  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @M4RCi92
    @M4RCi92 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    First off, thank you for your videos all year, absolutely awesome content. Have a merry christmas and happy new year! Can't wait to continue in 2025! ;)
    Secondly, I went with Spinx, flameZ, Senzu, Techno and sjuush. I firmly believe that TheMongolz can beat both mouz and spirit, and there's absolutely 0 doubt in my mind about VIT. And for the price, sjuush is by far the best, most reliable player I could afford. Good luck!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      thank you very much!

  • @CSFantasyMaestro
    @CSFantasyMaestro 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have a miniscule chance of making top 10, so I think I want to pick the mongolz in hope of a cinderella run. Considering Senzu is not one the most picked players it could pay dividends... Currently on FlameZ, mezii, Senzu, 910 & kyxsan (going for the chicken out strat). I'm still playing around with a mouz + vitality lineup, but since I'm 1k away from jimpphat, torszi, FlameZ, mezii & karrigan (and I don't really wanna go for brollan), I think I'm rolling with the mongolz! Thanks for the content and I look forward to seeing your vids next season!

  • @Hydra48
    @Hydra48 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I managed to get top 7% last stage with flamez, mezii, siuhy, rain and mzinho. I'm now 895th overall and am hoping to stay within the top 1000 after this fantasy.
    I didn't mean for this, but 3/5 of my draft is the same from last stage lol. Going with flamez, mezii, sh1ro, siuhy and karrigan. I'll be chickening out on karrigan, and for siuhy/sh1ro I just picked who I trust the most for their prices between Mouz and Spirit. This is probably the most unique 2-1-1-1 draft I've ever done, so we'll see how it goes. Hope you have a good holiday and I'm looking forward to your content for next season of fantasy :)

  • @robreid5229
    @robreid5229 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    A pleasure as always. 🫡

  • @raaltz7269
    @raaltz7269 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thank you lucy, I love this content, here's to a next season
    flameZ mezii yekindar senzu mzinho
    top 1% or top 100%
    we inshallah

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      basically my approach but with mongolz rather than mouz, which is probs smarter anyway. senzu supremacy!

    • @raaltz7269
      @raaltz7269 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@lucycasts yessir
      i was fighting for top 10 after challenger Katowice's top 1% with SAW but then dropped off a cliff so we're vibing

  • @animaaad
    @animaaad 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    so, for this one, l am almost shocked at how good ur draft ended up being, yekindar was insane value last stage and l think this stage he's okay too, flamez and spinx are obviously insane cause vitality are so good, and siuhy with torsi is a good combo too. with this one l actually am not going for the team l'd normally go, l just wanna test out how is 2+1+1 is gonna work for me in playoffs (actually never did that before), so lm going hunter+mzhino+zontix+apex+flamez, just to prepare for the next season and understand fantasy a liittle more, l like understanding fantasy more and more, and l really have been drafting better l feel like ever since l've discovered this channel, so lm kinda excited to see where l'll end up on the global leaderboard next season (even if it's obviously quite random, l've actually recently discovered that this guy rickastley123 made 2 top10s ad he's now in the top50, so lg fantasy does have quite a bit of skill to it, even if this guy's getting lucky).
    anyways, lm going with a different team on a different fantasy league (GARMY), which l kinda would like to win, so it's a more serious line-up, and it is chopper+zontix+apex+flamez+troszi. l just think spirit and vitality are both realistically so likely to make the final (spirit have been favorites against mouz all year long, ldk why some people aren't that sure that they're better), that doubling up on both of those teams is crazy good value, not going for mongolz is decent, l think g2 are slightly overrated, vitality is just hands dow better tha them, and having a torszi as my last pick is so lovely. also l feel like u're slightly underrating chopper and apex, yh maybe some of their recent events weren't that good, but neither of them are completely crumbling, they're still having good/decent events every now and then, so l think they're still as good as ever, and can play okay-ish cs while giving me tons of team/role points

    • @animaaad
      @animaaad 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      and yeah, thanks for a great end of the year and great discussions in comments, hope for more of this incredible content next year, hope u too enjoy watching the major and have a great christmas for yourself!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      thank you you've given me even more confidence in the draft :D
      fantasy is definitely a combo of luck and skill, educated guesswork really! and theres a whole meta and strategy to it ofc! 2-1-1 does work for 8 team playoff brackets for sure, its a little harder on 6 teams but defs doable.
      spirit vita feels the play, i only didn't because i really want a top 5%+ on the outside chance mouz can do it. the problem for me with chopper and apex is their pricing vs their output, i personally prefer to find value in cheap "better" players on worse teams (like jks 187k clears chopper or apex!). but they are good for role/team points and we have seen both of them pop off before!
      i really like the draft tho, out of the box but lot of good value. gl!

