Lol. Because the greek turned jesus into another one of there greek gods! This god name jesus, birth in December, white with blue eyes, everything is greek. But the name jesus white, is god, and born in December is not found in any of the original scripts. Not even the dead sea scrolls. And if so there a fake. First his mother who name isnt marry, spoke only Aramaic. Her son was born in spring, and she never gave him a greek, Latin, or Hebrew name. He wasnt white, he didn't have blue eyes, and god never had sex with her. In fact the only thing that was tied her to god was the angle Gabriel. Yet nobody says the angle Gabriel got her pregnant, because god never spoke directly to marry or her fatherless son. Only the angle Gabriel, and the devil spoke directly to isho.( jesus) or Emanuel as the angle told her. He never said jesus. Because jesus and his whole likeness is a greek god that was completely maid up.
Most Christians don't know that Jesus spoke Aramaic now this language is a semetic language "JESUSS" isn't His actual name this is accepted by Christian and non-muslims alike Now what is his actual Name? When he was born his mother named him isho(Hebrew) in classical Hebrew its (yoheshua) in arabic Its isa NOW where this jesuss word came from Its come from Latinized hebrew word. they wrote the new testament they wrote it In the most popular language Which was greek. Bcz of this his name would actually end up getting changed You know romanns Name sounds like brutus ,Augustus ..... And then keeping up with that tradition his name finally changed to a much more western "Jesus". They want To make it sounds like Greeks and Roman's. They don't want their god to be a jew. "Isho" sounds jew So obviously they changed it to "Jesus" As far as we know Syriac christian they still use a Liturgical language in thier Church Services they would have been essentially the same type of Aramaic Language that was spoken in 1st century Palestine and when we hear them Pronounce the name Of jesus they say issho in Arabic its (isa).....
This man answers questions so clear that u'll not see anyone in the comment section disagreeing or refuting what he said. They'll either engage in insults or unrelated topics. May Allah grant him the highest level in jannah.
American Christian priest, biblical scholar, theologian and exegete Raymond E. Brown [1928-1998 G] said: "Approximately three thousand manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, copied between the 2nd and 17th centuries, have been preserved (in whole or in part), to which must be added more than two thousand handwritten lectionaries containing sections (pericopes) of the New Testament arranged for liturgical reading since the 7th century. These witnesses to the NT text do not agree with each other on many points, but few of these differences are significant. No autograph or original manuscript of a New Testament book has been preserved; the differences occurred during the copying of the original. *Not all are the result of copyists' errors; some are the result of deliberate changes.* Copyists sometimes felt obliged to *improve* the Greek of the received text, to *modernize* spelling, *add* explanatory phrases, *harmonize* the Gospels, and even *omit* a point they considered doubtful. One might think that the oldest preserved copies (in whole or in part) of the Greek NT are the best guide back to the originals; but this is not necessarily so." What do we know about the New Testament? page 86, Bayard French editions, 2011.
Hello salam brother, i have question i hope you will answer it ,jews say if they are wrong then why did zechariah write this prophecy that will happen in end time, zechariah 14:16 and zechariah 8:23 , i hope you will explain it thank you!!!
In the name of *Allah,* the most gracious and the most merciful. There is NO God accept *Allah,* One true God - submitted to Only One True God - *Allah* ☝️😊 Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger and submitted to only One True God, *Allah* - like other prophet since Adam. There is no God accept *Allah* He begets not, nor was He begotten !! There is Nothing *Comparable* to Him !! READ 😊☝️
If like the Christians believe jesus is a god then would that mean that the hindu and buda who have their gods & even buda as a god, or any other group who have multiple gods and people turned gods according to their beliefs would also be gods just like the christian human god? But even the christian deny that any of the others are gods even the human turned god
When asking about names, the better question would be why does a Meccan deity claim prophets of the Bible are his messengers if their names honor Yahweh? Yahweh is nowhere in Quran as far as I know, right? Elijah (English) Eliyahu (Hebrew) Ilyās (Arabic) Yahweh is my God (Meaning) Zachariah (English) ZakarYah (Hebrew) Zakariyau (Arabic) Yahweh Remembers (Meaning) Jesus (English) Yehoshua/Yeshua (Hebrew) Isah (Arabic) Salvation of Yahweh (Meaning) John (English) Yahya/Yohanan (Hebrew) Yahyah (Arabic) Yahweh is Gracious (Meaning)
@deenshabier7204 You want to take a ticket for a one-man show by Mohmmd or a show by 40 men of over 1600 years. You have your choice!! Yet Quran ascribes a very unique and exalted position to Jesus Christ who is sitting in heaven with Allah, while Mohmd is in grave as follows: Quranic verses. 3:45 - He is highly esteemed in this world and in the hereafter. 4:158 - He was taken upto heaven to Allah. 4:171 - He is the Messiah, the word of Allah, a spirit from Allah. 5:113 - He created life, healed the dick, and raised the dead. 19:19 - He was faultless (without sin). 19:20 - He was born of a virgin. 19:21 - He is a sign to mankind. 19:23 - He is the word of truth 21:91 - He is a sign for all peoples of the earth. 43:61 - He has knowledge of the hour (of judgement). 43:63 - He came with clear proofs.
