English translation: Have you heard this original audio before? Again, this is something I haven’t heard before! Youku, how many clips do you have? I’ll pay you! Jun Jun sang for a scene, why didn’t I know about this? This ship is never gonna end…Sleep? Got no time for that 🌚 0:04 WKX: Before the martial art conference, we got to find so fun things to do. Otherwise, we’ll have to look at each other and do nothing for the rest of our lives. (It’s said that the original novel did have this scene, seems like I got to read the novel now.) WKX (singing): I wish that our hearts feel the same. You wouldn’t be disappointed in my love for you. (Who can tell me why there’s a singing scene…0:26 That laugh is so Jun Jun lol) 0:30 ZZS: Find some fun? Lao Wen, have you been taken advantage of before? WKX: Why? ZZS: I’m not bright. I have always been taken advantage of. But if that happened once, I’ll definitely make that person pay for it next time. Lol, it’s like there are two stories going on: the drama and behind the scenes. WenZhou is my favourite! 0:49 Have you seen today Jun Jun acting as the owner of a tea shop? I was first aware of his hands then attracted by the cat….I mean tiger on his shirt…He’s cool but…I can’t help but laugh…Maybe next time you can endorse Bao Deng Yuan (Han Han mother’s tea shop)Why does Jun Jun look so proud of himself in this clip? lol Here comes the female boss~If this ad is real, shut up and take my money! 1:16 Quiz time~ Here are two questions for you~ if you got it wrong, go watch WOH 50 times and the Jun Zhe universe Q1: Can you name 5 codenames or phrases that are related to both of them? (such as..51..2..cat…dog...hexi..) You got 10 seconds~ 1:27 A: Tangerine skin, Citrus, Gardenia, 511, 1129, 51129, Feng Zi (Maniac), Wait for light, The sky is getting brighter, Citrus Gardenia, Lai Fu (Sounds like life and it means the arrival of blessings), 唯念君安 (Hope you’re safe and sound), Stars and Moon, Shan Ren (Mountain People), Cat & Dog, Princess & Dragon, The x that C entertainment can’t get, wait for your return, 1640, and the biggest solo fan- Gong Jun Simon, I strongly refuse to admit, you are a maniac and I’m an idiot Did you get 5 of them? Let me know in the comments 1:59 Q2: Which one is ZZH and GJ’s eyes? (it’s ok to get it wrong, after all, they look more and more similar. Find the answer for this one) 2:12 A notification from Bao Deng Yuan (Han Han Mom’s tea shop) A composition competition was held previously and they received lots of entries (more than 20K), so they decided to add the number of winners from 3 to 20. They are still selecting the winners and it’s estimated that it’ll be completed by Dec 25. (Hahaha, take your time, we’re not in a hurry, read carefully as we may test you on them. There are so many entries, probably a lot of them are to confess their love 🌚) 2:20 The 10 unsolved mysteries in the Jun Zhe universe. Why is the apple out of the agenda? Why does Jun Jun get swollen lips whenever he’s in Shanghai Why does he always like to bite the same place? Why does the mosquito in Shanghai so fierce 2:34 Jun Jun: Follow Gege (elder brother) Why does Jun Jun call him younger brother when he’s actually the younger one? Why does this Hexagon ring always appear? 2:41 Jun Jun: Show my abs? Not a chance! Since when did he stop showing his abs? 2:47 Why does Jun Jun stop posting group photos in the celebration post after he completed filming a drama? 2:50 Such a coincidence. Recently, I need to do a report about cyberbullying, I’ve witnessed a lot and got a lot to say. Here’s a clip I came across by He Jiong, (He’s a famous host in China, remember him? He’s also the host of Happy Camp) He Jiong: You can feel free to compliment others, but words that slander others, you’ll have to think thrice before you say it. Everyone thinks that it’s no big deal just to slightly make some accusations, but what if a lot of people did the same? Right? (Shook his head) You’ll never know the real situation of others (Girl: right!) How could you judge if that person’s good or bad? Also, whether that person’s good or bad, it's not someone that’s so distanced, like yourself, who can make a judgement to determine that. Good night! (Translation for the last video’s up. View my public playlist for all videos I translated😉)
Good morning, thank you again for the translation. Couldn't have agreed more to what Mr Ho said on verbal abuse, bully. Just wonder the clip from 0.50 to 1.15, is that a creation of the mountain people or it is a real commercial. Looks so real
人不是法官憑什麼去定論一個人, 更何況法官還得依真憑實據的證據方能將人定罪。
可憐的孩子,小哲,正義只是來得遲並非不來到,相信很快就還你清白。祝福 時時吉祥
希望早日春回大地, 撥開雲霧見青天, 還他清白, 我們堅持信念, 努力加油, 一定等到他回來❤️💙💪💪
看了幾個綜藝剛好都有何炅老師,挺喜歡他這種細膩包容而且思想很深的人,但他最近好像過的也不好,不知道是不是剛好,但是會讓我覺得為什麼總要欺負善良的人呢! 至於原著,看好多遍了,本來就很喜歡周子舒的人設,小哲詮釋地太好,彷彿從書裡走了出來,雖然很多情節都是書裡沒有的或者改編,但就覺得當一樣的情形換做書裡的周子舒,也就是那個樣子,小哲說過,那個當下他就是周子舒,周子舒就是他啊!不過我也想像不出別人演的溫客行,很多時候彼此激盪出的火花都是限定的,譬如那個拉絲的眼神啊~
@@林苓苓-e7k How true!!!!
