If anyone wonders the meanings of the song names then these are the meanings of all of them 0:23 Despair- The complete loss or absence of hope 1:20 Despondency- A state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage 4:14 Untold loneliness- A remixed name of Unknown suffering. 7:25 Eternity- could mean 3 things based on the definitions. Infinite or unending time, a state to which time has no application: Timelessness, and endless life after death 9:22 Vesper- evening prayer/ evening song/ evening star 11:04 Life on Hiatus- a pause where nothing happens 16:09 Lepus- A winter constellation of the northern sky said to resemble a rabbit.
they can do Oswald's too slow, just like Mickey's uncle slow, only it's a small Oswald, with a different demon, and a different phrase How did I get so many comments and likes for a stupid proposal
I like how Vesper actually has Ortensia in the background, unlike in the original week, where Minnie appears for a cutscene and then sort of just disappears.
Ok MAN I'm legit glad to have a full fanmade version of this d sides wensday infidelity mod to the previous part 1 of this, Mostly because of everything in this being pretty great like with the original tracks of course along with new ones, Also the art in this is very nice to look at like hot dang and the d side replacements are cool as well.
Mmm, idk man. mostly of the art that appears in this fanmade version of W.I. d-sides looks that copied the original Mickey sprites style in almost all the phases, just by exception to Untold Loneliness because it's the same thing as in the original W.I. past update.
Imagine if a cutscene plays at the end of the *Eternity* song: "UGH! Why Can't I DIE!" (He's infuriated). As the gun is near he head, he unloads the entire gun yet even after all that... *He survived.* A joke to reality as he looks to the ground in defeat... (He looks at the floor as blood drips from his own head). He is confuse on why he can't die, WHY CAN'T HE DIE. "Why must this happened to me." Why must he be trapped here, in this vicious cycle of immortality... (He looks at his hands) "Will I ever be free? why, Why, WHY! I just want to see her again..." (He tosses the gun away from him as he proceeds to Cry even further as he truly cannot escape this vicious cycle...) (At this moment D-Side BF is sucked into the portal)
@@hariaaban107 He won't. That's the difference. He can't die, literally. That's the problem I have with the eternity song because it's impossible for him to reach there. Like the only way he reaching there is if he gets drag there forcefully
I don't think this version of BF has done anything crazy(yet or until the events of WI) And just, one unfortunate day, a rabbit walks up to him and drags him "down" with him Also, who else notices in the Maledictus Lepus: The uh.. Glitching when Oswald "powers up"(for lack of a better term). Is there more D-Sides content to be make? D-Sides Chedder? But yes Good song
This should be in Wednesday Infidelity But Oswald Some how ends up with Mickey and Both BFS End up in the same Place Together But When Mickey Sees Oswald and he sees Mickey they snap a little and go back to insanity that they lost and soon Both Bfs will sing together to save hopefully Mickey and Oswald So the song would be call Brotherly Suffering or Brotherly Suffering In Hell.
My versions why Ortensia is actually alive in Vesper: Good version:Oswald thinked that Ortensia died,but Ortensia didn't die and she returned to him. Bad version:After Untold Loneliness,Oswald becomed really mad,so he started hallucinating and seeing Ortensia returned,and he becomed strangely normal.This version shows why in Vesper BF has got a scared face.
