They didn’t watch the bucks closely enough, griff had them out there doing goofy shit with no structure on either side of the ball and the players addressed it early!
Paul Westhead was the head coach to start the 1981-82 season. Magic Johnson wanted him fired and replaced with Pat Riley. The Lakers won the championship that season. Stan Van Gundy was the head coach to start the 2005-06 season. Shaq and Dwyane Wade wanted him fired and replaced with Pat Riley. The Heat won a championship that season.
Y’all looking at the record, they were winning off hero ball and having the best schedule on the league, they won of talent….bucks knew they couldn’t win either griffin, griffin shouldn’t gsbr gotten that job anyway, as a first time coach, he needs a young team…bucks needed an experienced coach
See, this shows me that they don’t watch Bucks games at all. The whole team wasn’t behind Griffin, not just Giannis, especially when his outburst is what lead to Dame’s old coach (Stotts) resigning. He lacked enthusiasm and all year we had literally 3 convincing victories out of the 31 we have so far, all the rest of our victories were all-star game scores of outgunning a team or Giannis having to go nuclear. It was just wrong on the Bucks to put him in that position in the first place, but he clearly wasn’t the right coach for the job. At the rate we were going, we would of been a first round/second round exit. No defence, losing the locker room, not switching the defensive schemes back to what was working and not making adjustments (Coach Bud). He can coach a team like Detroit or San Antonio because there’s no expectation and he’ll have time to grow as a coach, but for a championship caliber team and a generational talent like Giannis/Dame you don’t have that big of a window - especially when there’s glaring cracks. Our record is very deceiving if you haven’t been watching our games and us Bucks fans been saying we need to get rid of him before it’s too late.
So by your logic Matt LaFluer should have been fired early in the season because I remember the Packers struggling mightily in the first half of games. The crazy thing is that between games teams practice and coaches put together different strategies. Griffin wasn't given a chance to improve, imo
@mauricewells7838 Difference is Packers were in a rebuild year, no expectations, Bucks are a championship or bust team, can't compare those two situations
@@olatunjiosobamiro8405 I wouldn't call 30-13 a rebuild. My point is that coaches coach, you learn from your mistakes and improve on them. They say their defense was bad, well looking at Nba scores today everybody plays bad defense. Hell I remember about 5 weeks before the end of the regular season they was talk if Jordan Love was the long term answer (I'm sure you remember as well) then he made a tremendous leap because he was coached up. I'm just saying the guy should have been given a more time to correct his mistakes.
@@mauricewells7838 no, we dropped from top 4 to 25th, the personnel is there, it’s bad coaching and players just not putting in effort for a coach that they lost respect for weeks ago. We know the scores are high today, but we know defence ramps up completely in the playoffs. We don’t have a defence that is a sure shot come playoff time and teams aren’t outgunning teams in the playoffs. I’ve watched every Bucks game, they’re my team, he had to go.
@@olatunjiosobamiro8405 exactly. Griffin is perfect for a team with no expectations, but not a championship team that is looking to win NOW. There’s no room for this team to wait and see unfortunately.
AG's schemes did not fit the personnel of the team, and he wasn't able to adjust appropriately. They had to let him go. Bucks don't have time to wait for a coach to "still learn" when the expectation is a title. Them boys were strictly winning off talent under AG. I like Doc for this team, honestly.
I like to listen to older sports nuts about this and everyone I've talked to has said bucks are going to "soar" under Doc. It's obvious they're winning off talent. So talent isn't a concern at all. So now they just need some organization, clear roles, CHEMISTRY help. Doc is the charismatic character to get that done.
You are right about why he was fired. I hope it doesn't follow him and he get another chance to coach. But Doc has a horrible record. He has done less with more talent than anyone else in the history of the league.
@@timothyjackson1779 The concerns about Doc are certainly valid if we're just looking at statistics. But to be fair, those post season collapses are not all on Doc. People have to factor in what he was dealing with in those situations. Last I checked, no one has successfully "coached" James, Ben Simmons, CP3, or Blake into a title. I too hope Griff is able to bounce back. They did do that man kinda dirty.
@@elizajane91 My girl, Eliza spot on as always. I like listening to these old geezers talk about this stuff too. 😆I agree, I trust that Doc will re-establish an actual working system. Something our guys have been clearly missing all season.
Dame hadn't been traded yet when Adrian Griffin was hired. I think the bucks were genuinely thinking of taking somewhat of a backseat the next 1-2 seasons. Then Giannis said he wasn't sure about resigning, which sparked them into trading for dame and going for it all. AG isn't the right coach for a team contending right now. He'd be perfect for a team like the spurs, detroit, or wizards that are rebuilding.
@albennett5105 I agree, but how can you not look at the record? Also, take away an all defensive player in Jru and replace him with a defensive liability like Dame....and that can happen. Also, how about giving a rookie coach a chance to figure shit out. Lastly, Doc Rivers is trash to me. He's the biggest choker in coaching history....yes he got a ring with the original big 3, KG, Ray, and Paul....but that's the problem....he got 1. They should have gotten 2 at least.
@@mkeonfiremagazine4673When you lose 1-4 in the first round like they did, and don't make any significant changes other than firing your championship coach for a rookie one. That sounds like taking a backseat to me.
