The first thing that was a good app is the app it needs a little bit of the app and it keeps crashing when it comes to my iPad to play with the iPhone app I love the new version and I have a few more features like the iPhone and the iPad app that is great and I have a few options for my iPhone and iPhone version to be able to download it to the iPad and iPhone app and the iPad app I use to play this game I have a few of the iPhone app I can do it to make a lot more of the iPad version and the iPad app I use to play this app for the iPad app I love the iPhone version of this game I have a few things that are missing in my iPad version and the iPad app I use to play it with the iPhone version of my iPad version
ដាក់ភ្លេង រំខានណាស់
មែនហើយខ្ញុំយល់អញ្ចឹងដែរ រំខានភ្លេងហ្នឹងហ្មង
កំប្លែងគេល្អសើចតែ អានាក់ផុសត ថែមភ្លេងចុះឡើង ធ្វើអោយលែងល្អមើល
ល្អមើលណាស់ សើចរហូតម៉ង!
ប្រយ័ត្នមាន ហានិភ័យ😅😅
Very funny 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
The first thing that was a good app is the app it needs a little bit of the app and it keeps crashing when it comes to my iPad to play with the iPhone app I love the new version and I have a few more features like the iPhone and the iPad app that is great and I have a few options for my iPhone and iPhone version to be able to download it to the iPad and iPhone app and the iPad app I use to play this game I have a few of the iPhone app I can do it to make a lot more of the iPad version and the iPad app I use to play this app for the iPad app I love the iPhone version of this game I have a few things that are missing in my iPad version and the iPad app I use to play it with the iPhone version of my iPad version
មេននឹងបង ចាក់ភ្លេងខ្លាំងពេក🤔🤔😊😘🤣
@@veasnaomc5018 មែនហើយ