You guys (all of the LvMi institute folks) are the coolest folks on the planet. Mr. Tucker, thank you for fighting the beast that is intellectual property. You should come to Iowa so we can hang out. I'll take you ice fishing if you like.
***** Here's the troll again. Rothbard went to Birch Wathen in NYC. I almost went there, but went to Ethical Culture Fieldston instead. Class of '78. Rothbard never hated anyone. And Friedman got Hayek his position at U Chicago. I know because my Uncle Morris Philipson was the Chair of the U Chicago Press for 3 decades. Try again, Krugman. Mises only called Friedman a socialist at the Mont Pellerin conference in '47. Don't try to fight with me. You are way out of your depth. If you want to contact me directly, my name is Luke Sacher. This was my grandfather (dad's adopted father): This was my great uncle- a documented KGB agent and a traitor: Herbert Biberman HUAC Testimony Excerpt, 1947 my direct email is: 603-585-3057 This is my iMDB page: LinkedIn page: Facebook page: Call, raise, or fold.
***** Phil and Econ are the same. Only U Chicago offered Hayek a professorship. I know. That was my major at Reed College. What is your agenda? Why do you hide in the shadows? Why don't you just call me? What are you afraid of? I live by the NVP. Do you? Who are you... really? No one is your friend, you are a virtual Dostoyevskyan Underground Man. Friedman wrote the dedication to the 50th anniversary publication of The Road to Serfdom, which was published by my Uncle Morris: Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 1 of 2 Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 2 of 2 As to the Mises Institute... 'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Thomas J. DiLorenzo 'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | David Gordon 'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Peter G. Klein 'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Yuri N. Maltsev
***** Where did you go to college? The Phil and Econ departments were the same at Reed. Same Professors. Come out from your hiding place. You are all over TH-cam, ranting and raving. I ask you for the last time- who are you? TH-cam is a prvate company. I am a monetized partner with 3 million views and 4000 subs. Tell me who you are or I will have you removed from TH-cam.
Great interview. This is an issue which should clearly transcend left/right politics. Sounds like a good read and I also think his other book coming out next year definitely needs to be written. Brings to mind this quote by R. Buckminster Fuller: "Humanity has the option to become successful on our planet if we reorient world production away from weaponry - from killingry to livingry. Can we convince humanity in time?" Tom, you need to write that book.
That was a riveting interview. I too along with many of my friends here in Hampshire, southern England, was all for the last Iraq war. Then I started to think & it wasn’t easy excepting that I’d been so stupid & gullible & wrong.
Anyone who enjoys this interview, I'd recommend the documentary series titled 'The Power of Nightmares'. It explains how the Cold War mentality was transferred to the War on Terrorism. The documentary can be found in its entirety here on TH-cam and on Google Videos. Like this interview, it transcends partisanship. Even conservatives should be outraged by wasteful military spending and infringements of rights that happened after 9/11.
A lot of the arguments he makes against real wars can be used against the war on drugs. -It makes us callous. -Politicians will continue the war in order not to appear weak. -It makes us see our fellow man as animals. -It's end goal is murky, at best.
Republicans set the table for Democrats. Democrats set the table for Socialism. Tom Woods sets the table for Libertarianism .. AND THAT'S WHERE I'M SITTING. :)
@jimbo525SE Japan was provoked to attack...put it into perspective...the entire naval fleet of the U.S. moved into the pacific AFTER the it claimed to neutral. Japan simply did what the U.S. has been doing, it made a "preemptive attack"..... Read the book: "Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy"
@8DoverNJ ....a great awareness of economics. I think he is right about many of society's problems could be solved through invention/design. He knew the importance of a micro to the macro approach when it came to solving things, Ludwig Von Mises approached his study of economics the same way. I've come to the conclusion that the only way these great inventions get implemented is within a free market. 'Human Action' + 'The Critical Path' = Rennaisance of epic proportions!!!
@Panpiper "If you invest your labor and capital into atoms, it is your property, because of your investment." Fine. And when you sell it, does it still belong to you? No. I can make another that looks just like it, and owe you nothing. Yet that is what I.P. proponents are trying to say, that I do not own what I have bought, that I cannot recreate what I have seen/heard merely because I saw/heard it rather than bumped into it. Law? Simply repeal the artificial monopoly grant of Copyright.
