JD McPherson - Full Performance (Live on KEXP @Pickathon)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- KEXP.ORG presents JD McPherson performing live on the Logging Road at Pickathon. Recorded August 2, 2015.
Head Over Heels
Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
Crazy Horse
Audio Engineer: Matt Ogaz
Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Sam Kelly Jr., Luke Knecht & Justin Wilmore
Editor: Justin Wilmore
The sound! The performance! That voice!!
Seriously, big ups to the sound engineers.
Don’t know if this place has special acoustic qualities or the sound engineers are geniuses, but these recordings always sound amazing!!!
kexp always makes for killer sound!
Sound geniuses. Fer sure.
HOLY CRAP .................I'm gonna listen to this like 100000 times.
doesn't get any better than this! Awesome!
Just saw him open, and then play lead, for Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - I was in complete awe... still am!
Here again.. 2021... Rome wasn't built in a day.... WHAT WAS THAT PERFORMANCE!?!?! God. This is just PERFECt. Great job capturing it, KEXP.
New fan here
These guys were amazing. Hoping they play together again.
Here they’re playing in the woods and come off brilliantly sonic and dynamic
J D we love. your music you make us proud in Cupco Oklahoma .Thanks from the Young side.
*Love it! "It's so quiet in the woods!"* Just awesome goodness, TY Gentlemen!
Quel plaisir à écouter cette session des années après... Merci pour ce moment.
OMG! Love the band even more after this.
Awesome come on guys come tour Australia A.S.A.P please ❤
JD is one cool and talented mutha f**ker!
thank you kexp
KEXP is the only place on youtube that makes me go, 'the sound isn't too bad on youtube'.. These cats can play :D
And sing!
Killer stuff!!! Love it
Billy Strings brought me here, thanks dude!
He sounds just as good live.
Wow! Pickathon aways make my week!
I love how JD throws in these little song pieces at times, in this performance he throws in Metallica "fight fire with fire" . And I heard him throw in some Maiden in the past. Makes me like him even more ❤
Id probably enjoy walking thru the woods more if I knew Id run into something like this. (Adore these guys!)
I have known JD since he was dating his wife. He used to come over all the time and he NEVER bragged or even spoke about his amazing skill as a musician. A totally humble and cool dude. I only found out about his music after he started getting famous. He has so many other things to talk about than his music.
Awesome band. Hope you can see them when they are in your neck of the woods!
it's very very good, I 'am love
This guy is the real damn deal.
And his awesome band as well.
Incrivel!!! Que sonoridade, adorei..!!!
Something to hold me until you go back on tour. That was great!
You all need to have JD McPherson back in your studio. He just put out a new record called 'Undivided Heart & Soul,' and it is phenomenally good! :)
Just fuckin awesome music guys.
brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you coming to South Africa
I love this pickathon jam. I dig the Bethlehem Steel shirt. Rome wasn’t built in the day is very nice-it gives me a little Stand By Me vibe.
Are these Steel town boys? Pittsburgh ?
That was amazing! New fan!
Saw this outfit open for Chris Isaak. Blew me away. These guy's should be huge. What's wrong with the music biz these days?
Love It - a great news escape :)
Pickathon in Oregon? Out in that part of the woods there aren't hardly any bears at all. Have to try to get up there this year.
Wow! is that a crack in the hihat bottom cymbal?!
nice performance. What guitar is JD playing? Looks and sounds great!
+Raul Hernando It's a Harmony Stella 3/4 size guitar. I'm not sure the exact model. It belongs to one of our video producers Justin. He brought it along and a bunch of the bands we recorded loved it and decided to use it. It does sound great!
+Matt Ogaz KEXP Awesome. Thank you very much!!!
can you please upload this to Spotify?!!?
This stuff is just crazy good. I need to build a tree house!
We love you in Israel!
Not much into unplug but this is really good!
i like the Metallica reference there ...
Bethlehem Steele!
Justin Timberlake..?
Hearing more of a Sam Cooke kind of thing. Cupid, If you ever Change your mind, and so on.