  • @iKellerleiche
    @iKellerleiche 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I got top 1%! For the first time ever! Gambled on graviti and djoko to afford Zywoo, mezii and Nertz! :) Thank you for your insights!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      very nice! nertz has been a huge point farmer this event, wish i went him in elim!

    • @iKellerleiche
      @iKellerleiche 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@lucycasts Thank you for the great videos this season! And as always: Good Luck! :)

  • @Kickjess
    @Kickjess 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I surprisingly got top 8% with the Donk, Zywoo, Apex, Jba and Stanislaw fantasy team 😂
    Going with Zywoo, Apex, Techno, Senzu and Sjuush for playoffs and with vitality to win it vs spirit in my pickems that are still alive
    Edit: Also thanks for these fun videos! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      top 8% there is WILD. the rare sjuush pick is very cheeky here, i like!

  • @captainantilles6469
    @captainantilles6469 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Gotta go for the top 5% also
    Karrigan (chicken out)
    I believe that G2 will show up in playoffs like they usually do and go for the final run. Maybe Niko could finally have his well-earned major trophy?
    Good luck for next year Lucy

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      love this draft approach actually, bit riskier than mine i think, but the 4 players you are aiming for finals are maybe stronger than mine!
      thank you and gl!

  • @ambozz3726
    @ambozz3726 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I also went for 2x Vitality and 2x mouz, I truly believe they will meet in the finals. Went for Brollan + torzsi (not the most reliable players, but if mouz are gonna reach the final, they need popoff performances from these guys), apEX, flameZ and mzinho. I hope mzinho can get more points in 1 game than a kyxsan or Snax could get in 2.

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      thats fair for mzinho. i just dont rate brollan at all because every time i draft him he is -30 it feels! but this is a bit more of a balanced split for sure, and without a serious point dragger in the squad

  • @xlm2087
    @xlm2087 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I also have gone double mouz, but with G2 instead of Vitality (Torzsi, siuhy, niko, hunter). I do think Vitality is way better, but my heart hopes for Niko to finally get a major trophy in his last dance. I have chopper as the 5th and you convinced me to pick Karrigan instead, but sadly it doesn't allow me to get xertion, jimmy or malbs, so I will keep it.

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      thats fair, chopper at least can get you points, whereas karrigan with chicken will still be -6 for the rounds he misses anyway!

  • @Trylaff
    @Trylaff 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Spinx + flameZ is a strong pick, i like it.
    karrigan - chicken out
    Yeah, donk + ZywhOo. I firmly believe that Spirit will win this Major and Donk will then be crowned the best of 2024. And ZywhOo is ZywhOo... Vitality should reach the final and again his numbers will be absurd. Although in the previous phase I believed in The Mongolz, this time I think that with the pressure on them, they won't get past the first game. Similar to what happened with Eternal fire in Copenhagen. GL

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      yep spirit vita is a very likely final and you'll have the two mvp contenders! you just gotta hope and pray the 3 bronzes there don't kill you xd

  • @iizutsumi
    @iizutsumi 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Got my first top 1% with zywoo apex niko ztr and chopper for the elim stage (my best before this was being 1 point away from top 1% during chengu playoffs)

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      wow 3 IGL 1% is a rarity, well done!

  • @BattulgaMunkhbayar-e4x
    @BattulgaMunkhbayar-e4x 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Not bad pickems everything is possible

  • @michalnguyen8526
    @michalnguyen8526 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hello, Lucy, firstly good luck in fantasy!
    Secondery my fantasy is :
    Senzu - HS machine
    910- AWPer
    flameZ - support
    apEX - Leader
    ultimate -Entry fragger
    I tried pick players ,who aren´t in the most picked players
    What do you think about it?

