Mr Shadowban we can measure clearly that the temperatures are rising, that the glaciers are melting that desertification and crop failures are happening, that myriad species are going extinct- of course we are too limited to understand exactly all the effects and how fast the tipping point will be upon us. What we can understand with the simple and clear data aforementioned that by unraveling the web of life we are destroying our home planet and our life boat in the universe.
@@guyralls9314 Mankind EVOLVED through this "ice-age" of the Holocene era. Can we adapt to a far more violent, saturated era? This video was regarding deep adaptation strategies for coping with the reality that "we're fucked."
By then, we will have no choice but to suffer and go extinct. We can't wait until climate change/ global warming becomes blatantly obvious to everyone.
As a citizen of the United States, I am deeply envious of how far ahead the thinking, strategy and plans are in the UK compared to here. I finished watching this thinking about how to talk to Republicans and everyone to the "right" of me, which is most Americans. I also find that XR, great though it is, still commits the same lie of omission as the Big Green NGOs - not one word about the military, or how to draw out the crucial whistleblowers from inside the US/UK military-industrial complex, whose carbon bootprint is vast and deadly. I am getting involved in Extinction Rebellion in Portland, Oregon (XRPDX), and am both moved by and worried about how this part of the climate justice movement is evolving. But as poet Allen Ginsburg said, "I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel" with all of you. Much love and respect across the miles.
Actually they aren't, but we probably have a far higher proportion of thinking dissenters who remain unconvinced by the unscientific assertions of the AGW disciples.
Odds are stacked up against these good people - the truth is so shocking, so negative, so wide-rangeing, that the vast majority of thinking folk cannot process these desperate ideas. Our brains are by nature optimistic & opportunistic - we don't *do* bad news... we're simply not going to be able to get our heads around extinction in time, I'm afraid. Well done for trying though!
The reason I know for sure that these guys are talking the truth and have got a glimpse of what is coming is the fact that Baha"u"llah in the 1800s made it clear that humanity must unite under the cosmological constant [God] and move forward unified in diversity. Unity is humanities future and unfortunately our current systems have ignore this and betrayed us over a long period of time and the coming catastrophe is now inevitable. Our materialistic none spiritual approach to this existence is about to reap what it has sown .
Imagine a sustainable hunter- gatherer society. Oh wait, that exists already. Do they worry about hemp or being vegan? No they don't. Tell a bushman to go vegan, they will put you in the crazy house. They kill whatever animal possible to eat. They kill whatever plant posssible to eat. I have grown more hemp than you will ever see. Did it save the world? Nope.
I am smoking tobacco. The package says my children may become smokers. Don't have no kids though. You can phone them at 0800-1995 if you like. Free of charge.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 I have a medical need to eat meat. It's not that I want to do. It is horrible ripping apart pig meat to add to my meals. Not everyone has the option of going meat-free and fyi soya is just as disruptive to the climate. Work the math and biology. Farm animals concentrate the minerals. Adding a crop of soya alongside the cattle field will add more destruction to the environment. What do you think palm oil is about. That is a vegan land grab so get off your high horse and make a difference by quitting all petrochemical products. Bleach.Petrol. Plastic. Polish. Air freshener.Deodorant. etc etc. Don't give a solution if you can't add.
l wish Extinction Rebellion luck in spreading the truth and will say also that it is way beyond time that we make society understand that we are responsible for the over population and resource destruction, Bio diversity collapse and near term extinction of most species. My wife asked me why we don't just let people enjoy what we have left and not upset the status quo with the news about how bad things are about to get? My response is that l don't give a rats ass any more about people but for arguments sake l make up a story about a woman of good character driving a car to go get one of her kids from school and she is running behind a bit so she sends a text as she is driving through an intersection and continues to go on her way but doesn't see the mayhem behind her as the light changes and in a spot blind to her, 3 pedestrians are struck and killed. Now even though she is unaware of what transpired a traffic camera catches the incident an shows the tragic accident behind her. Now everyone agrees she must be tracked down and made aware of the tragic event that killed the pedestrians and be held responsible for the loss of life. Most people are unaware of their own crime of killing the planet off and now is as good as a time as ever to let humanity know what our crime has been and be held responsible.
I know how to fix the engine in the air... We need to build the scaffolding under capitalism and dismantle it systematically (deflate the economy) We ARE the voters, users, and workers. We already have the power we just need to organize and solve these complex problems OURSELVES (not leaving it to Gov't or corporations) We need the tools to be able to adapt rapidly to all the changes that are implemented by us (internally) and others (externally) We need to make and compile usable and understandable information for everything (politics, economics, history, current events, science etc) We need to deal with WHY things are happening and act on that why. The disconnection and poverty on this planet are creating a greedy evil world we live in. There are enough of us who care There are enough of us who KNOW about each individual piece We ONLY need to put the pieces together and work together Technology can facilitate EVERY PIECE but ONLY if we own it together and run it together and it is 100% voluntary Give people hope and a way to easily contribute and we can create the rapid change in every sector We can create a new society from this one WITHOUT first crashing. come create the technology cooperative that we will create ALL the solutions WE want and need.
More than rebellion we need grief counseling. Every government has already broken down and kleptocracy rules. Fortunately few people are paying attention, so violence is not everywhere yet. But soon we will all fight for our lives.
FutureGhost Onfire How wrong you are , these people are just the latest doomsayers with an old refrain “ the end is nigh - your wickedness is to blame”. Carbon dioxide is essential, the Earth is cooling and Obama’s just bought beachfront property.15 millions worth. Does that make you stop and think?
Anita McNaught? Yay! I was wondering where she'd escaped to! I grew up watching her reporting the news on the telly in NZ. Good to see her about again.
