maintenant. Ça mets du matériel cheap, ça charge cher et ça cause des nid de poules à chaque année pour avoir à réparer à chaque année.
En 1968, il n'y avait presque pas de nids de poules. 50 ans plus tard, la ville ressemble à un champ de bataille. Que s''est il passé ? Je suis né en 1982 alors je n'ai malheureusement pas connu cette grande époque de changement.
Y'ont refait toutes les rues pour l'expo 67.
Montreal roads today look like they were bombed overnight..the streets in this video are amazing wow
It's because they paved it for Expo 67
Thanks JS. Are you related to the famous professor who disappeared after the RCMP checked into him? As for Montreal in 1968, it was a great year. I've researched that very year closely. Other places had a bad time in 68 but Montreal was full of love and draft dodgers.
No relation. My father was in the printing business. An FLQ leader also had the same name, was born the same year, in the same country as my father. Again, no relation.
Avec le sond ça aurait été encore meilleur à visionner.
Wow! Juste wow!!!
Quel est le titre du film? Quelle est la source? J'aimerais utiliser ces images pour un projet vidéo, mais sans le watermark.
maudite belle route
at 5:46, they had Vulcans in Montreal back in 1968 ? (the lady with black hair)
T'Pol visit Montreal 😎😎
Chez Dieu, Le Nelson, etc.. Écoutez la chanson Chanson de Plume Latraverse "Chez Dieu"
Where are all the orange cones?
The streets were in good condition for Expo67.
That's probably the last time they were!
@@colehara Yes, that's right. I suppose they were still in reasonable condition in 1976 for the Olympics.
Nowadays they are a disaster, and even when they are repaved it is done sloppily.
The Mafia is heavily involved in all of this.
Seeing the CFCF van at ~3.30 reminds me of Channel 12 TV in Montreal back then. I also used to go to Man and His World which is what became of Expo 67 held the year before this. I was 10-11 years old at the time this film was recorded.
The last time the streets were paved....
The Separatist movement destroyed Montreal.
Les rues sont belles, c'est avant la corruption !
Incroyable! il y avait des voitures en 68 au quebec!? j'ai du mal a y croire...
@@liberte456 Ah bon? On m'a toujours dit que vous viviez dans des cabanes en bois et que vous etiez à cheval? c'est pas vrai?
@@liberte456 Je rigole...je capte les chaines tv du Quebec de France...MAX, rdi, tva, moi cie , télé quebec, addik, zeste etc...j'adore..
@@sofialadune9351 je peux t'amener faire un tour de cheval et te faire visiter ma cabane. Je bûche du bois aussi. On pourra boire une canette de bière avec un de mes amis ours. Tu pourras t'occuper de ses oursons. On a plus d'ours bruns et de loup ici par ratio de population 🔥👍🐻
@@sofialadune9351 on appelle ça des chalets. Je connais par contre du monde qui vivent dans des Igloos mais c'est plus au nord. Ici c'est des cabanes en bois plus au sud.
@@liberte456 Merci.
Surreal seeing signs in English in downtown. Nowadays when I visit, the signage is so unilingually French but I guess that's what the people want. Just hard for tourists to navigate, oh well. Glad to have google translate apps.
would love to know what they were looking at. must have been more than a camera man.
I guess they all thought they'd be on tv. remember, cameras were very rare on the street back in the day. Whenever u did see one, first thing you'd do is try to get in so u can possibly see yourself on tv in the news that night.
This 68 movie was filmed by who ??? some TV truck??? people look very curiously at camera!! I mean everyone was starring and you can read their lips all saying " who is that guy with camera???
Je crois que celui qui filmait parlais avec eux.
I like how one of the Men in Black disappears back to the future at 7:32 to 7:34
Better world then! We worked 9 to 5 well dressed and respectful! I wouldn't want to be young today! Best times of life❤❤❤❤
... except the FLQ. They were a bummer.
tourné autour du quadrilatère peel, ste-cath, de bleury, rené-lévesque (dorchester).
And not a single Smartphone Zombie in sight. Those were the days.
Yes! indeed👽
Any orange cone?
1968..Year I was born 😋
Living in Mtl. in 70's was the best time in history especially going downtown to st cath.st to streetrace all the muscle-cars and those Italian rich kids in ferarris panteras and porches!!! No hassle from cops in those days and picking up young women was incredibly easy! especially if you had a convertable with a good working hi-tech sound system( an 8 track!😁) Montrealers were the coolest bunch of young people anywhere!!!