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      fun take! ultimate is a very interesting choice, liquid can definitely beat spirit and this could end up working out great for you

  • @duplad8546
    @duplad8546 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    idk I would pick g2 over vitality in the semis any time, they always beat them in playoffs and I think they just have better firepower and better big game players overall. But for the fantasy I predict a g2-spirit final, (and I think g2 wins there) so I obviously drafted around them and Im debating between two lineups. Don't know if I should trust the superstars of these teams, or should I spread the team more evenly. Im actually really interested which would you pick out of these 2 lineups: (I have nothing to lose that's why Im willing to risk it with these teams.)
    Team 1:
    m0nesy (he just always takes it on the next level in playoffs imo)
    karrigan (chicken out)
    Team 2:
    kyxsan (chicken out)
    GL to you

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      i think thats fair re: vitality, either way the g2 vita game will be great (whole playoffs should be tbh!)
      i prefer team 1 over team 2 for sure, donk and monesy is just ridiculous and probably under-drafted too (as zywoo and niko are the big priorities it seems). gl!

  • @matik_k21
    @matik_k21 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i went with monesy, malbs, mzinho, techno and yekindar
    flying high with this one, but ey, last fantasy in the season :)

  • @nwgverified
    @nwgverified 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I managed to grab top 1% in the elim stage with Zywoo, NertZ, mezii, Graviti, Djoko, still got no chance of grabbing top 10 in the fall season leaderboard though as i'm only at 210 points.
    For the playoff stage, I am thinking Niko, Senzu, Hunter, 910 and karrigan. I am hoping and I believe that we will get the G2 vs Mongolz final!!!!
    I went for G2 for pickems and what a perfect end that would be for Niko to win a major before falcons retirement home. Baby goat got this.

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      very nice 1% draft! g2 and mongolz would be a super fun finals, and theres a real chance we get it too. just 9 aimers fragging out :D
      and we all want niko to win his major!

  • @TuanNguyen-db9fz
    @TuanNguyen-db9fz 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Go rick with Niko-Hunter-Senzu-Mzinho-Yekindar =))) Hope it work well really want to see g2 vs mongolz in final!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      it'd be a great final! gl

  • @krocsandsocs4286
    @krocsandsocs4286 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i went niko snax mzhino senzu and ultimate, hoping for the best but ive done terribly this season so who knows lol

  • @JustKjell321
    @JustKjell321 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I went completely opposite of your draft :') I want g2 to win, I want mongolz to keep proving themselves
    niko/malbs/chopper/techno/mzinho XD All or nothing gamble,last one of the season so why not :')

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      yeah i think many are following your thinking! i hope you lose, but if not, i hope mongolz take it all :D

    • @JustKjell321
      @JustKjell321 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@lucycasts You hope that I lose? waaaw 🤣glgl

  • @DanielVasilnizky
    @DanielVasilnizky 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Personally I went double spirit with zontix and shiro, I feel like they are way too underpicked considering they have an “easier” opening matchup. Also went with Karrigan chicken out, and double Vitality apex mezii.
    The reason I went with vitality is so I could cope if g2 will lose to them😂

  • @KevinNyaa
    @KevinNyaa 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Monesy, NiKo, Karrigan, Techno4K, mzinho
    Vitality has failed the quarters/semis in the last 3 tournaments they played and I'm so done with them. Just for the story line, I want Niko and Monesy to win their major together in G2's last tournament!

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      damn this draft is kinda fire tho?! mongolz g2 final and youre flying omg

  • @kurtjoshua4191
    @kurtjoshua4191 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    went with donk, chopper, spinx, techno and kyxsan/karrigan
    gonna chicken out karrigan and hope in the finals matchup will be spirit and vita

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      pretty neat draft, spinx is going to be underpicked with his price so close to nikos! gl

  • @bestest9427
    @bestest9427 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I feel like Mouz is being underrated by a lot. Torszi pls carry me to top 10 🙏

  • @alexsabev2038
    @alexsabev2038 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I have a feeling that FaZe will wake tf up, especially when they are being counted out by people. So, I have:

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      i don't have this feeling, but hey, at least it got you a good draft, and you'll be laughing at the rest of us if they do :D

    • @alexsabev2038
      @alexsabev2038 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @lucycasts Well....

  • @nwgverified
    @nwgverified 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I blame senzu

  • @lun444
    @lun444 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I went with senzu/910/nertz/teses/jks.
    This way if it ends up being a Mongolz - Heroic final I can cope with the fluke moaning because I got a knife out of it.

    • @lucycasts
      @lucycasts  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      lmao i like the approach. literally best two plays from both those teams AND jks is a big game player, i actually really love this, but i'd never be so brave to draft it. gl!