The information already came out between those twos, they have known each other for sometimes. the cutler used illegal drug and drank alcohol and got drunk during driving motor bike to deliver a knife to his customer but could not find his customer at home so he drove back and forth to find him with furious manner so cop demanded him to stop and turn off his bike but he did not know how to turn it off that is why the cop who is his acquaintance tapped on his head and saying dummy then pulled out a spark plug wire to stop the engine. I am so sick of the people who comments down here with out having any common sense at all.
@@stickyrice9499 people in Laos just don't like to obey the laws in Laos,but in the other countries they chicken like the dummies,before they modernise country they need to modernise people to obey the laws first,not do what they please just like the old western cowboys,they need to be citation or go to jail it depends on what they break the laws,plus Laos need to get the taxes from people just like the western countries or the countries in Aseans so it will have the budget to better country and so on.
@@bounthavynonginthirath1917 Yeah you are right. Sometimes i just feel bad for our people who are always complaining and demanding this and that, oh well if i were still in Laos i might be the same.
Drinking and driving is wrong, in America you will lose your license 6 months to a year, and jail times also pay 15,00 dollars to 25,000 dollars and using drugs is plus , the law don’t give a damn you are poor or rich persons, , this guy he is lucky he’s not in America 🇺🇸. On the police 👮♀️ officer he should not hit his head period. I know it’s hard to deal with the drugs users and the drunken people, when you making the drunk person getting made and you try say sorry 1,000 times is not gonna calm down the drunker . Better way just walking away, and have another person that have more patients to deal with the drunken 🥴. Be a police officer 👮♀️ it tough job.
nan kheu sahed. That is the reason.
If that happened in The State he might tasered.
ຖ້າແມ່ນຢູ່ຕ່າງປະເທດ ທ້າວຕູ້ຍຖຶກຕໍາຫລວດຍິງຕາຍຢູ່ດ່ານທໍາອິດແລ້ວ ໃນກໍລະນີຝ່າຝືນກົດລະບຽບ ແລະ ໃຊ້ອາວຸດ (ພ້າ) ຟັນໂຕະຕໍາຫລວດແບບຂົ່ມຂູ່ເຈົ້າຫນ້າທີ່. ມັນລອດມາຮອດດ່ານທີ່ສອງແລ້ວຖືກຕົບຫົວຊື່ໆຖືວ່າບຸນມັນແລ້ວ. ຄລິບແມ່ນດ່ານທີ່ສອງ ມັນກໍ່ເລື່ອງຢູ່ດ່ານທີ່ຫນຶ່ງແລ້ວ. ໃຊ້ອາວຸດຂົ່ມຂູ່ເຈົ້າຫນ້າທີ່ ຍັງມາພາກັນວ່າເປັນເລື່ອງນ້ອຍອີກ.
phoh va phouak nee snab snoun khone boh dee lae tham phid kodmai. If he were in The State he might already be shot.
The information already came out between those twos, they have known each other for sometimes. the cutler used illegal drug and drank alcohol and got drunk during driving motor bike to deliver a knife to his customer but could not find his customer at home so he drove back and forth to find him with furious manner so cop demanded him to stop and turn off his bike but he did not know how to turn it off that is why the cop who is his acquaintance tapped on his head and saying dummy then pulled out a spark plug wire to stop the engine. I am so sick of the people who comments down here with out having any common sense at all.
And don't forget he used the machete knife on their tables,if in the USA he will be shot by the polices.
@@bounthavynonginthirath1917 exactly.
@@stickyrice9499 people in Laos just don't like to obey the laws in Laos,but in the other countries they chicken like the dummies,before they modernise country they need to modernise people to obey the laws first,not do what they please just like the old western cowboys,they need to be citation or go to jail it depends on what they break the laws,plus Laos need to get the taxes from people just like the western countries or the countries in Aseans so it will have the budget to better country and so on.
@@bounthavynonginthirath1917 Yeah you are right. Sometimes i just feel bad for our people who are always complaining and demanding this and that, oh well if i were still in Laos i might be the same.
@@stickyrice9499 It's not what your country can do for you,It's what you can do for your country.
