Killing this boss for the first time? Assuming you meant to say "F2", yes I did not use it to condi cleanse which I should have done. But my F4 usage was completely fine - I used it when low hp ppl were close by or when there was a downed player next to me to rezz them faster; as in, I used it actively to heal. There's no use to use F4 when everyone is at full hp (+ oftentimes barrier), or when they took so little dmg that Regeneration does the trick, especially in a new fight where you don't know yet when you'll need the rezz on F4 and there's a second healer.
Thank you for sharing this, I gonna try it out this weekend!
Not even once used your F1 to cleanse condi.... Not spamming F4 off cooldown for extra heals... Just what are you doing there lol
Killing this boss for the first time? Assuming you meant to say "F2", yes I did not use it to condi cleanse which I should have done. But my F4 usage was completely fine - I used it when low hp ppl were close by or when there was a downed player next to me to rezz them faster; as in, I used it actively to heal. There's no use to use F4 when everyone is at full hp (+ oftentimes barrier), or when they took so little dmg that Regeneration does the trick, especially in a new fight where you don't know yet when you'll need the rezz on F4 and there's a second healer.