Mirza porque no invitaste a Mojtabi y a Ahji. A la boda de tu Sobrina. Y me da gusto saber porfía por que yo no sabía que la casa grande que está enfrente les pertenece a austedes. Sobre todo a tu cuñado Mohame .y que la casira donde hacen los videos no es que vivan ahí es como una escenografía.
These families are all rich. They just used the new buildings for filming for 1 hour each day They pretended they don't have money and always begging from gullible viewers. They are very clever Now the truth has been revealed that Mirza and Hamed owns the 2 storey house opposite with very expensive carpets and beautiful furnitures and appliances. Sahibjan pretended to complain she only have a hut without a kitchen. But now we could see she has got a very big kitchen in her house opposite. The only real characters in their stories are the innocent babies!
I think the reason there showing us the marriage again and again is to make it look okay. Well it doesn’t change my view. I lost interest in this Channel. Men don’t have jobs. Women are the workers in these channels. The comments are pointless. The only man who has a job is Akbar.
Přála bych si, aby Mirza věděl, že za práci s traktorem může a má dostat peníze. Aby vždy, když pracuje s traktorem, dostal peníze. A aby si Mirza sám hledal práci s traktorem. Vždy je třeba něco dovést, převést, upravit pluhem. A nemůže traktor jen tak zadarmo půjčovat.
@mariecoule9166 - De acordo com a opinião de muitos comentaristas, é, também, a casa de Mirza e família... às tantas, é de tanta gente que não cabem lá todos....
Cierto...era muy difícil entender que vivían en el cobertizo de las cabras...luego con mucho esfuerzo hicieron la habitación...xq mienten a sus seguidores
Esse é do prédio de cima está casa do meu velho Mirza. Até que fim ele abriu as portas para nós conhecermos um pedacinho do seu lar verdadeiro . Obrigada meu querido velho Mirza .
@@AnnamariaTokes Ja gledala neki dan istinitu pricu sa malom Halime od 11 godina 😢😢,Hodza toboze ugledni zahtjevao od roditelja kcerku i na kraju je dali Hodzi😢,kad je djevojcica sve shvatili cijelo ropstvo na kraju ubila i sebe i njega sa bijlnim travam za caj😢 ,on je vec imao tri zene a djevojcica je bila cetvrta ,strasno i uzas!Godza iskoristavao svoj polozaj bio imucan 😡😡
Çok güzel bir şey yapmışlar gibi devamlı düğünü gösteriyorlar hiç iyibir durum deyil küçücük kızın geleceğini kararttiniz illede düğün yapmak istiyorsanız seyfullahi evlendirin
😢😢😢😢Sahra buena suerte , es tu cultura nada podemos hacer ojalá algun dia ♥️ todas las mujeres del mundo podamos ser iguales😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. DIOS TE BENDIGA SIEMPRE QUERIDA 😢😢😢😢😢❤
Почему вы думайте что им не нравиться как они живут. Как буддто европейский образ лучше.Она уже счастливо живет.В европе за стариков выходят из за денег.Условия даже лучше чем у отца😊
ازدواج اجباری کودکان نقض حقوق بشر است. زهرا باید ناامید و غمگین باشد. زهرا باید حق داشته باشد تحصیلاتش را تمام کند، شغلی داشته باشد و بعد عاشق شود و با کسی که می خواهد با او ازدواج کند. برای زهرا غمگینیم. 📖📖📖😞
How many times you showed this child wedding we don't want to see any more of this no mercy for children dreams for education, why no subtitles now you going to to loose viewers, the other child got sick now Hadi didn't even taken to the doctor, good luck family 🙏🏼🇨🇦☪️🏔️🏡🥦🚙🚗🕋🕌🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
my beautiful mirza, my favorite son of fatima. the sweetest, kindest man in your country. how beautiful he smiles. everyone is happy, god bless 🙌 🙏 😊 ❤
Not watching this but I will have you know the channels I no longer support/watch: TIR, Behun, Dria 1402, Bahar, Rod, and may add Mirza if you continue to try to profit off of your young niece’s disgusting union with her old uncle! Do not do what that sorry excuse for a male, Ahmed, did to his daughter with Mousemeh and Medina!!
Ja te vise uopce ne gledam niti podrzavam ,posebno Dria 1402 od onog trena kako je Venera kanal bez objasnjenja pratiocima niti rijece ,sve prebacila sebi a kanal zapoceo stvrano fino sa Aradom i Fatimom i narastao super,ne ,odvratna Venera se dovukla kod Fatime sjedila u cosku kao divljak ,nit se pokretala ,nit znala sto ewc kao mrtvac ,gle je sada ,sada za sve sposobna ,od tada vise ne zelim gledat kanal i jako sam ljuta na Fatimu,to je bila ocita krada kanala preko Aradovih leda .jos kad vidim onog njenog Hojjata meni je mucno.
Le petit Hamed est très mal élevé par sa mère, je ne le supporte pas quand il regarde droit dans les yeux de sa mère en faisant des conneries, des bêtises gratuites 🤮 puis sa maman qui hurle sans cesse sans lui infliger la moindre punition
Láttad a dókúmentekek ,a túlajdonjógi papírokat ,amin írja a nevűket ,hogy ők a túlajdonosok? Mindent elhísztek,ahelyett hogy csak egyszerűen kővetnétek ,ha tettszik ,a videókat ,szórakoznátok..nem vagytok detektivek..csak kővessétek ,és kész..akár egy szeriál fílmet..ha pedig nem tetszik ,keressetek valódi útleírásokat ,tőrténelmi óldalakat stb..
