The saxophone......Easiest to learn, hardest to master. The instrument is so flexible in terms of possible sounds, it takes years to master all the variables that go into sound production. Here are some of the variables that need to be explored by aspiring players: 1. Embochure 2. "Voicing" (tongue position--high/low, forward/back) 3. Amount of reed in mouth 4. Strength of reed 5. Cut of reed (brand, style) 6. Placement of reed in relationship to the tip of mouthpiece 7. Mouthpiece! (baffle shape, tip opening, chamber shape, facing) 8. Ligature (type, placement) 8. Air support It is no wonder that players get wildly different results. Take the time to explore and master each of these variables if you want to progress as a player. Take lessons from an experienced player who can help you to address each of these ares.
The saxophone......Easiest to learn, hardest to master. The instrument is so flexible in terms of possible sounds, it takes years to master all the variables that go into sound production. Here are some of the variables that need to be explored by aspiring players:
1. Embochure
2. "Voicing" (tongue position--high/low, forward/back)
3. Amount of reed in mouth
4. Strength of reed
5. Cut of reed (brand, style)
6. Placement of reed in relationship to the tip of mouthpiece
7. Mouthpiece! (baffle shape, tip opening, chamber shape, facing)
8. Ligature (type, placement)
8. Air support
It is no wonder that players get wildly different results. Take the time to explore and master each of these variables if you want to progress as a player. Take lessons from an experienced player who can help you to address each of these ares.