why no point? Adam was the first prophet and he teaches his children about the Oneness of God, people worship Allah (Adam-Enoch). Not until during the time of Noah which Noah was the first Messenger of God, the people start worshipping the idol since there wasn't a prophet from Enoch to Noah for hundred and hundred of years
Trinity!!!! There is hardly anything that makes you Muslims seem more simple-minded than when it comes to the Trinity. Let me explain it to you!!!!! First of all, Trinity is just a term that is meant to describe a state of affairs, and yes, you could be right that this was only formed with the Council of Nicaea. But just as Isaac Newton did not invent gravity, but only discovered it, the state of the divine Trinity is also only described in the Bible and was discovered and not invented. Secondly!!!!!! We Christians also only believe in "one" God, YAHWEH (not "AL-LAH"). So let me explain it to you, "you" are also only "one", right??? But your "YOU" consists of body, mind and soul. And now study the Bible and see how often it is about the soul, or the spirit, or the body of a person. That is why it says in Genesis: "We are created in his image." We consist of body, mind and soul. And here too, the Bible divides the body into different parts, but also the mind into 7 different abilities, and the heart - the soul as the starting point of good and evil, of love and hate. Modern medicine also distinguishes between these three different forms, e.g. of pain. If I go to the doctor because I can't stand the pain any more and he asks me what's wrong with me?? and I say a loved one has died, will he give me an aspirin, it's all the same anyway, it's just a headache????, your concept of the Trinity is ridiculous!!!. Are you trying to tell me that you only consist of a stupid body, or that there is no soul in Islam, how do you get to heaven then??? Or that you can't think logically because you don't have a mind??? So now to the Trinity of God!!! God also consists of three parts (in his image!! Genesis) just like you. He has a SOUL, the Father, HE has a SON, his body, but the better description here would be - the appearance, as a burning bush, or as an angel of the Lord, or as the Son of Man, "Jesus", but also called the Word of God, (1 JOHN) and he has a spirit - a holy spirit, all three are God, just as you are one, but consist of three parts. But here is the difference to humans, when I take a photo of you, then you are in the photo, but you are three-dimensional and the photo is only two-dimensional. The God of the Bible, however, is eternal, in space and time, he is multidimensional, omnipresent, so to speak. And now I am supposed to understand the following, from all the descriptions in the Bible, when God in his omnipotence decides to meet me in human form at eye level. Then I should understand that his divine soul and his holy spirit live in this human body, but that is by no means all of him, but only the visible part, the Son, the eternal Word. I am limited to my body, but he is eternal. And that is why Jesus can also speak to his Father, because part of his soul lives in the body, and the other part, which is eternal in space and time, is outside. That is why King David is surprised: "The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool?'" By the way, there is an entire book in the Old Testament whose actual content only revolves around the Trinity. It is the book of Esther, but you will only understand that at the end of this world!!! Yeshua is my god and Yahweh, my shepherd, my redeemer, my healer, and my friend, my king, the center and goal, and the love of my life!!
@@I_am_T00FAN Since they are used to think Prophet İsa as God and saying things that he did not say, they perceive Prophet Muhammad in the same context. They will also be saved as soon as the image of Prophet İsa in their own selves is freed from the title of divinity.
@@I_am_T00FAN They will saved from this thought and start questioning. Many Christians have based their beliefs on the divinity of Prophet İsa. And instead of questioning it, they accept it as it is, because they think that, as humans, they are not capable of understanding the concept of the trinity.
Jesus Christ said "You will know the Truth and Truth will set you Free"... Jesus Christ said, I'm the way, I"m the Truth, I'm the Life... Knowing the Truth means knowing Jesus Christ... If Muslims knew Jesus Christ, then they will be free from the slavery of Islam, which is set by Devil...
I used to worship Jesus as God. May Allah forgive me. I turned to Mary to help me understand the truth about her son. I was starting to learn about the Quran. God cannot be born, He cannot give birth, He cannot be begotten. This is against the nature of God. The tears that washed my soul truly set me free! 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ I believe Jesus is talking to those who worship him as God. He told us to worship only one God. He prayed to God. He worked miracles by the power of God. He submitted himself to the will of God. The word Muslim means to submit to God.
@moanykk3296 HOW ISLAM IS NOW RISING . The Western main stream media propaganda machine is now ironically making everyone ISLAM-CURIOUS instead of Islamophobic. As corruption of the collective West becomes more obvious to a generation, many ended up questioning everything that they were ever told.
You're right Jesus said he was the way, the way to what though? The way to God. He didn't say he was God he said he was the way to God, big difference. Jesus also said “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep-the people of Israel.” how do you explain that ?