@@AnnamariaTokes MADAME SVP les youtubeurs ne sont pas des acteurs , ils sont des influenceurs c'est à dire ils doivent montrer une vie reelle pas des mensonges ,mirza et ses autres frères , est ce que vous croyer que c'est vrai qu'ils dorment avec les chevres dans la meme pièce ,ils ont des grandes maisons bien équipées , soyez un peu logique ils se moquent des personnes qui sont stupides
Arad isn’t even two years old yet, although he will be in a couple of months. Usually a child doesn’t learn to ride a tricycle until they are about 3 years old. They aren’t strong enough or coordinated enough before then.
Aradnak volt legalább 3 biciklije ..hadd nőjjön még ,máskűlömben nem éri a kis lába a pedálokat.. Első biciklie ólyan pedál nélkűli kellett volna legyen ,hogy a kis lábait erősitse..még 2 éves sincs..
Que crueldad hacer casar a esa niña con un viejo y es el tío que crueldad 😊, si yo fuera no me caso con un viejo y ser familia ya eso es lo último de la vida prefiero morirme antes de hacerlo no wait??????
Miért tesztek úgy mintha nem tudnátok hány olyan házasság van szerte a nagyvílágban ahol fiatal nők őnkéntesen férjhez mennek egy ídős férfihez?? Ilyen házasságok mindig is voltak és lesznek ,és nem csak Iránban.. És ne mondd hogy inkább meghalnál ,mert nem tudod ,mit hoz a jövő..az élet szent,nem lehet eldobni..ha nem talál a szó ,ott is van válóper ,ellehet válni..
Ya conocimos la verdadera casa de Amed y Sabjan, ahora cual es la verdadera casa de Mirza,no creo que ésta que hizo sea la única, tiene muchos hijos y no caben ahi, la ropa que cuega en las paredes no creo que sea la única que tienen.
On Drias channel today Ahmed went to Saifullah to ask for money. He said he is trying to get Zahra back that he was decided by the groom! Stupid Ahmed!!!! You sold your daughter for money now you say you made a mistake?????!!!!!!! So she is now not pure innocent young girl! You have robbed her of her innocence! You and Sabjan are horrible people! No longer respectable! All you wanted was money!!!!! You are a greedy man!
Оператор их дети.И у них есть телевизор.Этот двухэтажный дом половина Сахибджан,половина Мирзы.В этом доме есть все.Для сьемок они даже показы#али,что живут в сарае с козами ,по факту оказалось это фейк.Даже не постеснялись просит денег на строительство кухни Сахибджан с Ахмедом,Таджма с Мирзой тоже для строительство дома.
I don’t get it because they now have an indoor shower with a hot water heater.it must be the water shortage that keeps them from showering everyday. The boys play outside in the dirt everyday. I feel so sorry for them not having green grass under their feet. All that dirt and rocks would depress me after awhile.
Esperemos q Mirza pronto no quiera vender a Medina, es mejor q sepa q si lo hace se acaba su vida en las redes , lo q hicieron con esa pobre niña de 14 años fue un abuso 🤬🤬🤬🤬
O casamento da filha linda foi lindo ... Agora precisamos de conteudos novos por favor meu querido velho Mirza .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.DEUS, abencoe toda a sua família.
@@notie123Dans leur pays ce n'est pas interdit, mettez vous ça dans le crâne !!! Ce qui est dégoûtant c'est un mariage entre hommes ou entre femmes que l'on voit en Europe, USA etc ... Ah c'est répugnant 🤮🤮🤮 Les enfants se retrouvent avec deux papas ou deux mamans pauvres gosses je les plains !!!
Lá sempre eles são exagerados, extravagantes a cultura deles é um pouco estranha. Ainda mais que que mostraram nos vídeos todos os canais aí a coisa fica feia mesmo. Acho esquisito a onde a filha linda... vai é com véu e vestida de noiva.
Exactly, Saifullah has a wife. His wife never died like he said she did. It is too bad they started that story because now his wife can never join him at weddings, or anywhere where there are cameras filming the family.
@@52480-l, even if Sayfulla's wife is still alive, I don't think that they are still a couple, or that she still lives in that village. It is impossible that she has never been caught in so many videos! Where could she hide for so long? Someone said that she left Sayfulla and went to Turkey
Se va muta acolo.I se va face casa tot acolo locul este dat de Majid.Jaber este salariat Dria ca operator.Ii tine locul la Arad fratele lui care se joaca cu Arad.Veri.Jaber primește salariu de la Dria.