How we can tell the truth (assisted by technology): First we brainstorm what we want to have answers to (this stops much of the polarization) What do we want to know about the state of our planet, economics, politics, history, science etc? What of those questions DO we know, how do we know it? What tools could we use to make it accessible and usable to people? What are we (individuals) currently doing/buying that is contributing to the problems? How can we easily improve it for ourselves and everyone else? We can recreate the entire supply chain of goods and services we use ourselves. When we create for purpose instead of profit eg; we can create food and delivery systems so that we have to put in less time and money as individuals and get more out of it Everything we create needs to be transparent and voluntary when we give people REAL alternatives to what they are currently doing we allow them to SEE THE TRUTH and they will take action that is in their own (and everyone's) self interest. We can make cooperation a viable option and it will soon prove itself to be the ONLY option.
Why do'nt you look at the people who live here over 5 million years? There are 3 societies on this planet, one is sustainable throughout history. You want an option? It is there in plain daylight.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 which 3 societies are you referring to? I do not think anyone of the past had it all figured out (they were ALL basically ableist AF). We can not go backwards, only forward. We do it together with technology and sustainably or we collapse.
Hunter-gatherer, agrarian and industrial. Nobody has suggested to go backwards in time. Without technology we collapse? Do you see collapse happening around you? Yes you do, technology or not. Equating technology to sustainability? You can do better than that i think....A lot of people are worried about the Amazon now. Is the Amazon made of technology? Nope. Is the history of our planet dependant on technology? Nope. So what do you base your vision of the future on? Technology or die.....bollocks! Brainstorm all you like, that is proven example. This planet survived millions of years without technology/industry. It is being destroyed in the slightest time by technology/industry. And you say we need that or we will collapse? You know better. Tell me please what technology we need for a future. Is it oil technology? Is it nuclear? There are 3 societies on Earth and only one is sustainable. It does not involve technology.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 We will only get rid of technology IF we collapse. We have it and we do not go backwards (except for collapse). We can not go back to a hunter gatherer society with current populations. We can not all hunt and gather for our food. We CAN use technology to grow enough food without destroying our planet and we do not need massive die off of humans to happen. The amazon is amazing and CAN NOT be replaced by tech. But with the right technology we could mobilize to do something. Empower the masses with tools and knowledge. Take all of the money that we are spending (in ignorance) that is going to fuel war, destruction of the environment and create sustainable alternatives. Technology can give us a sustainable world if we create it together for purpose instead of having tech giants create it for profit at our and the planets expense. We can create solutions together on a massive scale (feed ourselves, connect ourselves, research and discover new innovative solutions and mitigate the risk we create along the way). Technology can unlock NEW solutions and new solutions is what we NEED. We can not solve the issues of today by going backwards (but we can always learn from the past). We can not leave it up to for profit corporations and the government we need to be able to understand and solve complex problems together, now. Tech can do that and I do not know of another way that it would be even remotely possible.
You presuppose rather much there. But i thank you for being polite. I apreciate that. People need food, water, shelter like any other animal. You can not eat can eat a fish or a can't eat a machine.....there is no new way to be invented by technology.
As an avid supporter/follower of online protests and a student of the trajectory in mass movements, I have surmised that #TellTheTruth is a core tenet of every revolution in history... In his quote, Slavoj Zizek says, “Every authentic revolution is not only directed towards the future, but it redeems, also the past failed revolutions; all the ghosts, as it were, the living dead of the past revolution, which are roaming around unsatisfied, will finally find their home, in the new freedom. - Several weeks ago Sir David Attenborough, when asked, “why should the UK be the 1st to act, when other countries may not..” , to which he said, “as it was the UK that began the Industrial Revolution, it should be the UK that leads in climate action” Given the context of building ongoing momentum of Extinction Rebellion throughout the world, the ‘TELL THE TRUTH’ Hashtag can represent a fuel for everyones most personal reasons to take to the streets and join the International Rebellion... In Canada, #IndigenousRights #Reconciliation #ResidentialSchools and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls ( #MMIWG ) #NoMoreStolenSisters. Imagine how a ‘Tell The Truth’ hashtag war could work as a common denominator for everyone wanting to hit the streets, for whatever reason, on Oct 7th. “A Revolution only picks up steam once two or more groups that have nothing to do with one another decide to join together for their mutual benefit” -Srdja Popovic
We were large organic farmers in the 70--90. Conventional farmers made fun of us, but they couldn't under stand why we did look and act like them in regular ways, SO that fact helped them eventually come round to some organic practices. Looking like the audiences when you want to change their thinking, they listen better if you look like them, DRESS like them, speak like them. My family read Racheal Carson and J I Rodale and saw this coming in the late 50s. So far l have enjoyed Gretas messages the most. If we slow down our flying, driving, eating meat, less shopping businesses will be forced to change to better ways so they can survive...or not. But it may not happen so fast as to make us fight, but lead and persuade us to concentrate on our survival instead of our addictions..
I started to wake up in the late sixties and took on a conscious spiritual path. Over fifty years later I understand that this physical reality is just a simulation of a deeper reality and the game, that our higher self plays, is for our consciousness or the souls evolution. The mind gives us the illusion of separation but also gives us power to create or destroy and to develop our awareness and finally to awaken to the fact that we are all an integral part of the one consciousness. ❤
I studied a MSc in Human Ecology in 2000. It was clear and we pretty much all wrote and agreed that 2020 was the final date before breakdown if nothing changed. I was at Schumacher College in 2004-5 and we researched this more, the feedback mechanisms made it look unavoidable. From 1997 to 2017 I was a little involved in sustainable economics magazine that constantly predicted the financial crash in 2008 and how it could be redeemed by grabbing the system in it's collapse and change it - it was not done. Jem Bendell has written a good paper but what makes me sad is that this was all written 20 years back - better late than never although in some ways it feels worse
@NeuroParadise thanks neuroparadise. Just been to a talk about the preston economic development model. Good stuff but twenty years to late - it sort if feels tragic - was doing all this so long ago - but hey, we have to feel suffer love enjoy feel rest and relax and be lazy!