Many people have the misconception that Islam is a new religion that came into being 1400 years ago, and that the Prophet Muhammad sws is the founder of this "new" religion. In reality, Islam has been around since the beginning of time, ever since man first set foot on this earth. Prophet Muhammad sws is not the founder of this religion, but the last messenger of God to whom the last message, the Holy Koran, was revealed. "Say: "We believe in Allah, in what was sent down to us, in what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and in what was brought to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: we make no distinction between them; and to Him we are Submissive [Muslims]." (Sura 3 verse 84) And the name of the Prophet Muhammad sws is mentioned in the Bible! In the Old Testament to be exact, in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16 in Hebrew: "Hiko mamtakim vé khulo Mahamad'im , ...................." Muhammad'im is the plural of "Mahamad". In Hebrew, we add the "im" at the end of words to mark a form of respect. And that's not all. It is also prophesied in : Deuteronomy, chapter 18 verses 18 and 19. Isaiah, chapter 29, verse 12. The Gospel of John, chapter 14 verse 16. The Gospel of John, chapter 15, verse 26. The Gospel of John, chapter 16, verse 7. The Gospel of John, chapter 16 verses 12,13,14. Definition of the word Islam: "To submit to the will of God". Islam comes from the word root "salam" and also from the word root "silm". Which means: yield your will to God. And true peace is the peace gained when you yield your will to God (Allah sobhanah wa taعala) accept Islam. Allah sobhanah wa taعala says: " 19. Surely, the religion accepted from Allah is Islam." (Sura 3 verse 19) What about Judaism? What about Christianity? Is there no faith like Judaism or Christianity? If you look closely at the texts and speeches of the PES prophets, these names don't exist. They are names sometimes given by pagans or others to designate those who practiced a particular cult, such as monotheism. Where does this word "Judaism" come from? If you ask a Jew, or even a Jewish scholar, "Is this word present in the Torah? "They'll say no, it's not. "Is it present in the Talmud?" they'll also say no. "In that case, in the mishnah?", either. So where does it come from? Well, the word "Judaism" derives its etymology from the word "Judah". And Judah was one of Jacob's sons. He had 12 children, and Judah was the eldest. Subsequently, the Jews or Israelites conquered Palestine, which was divided into 12 tribes. There were 12 tribes and each tribe had a territory in Palestine. Jesus p.s.l., who had a royal origin through David, inherited this kingdom of 12 kingdoms. Hence the fact that he is called "lord" in the royal sense and also the king of kings, and that he tells the 12 apostles this: "These are the twelve whom Jesus sent, after giving them the following instructions: Do not go to the Gentiles, and do not enter the towns of the Samaritans; rather, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 10 5-6 The part of the land occupied by Judah was called "Judea", and the people outside said that the religion practiced by Judah in Judea was Judaism. This is how the name "Judaism" came about. It's an invented, concocted word. How did the word "Christianity" come about? Does it appear in the Christian Bible? No, it doesn't, and neither does the word bible. The word doesn't appear, but the word "Christians" does in the New Testament. At the time, in the city of Antioch, the enemies of Jesus' followers were called "Christians", implying that they were worshippers of Christ. So what was the name of the religion they practiced? If Moses were alive today, and we had the opportunity to meet him, perhaps even in the afterlife, and ask him "O Moses tell us, what is the name of your religion that you preached? " I wouldn't expect him to answer Judaism, because poor man, he's never heard the name. He's never heard the word "Judaism" in his life. He's more likely to say, "My religion is total submission to God's will". In a nutshell, that's the Arabic definition of the word "Islam". For Jesus pbuh too. If we had the chance to ask him "O Jesus, what is your religion? " I wouldn't expect him to answer "Christianity" either. Because he's never heard that word either? It was the pagans (Acts 11:26) who gave that name to his followers for the record. It would be more likely for him to answer this: "My religion is total submission to the will of God" "Islam". Something he at least formulates when he says: "For I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of the one who sent me." John 6:38 ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE ONE RELIGION The religion of Moses pbuh was Islam, and Moses pbuh was a Muslim. The religion of Jesus pbuh was Islam and Jesus was a Muslim. Does this mean they followed Muhammad sws? No... Absolutely not! Muslim means a person who submits to God's will, as said and seen above. Abraham was a Muslim David was a Muslim Solomon was a muslim Moses was a Muslim Jesus was a muslim Muhammad sws was a Muslim All Allah's prophets are Muslims, from Adam, through Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, Solomon, Noah, Jesus, etc., to the last one, Muhammad sws. PES until the last one, Muhammad sws. Anyone who submits to God's will is de facto a Muslim. The whole of nature is Muslim, everything submits to God's will. Man often goes against God's will, and is therefore a disbeliever, like the man or woman who defines himself or herself as an atheist, agnostic and says many things about himself or herself, and then rebels, denying and rejecting the truth, out of vanity and pride, when it presents itself to him or her. But know that nature, everything in nature - the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, the planets... Everything submits! Basically, in Islam, it's all Muslim. Allah sobhanah wa taعala says: "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, he will not be accepted, and he will be, in the Hereafter, among the losers." (Sura 3 verse 85) Ahmed Deedat, Dr. Zakir Naik
Judaism Versus Allahism Jews had their prophets, their Torah, who spoke in the Name of Yhwh Elohim. He had His Holy Spirit and He appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Allah never appeared to Mohmmd. Never spoke to him. Mohmd fell down, foamed in his mouth, sweated, heard ringing sounds, and recovered and claimed Allah gave a revelation!!! No proof, no eye witnesses, no documentary or archeological evidence. How do you compare both?