Lassan Medina is eladó sorban kerűl😢😢 Jobb ,ha nem mútassák ,nehogy valakinek megtettszedjen és eljegyezze..😮Úgy szeretném,ha legalább Medina tanúlhatna és lenne belőle egy ápolónő ,vagy tanárnő..csakhogy most Iránban nagy gazdasági válság van..kevés a munkahely ,kevés a fízetés😢 Sok ,sok díplomás ember nem kap munkahelyet a végzetsége szerint😢😢
Tout est du cinéma Mirza se plains qu il n a pas d argent il a construit une très grande maison il est sans arrêt en ville il achète de tout ce sont des comédiens qui ne sont là que pour les vidéos ils se font de l argent sur notre crédulité On ne voit plus médina je pense qu elle est en ville et continue ses études Je ne sais pas si je vais continuer à regarder
No aquí se demuestra las grandes mentiras de los vídeos, todos a dar pena y tienen unas super casas, es fácil a trabajar una hora para rodar el vídeo y luego a vivir sin trabajar
Hoje nao tem lik pra essa mentira canbada de sábados depois vai ai pedir dinheiro pros escritos até pra comprar máquina de costura e dizer todas hora que não tem dinheiro ne
Ahmed only has the money he makes from the transport business he has, and his channel. He doesn’t really have that much money. Neither does Mirza. The 2 story house has been turned into an over to the older children, and it is pretty run down with the glass broken in the windows and doors. A lot of poor families in poor countries like Afghanistan, and Iran are marrying off their daughters for money because the economy is so bad. Sixty to 80 percent of Iran’s population is living in poverty. Iran has spent millions in a program to increase the population of Iran. So I am sure marriages are encouraged and having babies earns them money.
@@mariajosemasiportiz1972yo lo dije hace tiempos pero todos me atacaron, hamed no vive en ese cuarto, la casa de Mirza es la de dos pisos,que se ve en la casa nueva , dicen que allí vive la primera esposa de Mirza con otros hijos más grandes. El hamed, dijo que vivían en ese cuarto, en dos años ese cuarto no avanzaba, Y MIRZA, QUE QUIERE HACER OTRA CASA QUE PARA SUS HIJOS, O SEA LA SEGUNDA COSECHA, SHAME ON YOU HAMED,,MIRZA,KROSKOV, HASSAN, SEIFULA, ZARIGOL, SUFIGOL, FATIMA,MAKBAR, TODOS TIENEN CHANNELS, ALL THE FAMILY IS A FAKE STORY. YA TAMBIEN LO HABIAN DICHO ANTES, WSA FAMILLIA HOSSEINEFUR ES UNA TRIBU GRANDE DEN10.000, PERSONAS Y TODOS SE CASAN ENTRE SI O CON EL PARIENTE MAS SERCANO. TODOS AGARRANDO DÉ BABOSOS A TODOS LOS QUE MANDAN DINERO, POR PEN----EJOS, DICEN A QUE POBRES SON, NO SEÑORES TODOS ELLOS TIENEN SUS COMODIDADES, POBRE YO.......
Мирза не унижай тайму ты думаеш что эта женьщина красивей и лучше нет ты ошибаешся первая жена всегда лучше а ты мирза не заигрывай с этой дамой а ей длжно быть стыдно что весь мир это видет миза иди лучше помоги тайме покормить коз а не сиди перед этой дамой и не считай стаканы с рисом тайме ты не когда не помогал считать стаканы вот бестыжие
Que poça vergonha e essa já não foi o csamento porque denovo tudo isto e essa casa é de mirza quantas mentiras meu Deus até mirza envolvido nisto poça vergonha
ahmed food are all credit. he's getting the rice to akbar not paying, he even owe some wheat to the half brother of sabjan. he dont work were do you think hes getting money. Ahmed is slick guy, he even sold the land of his brother without knowing thats why they dont talk to each other until he prepare the wedding of his brother . but the brother is paying what he spent for the wedding. He notice that having a wedding he can have money, he is using his children to have a money. common sense he is the only one who dont work in that area.
Wieviele tage wollen die sich bei den leuten noch durchfressen. Umsonst. Eine traurige angelegenheit... Sie alle haben dadurch viele kunden verloren durch die elende lügerei wie arm ahmed ist und uns um geld anzubetteln. Dabei gehts ihm sehr gut. Er ist nur zu faul etwas zu tun. Und du mirza machst auch mit. Du lässt dich von ihm zum arbeiten zu bewegen ohne lohn... Warum? Ist er was besonderes? Bist du ihm zu irgendwas verpflichtet? Du verlierst auch genug leute. Schämt ihr euch nicht sowas zu tun?
Public affection is not allowed between couples in Iran even if they are married. She doesn’t want to go to prison like some couples have been sent to prison for it. This has been explained many times. Please stop giving her a hard time about trying to follow the laws and rules about proper behavior between married couples in public. Just because these rules don’t apply to you, and where you live you need to respect the rules of her country. Mirza is being a complete fool and risking imprisonment by constantly trying to kiss her in public and on TH-cam. I would be angry with my husband if he was so reckless especially after recently getting out of prison. None of the men show public affection to their wives, but behind closed doors they are affectionate with one another. A spouse can get a divorce if he, or she is not happy with the intimate relationship with his, or her spouse.
A hora ya se save al fin quienes vivian en la casa de 2 pisos los familiares de ahmen y su señora no s3 cuales de ella tenía 2 así dijeron 6 sus hijas 😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Zahra est sa seconde épouse !!!! En Europe c'est pas mieux à cet âge certaines filles ont déjà eu relations intimes avec différents garçons ! Sans oublier la gay pride, le mariage autorisé entre deux hommes ou deux femmes 🤮🤮🤮
@@magdalenaojembarrena9261dehogy ,mindenki azt mond ,ami eszében jút..Nem tudja senki bíztosra azt sem ,hogy van-e még felesége-nagyon kétlem ,mert egyik családnál sincs tőbb feleség .. A lány ,szerintem van vagy 17 éves ,Medinát nézzd meg ,ö vagy 12 éves..a mennyasszonyrol csak úgy találgatnak..senki sem tud semmi bíztosat ,mindenki a saját fantáziája szerint feltételez mindent ,egy csepp józan és lógikus gondolkozás nélkűl..