Doc was like the “Undercover Boss Consultant“ the writing was on the wall in the Bucks locker room.When Giannis started to write his own game plan,it was time for Coach Adrian Griifin to be fired.Bucks sent Lachhigado Griffin packing ASAP!💯😅😂🤣
3:42 Bobby Portis and Adrian Griffin had a confrontation during the In-Season Tournament. Griffin also had a “disagreement” with Terry Stots. That is one of the reasons why he left the organization. Damian Lillard wanted Stots to stay, because he had experience playing for him in Portland.
Exactly. It’s clear these guys are just causals despite being former great players and they clearly haven’t been keeping up with the Bucks about anything unless it’s Giannis looking for his game ball or something irrelevant like that.
@makwabear4078 you are correct. The Bucks were 30-13 in spite of coaching not being the reason. Bucks had the easiest schedule so far, and can't stop anyone defensively. It's more wrong than Drew Holiday (and Grayson Allen) leaving. KG and Pierce are either Podding or just uninformed!
@@mauricecalhoun3778I think they’re also 30-13 because they have a top 2 offense in a league that does not play defense. Nobody mentions their offensive improvement which was the clear reason to grab Dame in the first place.
Doc Rivers dirty macked his way into that job. If your ex leave you for the person who was helping counsel your relationship, clearly that person was on some fuck shit from jump
or he's one of top 10 best coaches ever lmao yall just weird. When lbj want a coach out yall call him gm so whats wrong with greek doing the same? if he wanted Shannon Sharpe to coach i bet he would at least get a interview lol yall wierd af n dnt know they relationship
@@LuckyJackson2020he’s not though. He coached some of the best players and won 1 championship. He has blown the most 3-1s in NBA history. He makes no adjustments. Sixers, Clippers, Celtics, etc. He had the talent to win several. He couldn’t get that Philly team to a conference final. Doc is a regular season coach who has been given a ton of leeway.
I like that statement about doc "being bigger than x's and o's." Its not rocket science to get this team better defensively. Force middle at all costs and let your two 7 ft dpoy candidates contest. Then rotate as best as possible. The rotate part is all effort, and effort comes from culture. This is why they brought in Doc. Offense is fine, this team is gonna score 125 plus points a game, giannis and Dame(or Middleton when Dame is on the bench) will dominate in the halfcourt with the pick and roll and we know what Giannis surrounded by shooters can do in the open court.
No Bucks fan is surprised by this, many have been calling for his head. If you were watching you’d know Griffin was not taking this team anywhere. There’s been so many problems and there hasn’t been any kinda strategy on the court, they were just winning off the strength of Giannis and having the easiest schedule.
You gotta see it thru bro .. Giannis had bout 6 coaches .. they traded all their defense and it’s his first year that’s y’all problem wanna see results immediately they don’t have the personnel stop teams and dame and Giannis barely plays good at the same time that team need some work
the guys maybe know the guy and don't wanna say something ugly...? let alone that this looks more like a bucks mistake than griffins. but anyway, they have to handle the situation "gentle" they can't pick sides, we're talking about peoples careers here...
I think it's funny how everyone blames Giannis but the WHOLE TEAM is jumping around and dancing the very next game without him Adrian... but it's all Giannis though 🥴🥴😂 Use your eyes...
Well soon as they brought Doc in to do what he was doing the writing was probably already on the wall as soon as something came up or happened, they already knew they were going hire Doc as the new coach.
We have the second best record based on talent. Not Adrian Griffin. We were in dog fights nightly with really bad teams. There was no identity on either side of the ball. And it came to light that they weren't listening to dude. At the end of games, in clutch situations the players would straight up ignore him. Lol. It was obviously the right move to fire him in this situation. Plus, he was hired before Dame was tested to Milwaukee. Changes expectations
Men. Do your research. You all look blazed af 😂😂 1. Giannis and Khris Mid met with Griffin THE SAME WAY they met with Bud and other candidates at his hiring. 2. Giannis endorsed Griff as the best choice between Atkinson and Griffin (Nurse had pulled out of the race prior to meeting with Giannis). Griffin promoted schematics that he DID NOT follow through with. Giannis judged on the present, not on the unknown. DUH! 3. Griffin was fired because the PROCESS of reaching the 30-13 record is inherently flawed. With the easiest schedule in the league and 2 top 75 players, it stands to reason the Bucks should easily have commanded the 1st seed in the east, as Boston has faced a difficult schedule. 4. The bucks have barely won their games and have basically done so on the big 4's soulders with no actual schematics, the WORST transition defense in the league, and role confusion. This dude had to go to give the bucks a chance in hell. IDGAF about Doc's record as a bucks fan. Instead I'm looking at his *experience* and *charisma* The team honestly doesn't need some massive miracle. They literally just need a coach who can repair the culture (which used to be impeccable) and establish roles and basic rules defensively. That's it. Doc can do that in his sleep. Giannis, Dame, Khris and Brook will do the rest.
Just because you have the 2nd best record in the conference doesn't mean your a great team. They weren't playing well as a team defensively. Even times on offense they looked lost. There to many close games against teams you should easily beat. Bucks gm is saying i only got about 2 to 3 years with this roster and these players arent getting any younger. We not lookin good right now. I need to make a move.
@@jona1han2k4 Grab the locker room’s attention, not get into confrontations with the players on the sidelines, and don’t alienate the assistant coaches. Also, the Bucks should be beating certain teams by more than 10 points.