You can continue to deceive yourself about made religion. Jesus was a man created and empowered by God and does not share in the glory of God. Trinity and atonement were idolatry beliefs copied from the idolatry beliefs of ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman empire. Jesus preached one true of God Abraham and not trinity. Jesus said the father was the only TRUE GOD. Jesus said "I by myself can do nothing " Can God nothing? If Jesus was God how come he can do nothing by himself? Trinity is not in the bible and idea of Trinity was agreed by men at council of Nicea in 325 AD. Christianity is an idolatry religion using the name of a true messenger God, " Isho" in Aramaic and Yehoshua in Hebrew which they have changed to "Jesus ". My God guide out of ignorance and disbelieve
@@yusufshaibu418 You are indoctrinated beyond help. Which is man-made cult? Islam or Christianity? Most of the first century Christians were Jewish and Romans turning after seeing mutiple supernatural miracles performed by Christ's disciples...dead being raised, sick healed, demons cast out, lame made to walk in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. Whereas Mohmmd was caught in sorcery and witchcraft..with which he made utterances in Koran. Is that the case with Mohmmd. He had no power to do any miracles, only terror, robbery, rape, usurption, murder, and beheading. Then he revived Quraishi paganism of pilgrimage to Mecca, circumambulating around the meteorite stone, kissing it to absorb their sins, prayer beads, alms giving, fasting and feasting, bombing or knifing during fasting, stoning the Satan etc. What a great superstitious paganism is Islam. Worshipping moon!! None of it is in the Bible!!! Allah forgot begetting Isa by breathing through the 'furge' of Mary...then Allah said he begets not...probably old age dementia!! Koran verses 21:91 and 66:12. The grant blunder!! +Allah never knew where the sun sets. Allah told Mohmd that the sun prostrates beneath Allah's throne in the night to come out in the morning. Pure blunder!! Sun's temperature can burn it fully. +Allah told Mohammed 1400 years ago that the judgement day is at hand, and the moon is split..Koran 54:1. What an accurate blunder?!! +Allah never knew what is Sabbath. Instead Allah set up his day as Friday. Again amnesia. +Allah allowed camel meat in direct contravention to the Law of Moses in Leviticus 11:4-7. +Allah substituted Jerusalem temple and synagogue with minarets/mosques, and Mecca. +Allah forgot about the ark of the covenant and the altar, sacrifice, and the Levitical priesthood. Instead appointed Mullahs, Jihadists to murder infidels!! +Allah forgot the Hebrew language and spoke in Arabic!! Bilingual aphasia!!! THUS MOHMD'S IGNORANCE WAS ALLAH'S OMNISCIENCE!! Finally Allah asked Mohmd to kill all Jews and Christians!! Proof: Sahih Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." Then Allah set up Mecca as the House of God, meteorite stone to absorb sins, prostration before Kaabah, tonsuring hair, prayer beads, fasting, pilgrimage, almsgiving, circum-ambulation, stoning the Devil, running between two hills, Muttah, taqya and Jihad! You believe all these as truth of the Torah Moses and Jesus Christ taught? If so, consult a psychiatrist for Mental Status Exam..
@samuelimmanuel718 Where is your proof, where is your eyewitness that God appeared to Moses behind a burning bush. Where is your proof, where is your eyewitness that marry gave birth to a person called Jesus. Where is your proof, where is the eyewitnesses that saw Jesus being resurrected.
YHWH, the tetagram, is not a Semitic word. It is a compound name of Egyptian origin. YHWH is easy to pronounce when revealed from its diacritical signs, which by adding the vowels in Latin languages gives this: YaHuWaH. YaHuWaH can be broken down as follows: YaH + HuWaH (in Hebrew, the last H is never pronounced, as in the name Sarah) HuWaH = He, in ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew. YaH = is a name borne by an Egyptian deity, which must certainly have been recovered and used by the Hebrews as a generic name. In fact, the Old Testament begins with a Yahwist phase and then transitions to an Eloist phase. YaH + HuWaH = he is God. Yah is found in many Hebrew first names and (compound) words. This is easily explained, as the Hebrews were born and spent some 400 years in Egypt, so Egyptian culture inevitably survived in a very pervasive underlying way; the use of the term Yah bears witness to this.
How did an Aramaic speaking Hebrew man from Bethlehem Palestine called Esau become a Greek named man called Jesus who sounds like G Zeus?
Cause of politickly only..
Lol. Because the greek turned jesus into another one of there greek gods! This god name jesus, birth in December, white with blue eyes, everything is greek. But the name jesus white, is god, and born in December is not found in any of the original scripts. Not even the dead sea scrolls. And if so there a fake. First his mother who name isnt marry, spoke only Aramaic. Her son was born in spring, and she never gave him a greek, Latin, or Hebrew name. He wasnt white, he didn't have blue eyes, and god never had sex with her. In fact the only thing that was tied her to god was the angle Gabriel. Yet nobody says the angle Gabriel got her pregnant, because god never spoke directly to marry or her fatherless son. Only the angle Gabriel, and the devil spoke directly to isho.( jesus) or Emanuel as the angle told her. He never said jesus. Because jesus and his whole likeness is a greek god that was completely maid up.