No likes for your great comment? That is because XR cult members do not give a f*ck about being green, it is just a figleaf for bringing in international communism.
Guy McPherson has publicly written off the efforts of XR in his disappointing need to be top prophet of doom, rather than uniting his efforts w others to move forward together the best we can. The dangerous effect is that one does nothing, incapacitated by buying into McPherson's arrogant insistence that the game is already over. He will be left behind because of his egoic need.
If the McPherson theory is correct by mid-summer we will see extreme temperature rise which well cause massive crop failure globally the plane is already on fire the landing gear is not working but we got to keep on flapping are wings we got to keep on keepin on life is a garden dig it grow your garden never give up I believe there is only a few ways out of this mess beyond self-sufficiency and learning how to love and take care of each other so quickly because life depends on it
All banksters are climate change propaganda supporters. In fact you can see all the lobbies are in the side of climate propagandists when mass medias only let the pros talk and never let the hundred scientist who deny it talk. The deniers are always censored , intimidated , mocked or even threaten in the mass media who belong to corporate and big money lobbies. That's a sign that never lies.
"Build some resilience before the events hit" My suggestion to build resilience is to make Meditation and the cause of Waking UP the Mind and Heart a part of Extinction Rebellions response....we are dealing with mass habituation and mechanical instincts mindlessly driving us forward toward destruction.The 'sleep' of normal humanity must be addressed if we want to arouse them and us to wise action...
Of course, you are dealing with people who have a physical reason for not being compassionate or caring about others: they have defective amygdalae. I don't see how any amount of meditation can fix a fundamental physical problem like that-even if you could possibly induce people to try it.
Mark, you spoke really well. And said a lot of interesting things. I could have just go on listening. I hope we will hear more from you. Perhaps you could get Jem Bendell to interview you on his channel.
Citizens assemble NEEDS to be on an online platform, we don't need another Catalonia, catastrophe! We NEED to takeover the system by making a unified online platform that is completely transparent.
You do know climate is ONE of 12 things taking us down this moment. The house is being burnt by way more than one match. It may or is way to late . To Ma y people doing to much damage. Feedbacks , tipping points , CH4 will or are taking over. We are in bad shape. Mother Nature wants us GONE GONE GONE ,,she's the BOSS ❤️❤️🌎❤️❤️
They are right about the need for action. But what can they do when China is building 8 new airports a year and India plans to complete 30 new airports in the next several years. Be a nuisance at Heathrow??
Dischordian there is an important article available online; you can find it by googling “deep adaptation “; it cones up on the top stop and links to the life worth site, where the map article is available😊
These videos all begin with “It’s over. We’re all gonna die.” But no one ever explains HOW. Can SOMEONE PLEASE explain exactly HOW XR has reached this conclusion? I’m not a climate change denier, I’m just frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be any video that simply lays out the path ahead of us in plain language so that I can understand what the fuck is going on. Please help me understand.
Read this article by David Wallace Wells. It outlines most of the deadly probabilities: Basically, there is an ongoing runaway greenhouse effect which includes self reinforcing feedback loops. This means more carbon, more heat, less arctic ice. Ice in the arctic reflects more heat which would otherwise be absorbed by the sea. Once melted, the arctic heats up even faster with the possibility of massive amounts of methane being released from the sea bed and melting permafrost in northern Siberia and Canada. It is unknown how much carbon is held in either, but some estimates go as high as twice the amount already in the atmosphere. Climate science has been in agreement about global warming greatly exacerbated by human activity since at least the 1980s. The Paris climate agreement and IPCC which organised it are far, far too conservative with their predictions. At 2°C of warming which we are aiming for with massive mitigation, or 4°C of warming which we are headed for, the temperate weather we have enjoyed along with the regular seasonal air and sea currents and lower temperatures becomes more extreme. There will be huge droughts and floods and heatwaves and agriculture will become impossible and the majority off all populations will starve to death as arable land becomes desert. Crop yields worldwide including Europe and North America are already shrinking. 4°C of warming generates continuous feedback loops which will eventually bring the world to 8 or 12 degrees of warming, which is too hot for most species to survive and will occur with insufficient time for them to adapt. In short, without massive Marshall plan, Manhattan project style action and the mass mobilisation and revolution, we will go extinct. The IPCC recommendations factor in massive deployment of largely non-existent carbon capture technology and would need the total decommissioning of non-renewable energy sources. The companies responsible are fighting decarbonisation every step of the way to keep their profit margins with the help of 'think tanks' lobbying groups) and media moguls with a stake in the business. It is a battle more severe than any in our history, with nothing short of the fate of mankind at its heart. Sorry nobody replied sooner. Hope this covers it! We need you on our side. Politics has failed, scientists have failed. The only option to be heard is rebellion. We all need to do whatever we can.
Mass migration, food&water shortages first. Power cuts, goods shortages, over crowding, social services worse, air pollution, diseases increase etc etc. I'm a survival expert&even without climate change there are many ways.
Because comprehensive infrastructure will make personal vehicles less necessary, thus reducing fuel consumptionand gas emissions from all the cars currently driving about.
Began on the morn Yet did not pass Toward darkened gulfs Began when stars lay hidden From glistening eyes That became beacons Unto which a path could be found Following wind and earth Into the light
What does DXE think of veganism? Have to ask because animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, land use, water use, water pollution, ocean dead zones, deforestation, air pollution, amazon fires(deforestation), desertification, ect. Pretty much something that we can act on right now and take personal responsibility for. 👍 It's more of a vote with your dollars than expecting gov to do anything imo.
Equality is good! Diversity and small easy to manage business models is good! Culturing uniqueness and creativity is good! Putting wealth back into the hands of the people is good when those people have been informed!