@@jona1han2k4 have you watched the games? lol they rarely comfortably beat teams that they should beat. the starters end up playing entire 4th quarters unlike the other good teams who can sit their starters out. games against the spurs, pistons, etc were all pretty close and the pistons didnt even have cade! they've been winning on pure star power so far which isnt sustainable and have gotten owned by the pacers. Not to mention all his other confrontations. It made no sense to hire a rookie coach for a win-now team. A rookie coach needs time to figure himself out and this team doesnt have time nor a playoffs run to waste.
Let's be honest, the players were being disrespectful to the coach. Damn near the whole organization was disrespectful. The greek guy was lead trouble maker and the rest of the team followed suit. Karma will take care of this situation and. I can't wait. When your star player thinks he runs everything and can do whatever he wants he is holding the coach hostage.
C'mon man. Did KG & Paul actually WATCH the Bucks PLAY this season???🤔Cause, despite being 2nd in the East, NO ONE was looking at them as contenders. They straight STRUGGLED against good teams and relied way too much on last minute heroics by Giannis and Dame. They were just out there wingin' it. The energy wasn't good. Team defense will probably get better now with Doc there and everyone's roles will become more clear with an experienced coach.
@@butwtfdoiknow9544 bruh, KG just broke down what the man brings to the table. Stop letting that media hype gas you. If you a wisheywashy azz, sometimey player like PG and Embiid were in the playoffs when they played for him, Doc ain't the one to come hold your hand and tuck you in n' all that like these new era players want. You either gon' get out there and execute or not. Doc got two DAWGS now in Giannis and Dame so he doesn't have to worry about that. You gotta be crazy if you don't think he can work with that.
I agree with KG it was wrong how they did it the man had the second best record in the league what more did he have to do wow and this definitely put other coached on notice to be scared for their jobs I also agree with KG that the players don’t know what their getting with Doc he will make them accountable and he doesn’t play all them kiddie games and Is very serious about being professional and playing hard
It is crazy, but you can't ignore how bad the defense was. Griffin was hired to bring more diversity to the Bucks defensive scheme and he was unable to implement it with ANY effectiveness. Situations like this have happened two times in league history, both times that team went on to win the championship that same year. Who is the better coach? Griffin or Doc? The answer is easy...let's move on.
Bucks Organization: “Hey Doc, we curious and need your advice. We thinking about moving on from Griffin, should we rethink that?” Rivers ‘The Consultant’: “…..I accept and can start next week” Not saying that the players were or weren’t feeling Griffin as head coach, but that’s shady asf
They had the easiest schedule the first half and BARLEY beat the worst teams in the league. Literal buzzer beaters or comeback wins. If you actually watched the games you’d know they weren’t winning a chip. Their defense was one of the worst in the league and was getting worse each month. If you just look at the record yeah it looks bad, but if you watched every game you’d understand.
The Heat are the best ran organization in the NBA, and Pat Riley is the best front office boss in the NBA and this is the reason why: During Coach Spoestra's first year as an inexperienced head coach of the heat, Lebron tried to get Spoestra fired because he was doing bad. Pat Riley sat Lebron and the team whole team down and told them to their faces that he will never allow players to tell him to fire a coach, or overly complain to him about a coach's job. Now, all these years later, look at the kind of head coach that Spoestra has turned into and the contract he just signed. The Milwaukee bucks miscalculated and have made two horrible coaching decisions by firing coaches who were doing well instead of allowing them to grow, make adjustments, and trust the process. Coach Griffin shouldn't have been fired and Jrue Holiday should have never been traded.
I basically got fired on my day off the other day. I wasn't supposed to be there anyway. I wanted unemployment so I go fired after I ran to work 3 miles on black ice. Now, I'm on unemployment. Funny thing is, my replacement better be 3 people.
9:31 ya won a chip wit em kno him better then i ever will. That said he hasn’t gotten done since u guys and boston. Hes coached mvps and defensive players of the year and still hasn’t gotten it done not to say its easy but i dont believe he was the man for the job
Firing griff was the right move. He will get another chance with a not so good team because of the success he had. Us fans don’t see what’s going on in the locker room so don’t know the details but defense is more about buying in and putting in the effort more than just schemes. Players weren’t playing for griff and I do think it was a respect thing. Doc will be respected cause he’s seen it all done it all.
yal need to listen to local news about this man. Adrian Griffin had problems with other coaches and the front office. They were clashing bad. Think about it, Adrian was not supposed to be a head coach by himself. Terry Stotts was going to help bring him up. He got into it with Terry and caused that relationship to break and Terry left. That left Adrian on his own. The players said they felt confused about the game plan all of the time.
I said the same damn think and Greek and Dame is to be held accountable. They should have never fired the 1st coach and then u bring in a new coach who is a defensive minded coach and u traded the head of the snake in Jrue holiday to blazers who didnt fit their age group and flip them to ur rivals Celtics. These dude wiere airing their laundry out in the media and got this dude fired
Mind you KG and Pierce won a championship with doc and still don't understand it. Doc Rivers is like Arron Rodgers still living off one championship long long ago. it's a players league right? The bucks players were calling out the coach in post game and it was role players! It's a players league and when a team wins the players get all the credit but when the teams loses its all the coach's fault.