Most Christians don't know that Jesus spoke Aramaic now this language is a semetic language
"JESUSS" isn't His actual name this is accepted by Christian and non-muslims alike
Now what is his actual Name?
When he was born his mother named him isho(Hebrew) in classical Hebrew its (yoheshua) in arabic Its isa
NOW where this jesuss word came from
Its come from Latinized hebrew word.
they wrote the new testament they wrote it In the most popular language
Which was greek.
Bcz of this his name would actually end up getting changed
You know romanns Name sounds like brutus ,Augustus .....
And then keeping up with that tradition his name finally changed to a much more western "Jesus".
They want To make it sounds like Greeks and Roman's.
They don't want their god to be a jew.
"Isho" sounds jew
So obviously they changed it to "Jesus"
As far as we know Syriac christian they still use a Liturgical language in thier Church Services they would have been essentially the same type of Aramaic Language that was spoken in 1st century Palestine and when we hear them Pronounce the name Of jesus they say issho in Arabic its (isa).....
@@khamalshariff725How did a Hebrew man called yoshua become issa.
Thank you for spreading knowledge barakallahoefiek
This man answers questions so clear that u'll not see anyone in the comment section disagreeing or refuting what he said. They'll either engage in insults or unrelated topics. May Allah grant him the highest level in jannah.
American Christian priest, biblical scholar, theologian and exegete Raymond E. Brown [1928-1998 G] said:
"Approximately three thousand manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, copied between the 2nd and 17th centuries, have been preserved (in whole or in part), to which must be added more than two thousand handwritten lectionaries containing sections (pericopes) of the New Testament arranged for liturgical reading since the 7th century. These witnesses to the NT text do not agree with each other on many points, but few of these differences are significant. No autograph or original manuscript of a New Testament book has been preserved; the differences occurred during the copying of the original. *Not all are the result of copyists' errors; some are the result of deliberate changes.* Copyists sometimes felt obliged to *improve* the Greek of the received text, to *modernize* spelling, *add* explanatory phrases, *harmonize* the Gospels, and even *omit* a point they considered doubtful. One might think that the oldest preserved copies (in whole or in part) of the Greek NT are the best guide back to the originals; but this is not necessarily so."
What do we know about the New Testament? page 86, Bayard French editions, 2011.
May Allah guide us all ameen.
Man cannot be God common sense tells us that there is no God but one true God, Allah the Most Merciful
By the way, what's the name of the nasheed in the intro... That's very calming
Hello salam brother, i have question i hope you will answer it ,jews say if they are wrong then why did zechariah write this prophecy that will happen in end time, zechariah 14:16 and zechariah 8:23 , i hope you will explain it thank you!!!
Who's prophecy to whom?? Where accurated their letters?
@@khamalshariff725 jews quote this prophecy of zechariah 14:16 and zechariah 8:23 and say this prophecy tells that Jews are on the right path
@@khamalshariff725 prophecy is about end time
Please, don't add reel noise sound effect throughout the whole video. This is so annoying.
Brother be great full to what he's doing
In the name of *Allah,* the most gracious and the most merciful. There is NO God accept *Allah,* One true God - submitted to Only One True God - *Allah* ☝️😊
Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger and submitted to only One True God, *Allah* - like other prophet since Adam.
There is no God accept *Allah*
He begets not, nor was He begotten !!
There is Nothing *Comparable* to Him !!
READ 😊☝️
If like the Christians believe jesus is a god then would that mean that the hindu and buda who have their gods & even buda as a god, or any other group who have multiple gods and people turned gods according to their beliefs would also be gods just like the christian human god? But even the christian deny that any of the others are gods even the human turned god
Jew - knowledge without practice
Christian - practice without knowledge
Islam - practice with knowledge
El that had lion as Head, torso as human and rest as a snake. Be the same as allah that has two right arms and no left one?
As one start.
When asking about names, the better question would be why does a Meccan deity claim prophets of the Bible are his messengers if their names honor Yahweh? Yahweh is nowhere in Quran as far as I know, right?
Elijah (English) Eliyahu (Hebrew) Ilyās (Arabic)
Yahweh is my God (Meaning)
Zachariah (English) ZakarYah (Hebrew) Zakariyau (Arabic)
Yahweh Remembers (Meaning)
Jesus (English) Yehoshua/Yeshua (Hebrew) Isah (Arabic)
Salvation of Yahweh (Meaning)
John (English) Yahya/Yohanan (Hebrew) Yahyah (Arabic)
Yahweh is Gracious (Meaning)
Actually YEHSOUA in English is JOSHUA not jesus
You want to take a ticket for a one-man show by Mohmmd or a show by 40 men of over 1600 years. You have your choice!!
Yet Quran ascribes a very unique and exalted position to Jesus Christ who is sitting in heaven with Allah, while Mohmd is in grave as follows:
Quranic verses.
3:45 - He is highly esteemed in this world and in the hereafter.
4:158 - He was taken upto heaven to Allah.
4:171 - He is the Messiah, the word of Allah, a spirit from Allah.
5:113 - He created life, healed the dick, and raised the dead.
19:19 - He was faultless (without sin).
19:20 - He was born of a virgin.
19:21 - He is a sign to mankind.