Watch Australia burning, see mountains of ice melting into the sea, see the children struggling with asthma because of air pollution, watch the planes pumping poison in to the sky, observe the oceans being depleted by the greed of trawlers and consumers, feel the trauma of baby animals orphaned from their parents that are killed for poaching and trophy hunting, smell the blood in the air of a slaughter house, feel the pain of animals run over in the road, look in the mirror and see if you can live with what you see! If not change begins with yourself.
I need to collect scientific papers to give my stepdad to read. I was convinced b4 reading bendells' paper n ipcc report cos youtube n previous understanding ... what paper convinced you the most or have had best success with at getting fam n friends onboard?
Stephen Jenkinson , Derrick Jensen , Thomas Lovejoy , Dahr Jamail , Peter Wadham , Guy Mcpherson , Markus Heilig , Paul Beckwith , Stuart Scott , Jem bendell , Ira Leifer , Sam Carana , Kevin Anderson
The thing that sent me into a panic (some years ago) was watching a lecture by Albert Bartlett here on TH-cam. When you really grasp the consequences of exponential growth our society is a terrifying place.
Call the online platform UNITY and have every citizen register, then every decision, if over half of all voting citizens agree, can then become LEGAL or APPROVED. It is ESSENTIAL that I can see what you voted and vice versa to avoid any corruption...EASY!
I'm wondering this as well. "There is no emergency because it's the wrong kind of emergency: we have to do everything now, so then we might offset something later. Something uncertain, something we don't want." What does this mean?
You're not "getting real about the climate" unless you also focus on material preparedness, preparedness skills, and individual/small group survival. Start talking about those and I might start taking XR seriously.
@@justinemarley5740 I'm not talking about citizens assemblies and starting fewer construction projects. Those are large-scale mitigation measures. I'm talking about making ourselves tougher, more skilled, more empathetic, more resourceful, etc., so we are individually prepared for a world beset by climate events and their secondary effects.
Practical PDA on facebook ;) They ARE working on this stuff ... If uv no garden etc, u can still build ur own DIY aquaponics system for ur own fish n salad, collect seeds, grow saplings for community food forests etc. Get involved with ur local eco group. Most churches r now 'eco church' i hear. Theres now hydro tech that doesnt harm fish etc suitable for small rivers that power 60 homes. So many ideas out there when u start looking n researching n not waiting to b told what to do :)
Eric Campbell Whether you start taking XR seriously isn't really anyones concern - its your life and future or lack of - in the first five minutes we were told about all the things we are dependent on others for, and the changes we should be making to be more self sufficient. I don't know how old you are but you need to get off your ass, not sit on it waiting to be persuaded.
@@hansiesma16 Lmao, you're lecturing me about getting off MY ass? Look at all the XR members who are completely unprepared for the next heat wave or hurricane. My concern is that all these pasty white city-dwelling liberals won't be able to continue the movement after the climate events hit because they'll fold like paper under real adversity.
Why are we f’d? This went up on TH-cam 4 years ago, 4 years later and 77k views, 338 comments. Meanwhile a viral TikTok gets 100s of thousands of views in a week. The people are asleep and the reckoning is inevitable.
To the question at 55 mins. I agree with Rupert as it worked for my talks, too; I used the phrasing "On the edge of civilization extinction" and there was the highest number of attendees so far. The human mind is full of cognitive dissonances.
Do you guys hear the babies in the background? That is why this all is happening. They didn’t ask for this shit show. Neither did the wildlife that are disappearing.
The skyrocketing of human population is a result of the global economic system, much like climate change and soil degradation. I know it's easier to blame the people around you but misplaced anger is just that: misplaced.
Have you read Saiesh Rao's books? check him our at It's important that people see that we cannot solve this if we continue eating animals. He explained really well at the Paris Climate talks and the European Union Parliament.
the human population is tapering off yet our consumption is growing, it is better to go vegan to stop all those calves, piglets and chicks from being born in the first place
Be positive. We are threatened with the collapse of civilisation. We know that. We can avert that albeit with significant consequences in any event. We are trying and We will try harder as things unfold. All of these things are a cause for hope. The main political requirement is not to start the usual human thing playing the blame game. We don’t need any more hate. The political answers start with being inclusive. The rest is fear.
What are the ACTUAL solutions to this? I've yet to see someone give a serious list of ACTUAL changes that need to be made. The point is the establishment won't be going anywhere any time soon. The whole global system is too entrenched. I am quite pessimistic about any serious change happening. We're fucked.
Space read a book called Drawdown. Also try to live plastic free, it will lead you to sustainability'll understand then hopefully. You can't do nothing after knowing the truth of the crisis
I'm not hearing XR discuss the impact of unfathomable amounts of fossil fuel required to create the infrastructue for "clean energy"...fossil fuel is required to decarbonize by 2025-2030.
I am very, very interested in your movement, I have started to follow every step you make as far as my time and energy permits it, however, I am very aware and very awake, and what I see so far is a radical group that was foreseen in Alfonso Cuaron's movie "Children of Men". The film's source is P. D. James' novel The Children of Men (1992). What Extinction Rebellion is inviting us to do is precisely what the system wants in order to have the perfect excuse to smash us all into a brutal fascist global dictatorship, and nobody is as strong as to withstand the power of the system with the military, the courts, the politics, and most of all, 90% of the global population totally mentally controlled, you know that, we know that, I know that. So far, your plan is destined to miserably fail and bring us all into bondage and to bring such amount of chaos that the climate apocalypse is going to be just another nail in our coffin. Having said that, I consider myself even more radical than you, I advocate for the total obliteration, extinction and disapearance of the human race, all of us, you and I, in order to let this planet, our mother recover herself from the worse viral plague that have ever existed, US! I am hiking Mount Cokely tomorrow, in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere region, here on Vancouver Island, I am going to make an approach video talking to you in the face so we can begin a dialogue and start working something out, we must find the way, because your way, despite I support it, despite I have supported it even way before you existed, is destined to fail. Wait for the video here on my channel and the Spanish version of it in my channel "La Conspiración de La Verdad". I am a radical Conceptual artist, if you are interested in finding out how radical I am, visit my art channel "Juan Zavaleta". Let's get started.