I expected this show to be the only one supporting what happened because of their relationship with Doc. But if even KG and Paul Pierce are not okay with this, it's not okay
They gave a Lambo to a 16 year old with a Learners Permit. They didn't know they were gonna get Dame when they fired Bud. After they got Dame they were like... "FUCK!" Firing Bud-n-holtzer is why they're in theyre mess they're in now. Dude just won a championship 2 years ago and they fire him because their best player got hurt in the first round.
These dudes were not watching the games, Griff is not head coaching material in the NBA, dude belongs coaching like a second or third tier college team. Real bucks fans could feel he was not the right man for the job damn near from the jump. Stotts quitting was the writing on the wall
These guys obviously did not watch any bucks games this season . Adrian griffin should not had been hired in the first place for team trying to win a chip. But when your team is 27th in defensive efficiency speaks volume this team would had exited in the second round under Griffin. The team gave up on him back in November when bobby portis called the team and the coach out.
Man, this league is all about the players. Being a coach is so tough. You gotta be their friend and a strategist, and you gotta earn their respect. But, firing a coach in the middle of the season is never a good idea. I don't know what Doc Rivers can do to fix the Bucks' defense. Culture building takes time. Habits building takes time. They lost their best defender, Drew Holiday, and they've always had problems with pick-and-rolls. Indy will whack their ass comes playoff.
Bucks management not good. They fired Budenholzer when they lost to Miami, Giannis got injured in that series and the guy just lost his brother. They just won a ring previously. Now they traded Jrue and expect a good defense?? They got Adrian a first time coach theyre 2nd in standings what do they expect more? Now they get a choker coach. What are you doing.
This why football is the #1 sport! Most basketball players are soft! PP said they lock in when it’s 15 games left?!?😮 Jordan, Kobe, etc… locked in all season.
I love the back and forth ritter
😆 😂
They didn’t watch the bucks closely enough, griff had them out there doing goofy shit with no structure on either side of the ball and the players addressed it early!
I, for one, am so glad that everyone who hasn't watched a Bucks game this season has given their opinion on the situation.
Exactly and your on point, I watched every game and noticed the bs
Rotations were ass too, and way too many minutes for Pat Connaughton when Marjon and Ajax just sitting there and better in every way than him in 2024
Doc does the same shit as griffin anyways. Ain't nothing getting with doc cept vibes.
I appreciate KG’s clarification: doc is a “savant…to me” 😂😂😂
David Blatt was the All star coach. Cavs had the best record in the East at the Break
Doc might be the coach too lol
Paul Westhead was the head coach to start the 1981-82 season. Magic Johnson wanted him fired and replaced with Pat Riley. The Lakers won the championship that season.
Stan Van Gundy was the head coach to start the 2005-06 season. Shaq and Dwyane Wade wanted him fired and replaced with Pat Riley. The Heat won a championship that season.
hasn't coached in the NBA since
But at least he got to finish the season. Griffin didn't even make it to the AS break.
LeGM said... "Not good enough" 😭😭
KG & Paul knew 🤣🤣🤣
Y’all looking at the record, they were winning off hero ball and having the best schedule on the league, they won of talent….bucks knew they couldn’t win either griffin, griffin shouldn’t gsbr gotten that job anyway, as a first time coach, he needs a young team…bucks needed an experienced coach
Steve Kerr was a 1st year head coach
100% right. But Doc being their answer is what’s wild to me.
Shut it..Giannis got that man fired just like all the previous ones,Doc is just next on the list🤷🏽♂️🍻🍺
@@duffman1876Giannis wanted Kidd to stay. Stop repeating garbage you hear on youtube. 😂😂😂
@@chuckreddick3903Kerrs defense wasnt trash
I like that these guys are still like brothers after all these years
See, this shows me that they don’t watch Bucks games at all. The whole team wasn’t behind Griffin, not just Giannis, especially when his outburst is what lead to Dame’s old coach (Stotts) resigning.
He lacked enthusiasm and all year we had literally 3 convincing victories out of the 31 we have so far, all the rest of our victories were all-star game scores of outgunning a team or Giannis having to go nuclear.
It was just wrong on the Bucks to put him in that position in the first place, but he clearly wasn’t the right coach for the job. At the rate we were going, we would of been a first round/second round exit. No defence, losing the locker room, not switching the defensive schemes back to what was working and not making adjustments (Coach Bud). He can coach a team like Detroit or San Antonio because there’s no expectation and he’ll have time to grow as a coach, but for a championship caliber team and a generational talent like Giannis/Dame you don’t have that big of a window - especially when there’s glaring cracks.
Our record is very deceiving if you haven’t been watching our games and us Bucks fans been saying we need to get rid of him before it’s too late.
So by your logic Matt LaFluer should have been fired early in the season because I remember the Packers struggling mightily in the first half of games. The crazy thing is that between games teams practice and coaches put together different strategies. Griffin wasn't given a chance to improve, imo
@mauricewells7838 Difference is Packers were in a rebuild year, no expectations, Bucks are a championship or bust team, can't compare those two situations
@@olatunjiosobamiro8405 I wouldn't call 30-13 a rebuild. My point is that coaches coach, you learn from your mistakes and improve on them. They say their defense was bad, well looking at Nba scores today everybody plays bad defense. Hell I remember about 5 weeks before the end of the regular season they was talk if Jordan Love was the long term answer (I'm sure you remember as well) then he made a tremendous leap because he was coached up. I'm just saying the guy should have been given a more time to correct his mistakes.
