Hi there, Rupa Sensei!☺The word 'intense' is such a great word. I'd like to try and introduce it in my classes next week. As always - your videos are always pretty 'intense' - love the positive energy!! BTW, Daniel Radcliffe looks so young in this interview, doesn't he? "Break a wand!" Love it!
Thank you for wonderful lesson, Rupa sensei😊I’m glad that Radcliffe talked about Japan in the interview. We can enjoy Harry potter movies, books, theme park and whatnot. So I want to thank Harry potter very much!
Thank you for loads of helpful video. I'm really elated to watch videos where you're teaching us words and phrases in a serries of Harry Potter, 'cause they're all incredibly difficult to catch for its various british accents!
This was so helpful thank you! It really helps with my Japanese ☺️
インタビュー動画を取り上げて頂いてありがとうございます! インタビュー動画は、映画の台詞よりも難しくて理解できないことも多いのでうれしかったです。
外国人に"Where are you from?"って聞かれたら無理して「ジャペェァン」って発音しなくていいと知れて良かったです😂
これも楽しくかったです♪ 勉強になりました!😊
I'm lovin this video!! Of course, I'm lovin your way to teach Eng!!
I've smashed like button to all of your videos!! I love u, Rupa sensei!!
Thanks for another wonderful lesson!
I picked up pretty much every word
Can't wait for the next one!
Hi there, Rupa Sensei!☺The word 'intense' is such a great word. I'd like to try and introduce it in my classes next week. As always - your videos are always pretty 'intense' - love the positive energy!! BTW, Daniel Radcliffe looks so young in this interview, doesn't he? "Break a wand!" Love it!
Thank you for wonderful lesson, Rupa sensei😊I’m glad that
Radcliffe talked about Japan in the interview. We can enjoy Harry potter movies, books, theme park and whatnot. So I want to thank Harry potter very much!
Thank you for great lesson!!
Thank you for loads of helpful video.
I'm really elated to watch videos where you're teaching us words and phrases in a serries of Harry Potter, 'cause they're all incredibly difficult to catch for its various british accents!
It’s very useful for me!!!
I can understand this video,because your video is very easy to understand.
I understood this conversation!
“I arrived at the airport”が、“I write the apple”に聞こえて、なんでハリーりんご書いてるんだと思いながら動画見てました。
先生の最後の方のセリフ「Break a wand (頑張って)」を辞書を調べてもネットで検索しても出てきませんが、何故この「Break a wand」が「頑張って(杖を折る?)」の意味になるのか教えてください。
多分break a legは頑張ってて意味だけど今回はハリーポッターだからbreak a wand(杖)にしたんじゃない
rupa senseiじゃなくてごめん
英語字幕が気になります。This Harry Potter thing, isと何でthing とis の間にコンマが入るのですか?
is an insaneの部分だけ聞き取りにくかったです!
最後のand there were の部分がどう発音されているのか、聞き取れません。
Hi! thanks for
And i'm just curious の Andは言ってないよね
And も言ってますよ
ええっ! Σ(Д゚;/)/
4 Rupa sensei