I have this book and love it. Some great forgotten speeches and writings. Interesting bits from the woman who was the first congresswoman, and ended up opposing both world wars, and paid for it both times. 24:49 -- Jeff's story is funny.
The freedom of an American was supposed to be an infinite renewable source, not something that is regulated by laws. Laws should protect freedoms, not strip them away. I need to write a book already.
@Panpiper "Leave piracy to skulk in the shadows, where it belongs. Don't codify it into law." I have no problem repealing laws, not passing them. Will you agree to repeal Copyright/Patent and letting the chips fall where they may? Adjudication may very well come out in favor of I.P., even if I don't think it will. So rather than "codify ... into law" your version of reality, will you allow reality and the "social standard" to take precedence?
In my own case,I supported the Iraqi war because of 9/11. My reason was so clouded by the rage I felt over the attack on our homeland that I irrationally accepted the Bush arguement. My brother tried to reason with me,but I was'nt hearing it. I'm embarrassed by my thinking then. The lies told in that war and my readings after,forced me to re-evaluate my opinions,and move me from conservatism to libertarianism. In 2004,I voted for Bush,but by 2008, I was for Ron Paul. People can change.
@chris3443 Jeffrey Tucker is one of the best spoken people I've heard in a long time. See the /user/MisesMedia upload list, look for "Technology and Social Change", Tucker is talking to highschoolers and does a WONDERFUL job. Woods also spoke to the same gathering, and they gave him a standing ovation. How many history teachers can claim that?!?
@DoltMasher Yes, the quote could certainly be considered "utopian." Your comment about the word humanity makes me think of G. Edward Griffens "Individualism vs Collectivism" essay/video which i agree with. Bucky's main goal in his life was to see what one ordinary human could do that big governments, big corporations and large organized religions could not. Hence, Individualism. His approach was really apolitical. He did question capitalism but ironically many of his designs showed....
@Panpiper I understand your point of view. But I subscribe to the line of thought that an idea/piece of media is a nonscarce good. So I don't consider it theft.
Woods' story is similar to my own. I was a Neocon myself, untill I began to open my eyes to exactly what I was supporting - Woods is instrumental in changing my mind. Some help though, for my curiosity: can anyone tell me the specific incident in the Persian Gulf War that Woods refers to, in which the US was bombing thousands of Iraqi soldiers?
Here we are 11 years later and we're finally leaving Afghanistan and the media is obsessed with what the women in Afghanistan wear and how horrible it is that we're letting the people there run their own country. Not Much has changed, sadly
Trying to be a world super-power has more costs than just military costs; attempts by the U.S. to use the U.N. to pass off costs and attempts by smaller nations to use U.N. to restrain U.S. is mostly a winner for the U.N.
Watching this in 2020 when people are still arguing about the war in Afghanistan is kinda funny. A decade ago they thought it was taking too long. It reminds me of a story I heard about Carl Sagan. He said his friend was too pessimistic that cannabis legalization would probably still take another decade, they were talking in the 70s.
@sleedolfine15 "but by 2008, I was for Ron Paul." I consider myself lucky to have voted for RP for Prez twice, 1988 and 2008. I will be doing so again, even if it's just another write in vote.
We are all so calloused and conditioned to accept violence and coercion that we can't even comprehend a world without it. Stop and reflect for a moment how perverse and sick that is.
"I don't deny that the people who brought down the twin towers are bad people, I mean, nobody is denying that....The way they portray everything in the most ridiculous, over the top terms. The US is the GREATEST country that has EVER existed and our people always have the greatest intentions, so everything we do is always (100% right)." I laughed because it's true.
The book, Toward Soviet America, can be read online. Communists have infiltrated for years into the government and even wrote books about it such as "Man without a face" by the late Markus Wolf who hated Senator Joe McCarthy and that's in the book too.
justifying any mass murder, rape, theft torture and indiscriminate human brutalizing (war) is justifying in any circumstance especially in the case of every American war...
