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Barbie Doll Makeover Transformation ~ DIY Miniature Ideas for Barbie ~ Wig, Dress, Faceup, and More!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Hello! I am a doll enthusiast.
With all my pasion, those dolls will no longer be mere toys, when I try my best to upgrade them into the whole new version of the characters and artists that we all love.
Please follow my channel, I truly appreciate it.
I’d love to share all of my experiences, my passion, and all the useful skills and tips with you guys.
Thanks for watching and have a great time!
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Woah this makes me want to play with dolls again 😭
So what I do
Play with dolls
you gerd dolls
What is you're problem
Seriously are you kidding me this so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beautiful best artist ever you're number 1
Plus they look so much better than original Barbies 😊
Je vais t'aime bien tu est bois, ou gerl😊
Oui bien plus belles❤
yaar ab kya kaho talent ki kami nahi ha .........sweet doll transformation to bold doll.....☺☺☺
actually love it .....i just want to try this..
True sach mai bahut zyaada accha banaya hai
Tem que ❤
Woah!This is beautiful
Slay Slay❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Amazing work
I love these designs and outfits
Q Que você está fazendo
😂ممتاز ❤❤
What fun for you that you know how to make such really beautiful barbs
J'aime beaucoup vos vidéos continue comme ça.
Oh my god👁️👄👁️👁️👄👁️👁️👄👁️ what a beautiful😍😍😍😍 art u r n amazing artist love it ❤❤❤❤❤
vvvb v b r vh6rteit6rt dftfy4crfffgg%ghhgyyfgyhygyjoli9oppbj]hby lmflnkjb9v$$$$
Wow 😳😍😍🥰🥰🥰👌
Hola mi nombre es michel naomi
wow! amazing videos.
I'm a new fan I'm gonna like every video and sub
Niat bgt bikinya kak
Tanganku menangis melihat ini T^T
Hola wapa
I smile every time I see the dolls transformation
The Jessica Rabbit was perfection❤
That was Jessica rabbit I thought it was sssniperwolf
They are so cute really ı love so much they look so original
@@adaluzencalada5557 lcbhghgu q a gente bvn ggm lop a gente ANA💞♥️
@@adaluzencalada5557 اعجبني
Unbelievably Fantastic work 👌👏👏👏👏👏👏⚘
I am watching for the first time and I already love it
És uma grande artista parabéns pelo seu trabalho
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's awesome
Now this is what you call talented 💫
Plus they look so much better than original Barbies😀
Girl has the fashion wow😮❤😊!!
you are amazing really really beautiful i really love it:)
Me too
It staggeringly beautiful
The perfect results 👍👍👍👍
Perfectisimooo 😘👌💜💙
Omg so talented
OMG ofrecer CUTEEE❤️❤️🤩
Wow I wish I had dolls my mom or dad can't afford toys
Sorry I feel so bad 😢😢😢
Sorry I also feel bad for you 😪
NOOO TOYS ? " 🎵Well, lock your doors and say your prayers, cause Santa Claus comes TONIGHT ! 🎶 "
who ever love barbie😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
I'm going to try to do the same clothes as you girl you are so talented
Que bela arte parabéns !!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
E mesmo❤
nice 😊
Que perfeição 🤩🤩🤩
Né e muito criativo ⚘🤩
I love your dolls makeovers they are AMAZING keep doing what you do best!
Почему вы пишите поонглиски.
Awwwwww you do a gorgeous work!!! Fantastic!!! 😸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
She steals these videos from other people.
This video was fantastic. I loved every second of it!
Thats very impressive she looks so real now!
Parabéns 😙😙😚😍pelo seu trabalho
Wow. I wish I had this talent
Me too looks cool
@@jodellealba3315 bjhh
@@tareqmolla5248 يشششضششضشضششششضشششضششضش١
Mee to
She’s the best doll designer ❤💯💯😍
girl if you sold these they would be gone in a split second.
this proves how much talent is put into these!
Well there not for kids so they will never sell this and parents will probably sue this
@@thejcfamcaamano8961 as much as I replied late.. why would they sue them? What's wrong with these dolls?
@@thejcfamcaamano8961who said kids would buy them or they’d be bought by kids 💀
People collect dolls just to have dolls. They don’t HAVE to be toys.
can we just appreciate the how could these art skills are making them look like real people?