While these ppl have good intentions there is no solution on offer other than to simply stop consumption as individuals, down to the very basic local level needs. Self sufficiency, go without that which is not local, park the car, go without the comforts of AC, we can't roll out Solar to everyone without yet another industrial debt, don't bother to need more that a trickle of electricity and we already have enough in the system, one solar panel per house to run basic refrigeration for example. Hard facts I what it is. Funny and/or tragic that Indigenous ppl still don't have these basics and won't likely miss them. We won't change until these things are simply no longer there..Coronal Mass Ejection may be the turning point if every damn gadget we love gets fried in an instant.
guv should set laws of ban/cut down plastic packaging, 4x4, motor sports, sports travel, holiday flights, make lecky scooters, open waterways to lecky boat public transport, re open rail lines, Supermarkets to sell goods by weight, fast food do vegetarian meals, get kids to walk/cycle to school, phone Co stop selling phone every year, cut down on tek, grow own veg, people in benefits work the land, ban non recyclable inventions, Xmas& Halloween is landfill, wooded housing, ban fires/chimneys, buy&make items locally, local market gardens, eat in season, recycle centres everywhere, solar panel public lights, cobbled roads&more, less is more, nurture nature
In 1982, NASA/Sandia Labs developed technology to harness heat energy directly from magma - and estimated the size of the US reserve to be at minimum, 1000 times global energy demand. Easily converted to heavy duty electricity and clean burning hydrogen fuel, this technology could meet global energy demand carbon free, plus provide power to desalinate sea water to irrigate land for agriculture, industry and housing, to recycle all waste and extract carbon from the air. In the 40 years since then, I have not once heard any so-called environmentalist; from Al Gore to Greta Thunberg via Just Stop Oil, mention magma energy. One can only suppose that they don't want answers. They want problems they can exploit for their own political ends. And given that they would put their own selfish interests before sustainability, one has to wonder how they are any better than fossil fuel addicted climate change deniers? Extinction Rebellion talk about Truth; but Roger Hallam's complexity theory metaphor indicates clearly what this about; it's about political polarisation - dividing people, and channelling them into one of two false narratives. In fact, the primary implication of complexity theory is that any significant change to a complex system is almost certain to produce something worse. And worse is what Hallam wants for his followers. His new form of being is a grim green communist dictatorship - animated by the notion that human needs and environmental sustainability are fundamentally incompatible. This is not true. A secondary implication of complexity theory, is that any necessary change made to a complex system must be the smallest and most effective change necessary to the desired end. And clearly, applying the technology to produce limitless clean energy from magma is a smaller and more effective change to a complex system upon which billions of people depend for their lives and livelihoods, than the wholesale collapse of that system Hallam and co seek to bring about. I seek to bring about Sustainable Prosperity fuelled by magma energy!
Evolution or extinction? Are we able to learn to live in harmony with each other, nature and technology including AI? Sustainability not profitability. Mindfulness and self love, respect not exploitation. Our species faces a major die off, the population is passing the peak, passing a tipping point where our population goes from exponential growth to a transition to a new sustainable relationship with the ecosystem that has sustained us up until now. That downward curve can be as steep as a cliff which falls to zero, extinction, or it can begin steeply and recover as it returns to historic levels of sustainability, pre-technology levels such as pre-Columbian America. This could lead to a selection pressure that would produce a new species of hominid, speciation. The curve could be more gentle and could include technological solutions that would level off at a population that could both live more harmoniously with nature and each other and incorporate technology that would represent an evolution into a new species of technologically enhanced humanity, cyborgs. Taking life to other planets, terraforming and evolving new species of humans who could survive other planetary ecologies is another path that will require technologies including genetic engineering to reach for the stars. Managing these changes in a moral and humane way brings hope to a future that appears very scary from our selfish and ethnocentric perspectives. Keep up the good work or as John Perkins says "Dream True" instead of living like the hero of his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman." Be blessed, you are a blessing. Aboriginal cultures have much to teach us.
We need activism to stop the emissions of co2, We all need to plant trees or , Yes, these homes exist. The homes are called earth'ship homes. In taos, new mexico these homes are being built now. Using our intelligence and the laws of nature we won't need carbon emissions power. Let us do our best to redesign our cililization efficiently, cleanly and self sustaining. We are earthling because we were born from our mother earth. Let us take care of our mother earth she has always taken care us. GOD'S speed people.
For some inexplicable reason, Hallam, Bradbrooke, the Clare person, Read and the rest of the spokespeople seem to feel compelled to throw in expletives at every opportunity, like naughty adolescents seeking to shock their parents. Really not necessary. Props to Lopatin for keeping it clean. And no less powerful, for that.
I feel that these bare bones , documentary style videos are appropriate . I mostly listen to them and then I can also see the speakers, what more do I need ?