@@jzTV-51129 互相憐惜,這對愛得深啊。
@@meow3960 嗯,我的傷,正好配合你的傷,結果永遠只有一處受傷。連蚊叮都是玄學般的天作之合。他們處處和諧,事事相合,還要兩情相悅,彼此珍惜,想分開都難。
Lol, u guys are so funny!!! 😂😂😂🤭🤭🤭👍👍👍
最近心情好愉快啊,山人段位不断提升,对了不止5个, 嘻嘻嘻! 对了,还总有“新”(对我来说是)糖可以磕,生活质量不知不觉就提升了,日子不知不觉就过去了😂😂😂 可以分给家人和其他偶像的时间不知不觉就没了
原著是阿絮老温听墙角时一顿狂吻之后 老温在阿絮手心写下的:只愿君心似我心 定不负相思意 然后阿絮叹气 啊啊啊啊啊啊这一段话就这么展现出来了吗!
請你相信~我給的愛~值得你愛🎼(指著鏡頭) 這段印象太深刻,看的時候他絕對是跟某一個人說的,好深情❤️相信他們的愛是未曾改變且堅定❤️💙
@@maomaogaosiu 永遠相信!永遠守候!
@@maomaogaosiu 是谁说的?啥时候说的啊?
ผู้กำกับใจร้าย ตัดฉากน่ารักมุ้งมิ้งออกอ่ะ ขอให้ซีรีส์เรื่องนี้ได้กลับมาฉายอีก ถ้าเป็นไปได้ ฉากที่เคยตัดออกไป เขาเรียกอะไรนะ ฉากที่เห็นสมควรฉายก็ฉาย แต่ฉากที่ตัดออกไป เขาเรียกอะไรเอามาโปรยเสน่ห์เรียกน้ำย่อยได้ไหม ไม่สม ควรตัดเลยนะเอาจริง ฉากอะไรที่ถ่ายเล่นๆน่ะ เอามาทำเบื้องหลังก็ได้นี่ น้าๆ
@@KEst-ki2ut 貌似这是在微博先放出来的 好几天前就有了。
@@shalee8066 是吗?那真是好消息!不知道发的人有没有被封号。。。我上不了微博,也不知道现在怎么样了。什么时候才能让zh恢复微博账号,不再全网404啊,好难熬啊。
@@KEst-ki2ut 不会被封啊 很多人发 只是视频偶尔会被夹而已。还早呢 这里面牵扯的根本不是表面这么简单,现在li每个视频都带他但是他从来没有公开发声,这说明他也并没有完全相信任何人。现在这个节点每个人做事都是有目的的 不管是好的还是坏的,就看后续如何发展了。🐱真就惨各方势力都拿他当枪使,所以真粉丝就别再添乱了……哎
@@shalee8066 唉,真是,不知道说什么好。真心不想看到这样一个优秀的演员就这样被毁了,所以总希望他能早日平反,早日重新站在阳光下。这网暴太狠毒太过分了!
English translation: Have you heard this original audio before? Again, this is something I haven’t heard before! Youku, how many clips do you have? I’ll pay you! Jun Jun sang for a scene, why didn’t I know about this? This ship is never gonna end…Sleep? Got no time for that 🌚
0:04 WKX: Before the martial art conference, we got to find so fun things to do. Otherwise, we’ll have to look at each other and do nothing for the rest of our lives. (It’s said that the original novel did have this scene, seems like I got to read the novel now.)
