I've been playing with the 1500 for a couple of weeks. It's a very nice receiver but its noise blankers do not seem to be quite as effective as the NBs (IF and DSP) on my K3. At least I haven't been able to find the magic setting that removes the electrical noise without distorting the signals.
I tried an SDRplay and it was unusable due to overload from a 1KW broadcast station at 1400 KHz about a mile away. I am considering buying the Flex 1500, but I'd like to be reasonably certain it will not be swamped by this commercial station. Anyone have experience with this problem?
Purchased Flex 1500 in November 2011. This is an excellent radio. I would rcommend it highly. Great for a new ham as well as an oldtimer like me. de W2IL
with the computer usually being the issue , the Flex has been a outstanding QRP radio for me. I use a Neil Campbell low cost Windows computer and latency and CPU usage is VERY low indeed. I use a Bug 90% of the time and have no issues whatsoever .......... de N2JNZ
Bob, thanks for the video. It is my first introduction to SDR. :) (HI)
VY 73 from Tony in Moscow RU
I've been playing with the 1500 for a couple of weeks. It's a very nice receiver but its noise blankers do not seem to be quite as effective as the NBs (IF and DSP) on my K3. At least I haven't been able to find the magic setting that removes the electrical noise without distorting the signals.
what was the mic called he said would fit? I couldn't understand him.
I tried an SDRplay and it was unusable due to overload from a 1KW broadcast station at 1400 KHz about a mile away. I am considering buying the Flex 1500, but I'd like to be reasonably certain it will not be swamped by this commercial station. Anyone have experience with this problem?
Purchased Flex 1500 in November 2011. This is an excellent radio. I would rcommend it highly. Great for a new ham as well as an oldtimer like me. de W2IL
Hopefully, some of the other radio companies will get into SDR and give Flex some competition!
but will it work with a laptop
Can a Motorola mic be used with this?
how good is the noise blanker compared to the flex-5000 (and higher) or icom ic-7700 ?
with the computer usually being the issue , the Flex has been a outstanding QRP radio for me. I use a Neil Campbell low cost Windows computer and latency and CPU usage is VERY low indeed. I use a Bug 90% of the time and have no issues whatsoever .......... de N2JNZ
This looks promising....
Yaesu MH-31...it's a simple hand-held mic. :D
Keep up the very good work think sdr is grate oqp rig an filex radio 1500 is geat 73 an all the best
I guess it's the "new thing" and all, but I'll stay with my tubes & knobs.
it´s fine!
$700 seems kind of abusive for a qrp rig.
Thanks robo-Elmer!!!
Хороший аппарат но у вы только мечта
The ten tec pegasus was the best!