In vesper it seems like bf brings him back into the Fake world that oswald was in before but warton the Devil of the d-side's Oswald verse Didn't want oswald in hell so he made it so he can't die and then well in this case warton brought him to hell anyways. Sad ending it is...🥺
0:00:preview 0:04: intro 0:15:menu 0:23:despair song 1:08 :oswald scaried 1:19 :Despondency song 4:13:Untold loneliness song 5:26:animation 7:25:Enternity 9:22 :Vesper song 10:12:he brings out the violin 11:04:life on hiatus 12:03:Shoots he's own eye 12:47:oswald demon comes out of the background 13:26:the demon goes down 16:09:lepus song 17:11:laugh 18:35:oswald screams 19:41:outro Pinned me pls owner I sub
hey, they realized that in the lepus song you see the oswald bug but you see julian (as a rabbit version) and cheddar (also as a rabbit version) that means there are also their D-sides versions! it's not canon it's just a curious fact xd
@@shania._nowadayz Эй, достым! Бұл Грег. Эй, уф... сені осылай жасауға мәжбүрлегенім үшін тағы да кешірім сұраймын. Ақыр аяғында сіз тағылымдамадан өтушісіз. Бірақ біз әлі де Алабама штатында, сіз тұрған жерге бармас бұрын жабдықтарымызды дайындап жатырмыз. Біз кәсіпқоймыз, сондықтан ақымақ болып көрінбеу үшін заттарымызды қадағалап отыруымыз керек. Қалай болғанда да, егер сіз бұл жердің ғұламаларымен таныс болсаңыз, онда сіз кезіп жүрген фото-негатив Микки костюмі туралы естіген боларсыз. Бір қызығы, сіз бәрібір сияқтысыз. Сіз тек уақытыңыздың бітуіне жол беріп, несиелеріңізді алғыңыз келеді. Бірақ егер сізге мән берсеңіз, тыңдаңыз. Ол нәрсе... *күрсіну* ...естігенімізден тек естиді. Ол ештеңені көре алмайды. Демек, ол сіздің кеңсеңізге кіріп кетсе, камераларыңыздың бірін өшіріңіз. Білемін, бұл біртүрлі естіледі, бірақ егер сіз қатты дыбыс шығарсаңыз, бұл костюмді кеңсеңізден шығарып алады. Сізде әрекет ету мүмкіндігінің шағын терезесі болуы мүмкін, сондықтан бұл туралы тез болыңыз. Жарайды, мен мұны сізге қалдырамын. О, айтпақшы, біздің құрал-жабдықтардың ешқайсысын бұзбаңыз.
Oye te diste cuenta que en la cancion lepus se ve el fallo se oswald pero se ve a julian (como version conejo) y a cheddar (tambien como version conejo) eso significa que hay tambien sus versiones D-sides!
Eternity (It must have been a toaster with an extension cord in a tall place, luckily this background has a tall poster instead of using the gun in eternity)
0:21 “Save the depressed mouse”
Oswald: Am I a joke to you?
@Luisi & Friends yeah
@Luisi & Friends "Help the Distressed Rabbit"
Save the unlucky rabbit and what if you can change the pic then change the title
@@Cloverthexool I piss my pants because of you
@@RockA209 ok idc
0:23 Despair song
1:08 Despondency song
4:13 untold loneliness song
7:25 Eternity song
9:22 Vesper song
11:04 Life of hiatus song
16:09 Lepus Song
I like how life of hiatus oswald voice
If anyone wonders the meanings of the song names then these are the meanings of all of them
0:23 Despair- The complete loss or absence of hope
1:20 Despondency- A state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage
4:14 Untold loneliness- A remixed name of Unknown suffering.
7:25 Eternity- could mean 3 things based on the definitions. Infinite or unending time, a state to which time has no application: Timelessness, and endless life after death
9:22 Vesper- evening prayer/ evening song/ evening star
11:04 Life on Hiatus- a pause where nothing happens
16:09 Lepus- A winter constellation of the northern sky said to resemble a rabbit.
Man you googled in google
You could’ve just said dejection but if Oswald sang it for despondency.
Maledictus Lupus meant “Mad Rabbit”, I think.
@@aksiz_ I don't know what you mean by the word it
Never mind I know what you mean
Vesper feels so wholesome especially when he pulls out the banjo. It’s sad the way it has to end…
@@joao69312 Como assim-
i played the actual mod and it the notes feel like there going 2x faster for some reason also i agree with you =(
That's why AUs exist
the fact that he ran out of bullets, makes the whole sequence of this week more canon
But how is Ortensia alive?
@@hyhyd6135 she was probably sleeping
I mean, he is ✨L U C K Y ✨
@@Colin4667 lol hints the name "the lucky rabbit"
0:24 Despair 1:07 Bleeding eyes 1:20 Despondency 4:11 Untold Loneliness 5:27 Oswald Animation 7:30 Eternity 9:24 Vesper 10:11 Oswald’s Guitar 11:05 Life on Hiatus 12:46 Oswald’s Devil 16:11 Lepus 17:10 Laugh
composer of the good ending songs here, thank you for playing the mod! super fun to work on
D Sides Satan looks so familiar yet unfamiliar
He looks like we have seen him before in a childhood show we watched yet we cant make out who he is
He does have that kind of Looney Tunes Pitbull vibe
He looks like Pete. Satan D-sides' name is Waton
@@hariaaban107 Puut
He kinda reminds me of Pete
they can do Oswald's too slow, just like Mickey's uncle slow, only it's a small Oswald, with a different demon, and a different phrase
How did I get so many comments and likes for a stupid proposal
Also, Too Slow D-Sides.