19:23 - He is the word of truth
21:91 - He is a sign for all peoples of the earth.
43:61 - He has knowledge of the hour (of judgement).
43:63 - He came with clear proofs.
Oops, non of the verses says he's God.
So, no point for God to send prophets to this world?
why no point? Adam was the first prophet and he teaches his children about the Oneness of God, people worship Allah (Adam-Enoch). Not until during the time of Noah which Noah was the first Messenger of God, the people start worshipping the idol since there wasn't a prophet from Enoch to Noah for hundred and hundred of years
Remove the subtitles from your videos. If I want subtitles I'll use youtube. Thanks.
Trinity!!!! There is hardly anything that makes you Muslims seem more simple-minded than when it comes to the Trinity. Let me explain it to you!!!!! First of all, Trinity is just a term that is meant to describe a state of affairs, and yes, you could be right that this was only formed with the Council of Nicaea. But just as Isaac Newton did not invent gravity, but only discovered it, the state of the divine Trinity is also only described in the Bible and was discovered and not invented.
Secondly!!!!!! We Christians also only believe in "one" God, YAHWEH (not "AL-LAH"). So let me explain it to you, "you" are also only "one", right??? But your "YOU" consists of body, mind and soul. And now study the Bible and see how often it is about the soul, or the spirit, or the body of a person. That is why it says in Genesis: "We are created in his image." We consist of body, mind and soul. And here too, the Bible divides the body into different parts, but also the mind into 7 different abilities, and the heart - the soul as the starting point of good and evil, of love and hate.
Modern medicine also distinguishes between these three different forms, e.g. of pain. If I go to the doctor because I can't stand the pain any more and he asks me what's wrong with me?? and I say a loved one has died, will he give me an aspirin, it's all the same anyway, it's just a headache????, your concept of the Trinity is ridiculous!!!. Are you trying to tell me that you only consist of a stupid body, or that there is no soul in Islam, how do you get to heaven then??? Or that you can't think logically because you don't have a mind???
So now to the Trinity of God!!! God also consists of three parts (in his image!! Genesis) just like you. He has a SOUL, the Father, HE has a SON, his body, but the better description here would be - the appearance, as a burning bush, or as an angel of the Lord, or as the Son of Man, "Jesus", but also called the Word of God, (1 JOHN) and he has a spirit - a holy spirit, all three are God, just as you are one, but consist of three parts.
But here is the difference to humans, when I take a photo of you, then you are in the photo, but you are three-dimensional and the photo is only two-dimensional. The God of the Bible, however, is eternal, in space and time, he is multidimensional, omnipresent, so to speak.
And now I am supposed to understand the following, from all the descriptions in the Bible, when God in his omnipotence decides to meet me in human form at eye level. Then I should understand that his divine soul and his holy spirit live in this human body, but that is by no means all of him, but only the visible part, the Son, the eternal Word. I am limited to my body, but he is eternal. And that is why Jesus can also speak to his Father, because part of his soul lives in the body, and the other part, which is eternal in space and time, is outside. That is why King David is surprised: "The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool?'"
By the way, there is an entire book in the Old Testament whose actual content only revolves around the Trinity. It is the book of Esther, but you will only understand that at the end of this world!!!
Yeshua is my god and Yahweh, my shepherd, my redeemer, my healer, and my friend, my king, the center and goal, and the love of my life!!
Rolf Harris took ages to ask a question 🤦♂️
Jesus will come back to judge us all.
Muhammad will not.
And even Muhammad admits he didn't know where he will be, in heaven or probably in Hell.
Do not misinterpret your own message. What gives you credibility to criticize your own Messiah without knowing your own holy scripture?
In islam There's a different types of judgement
He will come to judge as just Ruler.
And where prophet Muhammad said that?
@@I_am_T00FAN Since they are used to think Prophet İsa as God and saying things that he did not say, they perceive Prophet Muhammad in the same context. They will also be saved as soon as the image of Prophet İsa in their own selves is freed from the title of divinity.
@@insomnia113 they will be save....... bro what?
@@I_am_T00FAN They will saved from this thought and start questioning. Many Christians have based their beliefs on the divinity of Prophet İsa. And instead of questioning it, they accept it as it is, because they think that, as humans, they are not capable of understanding the concept of the trinity.
Jesus Christ said "You will know the Truth and Truth will set you Free"... Jesus Christ said, I'm the way, I"m the Truth, I'm the Life... Knowing the Truth means knowing Jesus Christ... If Muslims knew Jesus Christ, then they will be free from the slavery of Islam, which is set by Devil...
I used to worship Jesus as God. May Allah forgive me. I turned to Mary to help me understand the truth about her son. I was starting to learn about the Quran. God cannot be born, He cannot give birth, He cannot be begotten. This is against the nature of God. The tears that washed my soul truly set me free!
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
I believe Jesus is talking to those who worship him as God. He told us to worship only one God. He prayed to God. He worked miracles by the power of God. He submitted himself to the will of God. The word Muslim means to submit to God.
The Western main stream media propaganda machine is now ironically making everyone ISLAM-CURIOUS instead of Islamophobic.
As corruption of the collective West becomes more obvious to a generation, many ended up questioning everything that they were ever told.