Mirza porque no invitaste a Mojtabi y a Ahji. A la boda de tu Sobrina. Y me da gusto saber porfía por que yo no sabía que la casa grande que está enfrente les pertenece a austedes. Sobre todo a tu cuñado Mohame .y que la casira donde hacen los videos no es que vivan ahí es como una escenografía.
These families are all rich. They just used the new buildings for filming for 1 hour each day
They pretended they don't have money and always begging from gullible viewers.
They are very clever
Now the truth has been revealed that Mirza and Hamed owns the 2 storey house opposite with very expensive carpets and beautiful furnitures and appliances.
Sahibjan pretended to complain she only have a hut without a kitchen. But now we could see she has got a very big kitchen in her house opposite.
The only real characters in their stories are the innocent babies!
Honnan tudod annyira bíztosan hogy az a ház kié?
És ,Mârzának van 7 gyereke ,Ahmednek van 5 gyereke..van kinek épitsenek ..@NorrieParker
I think the reason there showing us the marriage again and again is to make it look okay.
Well it doesn’t change my view. I lost interest in this Channel. Men don’t have jobs. Women are the workers in these channels. The comments are pointless.
The only man who has a job is Akbar.
Přála bych si, aby Mirza věděl, že za práci s traktorem může a má dostat peníze. Aby vždy, když pracuje s traktorem, dostal peníze. A aby si Mirza sám hledal práci s traktorem. Vždy je třeba něco dovést, převést, upravit pluhem. A nemůže traktor jen tak zadarmo půjčovat.
@@delainekpeniata5 понятно ответили, только без перевода на русский язык ,ничего не понятно переведите пожалуйста
Enfin la vraie maison de Hamed et Sabjan juste en face de leur cabane youtube 😂
@mariecoule9166 - De acordo com a opinião de muitos comentaristas, é, também, a casa de Mirza e família... às tantas, é de tanta gente que não cabem lá todos....
Cierto...era muy difícil entender que vivían en el cobertizo de las cabras...luego con mucho esfuerzo hicieron la habitación...xq mienten a sus seguidores
Ahmed's family occupy the first floor I think and Mirza's family lives on the top floor.
@@mailyncorcegathey needed another place to fit his whole family. The house up there can’t fit every body
That's Mirzas house. Sabjan lives upstairs on the second floor
Tajma aunque no bañes a Heidi, cambialo de ropa tiene días con esa ropa azul toda sucia.
Несколько месяцев уже😢😅
Asta que por fin la hermana de mirza mostró su verdadera casa
Esse é do prédio de cima está casa do meu velho Mirza. Até que fim ele abriu as portas para nós conhecermos um pedacinho do seu lar verdadeiro . Obrigada meu querido velho Mirza .
😂😂😂 true
Crafty !!!
Child marriage must stop on the mountain. Under no circumstances is it acceptable, in civilised society. 😮
But if people continue to congratulation, and concume this kind of films they just make it worse for this girls!
@@BirgittaWidinghow old is she?
Először az órszág tőrvényein kellene váltóztatni: a tőrvény szerint a lányok 14 évesen férjhez adhatok,a fiuk nősűlhetnek 15 évesen😢
@@AnnamariaTokes Ja gledala neki dan istinitu pricu sa malom Halime od 11 godina 😢😢,Hodza toboze ugledni zahtjevao od roditelja kcerku i na kraju je dali Hodzi😢,kad je djevojcica sve shvatili cijelo ropstvo na kraju ubila i sebe i njega sa bijlnim travam za caj😢 ,on je vec imao tri zene a djevojcica je bila cetvrta ,strasno i uzas!Godza iskoristavao svoj polozaj bio imucan 😡😡
Que enbustero que son dando entender que bibian en la casa pequeña
Родственники целую неделю гостятся у друг друга не просто так ,а изучают атмосферу возле девочки😊
this is the sadest bride I've ever seen, she is to young she should be going to school getting a degree on something.
C est du cinéma
Çok güzel bir şey yapmışlar gibi devamlı düğünü gösteriyorlar hiç iyibir durum deyil küçücük kızın geleceğini kararttiniz illede düğün yapmak istiyorsanız seyfullahi evlendirin
Eso lo deciden los padres, ellas no pueden escojer
Saifulla le pregunto a gsmet el papá de Sara q porque la había echo casar tan joven y resultó diciendo w lo habían engañado 😂😂😂😂
El es su tío...
I will marry Saifullah😂😂😂
😢😢😢😢Sahra buena suerte , es tu cultura nada podemos hacer ojalá algun dia ♥️ todas las mujeres del mundo podamos ser iguales😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. DIOS TE BENDIGA SIEMPRE QUERIDA 😢😢😢😢😢❤
Почему вы думайте что им не нравиться как они живут. Как буддто европейский образ лучше.Она уже счастливо живет.В европе за стариков выходят из за денег.Условия даже лучше чем у отца😊
in one episode she said doesn’t want to married and she took off the ring from her hand and the uncle Mirza put the ring back 😢
@@ClaudiaArriaza-k6e 😞
@@ХадижатАбдулвагабова-й1жAnd in Europe and Western the girls have babies young as 12
Todos estão felizes, menos a noiva, ela parece mais que está em um velório.