Mickey uncle slow 💀
They would do too slow d side
"Mickey`s uncle slow" 💀
11:55 Expurgation reference
12:05 Unknown Suffering reference
12:29 Guns reference
I like how Oswald just grows his eye back like deadpool lol
Cartoon logic
No he missed the shot
**normally pulls tail out to clean the fence** Oswald: phew let’s clean this dirty fence!
He is so lucky in this mod that even if he shot himself point black it missed or the bulled jammed
(0:16. Saturday fatality menu ) Banjofulness 0:23. Despair 1:19. Untold loneliness.4:13 Last month 7:25. Sunrise 9:22 Deathhole 11:04 lapus song 16:09
You know that that not the name of the songs right?
Despair,Despondency,Untold Loneliness,Eternity,Life on Hiatus,Vesper(I think it should be better named Sunrise),Maledictus Lepus.
@@the_devious_one_fr Yeah!
@@the_devious_one_fr Sunrises is better
Despair is the first song
that icon change was perfect
12:30 sounds like guns and of course...
What if Mickey and oswald team up!?!?
so strange that "life on hiatus" starts with Jakeneutron's Oswald chromatic, then switches
Bro its so sick
Although it sounded good, I kind a wish they kept the Despondency/Vesper Vocals at the beginning of “life on hiatus”
5:45 should have line like “GOSH DANGIT NO MORE BULLETS!!!”
The fact that oswald song is the official d-sides cover makes it better
The up for his guitar scene in the end makes me happy
I also like how Life On Hiatus has JakeNeutron's Oswald voice
I like how Vesper actually has Ortensia in the background, unlike in the original week, where Minnie appears for a cutscene and then sort of just disappears.
Your right. In the regular W.I. in the good ending, she only appears in the cut scene. But I don't know why.
@@Anatalia-p1pthe devs were lazy
1:47 that sounds simmilar
I like how oswald couldn't even shoot himself in the eye in this version of untold loneliness
Makes Sense anyways
He the most lucky then v1
@@badguy3602 true
I love Oswald’s design in this, I just wish he could have a happy ending
Ok MAN I'm legit glad to have a full fanmade version of this d sides wensday infidelity mod to the previous part 1 of this,
Mostly because of everything in this being pretty great like with the original tracks of course along with new ones,
Also the art in this is very nice to look at like hot dang and the d side replacements are cool as well.
Mmm, idk man. mostly of the art that appears in this fanmade version of W.I. d-sides looks that copied the original Mickey sprites style in almost all the phases, just by exception to Untold Loneliness because it's the same thing as in the original W.I. past update.
I thought I was the only one who saw that
At the end of despair, I always think that Oswald was only staying sane by playing music and the ending notes was, the strings snapping
16:25 I'm the only one here hearing Luigi's voice from Mario's Madness mod from the song Alone?
Bruh REAL me too.
I said it once, and I’ll say it again, d side devil looks like Pete.
Btw his name is Waton lol
0:23 familliar song or was i young enough for the oswald song to even still exist?
1:09 me when I realized I didn't do the dishes
The scream before the devil came really caught me of guard XD
4:26 never pause untold loneliness
oswald is now a girl
@@Luffy-Is-Awesome576 lol
@@Luffy-Is-Awesome576wdym a girl? I'm not even a girl..
12:30 Wait, Life On Hitatus sounds familiar
Omg it sounds like guns. 😲
is tankman's guns song
@@mycookierun6538 Oh yeah, right.