Frls tho 😭🥰
@@latte2765 hi
Wow I would love to have them myself xd 👍🏻🤩😊
@@isuckateditin 222222222222
I love how you make the dolls creative if I want a doll I might come to you
They are pretty
incredible, you really did make up and sew. you are wonderful
wow, I loved you all, congratulations, it's so wonderful
Que hermosas.😍💖
Español entrando al chat xdd
Hola me engantaro
OMG! Whoever is doing the make up on these dolls is freaking awesome👏🥰💄
Omg, beautiful dol!
Que talentos 😍
Me gustó más la primera Barbi
Me gustó más la primera barbie😍😍😍
the first one looks fabulous!!
She looks like a Hollywood star
Oui sa redonne enfin 🎉❤
Very beautiful😊
Tá perfeito 😘❤❤❤❤❤
of course
@Vanessa Correia Rodrigues Nonato eu sei
Oi heloisa quamtos anos voce tem
@@mariasuely4670 8
Ta. Hi. Hi😍😙🤗😘
I love Black Cat! She's so much better than MJ imho
Todas ficaram perfeitas....
Super Amei a #GataNegra 😍
they are all amazing i love it ♥️👍👏
Do not make Chloe bugwoa
OMG i love it❤️😍
Cool bebe😎
You killed it!!! Black Cat looks so damn GOOD!!! Omg 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
😮bjGkcclm' x}
Me gustan tus vídeos es increíble como lo haces
Love 💕 it
Imagine how many dolls she might have🤩😯btw you r very talented👍
I watch. Lot of doll repaint videos and so far your’s is the most original!!! So creative. Well done.
Amei esse vídeo ficou ótimo......demais😄🤩
Até que fim, uma pessoa brasileira, eu também sou
@Duda Rodrigues eba, esse é o grupo dos brasileiros ksksks 😁😁😁😁
@Naimily Almece Kkkkkkkk
@Naimily Almece Pq ri de mim😂😂😂😂
Todas son una belleza, tu trabajo es ¡GENIAL! ¡CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
I love those I wish I had your art skills! !!!!
Hello is am my name yasmin
I absolutely love the doll makeovers there so pretty and how you hand sew the outfits is so cool!! 😘😍🍑🍎
Wow Barbie Beauty is great! 💖💖💖💖💖💖😻💘 I have a crush on Barbie! for 100% sure
@@lirazulu7195 Thanks!
Wow ❤️😍😍 this is my first time here you are created with barbie dolls 😃
I know she is AMAZING ARTIS. :D
I love how they design the dolls, awesome job. 😊😍🤩
OMG so beatiful 😍😍
France bleu Nord Normandie pour la suite des événements qui se trouve dans le coeur est avec toi pour la semaine prochaine je vais essayer d'aller voir le profil complet
In va chhe lo ve ka khuachu lungtian
All right, I will get this a like🎉
Sangat memotivasi😍😍
Jóia. Adorei. essas. Bonecas incríveis 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍 arrasou
Love the first one black cat from spiderman awesomeness 🤗
All those dolls look great! And you know, I'll bet all the boys in the entire world would like to have one of those dolls for their action figures. Wouldn't you agree? 🤔
Aesthetically pleasing for me 😍
ربما انا في السن12 و العب بلاد ما و انتيي
Looks so realistic I love it
These barbies are looking pretty like kpop stars after receiving your beautiful makeover😊😊😊😊
.👩👩👦👦👪😌😌😌 vc não me respondeu jgjgf não gosta mais de vc vbc vc 😚 hmb não me responde mais nada não me responde mais de mim né o que é isso não vai me dar uma resposta do seu o ingresso do meu irmão e não né pq vc vbc i y tu vai sair pra ele ir no cinema não vai
Hiii! I was wondering if you dould do betty boop!
Beautiful 💞
The dolls look gorgeous
Me encanta
واو 😳 حلوو كتيرر ستمري
Diana Rabello.
Wow!! It's look like that these dolls are Blackpink Members 🖤💗
Lindas😍😍o vontade de ter uma dessa 😂
Kkkkkkk também 😙
Vontade è o q não me falta
Você é uma verdadeira artista!
I am not gonna lie but...the 1 one looks like a real person I mean how did u do that
Perfect face like a human
Perfect clothes
Perfect color combination
your a real designer 👏
@@anapaulamineira5131 gdjfj
muy buen video haora ya se acer tortas y asado😎😎😎
me love
I wish i got a doll like that because they are just so beautiful 😻
Dhe unë jam si ti.😑💔
Me too 😭