@DoltMasher Very much so. Because as soon as it is released upon the world it can be duplicated infinately without taking it from the creator for he still has the idea as well.If ideas were scarce then it would be possible for the amount of math that people could learn to run out. Is that being too cryptic? If so I apologize.
@uk6strings It was the first days of the first Iraq war, after the Iraqi army was chased out of Kuwait and annihalated as they retreated back towards Baghdad.
I love the LvMi. I wish more fellow awakened people would REALLY open their mind, instead of watching a few Zeitgheist or Venus Project videos and zealously thinking that idiotic cult is the way to go.
@DoltMasher "Are you suggesting that the possesor of I.P. is in possesion by chance?" It happens. Music in the mall? Sorry, even though I had no choice but to listen to it, I cannot recreate it. "No real effort?" Labor theory of value. "Anyone could have done it if only in the right place at the right time?" No. Creativity may be the most scarce resource of all, which is why I would never advocating taking a creators works from them by force or fraud. A copy is neither force nor fraud.
@Panpiper "one of the buyers uploaded it to file share" So what do you propose? Shall anonymity and privacy on the 'Net be abolished so you can continue your old business model? The only answer is to find a way to make money -with- the new medium, just like buggy-whip makers had to adapt to cars. It is being done, so rather than act like the victim, go find out how Nina Paley, Dave Ridley, Sam Dodson and others are doing it and making money.
@sleedolfine15 Same here, I woke up a little later than you, voted for bush twice, then voted for Chuck Baldwin, I will never vote for the Republican / democrat (same) parties again.
@lordcrull No manpower. The eastern front was devastating for Germany, and as you may recall Stauffenberg (not the movie with tom cruise) - the elites in the army had enough already and wanted a truce. And there's a saying why Japan didn't invade the US, though it was considered: because behind every door in America there's a gun. So the invasion was canceled. Nice anecdote, don't know if it's true. :-)
@oldstyleliberal I ment free from britains government. But, I can understand why you understood it the way you did. It doesn't sound right. We are night free in terms of having real individual liberty (hight tax, police state, endless imperial on and so forth). But we are free from british rule, that's what I ment.
@CurtHowland I have ceased production because while I used to be able to sell enough to cover all my costs and earn enough to cover my time, nowadays I am unable to even so much as recover a fraction of my capital costs. The last video I released sold five copies, one of the buyers uploaded it to file share, and that was it, no more sales. I have read and written about this extensively, this is not some trivial spite on my part. The 'principled' stand is as utilitarian socialist as it gets.
It is beacuase the american colonies won there independence from britan that we are free...every other war does not hold true to that fact. Maybe the war of 1812..but the civil war centralized power, the indian wars expanded power, ww1, ww2....and it just grows and grows. It's time for the states to secede and honor our foundng fathers
@devin999000 Building a bomb and then blowing it up does not increase wealth. Wealth is increased by investments into the production process. Example: Instead of fishing with your hands you invest 2 days of work into building a net and now you are able to catch more fish in less time, thus wealth has been increased. War is a massive destruction of wealth. The increased standard of living after the world wars (in the US) has different reasons. (check out
"Buy my books!" Please! I am cashing in all my chips to pander to the progrressives. His "facts" about every historical account has omitted the horrible, brutal, inertia that led to the events this guy disclaims. If we suscribed to his proposed actions we would all have already submitted to our enemies by our hug and kiss philosphy. He represents the "Ignore and Move On" strategy. "It didn't happen to my family" They don't care about you until it kills one of their own. Then they disassociate.
@lordcrull "why they couldn't invade the US?" Germany couldn't cross 24 miles of English Channel. How do you expect them to be able to cross 24 Hundred miles of North Sea? Germany could not defeat Russia (neither could Napoleon), and all they had to do to get there was walk! The one and only reason the US went into WW1 or WW2 was that the presidents at the time were unabashed Anglophiles. That's it.
This idea that because you are related to a soldier, your opinion holds more weight, is exactly the problem this video addresses. if you want to be anti-war, then be anti-war, why does it need to be more complicated than that?