Marc had a epiphany..... drinking a latte. yet withing XR's own ranks aviation is so touchie that flying drones anywhere near one or two airports is an "issue" of some kind. duh. so how about this one? a digital voice recorder instead of that latte. yes???? that requires batteries? that is so light weight without 2 AAA batts it seems "fake". yet it is excellent for learning the "local language" where I live, although officially.... and 99% socially is considered..... to not be the language everyone speaks but.... it is. and that only by putting those 2 AAA batteries in the recorder does it seem... in "human emotions" that only humans have... to be less "fake" because suddenly it is hefty. but electric jets are right around the corner. aviation accounts for almost 2 percent of our GHG emissions, which is huge given that none of us have ever even been inside an airplane even once in their life yet [yeah, okay I have and so have a few hundred million... Chinese people so far but there are 7,800 million of us]. yet even withing XR they cannot reach an easy consensus on doing a lot more than flying some drones. the first baby step on positive forcings is an abeyance on all commercial and private air travel immediately as opposed to telling folks to stop using flush toilets and to carry water in buckets again and get rid of their cows. because: batteries are heavy and to come up with a new invention even the "craziest" [maybe for real] industry insiders say will take 15 to 20 years..... followed by many years of air safety testing followed by a few decades to swap out what will then be 400,000 airplanes flying 24/7/365 and instead of merely the 200,000 flying 24/7/365 right now in 2019 followed by 15 to 20 years of the usual latency if we are lucky to still exist in any form than one celled life forms. and aviation is not essential at all. but already accounts for a whopping 2 percent [even 1 percent would be huge] of GHG. and it is and always was the first easy baby step. that's the really big epiphany. [or that we can't even see Co2 and believe "water" accounts for life as well as a bonobo like "God". but not Co2.] FIRST BABY STEP meaning it is WHY we did not do anything. duh. except sign some agreements and talk about "some ice may melt in 2100". maybe we should go back to only talking about some ice that may begin melting. and love. and build a better border wall along Mexico and start working on a US Space Force..... for radiation management because those golf resorts and fancy hotels are mostly only for air travelers. which is untouchable. but getting rid of our cows and flush toilets? oh that's easy!
Rupert is generally a very sensible chap (and an excellent spokesperson), except when you mention nuclear power and he goes on about this really rather silly idea that they all have to be turned off immediately because we might not be able to later. It doesn't make much sense when you look at the details (It takes a couple of days to safely power down an NPS, and a somewhere between 2 and 5 years to make fuel rods in ponds safe (and all you have to do for that time is top up the pond). I find it very hard to imagine a realistic situation where we can't even manage that. And he just blocks anyone on twitter who tries to have a rational discussion about it, which I found to be very disappointing behaviour for a nominally sensible person. Existing nuclear power is not a significant risk in comparison to climate change, and saying it is just makes our already massive problem worse (see Germany). The worst that could _possibly_ happen would be about half as bad as Chernobyl, so that's a few thousand deaths (over 60 years). That's peanuts in comparison to what the climate emergency is already doing and will do more of. Keep your risks in perspective, especially if you are a Green that has had 30 years of being told nuclear power is the most dangerous thing in the world. It's not. It's a useful (at least for the time being) extremely low-carbon and low-space-footprint technology. As Greta and XR keep saying: listen to the science.
Far from saving the planet you are factory farming coming home to roost for humanity . Carbon warriors in a carbon based creation prove God has one helluva sense of humour.
They might support thorium but if you watch the video they address the fact that there is a large probability that states might be unable to look after the 400 nuclear plants if the climate science is right
It is the job of any interviewer to prompt the interviewees to give a full explanation. To do so, said interviewers must ask all the questions that those with an opposing views would ask. So, it is less a matter of advocating for a devil than it is helping the angels advocate for themselves.
Meanwhile, ✔️ It’s easy to see its Just a Big Old Tired Boob hangs out on at the end of Uncertainty. Therefore And once again, proving the Orange Cheato ✔️ Is still the Sharpest Hand Engraved Majic Marker in the B🤡❌✔️ Does that make it real enough for ya❌
save the planet by wearing no trousers take a look at the prophecys of the Hopi indians who talk about different ages that the earth goes though things that happen anyway when men had little or no influence on the earths climate past civilizations could see the signs of the changing ages and prepared for them but modern man now thinks he knows better than nature but nature will always show us otherwise.
The most important topic of any time ever. The overarching threat to all life.
Mr Shadowban and your point is ?
Mr Shadowban we can measure clearly that the temperatures are rising, that the glaciers are melting that desertification and crop failures are happening, that myriad species are going extinct- of course we are too limited to understand exactly all the effects and how fast the tipping point will be upon us. What we can understand with the simple and clear data aforementioned that by unraveling the web of life we are destroying our home planet and our life boat in the universe.
Mankind EVOLVED through this "ice-age" of the Holocene era. Can we adapt to a far more violent, saturated era?
This video was regarding deep adaptation strategies for coping with the reality that "we're fucked."
@William Buick polluted air is hardly a hoax mate. I have to breathe that shit every day. Fossil fuels make a few people extremely rich. Sick of it.
So what? How long should we live for as a species? Forever? Arrogant humans...
All of these speakers were fantastic. I am inspired to dedicate 2020 onwards to our Climate Emergency.
Often people will not change until the pain of change becomes less than the pain of staying the same.
Hi John, that's a fantastic line - I'm writing a small book, mind if I use that?
By then, we will have no choice but to suffer and go extinct. We can't wait until climate change/ global warming becomes blatantly obvious to everyone.
As a citizen of the United States, I am deeply envious of how far ahead the thinking, strategy and plans are in the UK compared to here. I finished watching this thinking about how to talk to Republicans and everyone to the "right" of me, which is most Americans. I also find that XR, great though it is, still commits the same lie of omission as the Big Green NGOs - not one word about the military, or how to draw out the crucial whistleblowers from inside the US/UK military-industrial complex, whose carbon bootprint is vast and deadly. I am getting involved in Extinction Rebellion in Portland, Oregon (XRPDX), and am both moved by and worried about how this part of the climate justice movement is evolving. But as poet Allen Ginsburg said, "I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel" with all of you. Much love and respect across the miles.
Actually they aren't, but we probably have a far higher proportion of thinking dissenters who remain unconvinced by the unscientific assertions of the AGW disciples.