@@mauricewells7838 no, we dropped from top 4 to 25th, the personnel is there, it’s bad coaching and players just not putting in effort for a coach that they lost respect for weeks ago. We know the scores are high today, but we know defence ramps up completely in the playoffs. We don’t have a defence that is a sure shot come playoff time and teams aren’t outgunning teams in the playoffs. I’ve watched every Bucks game, they’re my team, he had to go.
@@olatunjiosobamiro8405 exactly. Griffin is perfect for a team with no expectations, but not a championship team that is looking to win NOW. There’s no room for this team to wait and see unfortunately.
AG's schemes did not fit the personnel of the team, and he wasn't able to adjust appropriately. They had to let him go. Bucks don't have time to wait for a coach to "still learn" when the expectation is a title. Them boys were strictly winning off talent under AG. I like Doc for this team, honestly.
Yeah Docs rep in the playoffs makes me a little nervous, but he's definitely a better fit than Griffin.
I like to listen to older sports nuts about this and everyone I've talked to has said bucks are going to "soar" under Doc. It's obvious they're winning off talent. So talent isn't a concern at all. So now they just need some organization, clear roles, CHEMISTRY help. Doc is the charismatic character to get that done.
You are right about why he was fired. I hope it doesn't follow him and he get another chance to coach. But Doc has a horrible record. He has done less with more talent than anyone else in the history of the league.
@@timothyjackson1779 The concerns about Doc are certainly valid if we're just looking at statistics. But to be fair, those post season collapses are not all on Doc. People have to factor in what he was dealing with in those situations. Last I checked, no one has successfully "coached" James, Ben Simmons, CP3, or Blake into a title. I too hope Griff is able to bounce back. They did do that man kinda dirty.
@@elizajane91 My girl, Eliza spot on as always. I like listening to these old geezers talk about this stuff too. 😆I agree, I trust that Doc will re-establish an actual working system. Something our guys have been clearly missing all season.
Dame hadn't been traded yet when Adrian Griffin was hired. I think the bucks were genuinely thinking of taking somewhat of a backseat the next 1-2 seasons. Then Giannis said he wasn't sure about resigning, which sparked them into trading for dame and going for it all. AG isn't the right coach for a team contending right now. He'd be perfect for a team like the spurs, detroit, or wizards that are rebuilding.
Bro, I respect that take, but they had the 2nd best record in the league. And Doc is trash..... The biggest choking coach in nba history.
Lol man what the buck were never taking the back seat that’s sounds ridiculous.
@@michaeldennis5382bro stop looking at the record,AG defense scheme was trash and didn’t fit the bucks
@albennett5105 I agree, but how can you not look at the record? Also, take away an all defensive player in Jru and replace him with a defensive liability like Dame....and that can happen. Also, how about giving a rookie coach a chance to figure shit out. Lastly, Doc Rivers is trash to me. He's the biggest choker in coaching history....yes he got a ring with the original big 3, KG, Ray, and Paul....but that's the problem....he got 1. They should have gotten 2 at least.
@@mkeonfiremagazine4673When you lose 1-4 in the first round like they did, and don't make any significant changes other than firing your championship coach for a rookie one. That sounds like taking a backseat to me.
Doc was like the “Undercover Boss Consultant“ the writing was on the wall in the Bucks locker room.When Giannis started to write his own game plan,it was time for Coach Adrian Griifin to be fired.Bucks sent Lachhigado Griffin packing ASAP!💯😅😂🤣
3:42 Bobby Portis and Adrian Griffin had a confrontation during the In-Season Tournament.
Griffin also had a “disagreement” with Terry Stots. That is one of the reasons why he left the organization. Damian Lillard wanted Stots to stay, because he had experience playing for him in Portland.
Exactly. It’s clear these guys are just causals despite being former great players and they clearly haven’t been keeping up with the Bucks about anything unless it’s Giannis looking for his game ball or something irrelevant like that.
Were you in the locker-room?
@@dannyMCDelight it was already talked about by multiple sources from the locker room.
@makwabear4078 you are correct. The Bucks were 30-13 in spite of coaching not being the reason. Bucks had the easiest schedule so far, and can't stop anyone defensively. It's more wrong than Drew Holiday (and Grayson Allen) leaving. KG and Pierce are either Podding or just uninformed!
@@mauricecalhoun3778I think they’re also 30-13 because they have a top 2 offense in a league that does not play defense. Nobody mentions their offensive improvement which was the clear reason to grab Dame in the first place.
The moment they hired Doc as a consultant would’ve been the last day I stayed at work late!
KG & Paul knew, they just had Doc on the show capping 😂😂😂
capping? he said he wants to coach but he needed this break. what did u find as cap in that sit down?????
if you watch Bucks games, you'll realize that AG should be fired... but Doc might not be a great choice either....
Doc definitely isn't especially with his track record
That like getting fired on your day off 😂😂😂
Doc Rivers dirty macked his way into that job. If your ex leave you for the person who was helping counsel your relationship, clearly that person was on some fuck shit from jump
or he's one of top 10 best coaches ever lmao yall just weird. When lbj want a coach out yall call him gm so whats wrong with greek doing the same? if he wanted Shannon Sharpe to coach i bet he would at least get a interview lol yall wierd af n dnt know they relationship
@@LuckyJackson2020he’s not though. He coached some of the best players and won 1 championship. He has blown the most 3-1s in NBA history. He makes no adjustments. Sixers, Clippers, Celtics, etc. He had the talent to win several. He couldn’t get that Philly team to a conference final. Doc is a regular season coach who has been given a ton of leeway.
