There are lots of reasons why a child maybe unfocused, and non attentive, the situation at home, the problems between her parents, a bright child who isn’t being taught at the right level so is bored and will find ways to entertain/occupy themselves in class, basically are bored, bad classroom management, it’s not always ADHD/ADD, agree with Judge Judy, far too much over prescribing and misdiagnosis, teachers and counsellors shouldn’t be used to diagnose it has to be a psychiatrist who specialises in this area. This poor child is a walking medicine cabinet. Sounds like this child has normal childhood illness. If the asthma is well controlled you won’t necessarily see an asthma attack however, asthmatics usually have regular check ups to make sure the asthma is under control but this doesn’t seem to be happening. This mother is over compensating and it’s understandable the father is concerned and is looking after the welfare of his daughter. Perhaps the mother needs to go to a counsellor/psychiatrist. Judge Judy picked up on the over use of medical practitioners.
It sounds like the mother who took her daughter to so many doctors has Munchausen by proxy. I’m not a doctor but it has been described to me as a mental condition in which the parent needs the child to be sick in order for the parent to gain attention. It’s very sick.
There are lots of reasons why a child maybe unfocused, and non attentive, the situation at home, the problems between her parents, a bright child who isn’t being taught at the right level so is bored and will find ways to entertain/occupy themselves in class, basically are bored, bad classroom management, it’s not always ADHD/ADD, agree with Judge Judy, far too much over prescribing and misdiagnosis, teachers and counsellors shouldn’t be used to diagnose it has to be a psychiatrist who specialises in this area. This poor child is a walking medicine cabinet. Sounds like this child has normal childhood illness. If the asthma is well controlled you won’t necessarily see an asthma attack however, asthmatics usually have regular check ups to make sure the asthma is under control but this doesn’t seem to be happening. This mother is over compensating and it’s understandable the father is concerned and is looking after the welfare of his daughter. Perhaps the mother needs to go to a counsellor/psychiatrist. Judge Judy picked up on the over use of medical practitioners.
I’ve been told you really don’t have to be very smart to be a stockbroker or in finance. This episode of Judge Judy really convinced me.
It sounds like the mother who took her daughter to so many doctors has Munchausen by proxy. I’m not a doctor but it has been described to me as a mental condition in which the parent needs the child to be sick in order for the parent to gain attention. It’s very sick.
I agree- so sad for daughter
She definitely has Munchausen by proxy. I feel terrible for the child.
The Santa is so cute his boss is the grinch
Feel so awful for the child who's mother obviously has Munchausen by proxy syndrome.
These kind of cases will take atleast 10 years if this was in india. This judge has to move to india so that the case pending can get a closure
Somebody’s on the naughty list!
The first case she knows this is a loan
I agree with JJ.. The car lady is nasty and vindictive. Shame on her.
Really, Christina and Diane?
That minister defo had something else on his mind moving in.