Odds are stacked up against these good people - the truth is so shocking, so negative, so wide-rangeing, that the vast majority of thinking folk cannot process these desperate ideas. Our brains are by nature optimistic & opportunistic - we don't *do* bad news... we're simply not going to be able to get our heads around extinction in time, I'm afraid.
Well done for trying though!
Or it could be they are all completely and dangerously wrong, what then ?
The reason I know for sure that these guys are talking the truth and have got a glimpse of what is coming is the fact that Baha"u"llah in the 1800s made it clear that humanity must unite under the cosmological constant [God] and move forward unified in diversity. Unity is humanities future and unfortunately our current systems have ignore this and betrayed us over a long period of time and the coming catastrophe is now inevitable. Our materialistic none spiritual approach to this existence is about to reap what it has sown .
Instead of a Plastic Era, imagine a Hemp Era; also going Vegan...
Imagine a sustainable hunter- gatherer society. Oh wait, that exists already. Do they worry about hemp or being vegan? No they don't. Tell a bushman to go vegan, they will put you in the crazy house. They kill whatever animal possible to eat. They kill whatever plant posssible to eat. I have grown more hemp than you will ever see. Did it save the world? Nope.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 You've been smoking the weird kind for too long I reckon..
I am smoking tobacco. The package says my children may become smokers. Don't have no kids though. You can phone them at 0800-1995 if you like. Free of charge.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 I have a medical need to eat meat. It's not that I want to do. It is horrible ripping apart pig meat to add to my meals. Not everyone has the option of going meat-free and fyi soya is just as disruptive to the climate. Work the math and biology. Farm animals concentrate the minerals. Adding a crop of soya alongside the cattle field will add more destruction to the environment. What do you think palm oil is about. That is a vegan land grab so get off your high horse and make a difference by quitting all petrochemical products. Bleach.Petrol. Plastic. Polish. Air freshener.Deodorant. etc etc. Don't give a solution if you can't add.
l wish Extinction Rebellion luck in spreading the truth and will say also that it is way beyond time that we make society understand that we are responsible for the over population and resource destruction, Bio diversity collapse and near term extinction of most species.
My wife asked me why we don't just let people enjoy what we have left and not upset the status quo with the news about how bad things are about to get?
My response is that l don't give a rats ass any more about people but for arguments sake l make up a story about a woman of good character driving a car to go get one of her kids from school and she is running behind a bit so she sends a text as she is driving through an intersection and continues to go on her way but doesn't see the mayhem behind her as the light changes and in a spot blind to her, 3 pedestrians are struck and killed.
Now even though she is unaware of what transpired a traffic camera catches the incident an shows the tragic accident behind her.
Now everyone agrees she must be tracked down and made aware of the tragic event that killed the pedestrians and be held responsible for the loss of life. Most people are unaware of their own crime of killing the planet off and now is as good as a time as ever to let humanity know what our crime has been and be held responsible.
I know how to fix the engine in the air...
We need to build the scaffolding under capitalism and dismantle it systematically (deflate the economy)
We ARE the voters, users, and workers.
We already have the power we just need to organize and solve these complex problems OURSELVES (not leaving it to Gov't or corporations)
We need the tools to be able to adapt rapidly to all the changes that are implemented by us (internally) and others (externally)
We need to make and compile usable and understandable information for everything (politics, economics, history, current events, science etc)
We need to deal with WHY things are happening and act on that why. The disconnection and poverty on this planet are creating a greedy evil world we live in.
There are enough of us who care
There are enough of us who KNOW about each individual piece
We ONLY need to put the pieces together and work together
Technology can facilitate EVERY PIECE but ONLY if we own it together and run it together and it is 100% voluntary
Give people hope and a way to easily contribute and we can create the rapid change in every sector
We can create a new society from this one WITHOUT first crashing.
come create the technology cooperative that we will create ALL the solutions WE want and need.
Action and the truth is all we've got and all we'll need. See you in London on the 7th of October
People are more concerned about the pandemic instead of climate change right now.. what would be that effect?
More than rebellion we need grief counseling. Every government has already broken down and kleptocracy rules. Fortunately few people are paying attention, so violence is not everywhere yet. But soon we will all fight for our lives.
Boyd Gilbreath Good resources
@Donald McCarthy Wise up, civil rights march achieved the foundation of the Good Friday agreement and was hard sought
These people have got their fingers on the pulse at so many levels.
FutureGhost Onfire How wrong you are , these people are just the latest doomsayers with an old refrain “ the end is nigh - your wickedness is to blame”. Carbon dioxide is essential, the Earth is cooling and Obama’s just bought beachfront property.15 millions worth. Does that make you stop and think?
Anita McNaught? Yay!
I was wondering where she'd escaped to!
I grew up watching her reporting the news on the telly in NZ.
Good to see her about again.
Same! Awesome to find her chairing a talk like this :)
How we can tell the truth (assisted by technology):
First we brainstorm what we want to have answers to (this stops much of the polarization)
What do we want to know about the state of our planet, economics, politics, history, science etc?
What of those questions DO we know, how do we know it?
What tools could we use to make it accessible and usable to people?
What are we (individuals) currently doing/buying that is contributing to the problems?
How can we easily improve it for ourselves and everyone else?
We can recreate the entire supply chain of goods and services we use ourselves. When we create for purpose instead of profit
eg; we can create food and delivery systems so that we have to put in less time and money as individuals and get more out of it
Everything we create needs to be transparent and voluntary
when we give people REAL alternatives to what they are currently doing we allow them to SEE THE TRUTH and they will take action that is in their own (and everyone's) self interest.
We can make cooperation a viable option and it will soon prove itself to be the ONLY option.
Why do'nt you look at the people who live here over 5 million years?
There are 3 societies on this planet, one is sustainable throughout history.