Sit down doc I know it's you@@LuckyJackson2020
@@LuckyJackson2020 I don't think anyone who knows basketball thinks he's a top 10 all-time coach. Top 10 most overrated coach id give ya
Best basketball pod/show !!! Love your work
love the Chemistry between you two on Your Show✊🏿🙌🏿
Doc: "I'm not saying fire him, but I'm not saying NOT fire him."
Doc came thru n was like the team fine yall need another coach 😂😂😂
I like that statement about doc "being bigger than x's and o's." Its not rocket science to get this team better defensively. Force middle at all costs and let your two 7 ft dpoy candidates contest. Then rotate as best as possible. The rotate part is all effort, and effort comes from culture. This is why they brought in Doc. Offense is fine, this team is gonna score 125 plus points a game, giannis and Dame(or Middleton when Dame is on the bench) will dominate in the halfcourt with the pick and roll and we know what Giannis surrounded by shooters can do in the open court.
No Bucks fan is surprised by this, many have been calling for his head. If you were watching you’d know Griffin was not taking this team anywhere. There’s been so many problems and there hasn’t been any kinda strategy on the court, they were just winning off the strength of Giannis and having the easiest schedule.
You gotta see it thru bro .. Giannis had bout 6 coaches .. they traded all their defense and it’s his first year that’s y’all problem wanna see results immediately they don’t have the personnel stop teams and dame and Giannis barely plays good at the same time that team need some work
The fact everyone keeps bringing up the Bucks record lets you know how little they actually watched them play!
the guys maybe know the guy and don't wanna say something ugly...? let alone that this looks more like a bucks mistake than griffins. but anyway, they have to handle the situation "gentle" they can't pick sides, we're talking about peoples careers here...
I think it's funny how everyone blames Giannis but the WHOLE TEAM is jumping around and dancing the very next game without him Adrian... but it's all Giannis though 🥴🥴😂 Use your eyes...
Giannis led that congo line, and you better join the line.... or you'll next bruh.
@Sam-uz4iy bro Jae Crowder was dancing like it was Step Up 7 or something 😂 🤣 cmon 😂
@@ctr6051Lol Jae was kind of impressive though 😂
But for real this is like a Cam Payne thing. They've been doing this throughout the season.
they been dancing every pregame long before that, media just twistin your beliefs too much
@elizaschaeffer34 Jae was 🤣 for sure! And exactly.. people talking about this, exposes how much they actually watch the games 🥴😂
KG and Paul are mad entertaining
Giannis got that man fired ....
Coach Griffen was coo but he wasn’t ready to coach a championship caliber team. I’m a bucks fan if you watch us you gonna know where we coming from
@@judahchild2612bucks never should've fired Bud
@@theSafetyCar we fired Bud cause he didn’t adjust in that Miami series . But DOC rivers don’t adjust either that’s why Philly fired his ass too 😞
It was not just Giannis. A lot of players and coaches felt alienated by Adrian Griffin. Bobby Portis, Damian Lillard, Terry Stots, etc.
Naw Giannis missed 14 FTs
Everybody keep talkin bout second in the east they winning based off talent they was damn near dead last in defense. W/ 2 dpoy is unacceptable
Maybe if they didn't trade Holiday
"You second in the league and you get fired bro? That's like getting fired on you're day off!"
He actually did get fired on his day off as well
Well soon as they brought Doc in to do what he was doing the writing was probably already on the wall as soon as something came up or happened, they already knew they were going hire Doc as the new coach.
We have the second best record based on talent. Not Adrian Griffin. We were in dog fights nightly with really bad teams. There was no identity on either side of the ball.
And it came to light that they weren't listening to dude. At the end of games, in clutch situations the players would straight up ignore him. Lol. It was obviously the right move to fire him in this situation.
Plus, he was hired before Dame was tested to Milwaukee. Changes expectations
Bucks are 2nd in the east because of #34. Can't waste a season while Giannis is in his prime.
Ready for tomorrow bruh😂😂😂
AG wanted to free up a certain roster spot for a 3 and D guy that could contribute.... but nepotism got in the way 😂😂
Men. Do your research. You all look blazed af 😂😂
1. Giannis and Khris Mid met with Griffin THE SAME WAY they met with Bud and other candidates at his hiring.
2. Giannis endorsed Griff as the best choice between Atkinson and Griffin (Nurse had pulled out of the race prior to meeting with Giannis). Griffin promoted schematics that he DID NOT follow through with. Giannis judged on the present, not on the unknown. DUH!
3. Griffin was fired because the PROCESS of reaching the 30-13 record is inherently flawed. With the easiest schedule in the league and 2 top 75 players, it stands to reason the Bucks should easily have commanded the 1st seed in the east, as Boston has faced a difficult schedule.
4. The bucks have barely won their games and have basically done so on the big 4's soulders with no actual schematics, the WORST transition defense in the league, and role confusion.
This dude had to go to give the bucks a chance in hell. IDGAF about Doc's record as a bucks fan. Instead I'm looking at his *experience* and *charisma*
The team honestly doesn't need some massive miracle. They literally just need a coach who can repair the culture (which used to be impeccable) and establish roles and basic rules defensively. That's it. Doc can do that in his sleep. Giannis, Dame, Khris and Brook will do the rest.