ازدواج اجباری کودکان نقض حقوق بشر است. زهرا باید ناامید و غمگین باشد. زهرا باید حق داشته باشد تحصیلاتش را تمام کند، شغلی داشته باشد و بعد عاشق شود و با کسی که می خواهد با او ازدواج کند. برای زهرا غمگینیم. 📖📖📖😞
How many times you showed this child wedding we don't want to see any more of this no mercy for children dreams for education, why no subtitles now you going to to loose viewers, the other child got sick now Hadi didn't even taken to the doctor, good luck family 🙏🏼🇨🇦☪️🏔️🏡🥦🚙🚗🕋🕌🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
my beautiful mirza, my favorite son of fatima. the sweetest, kindest man in your country. how beautiful he smiles. everyone is happy, god bless 🙌 🙏 😊 ❤
Esta reunión es una LOCURA🙍♀️🙍♀️🙍♀️🙍♀️🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
Get well soon super Hamed. 💞💕💞💕💞God bless you
Brzy se uzdrav :) Dejte dětem pomeranče prosím.
@@b.n.2235 Thank you 🟠🟠🟠
Shame, shame to the parents for forcing their young daughter to marry a must older man. That child should be in school not be someone slave😢.
Boa sorte família!❤❤❤
Insane I still thinking how this little beautiful girl married 😢
السلام عليكم زوج زهراء عنده اطفال من زوجته السابقه❤
Oui et alors 🤔🤔🤔
Not watching this but I will have you know the channels I no longer support/watch: TIR, Behun, Dria 1402, Bahar, Rod, and may add Mirza if you continue to try to profit off of your young niece’s disgusting union with her old uncle! Do not do what that sorry excuse for a male, Ahmed, did to his daughter with Mousemeh and Medina!!
Ja te vise uopce ne gledam niti podrzavam ,posebno Dria 1402 od onog trena kako je Venera kanal bez objasnjenja pratiocima niti rijece ,sve prebacila sebi a kanal zapoceo stvrano fino sa Aradom i Fatimom i narastao super,ne ,odvratna Venera se dovukla kod Fatime sjedila u cosku kao divljak ,nit se pokretala ,nit znala sto ewc kao mrtvac ,gle je sada ,sada za sve sposobna ,od tada vise ne zelim gledat kanal i jako sam ljuta na Fatimu,to je bila ocita krada kanala preko Aradovih leda .jos kad vidim onog njenog Hojjata meni je mucno.
Ooh jadi mereka saling berkunjung setelah pernikahan di adakan.. itu bagus menjalin silaturahmi ❤❤
مبارک باشه 🎉🎊🎉🎊🥰
زهرا. عزیز خوشبختی. برای تو باشد 🎉🎉❤
God bless TajeMah and her family 🙏📿🙏📿🙏📿🙏💞💞💞
Bon rétablissement au gentil petit Hamed ❤
M.Annick de l'île de la Réunion🏝
Le petit Hamed est très mal élevé par sa mère, je ne le supporte pas quand il regarde droit dans les yeux de sa mère en faisant des conneries, des bêtises gratuites 🤮 puis sa maman qui hurle sans cesse sans lui infliger la moindre punition
maintenant tous les spectateurs ne vous croient plus ,on a vu vos vrais maisons Mirza et Ahmed alors cessez vos mensonges
Láttad a dókúmentekek ,a túlajdonjógi papírokat ,amin írja a nevűket ,hogy ők a túlajdonosok?
Mindent elhísztek,ahelyett hogy csak egyszerűen kővetnétek ,ha tettszik ,a videókat ,szórakoznátok..nem vagytok detektivek..csak kővessétek ,és kész..akár egy szeriál fílmet..ha pedig nem tetszik ,keressetek valódi útleírásokat ,tőrténelmi óldalakat stb..
@@AnnamariaTokes MADAME SVP les youtubeurs ne sont pas des acteurs , ils sont des influenceurs c'est à dire ils doivent montrer une vie reelle pas des mensonges ,mirza et ses autres frères , est ce que vous croyer que c'est vrai qu'ils dorment avec les chevres dans la meme pièce ,ils ont des grandes maisons bien équipées , soyez un peu logique ils se moquent des personnes qui sont stupides
مااجمل العروس الصغيرة😢😢😢😢
❤❤❤❤❤❤Beijos Brasil ama vocês ❤❤❤❤❤
Jaber, hello. If I knew you were going to Lordegan, I would have asked you to get a little bicycle for Arad. 😂🎉❤
Myslíe Hadimu a Hamedovi, že ano??? Zde je kanál Mirza :)
@@b.n.2235No. Arad. Jaber is in the city with Mirza. I think, Jaber is on his day off. 😂🎉❤
Arad isn’t even two years old yet, although he will be in a couple of months. Usually a child doesn’t learn to ride a tricycle until they are about 3 years old. They aren’t strong enough or coordinated enough before then.
Aradnak volt legalább 3 biciklije ..hadd nőjjön még ,máskűlömben nem éri a kis lába a pedálokat..
Első biciklie ólyan pedál nélkűli kellett volna legyen ,hogy a kis lábait erősitse..még 2 éves sincs..
Hadi, Hamed, Mahan a Medina potřebují hračky, kola a stavebnice. A lásku nás všech :)
Que crueldad hacer casar a esa niña con un viejo y es el tío que crueldad 😊, si yo fuera no me caso con un viejo y ser familia ya eso es lo último de la vida prefiero morirme antes de hacerlo no wait??????
Miért tesztek úgy mintha nem tudnátok hány olyan házasság van szerte a nagyvílágban ahol fiatal nők őnkéntesen férjhez mennek egy ídős férfihez??