Just like all these politicians against one another. Vastly won another, but at the same time they're best friends. You know one thing I've learned over my life. If you take the word danger and drop the D YOU got ANGER And that's what it seems all these leaders have against one another is anger, and the gift danger to humanatee cause the sea innocence that die from their bombs and weapons and decisions. I'll just Say remember if you got anger. You got dangerous if you got dangerous. You got anger It's one letter of The letter d. Meaning division
You guys (all of the LvMi institute folks) are the coolest folks on the planet. Mr. Tucker, thank you for fighting the beast that is intellectual property. You should come to Iowa so we can hang out. I'll take you ice fishing if you like.
Woods does it again, he's the best.
I love this man! And Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig Von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman.
Here's the troll again. Rothbard went to Birch Wathen in NYC. I almost went there, but went to Ethical Culture Fieldston instead. Class of '78.
Rothbard never hated anyone. And Friedman got Hayek his position at
U Chicago. I know because my Uncle Morris Philipson was the Chair of the
U Chicago Press for 3 decades.
Try again, Krugman.
Mises only called Friedman a socialist at the Mont Pellerin conference in '47.
Don't try to fight with me. You are way out of your depth.
If you want to contact me directly, my name is Luke Sacher.
This was my grandfather (dad's adopted father):
This was my great uncle- a documented KGB agent and a traitor:
Herbert Biberman HUAC Testimony Excerpt, 1947
my direct email is:
This is my iMDB page:
LinkedIn page:
Facebook page:
Call, raise, or fold.
Phil and Econ are the same.
Only U Chicago offered Hayek a professorship.
I know. That was my major at Reed College.
What is your agenda?
Why do you hide in the shadows?
Why don't you just call me?
What are you afraid of?
I live by the NVP. Do you?
Who are you... really?
No one is your friend, you are a virtual Dostoyevskyan Underground Man.
Friedman wrote the dedication to the 50th anniversary publication of The Road to Serfdom, which was published by my Uncle Morris:
Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 1 of 2
Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 2 of 2
As to the Mises Institute...
'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Thomas J. DiLorenzo
'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | David Gordon
'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Peter G. Klein
'The Road to Serfdom' at 70 | Yuri N. Maltsev
Where did you go to college?
The Phil and Econ departments were the same at Reed.
Same Professors.
Come out from your hiding place.
You are all over TH-cam, ranting and raving.
I ask you for the last time-
who are you?
TH-cam is a prvate company.
I am a monetized partner with 3 million views and 4000 subs.
Tell me who you are or I will have you removed from TH-cam.
Great interview. This is an issue which should clearly transcend left/right politics. Sounds like a good read and I also think his other book coming out next year definitely needs to be written. Brings to mind this quote by R. Buckminster Fuller:
"Humanity has the option to become successful on our planet if we reorient world production away from weaponry - from killingry to livingry. Can we convince humanity in time?"
Tom, you need to write that book.
That was a riveting interview. I too along with many of my friends here in Hampshire, southern England, was all for the last Iraq war. Then I started to think & it wasn’t easy excepting that I’d been so stupid & gullible & wrong.
Peace ✌️amazingly stupid use of our countrymen and resources, beyond stupid lack of empathy for the victims.. keep sharing ur testimony friend!
Anyone who enjoys this interview, I'd recommend the documentary series titled 'The Power of Nightmares'. It explains how the Cold War mentality was transferred to the War on Terrorism. The documentary can be found in its entirety here on TH-cam and on Google Videos. Like this interview, it transcends partisanship. Even conservatives should be outraged by wasteful military spending and infringements of rights that happened after 9/11.
Thanks Tom for your great explanation.
These Interviews of the Mises of the Mises Institue are great!
A lot of the arguments he makes against real wars can be used against the war on drugs.
-It makes us callous.
-Politicians will continue the war in order not to appear weak.
-It makes us see our fellow man as animals.
-It's end goal is murky, at best.
"War peace and the state"
Amazing analysis, what a brilliant man.
awesome interview!