You're right Jesus said he was the way, the way to what though? The way to God. He didn't say he was God he said he was the way to God, big difference. Jesus also said “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep-the people of Israel.” how do you explain that ?
Many people have the misconception that Islam is a new religion that came into being 1400 years ago, and that the Prophet Muhammad sws is the founder of this "new" religion.
In reality, Islam has been around since the beginning of time, ever since man first set foot on this earth. Prophet Muhammad sws is not the founder of this religion, but the last messenger of God to whom the last message, the Holy Koran, was revealed.
"Say: "We believe in Allah, in what was sent down to us, in what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and in what was brought to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: we make no distinction between them; and to Him we are Submissive [Muslims]." (Sura 3 verse 84)
And the name of the Prophet Muhammad sws is mentioned in the Bible! In the Old Testament to be exact, in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16 in Hebrew: "Hiko mamtakim vé khulo Mahamad'im , ...................."
Muhammad'im is the plural of "Mahamad". In Hebrew, we add the "im" at the end of words to mark a form of respect.
And that's not all. It is also prophesied in :
Deuteronomy, chapter 18 verses 18 and 19.
Isaiah, chapter 29, verse 12.
The Gospel of John, chapter 14 verse 16.
The Gospel of John, chapter 15, verse 26.
The Gospel of John, chapter 16, verse 7.
The Gospel of John, chapter 16 verses 12,13,14.
Definition of the word Islam: "To submit to the will of God".
Islam comes from the word root "salam" and also from the word root "silm". Which means: yield your will to God. And true peace is the peace gained when you yield your will to God (Allah sobhanah wa taعala) accept Islam.
Allah sobhanah wa taعala says:
" 19. Surely, the religion accepted from Allah is Islam." (Sura 3 verse 19)
What about Judaism? What about Christianity?
Is there no faith like Judaism or Christianity?
If you look closely at the texts and speeches of the PES prophets, these names don't exist. They are names sometimes given by pagans or others to designate those who practiced a particular cult, such as monotheism.
Where does this word "Judaism" come from? If you ask a Jew, or even a Jewish scholar, "Is this word present in the Torah? "They'll say no, it's not.
"Is it present in the Talmud?" they'll also say no.
"In that case, in the mishnah?", either.
So where does it come from? Well, the word "Judaism" derives its etymology from the word "Judah".
And Judah was one of Jacob's sons.
He had 12 children, and Judah was the eldest. Subsequently, the Jews or Israelites conquered Palestine, which was divided into 12 tribes.
There were 12 tribes and each tribe had a territory in Palestine.
Jesus p.s.l., who had a royal origin through David, inherited this kingdom of 12 kingdoms. Hence the fact that he is called "lord" in the royal sense and also the king of kings, and that he tells the 12 apostles this: "These are the twelve whom Jesus sent, after giving them the following instructions: Do not go to the Gentiles, and do not enter the towns of the Samaritans; rather, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 10 5-6
The part of the land occupied by Judah was called "Judea", and the people outside said that the religion practiced by Judah in Judea was Judaism.
This is how the name "Judaism" came about. It's an invented, concocted word.
How did the word "Christianity" come about? Does it appear in the Christian Bible?
No, it doesn't, and neither does the word bible. The word doesn't appear, but the word "Christians" does in the New Testament.
At the time, in the city of Antioch, the enemies of Jesus' followers were called "Christians", implying that they were worshippers of Christ.
So what was the name of the religion they practiced?
If Moses were alive today, and we had the opportunity to meet him, perhaps even in the afterlife, and ask him "O Moses tell us, what is the name of your religion that you preached? "
I wouldn't expect him to answer Judaism, because poor man, he's never heard the name.
He's never heard the word "Judaism" in his life. He's more likely to say, "My religion is total submission to God's will". In a nutshell, that's the Arabic definition of the word "Islam".
For Jesus pbuh too. If we had the chance to ask him "O Jesus, what is your religion? "
I wouldn't expect him to answer "Christianity" either. Because he's never heard that word either? It was the pagans (Acts 11:26) who gave that name to his followers for the record.
It would be more likely for him to answer this: "My religion is total submission to the will of God" "Islam". Something he at least formulates when he says: "For I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of the one who sent me." John 6:38
The religion of Moses pbuh was Islam, and Moses pbuh was a Muslim.
The religion of Jesus pbuh was Islam and Jesus was a Muslim.
Does this mean they followed Muhammad sws? No... Absolutely not!
Muslim means a person who submits to God's will, as said and seen above.
Abraham was a Muslim
David was a Muslim
Solomon was a muslim
Moses was a Muslim
Jesus was a muslim
Muhammad sws was a Muslim
All Allah's prophets are Muslims, from Adam, through Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, Solomon, Noah, Jesus, etc., to the last one, Muhammad sws. PES until the last one, Muhammad sws.
Anyone who submits to God's will is de facto a Muslim.
The whole of nature is Muslim, everything submits to God's will.
Man often goes against God's will, and is therefore a disbeliever, like the man or woman who defines himself or herself as an atheist, agnostic and says many things about himself or herself, and then rebels, denying and rejecting the truth, out of vanity and pride, when it presents itself to him or her.