Ilyen házasságok mindig is voltak és lesznek ,és nem csak Iránban..
És ne mondd hogy inkább meghalnál ,mert nem tudod ,mit hoz a jövő..az élet szent,nem lehet eldobni..ha nem talál a szó ,ott is van válóper ,ellehet válni..
Ya conocimos la verdadera casa de Amed y Sabjan, ahora cual es la verdadera casa de Mirza,no creo que ésta que hizo sea la única, tiene muchos hijos y no caben ahi, la ropa que cuega en las paredes no creo que sea la única que tienen.
On Drias channel today Ahmed went to Saifullah to ask for money.
He said he is trying to get Zahra back that he was decided by the groom!
Stupid Ahmed!!!! You sold your daughter for money now you say you made a mistake?????!!!!!!! So she is now not pure innocent young girl!
You have robbed her of her innocence!
You and Sabjan are horrible people! No longer respectable!
All you wanted was money!!!!! You are a greedy man!
hey are all brothers and sisters!
Could you please tell us how old is the bride's husband and how many wife he has
34-36 y.o. has 3 wife, i just see 3 children for the first wife.
زن نداره
لطفاً. برای خانواده میرزا خرید کن
ببین چی نیاز دارن ❤❤❤
یک. تلویزیون براشون بگیر
لطفاً 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
هادی. کارتون نگاه کنه ❤
Оператор их дети.И у них есть телевизор.Этот двухэтажный дом половина Сахибджан,половина Мирзы.В этом доме есть все.Для сьемок они даже показы#али,что живут в сарае с козами ,по факту оказалось это фейк.Даже не постеснялись просит денег на строительство кухни Сахибджан с Ахмедом,Таджма с Мирзой тоже для строительство дома.
Hai cha CN .MirZa vơi😢 Zaber đi mua đồ🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
بر خانواده. آقا میرزا ❤❤❤
Тайма и Мирза у вас дети самые красивые но очень и очень грязные 😢 искупайте их и переодевайте часто 😢
I don’t get it because they now have an indoor shower with a hot water heater.it must be the water shortage that keeps them from showering everyday. The boys play outside in the dirt everyday. I feel so sorry for them not having green grass under their feet. All that dirt and rocks would depress me after awhile.
Esperemos q Mirza pronto no quiera vender a Medina, es mejor q sepa q si lo hace se acaba su vida en las redes , lo q hicieron con esa pobre niña de 14 años fue un abuso 🤬🤬🤬🤬
O casamento da filha linda foi lindo ... Agora precisamos de conteudos novos por favor meu querido velho Mirza .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.DEUS, abencoe toda a sua família.
It was a child marriage 😮
@@notie123Dans leur pays ce n'est pas interdit, mettez vous ça dans le crâne !!! Ce qui est dégoûtant c'est un mariage entre hommes ou entre femmes que l'on voit en Europe, USA etc ... Ah c'est répugnant 🤮🤮🤮 Les enfants se retrouvent avec deux papas ou deux mamans pauvres gosses je les plains !!!
Lá sempre eles são exagerados, extravagantes a cultura deles é um pouco estranha. Ainda mais que que mostraram nos vídeos todos os canais aí a coisa fica feia mesmo. Acho esquisito a onde a filha linda... vai é com véu e vestida de noiva.
Mirza sin traducción no doy like!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Nálam van fórditás..válaszd ki és aktíváld te magad a kiss csillagtol ,a jobb felső sarokbol
Tajma ti si najgospodstvesnija zena medu svim onim zenama. Obozavam te.
Stop showing films on Zarah and her old husband!
Nem őreg ,csak ídősebb a lánynál..
@@AnnamariaTokes Do you like Childbrides!
Yo me pregunto como pueden casarse por segunda vez si están casado y no se han divorciado de la primera esposa así se usará entre ellos
Irán tőrvényei szerint egy férfinek lehet 4 tőrvényes felesége..de honnan tudjátok hogy van más felesége akitől nem vált el??
Lehet ,hogy elvált ,..
Anyone noticed is hassan and zolikha did not came after the wedding
کمک کن. سقف خانه. میرزا. تعمیر. بشه
سقف خانه میرزا. آب. باران. میریزه
لطفاً. کمک میرزا کنید. سقف خانه درست کند 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
المشغل هي ماسيمة بنت ميرزا ،وبيت ميرزا ذو طبقتين هو بالف خير
Mielőbbi gyógyulást kívánok Hamed! ❤❤
Přeji také a prosím ovoce pro Hameda i Hadi i Medina.
where are all the young ladies for jaber....he needs love to. i don't see any young women that he can court and get to know.
Saifullah does not want a wife. 😂🎉❤
Seifa ima ženu Aradovu mamu koja mu rodila još jedno dete
Exactly, Saifullah has a wife. His wife never died like he said she did. It is too bad they started that story because now his wife can never join him at weddings, or anywhere where there are cameras filming the family.
@52480-l Ashraf is always at the weddings dancing 💃
@@52480-l, even if Sayfulla's wife is still alive, I don't think that they are still a couple, or that she still lives in that village. It is impossible that she has never been caught in so many videos! Where could she hide for so long? Someone said that she left Sayfulla and went to Turkey
@@52480-l Je škoda, že s tím začali, protože je odporné klamat diváky.
Nincs felírat..nincs fordítás!!! Nem lesz néző!