ຕູ້ຍຫນັກຫນວ່ງແລະໃຫຍ່ຫລວງມະຫາສານ.ເສຍສະຫມອງ.ທຳລາຍສຸຂະພາບ.ຕີຂາ້ປະຊາຊົນແລະເຮັດໃຫ້ຊື່ສຽງເສຍຫາຍດົ່ງດັງທົ່ວໂລກເປັນລັກຖານພິ້ຍານເຫັນກັບຕາໄດ້ຍີນກັບຫູ.ນີ້ຄືຄດີອັນໃຫຍ່ຫລວງ.ພວກໝາພາລພັກລັດຕ້ອງຮັບຜີດຊອບເລື້ອງນີ້.ພວກໝາພາລພັກລັດເຮັດໃຫ້ປະຊາຊົນລາວບໍ່ມີຄວາມສູກກົດຂີ່ຂົມເຮັ່ງຢຽບຍຳ້ມະນຸດດວ້ຍກັນ.ປົກຄອງແບບຊົ່ວຊາ້.ຂາຍປະເທດຊາດບາ້ນເມືອງໃຫ້ຊາວຕາ່ງດາ້ວຍັງບໍພໍ້ແລ້ວພາກັນຕົບຕີຂາ້ຟັນປະຫານຊີວີດຂອງຊາວບາ້ນຜະເລັດການແບບ Hitler,Marixm Stalin Soviet ເຈັກແດງໃຊ້ມາຕະການຄືກັນກັບບັກCadabby ປົກຄອງປະເທດ ເຫລເບ້ຽ.ຂາ້ຟັນເຂົາເຈົ້າຈົນຕາຍຫມົດໂຄຕ.ນີ້ຄືພວກໝາພາລພັກລັດເຮັດໃຫ້ອາ້ຍຕູ້ຍທຸກວັນນີ້.ນີ້ລະໂຕຢາ່ງ.ເບີ່ງເອົາພິ່ນ້ອງຊາວລາວ.
Drinking and driving is wrong, in America you will lose your license 6 months to a year, and jail times also pay 15,00 dollars to 25,000 dollars and using drugs is plus , the law don’t give a damn you are poor or rich persons, , this guy he is lucky he’s not in America 🇺🇸. On the police 👮♀️ officer he should not hit his head period. I know it’s hard to deal with the drugs users and the drunken people, when you making the drunk person getting made and you try say sorry 1,000 times is not gonna calm down the drunker . Better way just walking away, and have another person that have more patients to deal with the drunken 🥴. Be a police officer 👮♀️ it tough job.
ອອກມາຂໍໂທດດີກ່ອນ ມາແກ້ໂຕ
ອ້າຍຕຳລວດເອີຍບໍ່ຕ້ອງແກ່ໂຕ ມຶງກະເຫັນຢູ່ຄົນລາວເຫັນທຸກຄົນ ແກ້ຂ່າວເກັງຫຼາຍ ປະຊາຊົນເຂົາມີລະດັບການສຶກສາສູງເດີ ມຶງເຂົ້າໄຈຜິດໄປແລ້ວ ວ່າປະຊາຊົນເຮັດແຕ່ໄຮ່ນາ ໃຜໆການສຶກສາ ຕຳລວດຍັງຕຳ່ກວ່າປະຊາຊົນອີກຫຼາຍ ເຂົ້າໄຈນະ
ອັນໃດກໍ່ໄດ້ ແຕ່ບໍ່ຄວນຈັບເຂົາໄປໃສ່ຊຸດຫມາຂະຫນາດນີ້. ມຶງຢາກໃສ່ບໍ?. ກຳຈະສະຫນອງໃຫ້ມຶງນະບັກລາວໃຕ້ຫມາຄືມຶງເອີຍ. ໃຜອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ມຶງອອກມາຖະແຫລງ? ເຮົາຢູ່ຊໍາເຫນືອເຮັດນາລ້ຽງທະຫານໄປແຕ່ໃຕ້ເປັນພັນ...ພວກເຮົາຄືຮັກແພງກັນແທ້ຄືກັບອ້າຍນ້ອງນີ້ລະ..ພໍຟ້າສະຫວ່າງແລ້ວຫມາໄລ່ກັດຄົນເນາະມຶງເອີຍ
อีกไม่นานเบอร์ 10 จะโดนตบคอยดู
ad pen pai dai tha va phoukio phoua phan kab phouak koh kanhai. This is a serious case if she involves with LTU cells.