WKX (singing): I wish that our hearts feel the same. You wouldn’t be disappointed in my love for you. (Who can tell me why there’s a singing scene…0:26 That laugh is so Jun Jun lol)
0:30 ZZS: Find some fun? Lao Wen, have you been taken advantage of before?
WKX: Why?
ZZS: I’m not bright. I have always been taken advantage of. But if that happened once, I’ll definitely make that person pay for it next time.
Lol, it’s like there are two stories going on: the drama and behind the scenes. WenZhou is my favourite!
0:49 Have you seen today Jun Jun acting as the owner of a tea shop? I was first aware of his hands then attracted by the cat….I mean tiger on his shirt…He’s cool but…I can’t help but laugh…Maybe next time you can endorse Bao Deng Yuan (Han Han mother’s tea shop)Why does Jun Jun look so proud of himself in this clip? lol Here comes the female boss~If this ad is real, shut up and take my money!
1:16 Quiz time~ Here are two questions for you~ if you got it wrong, go watch WOH 50 times and the Jun Zhe universe
Q1: Can you name 5 codenames or phrases that are related to both of them? (such as..51..2..cat…dog...hexi..) You got 10 seconds~
1:27 A: Tangerine skin, Citrus, Gardenia, 511, 1129, 51129, Feng Zi (Maniac), Wait for light, The sky is getting brighter, Citrus Gardenia, Lai Fu (Sounds like life and it means the arrival of blessings), 唯念君安 (Hope you’re safe and sound), Stars and Moon, Shan Ren (Mountain People), Cat & Dog, Princess & Dragon, The x that C entertainment can’t get, wait for your return, 1640, and the biggest solo fan- Gong Jun Simon,
I strongly refuse to admit, you are a maniac and I’m an idiot
Did you get 5 of them? Let me know in the comments
1:59 Q2: Which one is ZZH and GJ’s eyes? (it’s ok to get it wrong, after all, they look more and more similar. Find the answer for this one)
2:12 A notification from Bao Deng Yuan (Han Han Mom’s tea shop) A composition competition was held previously and they received lots of entries (more than 20K), so they decided to add the number of winners from 3 to 20. They are still selecting the winners and it’s estimated that it’ll be completed by Dec 25. (Hahaha, take your time, we’re not in a hurry, read carefully as we may test you on them. There are so many entries, probably a lot of them are to confess their love 🌚)
2:20 The 10 unsolved mysteries in the Jun Zhe universe.
Why is the apple out of the agenda?
Why does Jun Jun get swollen lips whenever he’s in Shanghai
Why does he always like to bite the same place?
Why does the mosquito in Shanghai so fierce
2:34 Jun Jun: Follow Gege (elder brother)
Why does Jun Jun call him younger brother when he’s actually the younger one?
Why does this Hexagon ring always appear?
2:41 Jun Jun: Show my abs? Not a chance!
Since when did he stop showing his abs?
2:47 Why does Jun Jun stop posting group photos in the celebration post after he completed filming a drama?
2:50 Such a coincidence. Recently, I need to do a report about cyberbullying, I’ve witnessed a lot and got a lot to say. Here’s a clip I came across by He Jiong, (He’s a famous host in China, remember him? He’s also the host of Happy Camp)
He Jiong: You can feel free to compliment others, but words that slander others, you’ll have to think thrice before you say it. Everyone thinks that it’s no big deal just to slightly make some accusations, but what if a lot of people did the same? Right? (Shook his head) You’ll never know the real situation of others (Girl: right!) How could you judge if that person’s good or bad? Also, whether that person’s good or bad, it's not someone that’s so distanced, like yourself, who can make a judgement to determine that.
Good night!
(Translation for the last video’s up. View my public playlist for all videos I translated😉)
Thanks as always your so kind to us 🥰
@@mylinelegio8111 My pleasure😆
Good morning, thank you again for the translation. Couldn't have agreed more to what Mr Ho said on verbal abuse, bully. Just wonder the clip from 0.50 to 1.15, is that a creation of the mountain people or it is a real commercial. Looks so real
@@CL-oo3yf Good morning, C L 🌞 it looks so real because they are 2 real ads edited together seamlessly by talented mountain people🤣
Thank you ever so much yet again, you're the best and I thank you deeply!🙋🏻♀️👌❤
原著溫客行本來就喜歡男的,會去找樂子~也是有當眾在街上吻了啊絮 (我當初是想看這個情節而看小說的🤣)
voice and final image in GJ's advertisement??? Why do you look like Han Han? Can I hope it's real?
可以知道何老师那段是什么节目吗? 求链接🥺
可能是【朋友請聽好】, 但是第幾期就不知道了^^"