They know they would've won that chip without Doc 😂😂😂
Just because you have the 2nd best record in the conference doesn't mean your a great team. They weren't playing well as a team defensively. Even times on offense they looked lost. There to many close games against teams you should easily beat. Bucks gm is saying i only got about 2 to 3 years with this roster and these players arent getting any younger. We not lookin good right now. I need to make a move.
You cant have an opinion and wear those glasses. Gotta choose.
I think they already knew doc was just there
Talk to em KG
I heard he wanted to release Giannis' brother😂😂😂
KG & PP are both 💯 say what other people not saying
Dem Boys knows Doc is a 🐍
Dwyane Casey winning coach of the year and getting fired after the playoffs is all time
You legitimately have to either be a players favorite head coach or a kick ass coach.
I mean 2nd best record in the league .. what else he got to do?!
@@jona1han2k4 Grab the locker room’s attention, not get into confrontations with the players on the sidelines, and don’t alienate the assistant coaches. Also, the Bucks should be beating certain teams by more than 10 points.
@@jona1han2k4 have you watched the games? lol they rarely comfortably beat teams that they should beat. the starters end up playing entire 4th quarters unlike the other good teams who can sit their starters out. games against the spurs, pistons, etc were all pretty close and the pistons didnt even have cade! they've been winning on pure star power so far which isnt sustainable and have gotten owned by the pacers. Not to mention all his other confrontations. It made no sense to hire a rookie coach for a win-now team. A rookie coach needs time to figure himself out and this team doesnt have time nor a playoffs run to waste.
@@saviorofs0ng it’s nba .. every game people are trying to prove themselves. A win is a win
Let's be honest, the players were being disrespectful to the coach. Damn near the whole organization was disrespectful. The greek guy was lead trouble maker and the rest of the team followed suit. Karma will take care of this situation and. I can't wait. When your star player thinks he runs everything and can do whatever he wants he is holding the coach hostage.
C'mon man. Did KG & Paul actually WATCH the Bucks PLAY this season???🤔Cause, despite being 2nd in the East, NO ONE was looking at them as contenders. They straight STRUGGLED against good teams and relied way too much on last minute heroics by Giannis and Dame. They were just out there wingin' it. The energy wasn't good. Team defense will probably get better now with Doc there and everyone's roles will become more clear with an experienced coach.
How they not a contender??? So that not top 2 in the east and 3rd favorite to win behind Denver and Boston ???
So they**
Doc ain't changing nothing. He trashhhhhh
@@butwtfdoiknow9544 bruh, KG just broke down what the man brings to the table. Stop letting that media hype gas you. If you a wisheywashy azz, sometimey player like PG and Embiid were in the playoffs when they played for him, Doc ain't the one to come hold your hand and tuck you in n' all that like these new era players want. You either gon' get out there and execute or not. Doc got two DAWGS now in Giannis and Dame so he doesn't have to worry about that. You gotta be crazy if you don't think he can work with that.
@@butwtfdoiknow9544 do you actually watch the games??🤔
I agree with KG it was wrong how they did it the man had the second best record in the league what more did he have to do wow and this definitely put other coached on notice to be scared for their jobs I also agree with KG that the players don’t know what their getting with Doc he will make them accountable and he doesn’t play all them kiddie games and Is very serious about being professional and playing hard
It is crazy, but you can't ignore how bad the defense was. Griffin was hired to bring more diversity to the Bucks defensive scheme and he was unable to implement it with ANY effectiveness. Situations like this have happened two times in league history, both times that team went on to win the championship that same year. Who is the better coach? Griffin or Doc? The answer is easy...let's move on.
Bucks Organization: “Hey Doc, we curious and need your advice. We thinking about moving on from Griffin, should we rethink that?”
Rivers ‘The Consultant’: “…..I accept and can start next week”
Not saying that the players were or weren’t feeling Griffin as head coach, but that’s shady asf
KG giving Doc WAY too much credit
For defense they better sign Dwight Howard or make a trade for Marcus Smart or Gary Payton 2 again. There isn't many dawgs on defense no more.
These 2 are hilarious......
Watch yanis Since he had his hand in the firing of ADRIAN GRIFFITH
The Dude Wit the Big 👀's Ran His Mouth Toward Griffin early this season.. I Could See Griffin Cussing him Out.. 🤣😂
Only podcast to speak facts!!!
They are in seconds place because of the the talent in the team not the coach effort in my own eyes
They had the easiest schedule the first half and BARLEY beat the worst teams in the league. Literal buzzer beaters or comeback wins. If you actually watched the games you’d know they weren’t winning a chip. Their defense was one of the worst in the league and was getting worse each month. If you just look at the record yeah it looks bad, but if you watched every game you’d understand.
The Heat are the best ran organization in the NBA, and Pat Riley is the best front office boss in the NBA and this is the reason why:
During Coach Spoestra's first year as an inexperienced head coach of the heat, Lebron tried to get Spoestra fired because he was doing bad. Pat Riley sat Lebron and the team whole team down and told them to their faces that he will never allow players to tell him to fire a coach, or overly complain to him about a coach's job. Now, all these years later, look at the kind of head coach that Spoestra has turned into and the contract he just signed.