Broo i didn't think anyone else noticed
Life on Hiatus it's Hellhole D Side, but it Haves References from the original Hellhole and Guns
Untold loneliness sounds like doomsday and vanishing
I don't know about tha, but will compare the two songs to Untold loneliness.
life on hiatus without the gun shots sound seems a bit odd to me
Despair(d side Wisfulness) Despondency (D side Dejection) Untold Loneliness (D side Unknown Suffering)
Imagine if a cutscene plays at the end of the *Eternity* song:
"UGH! Why Can't I DIE!" (He's infuriated). As the gun is near he head, he unloads the entire gun yet even after all that... *He survived.* A joke to reality as he looks to the ground in defeat... (He looks at the floor as blood drips from his own head). He is confuse on why he can't die, WHY CAN'T HE DIE. "Why must this happened to me." Why must he be trapped here, in this vicious cycle of immortality... (He looks at his hands) "Will I ever be free? why, Why, WHY! I just want to see her again..." (He tosses the gun away from him as he proceeds to Cry even further as he truly cannot escape this vicious cycle...)
(At this moment D-Side BF is sucked into the portal)
But how will he reach Hell?
@@hariaaban107 He won't. That's the difference.
He can't die, literally. That's the problem I have with the eternity song because it's impossible for him to reach there.
Like the only way he reaching there is if he gets drag there forcefully
@@tyshawnstubbs9315 ah ok
✋️ if u miss the old days
Like the despair song
Me 2
I don't think this version of BF has done anything crazy(yet or until the events of WI)
And just, one unfortunate day, a rabbit walks up to him and drags him "down" with him
Also, who else notices in the Maledictus Lepus: The uh.. Glitching when Oswald "powers up"(for lack of a better term). Is there more D-Sides content to be make? D-Sides Chedder?
But yes
Good song
This should be in Wednesday Infidelity But Oswald Some how ends up with Mickey and Both BFS End up in the same Place Together But When Mickey Sees Oswald and he sees Mickey they snap a little and go back to insanity that they lost and soon Both Bfs will sing together to save hopefully Mickey and Oswald So the song would be call Brotherly Suffering or Brotherly Suffering In Hell.
3:26-3:30) Dejection reference
This mod is great only needs cutscenes and it will be better.
yeah, you're right!
hmm that sound sounded familiar
I dont get it
What sound are you talking about.
Vasper oswald sunsets Mickey pero como sea las dos canciones son hermosas
My versions why Ortensia is actually alive in Vesper:
Good version:Oswald thinked that Ortensia died,but Ortensia didn't die and she returned to him.
Bad version:After Untold Loneliness,Oswald becomed really mad,so he started hallucinating and seeing Ortensia returned,and he becomed strangely normal.This version shows why in Vesper BF has got a scared face.
I'm glad Oswald finnally get's his happy ending he deserves. Saddend that he would never, Man I wish that oswald could live in peace.🥺
In vesper it seems like bf brings him back into the Fake world that oswald was in before but warton the Devil of the d-side's Oswald verse Didn't want oswald in hell so he made it so he can't die and then well in this case warton brought him to hell anyways. Sad ending it is...🥺
0:04: intro
0:23:despair song
1:08 :oswald scaried
1:19 :Despondency song
4:13:Untold loneliness song
9:22 :Vesper song
10:12:he brings out the violin
11:04:life on hiatus
12:03:Shoots he's own eye
12:47:oswald demon comes out of the background
13:26:the demon goes down
16:09:lepus song
18:35:oswald screams
Pinned me pls owner I sub
7:38 eternity
This is like genuinely good wtf
It's like the other one that's mickey but this is oswald
1:34 despondency almost sounds like House_For_Sale(OLD)
18:41 if you look close it looks like if there could be a d-side of Julian and Cheddar
In the original Wednesday's Infidelity D-Sides, the song "Eternity," was basically the old version of "Last Day."
Everything thing is basically the old versions *except sunsets and butthole*
@@baldi-v1t E A F
@@baldi-v1t BUTTHOLE 🤣
@M I C K S U S why did the word butthole made me laughed so hard 💀
1:09 is me when teachers say we are doing a test
But there fun math 10:14
I like how the hellhole song is renamed to a bot making “death” into 3 words
The bot: ah yes,the perfect name: *L I F E I N H I A T U S*
12:29 reference to the song guns in week 7
3:53 nobody pointed out this reference to “For the damaged coda” and honestly it kinda ticks me off.
Damn, now I wanna see a D-side Julian/Brick of Friendship and D-side Cheddar/Father, I crave Cheddar.
It can be uncle I want carrots
@@DasonicElectroBoi That's really clever. I want to draw it now.