Republicans set the table for Democrats. Democrats set the table for Socialism. Tom Woods sets the table for Libertarianism .. AND THAT'S WHERE I'M SITTING. :)
This book was the final straw that made me jump the conservative ship.
tom woods is just the best.
@jimbo525SE Japan was provoked to attack...put it into perspective...the entire naval fleet of the U.S. moved into the pacific AFTER the it claimed to neutral. Japan simply did what the U.S. has been doing, it made a "preemptive attack"..... Read the book: "Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy"
@8DoverNJ ....a great awareness of economics. I think he is right about many of society's problems could be solved through invention/design. He knew the importance of a micro to the macro approach when it came to solving things, Ludwig Von Mises approached his study of economics the same way. I've come to the conclusion that the only way these great inventions get implemented is within a free market. 'Human Action' + 'The Critical Path' = Rennaisance of epic proportions!!!
I wish Thomas Sowell would come around fully to the general libertarian perspective of war.
@Panpiper "If you invest your labor and capital into atoms, it is your property, because of your investment."
Fine. And when you sell it, does it still belong to you? No. I can make another that looks just like it, and owe you nothing.
Yet that is what I.P. proponents are trying to say, that I do not own what I have bought, that I cannot recreate what I have seen/heard merely because I saw/heard it rather than bumped into it.
Law? Simply repeal the artificial monopoly grant of Copyright.
War isn't about who's right,
war is about who's left.
I have this book and love it. Some great forgotten speeches and writings. Interesting bits from the woman who was the first congresswoman, and ended up opposing both world wars, and paid for it both times.
24:49 -- Jeff's story is funny.
How can you deal with those who refuse to be rational?
The freedom of an American was supposed to be an infinite renewable source, not something that is regulated by laws. Laws should protect freedoms, not strip them away. I need to write a book already.
@Panpiper "Leave piracy to skulk in the shadows, where it belongs. Don't codify it into law."
I have no problem repealing laws, not passing them.
Will you agree to repeal Copyright/Patent and letting the chips fall where they may?
Adjudication may very well come out in favor of I.P., even if I don't think it will.
So rather than "codify ... into law" your version of reality, will you allow reality and the "social standard" to take precedence?
In my own case,I supported the Iraqi war because of 9/11. My reason was so clouded by the rage I felt over the attack on our homeland that I irrationally accepted the Bush arguement. My brother tried to reason with me,but I was'nt hearing it. I'm embarrassed by my thinking then. The lies told in that war and my readings after,forced me to re-evaluate my opinions,and move me from conservatism to libertarianism. In 2004,I voted for Bush,but by 2008, I was for Ron Paul. People can change.
@chris3443 Jeffrey Tucker is one of the best spoken people I've heard in a long time.
See the /user/MisesMedia upload list, look for "Technology and Social Change", Tucker is talking to highschoolers and does a WONDERFUL job.
Woods also spoke to the same gathering, and they gave him a standing ovation. How many history teachers can claim that?!?
As the aunt of a soldier, I can say I'm anti-war.
It took Sherman months to do what the Enola Gay and Bock's Car did in seconds.
@DoltMasher Yes, the quote could certainly be considered "utopian." Your comment about the word humanity makes me think of G. Edward Griffens "Individualism vs Collectivism" essay/video which i agree with. Bucky's main goal in his life was to see what one ordinary human could do that big governments, big corporations and large organized religions could not. Hence, Individualism. His approach was really apolitical. He did question capitalism but ironically many of his designs showed....
@oscar7557 There is no "dealing" with such people. Ignore them, walk away, don't let them get you down.
@Panpiper I understand your point of view. But I subscribe to the line of thought that an idea/piece of media is a nonscarce good. So I don't consider it theft.
@adamitshelanu "UI" did? Who is "UI"?
Woods' story is similar to my own. I was a Neocon myself, untill I began to open my eyes to exactly what I was supporting - Woods is instrumental in changing my mind.
Some help though, for my curiosity: can anyone tell me the specific incident in the Persian Gulf War that Woods refers to, in which the US was bombing thousands of Iraqi soldiers?