But know that nature, everything in nature - the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, the planets... Everything submits!
Basically, in Islam, it's all Muslim.
Allah sobhanah wa taعala says:
"And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, he will not be accepted, and he will be, in the Hereafter, among the losers." (Sura 3 verse 85)
Ahmed Deedat, Dr. Zakir Naik
Judaism Versus Allahism
Jews had their prophets, their Torah, who spoke in the Name of Yhwh Elohim. He had His Holy Spirit and He appeared to Moses in the burning bush.
Allah never appeared to Mohmmd. Never spoke to him. Mohmd fell down, foamed in his mouth, sweated, heard ringing sounds, and recovered and claimed Allah gave a revelation!!! No proof, no eye witnesses, no documentary or archeological evidence.
How do you compare both?
You can continue to deceive yourself about made religion. Jesus was a man created and empowered by God and does not share in the glory of God. Trinity and atonement were idolatry beliefs copied from the idolatry beliefs of ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman empire. Jesus preached one true of God Abraham and not trinity. Jesus said the father was the only TRUE GOD. Jesus said "I by myself can do nothing " Can God nothing? If Jesus was God how come he can do nothing by himself? Trinity is not in the bible and idea of Trinity was agreed by men at council of Nicea in 325 AD. Christianity is an idolatry religion using the name of a true messenger God, " Isho" in Aramaic and Yehoshua in Hebrew which they have changed to "Jesus ". My God guide out of ignorance and disbelieve
You are indoctrinated beyond help.
Which is man-made cult? Islam or Christianity?
Most of the first century Christians were Jewish and Romans turning after seeing mutiple supernatural miracles performed by Christ's disciples...dead being raised, sick healed, demons cast out, lame made to walk in Jesus Christ's Holy Name.
Whereas Mohmmd was caught in sorcery and witchcraft..with which he made utterances in Koran.
Is that the case with Mohmmd. He had no power to do any miracles, only terror, robbery, rape, usurption, murder, and beheading.
Then he revived Quraishi paganism of pilgrimage to Mecca, circumambulating around the meteorite stone, kissing it to absorb their sins, prayer beads, alms giving, fasting and feasting, bombing or knifing during fasting, stoning the Satan etc. What a great superstitious paganism is Islam. Worshipping moon!!
None of it is in the Bible!!!
Allah forgot begetting Isa by breathing through the 'furge' of Mary...then Allah said he begets not...probably old age dementia!! Koran verses 21:91 and 66:12. The grant blunder!!
+Allah never knew where the sun sets. Allah told Mohmd that the sun prostrates beneath Allah's throne in the night to come out in the morning. Pure blunder!! Sun's temperature can burn it fully.
+Allah told Mohammed 1400 years ago that the judgement day is at hand, and the moon is split..Koran 54:1. What an accurate blunder?!!
+Allah never knew what is Sabbath. Instead Allah set up his day as Friday. Again amnesia.
+Allah allowed camel meat in direct contravention to the Law of Moses in Leviticus 11:4-7.
+Allah substituted Jerusalem temple and synagogue with minarets/mosques, and Mecca.
+Allah forgot about the ark of the covenant and the altar, sacrifice, and the Levitical priesthood. Instead appointed Mullahs, Jihadists to murder infidels!!
+Allah forgot the Hebrew language and spoke in Arabic!! Bilingual aphasia!!!
Finally Allah asked Mohmd to kill all Jews and Christians!!
Sahih Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
Then Allah set up Mecca as the House of God, meteorite stone to absorb sins, prostration before Kaabah, tonsuring hair, prayer beads, fasting, pilgrimage, almsgiving, circum-ambulation, stoning the Devil, running between two hills, Muttah, taqya and Jihad!
You believe all these as truth of the Torah Moses and Jesus Christ taught?
If so, consult a psychiatrist for Mental Status Exam..
Please stop your blasphemy. Don’t make yourself a fool.
@samuelimmanuel718 Where is your proof, where is your eyewitness that God appeared to Moses behind a burning bush. Where is your proof, where is your eyewitness that marry gave birth to a person called Jesus. Where is your proof, where is the eyewitnesses that saw Jesus being resurrected.
YHWH, the tetagram, is not a Semitic word. It is a compound name of Egyptian origin.
YHWH is easy to pronounce when revealed from its diacritical signs, which by adding the vowels in Latin languages gives this: YaHuWaH.
YaHuWaH can be broken down as follows: YaH + HuWaH
(in Hebrew, the last H is never pronounced, as in the name Sarah)
HuWaH = He, in ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew.
YaH = is a name borne by an Egyptian deity, which must certainly have been recovered and used by the Hebrews as a generic name. In fact, the Old Testament begins with a Yahwist phase and then transitions to an Eloist phase.
YaH + HuWaH = he is God.
Yah is found in many Hebrew first names and (compound) words. This is easily explained, as the Hebrews were born and spent some 400 years in Egypt, so Egyptian culture inevitably survived in a very pervasive underlying way; the use of the term Yah bears witness to this.
Jesus Christ inviting Humanity to become the Spiritual Children of the True God... Because True God is the Spiritual Father of Humanity...!!!