Kedvesem ,nálam van felírat is ,fórditás is,talán nem aktíváltad a felső sarokbol a feíratot aval a kicsi csillaggal..
Alt yazı olmayınca nasıl anliyacagiz saçma bence😮😮
Van felírat
Cảm ơn người điều hành kênh của gia đình.MirZa chúc Bạn có thật nhiều sức khỏe vui vẻ an lành hạnh phúc,gặp nhiều may mắn💎💎💎💎💎🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dan rumah yang di depan rumah fatimah sekarang aku paham, hanya di pakai sewaktu kalu ada pernikahan saja😊 dan itu rumah fatimah juga kayaknya
Jaber é filho de Mirza?
Filho de Mirza é empregado de Saifullad e babá do Arad
Se va muta acolo.I se va face casa tot acolo locul este dat de Majid.Jaber este salariat Dria ca operator.Ii tine locul la Arad fratele lui care se joaca cu Arad.Veri.Jaber primește salariu de la Dria.
@sandrano Saifullah es su tío y Arad su primo
The two guys wear the same shirt can't tell who's who 😅
মদিনা কৈ?
Мадина оператор
Medina is not an operator, or camera person. I am sure she was around, or hanging with her cousins somewhere.
Lassan Medina is eladó sorban kerűl😢😢
Jobb ,ha nem mútassák ,nehogy valakinek megtettszedjen és eljegyezze..😮Úgy szeretném,ha legalább Medina tanúlhatna és lenne belőle egy ápolónő ,vagy tanárnő..csakhogy most Iránban nagy gazdasági válság van..kevés a munkahely ,kevés a fízetés😢
Sok ,sok díplomás ember nem kap munkahelyet a végzetsége szerint😢😢
Xin chào kênh của gia đình .MirZa,chúc gia đình Bạn có thật nhiều sức khỏe vui vẻ an lành hạnh phúc,gặp nhiều may mắn🎰🎰🎰🎰🎰💎💎💎💎💎🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
Le petit hamed est très mal élevé, sa mère Tajma qui ne fait que hurler sans vraiment lui mettre des limites 🤮
Yo veo al novio un poco hecho mierda😂😂😂😂
Me gusta eso el novios hecho mierda 💩 es verdad te admiro 😮
💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 😅😅😅😅
The new bride is married her uncle ,he dad is the grooms brother
Koniec dzieci wychodzą za mąż!!!!!!!!!!
A verdadeira csa da mãe da noiva 😮
Tradução em português obrigado ❤❤❤
Цели неделия гость ходить туда суда невеста не снимаеть свадевный платия что это ихни обичия наверна.
Aquí ya se supone que han yacido juntos,no?😂😂😂😂
Tout est du cinéma Mirza se plains qu il n a pas d argent il a construit une très grande maison il est sans arrêt en ville il achète de tout ce sont des comédiens qui ne sont là que pour les vidéos ils se font de l argent sur notre crédulité
On ne voit plus médina je pense qu elle est en ville et continue ses études
Je ne sais pas si je vais continuer à regarder
Jaber jeli uzimaš peć za sebe i Arada i Seifulaha nemo da zaboravite da trebate da stavite jednu peć i u kuhnju
Jabere, pokud máš volno, mysli prosím na sebe, ne na arad a saif. A jestli nemáš volno, pracuješ 24/7 . Otrok.
Wie lange wird Hochzeit gefeiert 😮keine Übersetzung 😮
6 napig legalább😊
Kade e Masime bi sakale da ja vidime nekako ja nema❤
La casa de mirza cual sera
Hoy no hay link
No aquí se demuestra las grandes mentiras de los vídeos, todos a dar pena y tienen unas super casas, es fácil a trabajar una hora para rodar el vídeo y luego a vivir sin trabajar
Hoje nao tem lik pra essa mentira canbada de sábados depois vai ai pedir dinheiro pros escritos até pra comprar máquina de costura e dizer todas hora que não tem dinheiro ne
Ahmed only has the money he makes from the transport business he has, and his channel. He doesn’t really have that much money. Neither does Mirza. The 2 story house has been turned into an over to the older children, and it is pretty run down with the glass broken in the windows and doors. A lot of poor families in poor countries like Afghanistan, and Iran are marrying off their daughters for money because the economy is so bad. Sixty to 80 percent of Iran’s population is living in poverty. Iran has spent millions in a program to increase the population of Iran. So I am sure marriages are encouraged and having babies earns them money.
@@mariajosemasiportiz1972yo lo dije hace tiempos pero todos me atacaron, hamed no vive en ese cuarto, la casa de Mirza es la de dos pisos,que se ve en la casa nueva , dicen que allí vive la primera esposa de Mirza con otros hijos más grandes. El hamed, dijo que vivían en ese cuarto, en dos años ese cuarto no avanzaba, Y MIRZA, QUE QUIERE HACER OTRA CASA QUE PARA SUS HIJOS, O SEA LA SEGUNDA COSECHA, SHAME ON YOU HAMED,,MIRZA,KROSKOV, HASSAN, SEIFULA, ZARIGOL, SUFIGOL, FATIMA,MAKBAR, TODOS TIENEN CHANNELS, ALL THE FAMILY IS A FAKE STORY. YA TAMBIEN LO HABIAN DICHO ANTES, WSA FAMILLIA HOSSEINEFUR ES UNA TRIBU GRANDE DEN10.000, PERSONAS Y TODOS SE CASAN ENTRE SI O CON EL PARIENTE MAS SERCANO. TODOS AGARRANDO DÉ BABOSOS A TODOS LOS QUE MANDAN DINERO, POR PEN----EJOS, DICEN A QUE POBRES SON, NO SEÑORES TODOS ELLOS TIENEN SUS COMODIDADES, POBRE YO.......