The Milwaukee bucks miscalculated and have made two horrible coaching decisions by firing coaches who were doing well instead of allowing them to grow, make adjustments, and trust the process.
Coach Griffin shouldn't have been fired and Jrue Holiday should have never been traded.
I basically got fired on my day off the other day. I wasn't supposed to be there anyway. I wanted unemployment so I go fired after I ran to work 3 miles on black ice. Now, I'm on unemployment. Funny thing is, my replacement better be 3 people.
😂😂😂😂I love these dudes 4:13
The Truth and the Big Ticket straight up clownen the Bucks for firing Griffin😂😂😂
Doc Rivers aka Mr. Malpracrice
They traded defense for offense then fired the coach for lack of defense. Smh but Doc will get there defense together. You can’t win without defense
KG & Paul gonna toe the line, but Doc pulled a back door move.
9:31 ya won a chip wit em kno him better then i ever will. That said he hasn’t gotten done since u guys and boston. Hes coached mvps and defensive players of the year and still hasn’t gotten it done not to say its easy but i dont believe he was the man for the job
Paul can't keep a straight face explaining how Doc was consulting.
Firing griff was the right move. He will get another chance with a not so good team because of the success he had. Us fans don’t see what’s going on in the locker room so don’t know the details but defense is more about buying in and putting in the effort more than just schemes. Players weren’t playing for griff and I do think it was a respect thing. Doc will be respected cause he’s seen it all done it all.
Lillard got that man fired 😂
Nah, Giannis' brother did
The fact that they saying that Griffin did a good job shows that they didn’t watch whole games.
yal need to listen to local news about this man. Adrian Griffin had problems with other coaches and the front office. They were clashing bad. Think about it, Adrian was not supposed to be a head coach by himself. Terry Stotts was going to help bring him up. He got into it with Terry and caused that relationship to break and Terry left. That left Adrian on his own. The players said they felt confused about the game plan all of the time.
We all know Doc as a backseat driver will strangle the driver
Do teams always have consultants? First I’m hearing of it
How will people "media" be able to hold Doc accountable for this season coming in halfway?
414 N dis mafuka
Doc was dirty mackin 🤣🤣🤣
I said the same damn think and Greek and Dame is to be held accountable. They should have never fired the 1st coach and then u bring in a new coach who is a defensive minded coach and u traded the head of the snake in Jrue holiday to blazers who didnt fit their age group and flip them to ur rivals Celtics. These dude wiere airing their laundry out in the media and got this dude fired
The OGs ctfu 😂
6 coaches in Milwaukee with Giannis
The fact that Doc's own players are saying its fucked up says alot lol
Maybe you didn't watch the whole clip
yall don’t know shit abt the bucks sadly. clear neither of u watched their games. that coach was not getting the job done, the talent was
He def lost giannis that was clear
Mind you KG and Pierce won a championship with doc and still don't understand it. Doc Rivers is like Arron Rodgers still living off one championship long long ago. it's a players league right? The bucks players were calling out the coach in post game and it was role players! It's a players league and when a team wins the players get all the credit but when the teams loses its all the coach's fault.
Coach clap a top suit wife or something 😂
I expected this show to be the only one supporting what happened because of their relationship with Doc. But if even KG and Paul Pierce are not okay with this, it's not okay
They gave a Lambo to a 16 year old with a Learners Permit. They didn't know they were gonna get Dame when they fired Bud. After they got Dame they were like... "FUCK!"
Firing Bud-n-holtzer is why they're in theyre mess they're in now. Dude just won a championship 2 years ago and they fire him because their best player got hurt in the first round.
A.G laying hands on ladies .
You having Udoka/Celtics flashbacks
These dudes were not watching the games, Griff is not head coaching material in the NBA, dude belongs coaching like a second or third tier college team.
Real bucks fans could feel he was not the right man for the job damn near from the jump. Stotts quitting was the writing on the wall
These guys obviously did not watch any bucks games this season . Adrian griffin should not had been hired in the first place for team trying to win a chip. But when your team is 27th in defensive efficiency speaks volume this team would had exited in the second round under Griffin. The team gave up on him back in November when bobby portis called the team and the coach out.
Complimentary Lord
These two talk without knowing the situation
Nawh buddy looked at Giannis brother like why is he here!!!!
Man, this league is all about the players. Being a coach is so tough. You gotta be their friend and a strategist, and you gotta earn their respect.
But, firing a coach in the middle of the season is never a good idea. I don't know what Doc Rivers can do to fix the Bucks' defense. Culture building takes time. Habits building takes time.
They lost their best defender, Drew Holiday, and they've always had problems with pick-and-rolls. Indy will whack their ass comes playoff.
Bucks management not good. They fired Budenholzer when they lost to Miami, Giannis got injured in that series and the guy just lost his brother. They just won a ring previously. Now they traded Jrue and expect a good defense?? They got Adrian a first time coach theyre 2nd in standings what do they expect more? Now they get a choker coach. What are you doing.
This why football is the #1 sport! Most basketball players are soft!
PP said they lock in when it’s 15 games left?!?😮
Jordan, Kobe, etc… locked in all season.
If doc was consulting him already the bucks shouldn’t play to different he already knows what’s going on
They say Griffin was trying to get Portis traded
If only player had something good to say bout doc can tell doc catered to him
Frank V got fired the night the Lakers won the Bubble Chip
Big ticket