I remember showing my friend (who didn’t know very much about chess) this video and they said “That was unexpectedly awesome! That ChessNuke guy is really hilarious!”
ye basically stockfish gives positive and negative eval to every move so here it must be choosing the move with the lowest eval that is considering the enemy plays the best or counter moves
It's probably so low he got the Danny Rench Easter egg (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) although you can still see the accuracy, don't know why he didn't show it though
Wow literally the games when I analyze them thinking I played like a grandmaster
Stock fish had 30 strokes evaluating this game
the eval bar after every move🕺🕺
Bruh your pfp
Martin is like a grandmaster compared to these players. Even he sees mate in one.
I remember showing my friend (who didn’t know very much about chess) this video and they said “That was unexpectedly awesome! That ChessNuke guy is really hilarious!”
Ey shout-out to both of you gamers!!!
I'm even surprised that they made legal moves at this point
"the worst chess bot in the modern era vs the worst chess sea player in history" ahh story
In order to play the worst, you need to know the best moves. Its stockfish but it finds the bottom move.
ye basically stockfish gives positive and negative eval to every move so here it must be choosing the move with the lowest eval that is considering the enemy plays the best or counter moves
This is pure comedy😂😂😂
You know you’re watching bad chess when you forget that the players are trying to win
I had an opponent play with 5 accuracy. I was dying watching the evaluation 😂
1 elo vs 0.1 elo
I feel sick.
O see the combo of stockfish and worstfish that play for eachother on every other move
It's a cartoon.
Make this too comment
How does patrick have The GM title😭
How is Patrick a GM when he is 1 elo💀
Worsfish is worse but not like me😂
What was the accuracy of the game?
It's probably so low he got the Danny Rench Easter egg (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) although you can still see the accuracy, don't know why he didn't show it though
stockfish killed itself while analysing the game so well never know
Yea it's so low you just get a picture of Danny
Patrick made a brilliant!!!
Hallo 5.0 Sigmaaaaaa
Hola 5.1
spongebob isnt anime
No way omg you are so right wow so smart and educated...
hallo 9.0
Hola 9.99999
Hallo 4.0
Hallo 6.0
Hola 6.2
Hallo 7.0
Hola 7.43
hallo 2.0
Hola 2.0
Hallo 8.0
Hola 8.99999
Hallo 3.0
Hola 3.0
@@ChessNukeArchive This was the start of a chain reaction of hallos
@@ChessNukeArchive wie geht’s dir
Hallo 3.0
Hola 🤠