Here we are 11 years later and we're finally leaving Afghanistan and the media is obsessed with what the women in Afghanistan wear and how horrible it is that we're letting the people there run their own country. Not Much has changed, sadly
War is the health of the state.
Before anyone calls Tom a "sentimental pacifist", do everyone the courtesy of actually finding out what he believes.
@ninjashade411 see Smedley Butler, 'War is a Racket'
Trying to be a world super-power has more costs than just military costs; attempts by the U.S. to use the U.N. to pass off costs and attempts by smaller nations to use U.N. to restrain U.S. is mostly a winner for the U.N.
Watching this in 2020 when people are still arguing about the war in Afghanistan is kinda funny.
A decade ago they thought it was taking too long.
It reminds me of a story I heard about Carl Sagan. He said his friend was too pessimistic that cannabis legalization would probably still take another decade, they were talking in the 70s.
already against the next war
@sleedolfine15 "but by 2008, I was for Ron Paul."
I consider myself lucky to have voted for RP for Prez twice, 1988 and 2008. I will be doing so again, even if it's just another write in vote.
We are all so calloused and conditioned to accept violence and coercion that we can't even comprehend a world without it. Stop and reflect for a moment how perverse and sick that is.
"I don't deny that the people who brought down the twin towers are bad people, I mean, nobody is denying that....The way they portray everything in the most ridiculous, over the top terms. The US is the GREATEST country that has EVER existed and our people always have the greatest intentions, so everything we do is always (100% right)."
I laughed because it's true.
The book, Toward Soviet America, can be read online. Communists have infiltrated for years into the government and even wrote books about it such as "Man without a face" by the late Markus Wolf who hated Senator Joe McCarthy and that's in the book too.
justifying any mass murder, rape, theft torture and indiscriminate human brutalizing (war) is justifying in any circumstance especially in the case of every American war...
They're basically preparing for World War 2 ........ LOL
He did. It was called William T. Sherman.
@DoltMasher Very much so. Because as soon as it is released upon the world it can be duplicated infinately without taking it from the creator for he still has the idea as well.If ideas were scarce then it would be possible for the amount of math that people could learn to run out. Is that being too cryptic? If so I apologize.
you are free? ^^
Don't know about Germany during WWII, so can someone tell me why they couldn't invade the US?
@uk6strings It was the first days of the first Iraq war, after the Iraqi army was chased out of Kuwait and annihalated as they retreated back towards Baghdad.
I love the LvMi.
I wish more fellow awakened people would REALLY open their mind, instead of watching a few Zeitgheist or Venus Project videos and zealously thinking that idiotic cult is the way to go.
@pretorious700 The same with all leaders like that....Napoleon, Alexander, Xerxes etc. etc. etc.
@DoltMasher "Are you suggesting that the possesor of I.P. is in possesion by chance?"
It happens. Music in the mall? Sorry, even though I had no choice but to listen to it, I cannot recreate it.
"No real effort?"
Labor theory of value.
"Anyone could have done it if only in the right place at the right time?"
No. Creativity may be the most scarce resource of all, which is why I would never advocating taking a creators works from them by force or fraud.
A copy is neither force nor fraud.
@Panpiper "one of the buyers uploaded it to file share"
So what do you propose? Shall anonymity and privacy on the 'Net be abolished so you can continue your old business model?
The only answer is to find a way to make money -with- the new medium, just like buggy-whip makers had to adapt to cars. It is being done, so rather than act like the victim, go find out how Nina Paley, Dave Ridley, Sam Dodson and others are doing it and making money.
I had a somewhat similar process of change and have moved my opinions from conservatism to libertarianism too.
Were you against the invasion of Libya and will you be against the invasion of Syria?
They aren't true Objectivists; Glad he pointed that out.
@sleedolfine15 Same here, I woke up a little later than you, voted for bush twice, then voted for Chuck Baldwin, I will never vote for the Republican / democrat (same) parties again.
No manpower. The eastern front was devastating for Germany, and as you may recall Stauffenberg (not the movie with tom cruise) - the elites in the army had enough already and wanted a truce. And there's a saying why Japan didn't invade the US, though it was considered: because behind every door in America there's a gun. So the invasion was canceled. Nice anecdote, don't know if it's true. :-)
Not quite.