Bardzo piękne to spotkanie rodzinne!
Gürültü kirliliğinden başka birşey değil😏
Мирза не унижай тайму ты думаеш что эта женьщина красивей и лучше нет ты ошибаешся первая жена всегда лучше а ты мирза не заигрывай с этой дамой а ей длжно быть стыдно что весь мир это видет миза иди лучше помоги тайме покормить коз а не сиди перед этой дамой и не считай стаканы с рисом тайме ты не когда не помогал считать стаканы вот бестыжие
Жабер стал похож на бомжа😮 весь грязный потрёпанный😮 Сайфулла портит его😢
Какая кому разница,приятный жених,и невеста ему подходит,это их жизнь,законы,только не пойму кому эта девушка доводится дочерью,
Translate in Hindi
Jaber cosa e sucesso a Mirza non a traduzione come mai
Постригите Хомеда😢
اخت زوليخة تشبه للهنديات
Тайма хорошо что одела новое платье но и платок тоже изменить надо оно же не дорого стоит купи под цвет платья 😢
K,clase deje te está yo bueno aver este canal,niguno
Jábe tanta moça bonita vc não arrumou nada 😂
Que poça vergonha e essa já não foi o csamento porque denovo tudo isto e essa casa é de mirza quantas mentiras meu Deus até mirza envolvido nisto poça vergonha
Nem a Mârza háza..mennyi mindent úgy írtok le ,mintha bíztosra tudnátok..
@@AnnamariaTokes jest dio Mirzin a sa zelenim ulaznim vratima je Sabhijenov ja gledala prije godinu dana ,dobro znam .
ahmed food are all credit. he's getting the rice to akbar not paying, he even owe some wheat to the half brother of sabjan. he dont work were do you think hes getting money. Ahmed is slick guy, he even sold the land of his brother without knowing thats why they dont talk to each other until he prepare the wedding of his brother . but the brother is paying what he spent for the wedding. He notice that having a wedding he can have money, he is using his children to have a money. common sense he is the only one who dont work in that area.
Wieviele tage wollen die sich bei den leuten noch durchfressen. Umsonst. Eine traurige angelegenheit... Sie alle haben dadurch viele kunden verloren durch die elende lügerei wie arm ahmed ist und uns um geld anzubetteln. Dabei gehts ihm sehr gut. Er ist nur zu faul etwas zu tun. Und du mirza machst auch mit. Du lässt dich von ihm zum arbeiten zu bewegen ohne lohn... Warum? Ist er was besonderes? Bist du ihm zu irgendwas verpflichtet? Du verlierst auch genug leute. Schämt ihr euch nicht sowas zu tun?
Para que seas otra persona diferente y no tengas que casarte tan joven .
Por qué casan tan chicas a las niñas
tamjai you have the best husband and you won't let him kiss you, are you crazy?
Public affection is not allowed between couples in Iran even if they are married. She doesn’t want to go to prison like some couples have been sent to prison for it. This has been explained many times. Please stop giving her a hard time about trying to follow the laws and rules about proper behavior between married couples in public. Just because these rules don’t apply to you, and where you live you need to respect the rules of her country. Mirza is being a complete fool and risking imprisonment by constantly trying to kiss her in public and on TH-cam. I would be angry with my husband if he was so reckless especially after recently getting out of prison. None of the men show public affection to their wives, but behind closed doors they are affectionate with one another. A spouse can get a divorce if he, or she is not happy with the intimate relationship with his, or her spouse.
Mirza nemoj da se frckas okoli tudji zene nie gledacite ke te natepame Tamah e NEZAMENLIVA❤❤❤😂
El hijo que tenga esta chica,máximo se llevará 3 años con su hermano,que barbaridad.
Ella tiene 16
@@adrianagajardo6792they said she is 14 years old
@@ClaudiaArriaza-k6ethe other daughter is 14
@@adrianagajardo6792 pa koja je razlika 14 ili 16 sve su to jos djeca koja trebaju biti u skoli a ne pod muskarcem sluziti kao madrac
A hora ya se save al fin quienes vivian en la casa de 2 pisos los familiares de ahmen y su señora no s3 cuales de ella tenía 2 así dijeron 6 sus hijas 😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Está niña es su tercera esposa?????? Horrible 😢😢😢😢😢😢
De verdad tiene 14 años? 😮😮😱
@@magdalenaojembarrena9261apparently 😮
Zahra est sa seconde épouse !!!! En Europe c'est pas mieux à cet âge certaines filles ont déjà eu relations intimes avec différents garçons ! Sans oublier la gay pride, le mariage autorisé entre deux hommes ou deux femmes 🤮🤮🤮
@@magdalenaojembarrena9261dehogy ,mindenki azt mond ,ami eszében jút..Nem tudja senki bíztosra azt sem ,hogy van-e még felesége-nagyon kétlem ,mert egyik családnál sincs tőbb feleség ..
A lány ,szerintem van vagy 17 éves ,Medinát nézzd meg ,ö vagy 12 éves..a mennyasszonyrol csak úgy találgatnak..senki sem tud semmi bíztosat ,mindenki a saját fantáziája szerint feltételez mindent ,egy csepp józan és lógikus gondolkozás nélkűl..