5:12 👍👍
hey, they realized that in the lepus song you see the oswald bug but you see julian (as a rabbit version) and cheddar (also as a rabbit version) that means there are also their D-sides versions! it's not canon it's just a curious fact xd
Mickey's s@tan looks scarier than Oswald's s@tan but nice video
@@simonocelot 😐
@@shania._nowadayz Эй, достым! Бұл Грег. Эй, уф... сені осылай жасауға мәжбүрлегенім үшін тағы да кешірім сұраймын. Ақыр аяғында сіз тағылымдамадан өтушісіз. Бірақ біз әлі де Алабама штатында, сіз тұрған жерге бармас бұрын жабдықтарымызды дайындап жатырмыз. Біз кәсіпқоймыз, сондықтан ақымақ болып көрінбеу үшін заттарымызды қадағалап отыруымыз керек. Қалай болғанда да, егер сіз бұл жердің ғұламаларымен таныс болсаңыз, онда сіз кезіп жүрген фото-негатив Микки костюмі туралы естіген боларсыз. Бір қызығы, сіз бәрібір сияқтысыз. Сіз тек уақытыңыздың бітуіне жол беріп, несиелеріңізді алғыңыз келеді. Бірақ егер сізге мән берсеңіз, тыңдаңыз.
Ол нәрсе... *күрсіну* ...естігенімізден тек естиді. Ол ештеңені көре алмайды. Демек, ол сіздің кеңсеңізге кіріп кетсе, камераларыңыздың бірін өшіріңіз. Білемін, бұл біртүрлі естіледі, бірақ егер сіз қатты дыбыс шығарсаңыз, бұл костюмді кеңсеңізден шығарып алады. Сізде әрекет ету мүмкіндігінің шағын терезесі болуы мүмкін, сондықтан бұл туралы тез болыңыз.
Жарайды, мен мұны сізге қалдырамын. О, айтпақшы, біздің құрал-жабдықтардың ешқайсысын бұзбаңыз.
@OceanCommitsMurder yes
i think at 6:24 he should rip his on eye out so we can use the final oswald sprites from untold loneliness 2nd half
Soy el unico comentario en español ah por cierto buen video de la semana completa de oswald saludos
Oye te diste cuenta que en la cancion lepus se ve el fallo se oswald pero se ve a julian (como version conejo) y a cheddar (tambien como version conejo) eso significa que hay tambien sus versiones D-sides!
The sfx when devil disappears is funni
5:44 did bro just shoot to the sky or smth because his eye isn't shot
Love how it’s oswald instead
bro how do you play all im getting are the mods assets😭😭
The day before yesterday I imagined a week of Oswald from suicide mouse and yesterday you published it I predicted it xd
Despair is the name of an indie cross song lol it's just that fact that I said
Yo WHAT? Legging
Felix would be great for remake to!
Vesper is strange considering his wife... yknow died
But the banjo part is Great
Eternity (It must have been a toaster with an extension cord in a tall place, luckily this background has a tall poster instead of using the gun in eternity)
I had a feeling sometime this would come out
Well Mickey replaced Oswald. That's why.
i like mods that are similar to different mods and have different characters
The only thing that was missing was the animations of the mod and something would be complete.
this is like mickey mouse infidelity but copyrighted with oswald…
0:45 bad to the bone reference
14:16 my favorite part of this song
Good 👍😌
Podrian hacer un cover de To slow D-Side con oswald
El no habla espaÑol
@@darwomingtrosixd a
is it the V2 mod? or a fanmade?
Oswald's eye after UL
Hehe (I am russian) :)
Como conseguiste los finales Ami no me aparece.??
in the end we all DIE!!! why should i even TRY??? gun in hand MY SUFFERING SHALL BE KNOWN FRIEND!!! HAHAAHA
Why does he still have his eye? Did he miss?
Yes. He missed the shot.
He's bad at aiming lol@@Anatalia-p1p
10:13 эта песня круче оригинала!
This is a good mod only problem is the fact Oswald can somehow grow back what was literally blown off
He’s so lucky
No missed the shot
1:09 rabbits luck reference
0:27 Reference to despair 10:14
In lepus song Oswald's voice reminds me of beta luigi...
Una cosa en arriba del menu de la semana de oswald dice save depresed mouse en lugar de decir save depresed rabit
**Save the lonely rabbit**
vesper sounds so happy! :D
You could just end the video at vesper, but I guess even if you don't like something in mode you have to show it lol