Look at the Roman Empire, for example.
@oldstyleliberal I ment free from britains government. But, I can understand why you understood it the way you did. It doesn't sound right. We are night free in terms of having real individual liberty (hight tax, police state, endless imperial on and so forth). But we are free from british rule, that's what I ment.
I miss the days before Tucker left mises.
@shooter348 There are many forms of slavery-debt slavery for instance..It's alive and well in the USA.
@DGalt72 Without WW1, there would have been no WW2.
@RyanR3volution It's easy to be a gentleman in an echo chamber.
@fluff125 Only the dead have an excuse to stop trying to stop war.
We actually lost the war of 1812. That's why Canada is free.
@CurtHowland I have ceased production because while I used to be able to sell enough to cover all my costs and earn enough to cover my time, nowadays I am unable to even so much as recover a fraction of my capital costs. The last video I released sold five copies, one of the buyers uploaded it to file share, and that was it, no more sales. I have read and written about this extensively, this is not some trivial spite on my part. The 'principled' stand is as utilitarian socialist as it gets.
The notion of preemptive war was Hitler's brainchild.
Jeff looks like such a nice guy but I get the feeling he'll beat your ass down if you cross him. He just has that look doesn't he?
I know. I was joking.
@JiveDadson We'll win again this time, and you'll be under our rule!! Better learn to speak Canadian now.
It is beacuase the american colonies won there independence from britan that we are free...every other war does not hold true to that fact. Maybe the war of 1812..but the civil war centralized power, the indian wars expanded power, ww1, ww2....and it just grows and grows. It's time for the states to secede and honor our foundng fathers
Building a bomb and then blowing it up does not increase wealth.
Wealth is increased by investments into the production process.
Example: Instead of fishing with your hands you invest 2 days of work into building a net and now you are able to catch more fish in less time, thus wealth has been increased.
War is a massive destruction of wealth.
The increased standard of living after the world wars (in the US) has different reasons. (check out
"Buy my books!" Please! I am cashing in all my chips to pander to the progrressives. His "facts" about every historical account has omitted the horrible, brutal, inertia that led to the events this guy disclaims. If we suscribed to his proposed actions we would all have already submitted to our enemies by our hug and kiss philosphy. He represents the "Ignore and Move On" strategy. "It didn't happen to my family" They don't care about you until it kills one of their own. Then they disassociate.
@fluff125 Or will.
@lordcrull "why they couldn't invade the US?"
Germany couldn't cross 24 miles of English Channel.
How do you expect them to be able to cross 24 Hundred miles of North Sea?
Germany could not defeat Russia (neither could Napoleon), and all they had to do to get there was walk!
The one and only reason the US went into WW1 or WW2 was that the presidents at the time were unabashed Anglophiles. That's it.
US the greatest country of the world. Ask the Indians.
@pdxeddie1111 "I thought thats why Obama was voted in to get us out of it."
Yeah, how's that working out? Hahahahaha!
@miazagora tell him/ her to stop working for the Dept of War ASAP, it'll be the best advice you can ever give
20 Neocons disliked
@oneirishpoet Don't forget the poor are getting richer as well. Just saying.
This idea that because you are related to a soldier, your opinion holds more weight, is exactly the problem this video addresses. if you want to be anti-war, then be anti-war, why does it need to be more complicated than that?
Trillions of ducks
You can't be a true Zionist and a sincere Catholic.
@Jbrouhaha Must be internet access hour in your kindergarten class.
and the austrian view of money haha. He is for govt controlled money
Just like all these politicians against one another. Vastly won another, but at the same time they're best friends. You know one thing I've learned over my life. If you take the word danger and drop the D YOU got ANGER And that's what it seems all these leaders have against one another is anger, and the gift danger to humanatee cause the sea innocence that die from their bombs and weapons and decisions. I'll just Say remember if you got anger. You got dangerous if you got dangerous. You got anger It's one letter of The letter d.
Meaning division