Wow, les rues sont belles! Y'a meme pas de nids de poule!!!
trop de sel de nos jours
C'est parce qu'à ce temps-là, y avait pas d'hiver. Maintenant, à cause du réchauffement de la planète, il y a beaucoup plus d'hivers :).
Mike Astro c’parce qu’i prennent de l’asphalte cheap à c’t’heure
Les rues étaient toute refaites pour Expo 67.
@@Plastik13 Réchauffement d'la planète ça existe pas. Des cycle normal point.
cool vid, I think I saw at least 50 cars I would want! lol
La vie était certainement plus "smooth" en 1968. Seulement la présence des immeubles en témoignent.
C´est quoi les chiffres qui défilent, logos et autre bidules qui gâchent l´image ?
La seule chose que je retiens est l´état du pavage et des trottoirs sous le maire Jean Drapeau, un visionnaire de la métropole Canadienne de l´époque, remplacé depuis par des.... et Montréal aujourd'hui agonise avec ses infrastructures en ruines. Visiteurs bienvenues. Trous, bosses, fissures, cônes de travaux qui s´éternisent.
Le déclin des visionnaires qui lui ont succédés.
Street before corruption
I visited Montreal on 3 occasions. My first visit was in 1989 and it was my first experience with East Coast weather. This film was done around late spring and the weather becomes warm and humid. It didn't bother me at all being my ancestry is Southern European. They have extreme weather and I am in a way use to it.
That’s when Montreal was a beautiful city, today its almost scary to walk those streets !
Et nous Avon's pourquoi
I can't get over how clean the streets looked. Where are the potholes?
On back order. They'll be there soon I promise.
J'ai regarder la vidéo pour voir les automobiles du temps.Chaques voitures est identifiables, marque année modèle !!! Aujourd'hui, elles sont toutes pareilles !!!😭EUARKK!!!👎😢
Quelqu un en moto pas de casque la SAAQ vas augmenter les plaques et les permis de moto watch out mais il n as pas de chance de tomber dans un trou et briser sa monture
The Montreal I grew up in and remember.
The watermark in the middle of the screen is very annoying!
J'ai pas connu cette époque mais l'économie devait bien se porté, maintenant on se fait niqué à pleine couture.
Wow big cars on every street and diferrent when I drove there every day in early 1080's , beautiful memories and it was nice to live in one of the best city in the world .
Miss those days and thanks for sharing great video
Ah, those old buses were comfortable, not like the horse and buggy ride of the new low floor buses.
The roads were perfect at that time. Wow
Look, no pot holes!
Cause they fixed the streets for Expo 67
Look no mask and all the women wears dresses, I did not see one wearing jeans!
il n y a plus d autos des années 50 dans les rues ....les canadiens changeaient de voiture souvent
Moins de monde...😔
chose certaine, tous ceux qui ont plus de 50 ans dans ce film, sont décédés
Montreal at it's best. Even the roads were nice.
I found Charlie before he became famous 😂 4:50
Wow! Nice views. It's still a nice town. Some obvious differences are there's no slob culture in the shots and still tons of English signage all over the place.
Gars fou dur le moby qui dépassait 3 voies à droit de gauche. Mais ça, c'est Montréal
Aucun chemins en constructions ou de nid de poule ou de one way.
Salut à tous
Life before potholes.
Holy cow the roads were perfect. Not a single crack or pothole. And no graffiti. What happened?
Wow, 1968 - my first year driving these very streets. Most of the pretty young women in this video are likely in their ‘70’s; most of the people over 35 are dead. Just saying . . .
Wow the streets of Montreal without construction and good pavement
Tout était bien mieux avant ...
its called a ''camera'' people!!
not too many people had cameras back then
We know. Thanks for stating the obvious. We had them back then. Believe it or not. It's the nostalgia.
they knew cameras in those days. there must have been something else cause they all nod no.
Il manque les cones orange. haha
Je me disais la même chose 😂
Rien sur la vieille grosse anglaise unilingue de chez Eaton ???
I wonder what they are all looking at.
Propre....pas de nid-de-poules ou de cônes...?
C'est pas Montréal.