You want an option? It is there in plain daylight.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 which 3 societies are you referring to? I do not think anyone of the past had it all figured out (they were ALL basically ableist AF). We can not go backwards, only forward. We do it together with technology and sustainably or we collapse.
Hunter-gatherer, agrarian and industrial. Nobody has suggested to go backwards in time. Without technology we collapse? Do you see collapse happening around you? Yes you do, technology or not. Equating technology to sustainability? You can do better than that i think....A lot of people are worried about the Amazon now. Is the Amazon made of technology? Nope. Is the history of our planet dependant on technology? Nope. So what do you base your vision of the future on? Technology or die.....bollocks! Brainstorm all you like, that is proven example.
This planet survived millions of years without technology/industry. It is being destroyed in the slightest time by technology/industry. And you say we need that or we will collapse? You know better. Tell me please what technology we need for a future. Is it oil technology? Is it nuclear? There are 3 societies on Earth and only one is sustainable. It does not involve technology.
@@forestdwellerresearch6593 We will only get rid of technology IF we collapse. We have it and we do not go backwards (except for collapse). We can not go back to a hunter gatherer society with current populations. We can not all hunt and gather for our food. We CAN use technology to grow enough food without destroying our planet and we do not need massive die off of humans to happen. The amazon is amazing and CAN NOT be replaced by tech. But with the right technology we could mobilize to do something. Empower the masses with tools and knowledge. Take all of the money that we are spending (in ignorance) that is going to fuel war, destruction of the environment and create sustainable alternatives. Technology can give us a sustainable world if we create it together for purpose instead of having tech giants create it for profit at our and the planets expense. We can create solutions together on a massive scale (feed ourselves, connect ourselves, research and discover new innovative solutions and mitigate the risk we create along the way).
Technology can unlock NEW solutions and new solutions is what we NEED.
We can not solve the issues of today by going backwards (but we can always learn from the past). We can not leave it up to for profit corporations and the government we need to be able to understand and solve complex problems together, now. Tech can do that and I do not know of another way that it would be even remotely possible.
You presuppose rather much there. But i thank you for being polite. I apreciate that. People need food, water, shelter like any other animal. You can not eat can eat a fish or a can't eat a machine.....there is no new way to be invented by technology.
As an avid supporter/follower of online protests and a student of the trajectory in mass movements, I have surmised that #TellTheTruth is a core tenet of every revolution in history...
In his quote, Slavoj Zizek says,
“Every authentic revolution is not only directed towards the future, but it redeems, also the past failed revolutions; all the ghosts, as it were, the living dead of the past revolution, which are roaming around unsatisfied, will finally find their home, in the new freedom. -
Several weeks ago Sir David Attenborough, when asked, “why should the UK be the 1st to act, when other countries may not..” , to which he said, “as it was the UK that began the Industrial Revolution, it should be the UK that leads in climate action”
Given the context of building ongoing momentum of Extinction Rebellion throughout the world, the ‘TELL THE TRUTH’ Hashtag can represent a fuel for everyones most personal reasons to take to the streets and join the International Rebellion...
In Canada, #IndigenousRights #Reconciliation #ResidentialSchools and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls ( #MMIWG ) #NoMoreStolenSisters.
Imagine how a ‘Tell The Truth’ hashtag war could work as a common denominator for everyone wanting to hit the streets, for whatever reason, on Oct 7th.
“A Revolution only picks up steam once two or more groups that have nothing to do with one another decide to join together for their mutual benefit” -Srdja Popovic
We were large organic farmers in the 70--90. Conventional farmers made fun of us, but they couldn't under stand why we did look and act like them in regular ways, SO that fact helped them eventually come round to some organic practices. Looking like the audiences when you want to change their thinking, they listen better if you look like them, DRESS like them, speak like them. My family read Racheal Carson and J I Rodale and saw this coming in the late 50s. So far l have enjoyed Gretas messages the most. If we slow down our flying, driving, eating meat, less shopping businesses will be forced to change to better ways so they can survive...or not. But it may not happen so fast as to make us fight, but lead and persuade us to concentrate on our survival instead of our addictions..
I started to wake up in the late sixties and took on a conscious spiritual path. Over fifty years later I understand that this physical reality is just a simulation of a deeper reality and the game, that our higher self plays, is for our consciousness or the souls evolution. The mind gives us the illusion of separation but also gives us power to create or destroy and to develop our awareness and finally to awaken to the fact that we are all an integral part of the one consciousness. ❤
And fewer children too please. Half of all pregnancies are unwanted. Especially in the 3rd world. It would be great to stop this.
I studied a MSc in Human Ecology in 2000. It was clear and we pretty much all wrote and agreed that 2020 was the final date before breakdown if nothing changed. I was at Schumacher College in 2004-5 and we researched this more, the feedback mechanisms made it look unavoidable. From 1997 to 2017 I was a little involved in sustainable economics magazine that constantly predicted the financial crash in 2008 and how it could be redeemed by grabbing the system in it's collapse and change it - it was not done. Jem Bendell has written a good paper but what makes me sad is that this was all written 20 years back - better late than never although in some ways it feels worse
@NeuroParadise thanks neuroparadise. Just been to a talk about the preston economic development model. Good stuff but twenty years to late - it sort if feels tragic - was doing all this so long ago - but hey, we have to feel suffer love enjoy feel rest and relax and be lazy!
I think I get it now - we have to make the government act and pass a law. I'll come in October :D
We managed to get a plot on a local allotment. It feels good to be self sufficient. Less reliance on supermarkets,and there is a good community.
No likes for your great comment? That is because XR cult members do not give a f*ck about being green, it is just a figleaf for bringing in international communism.
They talk as we've all the time in the World. We ran out of time about 1990, 30 years ago.
You don't know that. No one knows how much time we've got. But we've got the time we've got.
Guy McPherson has publicly written off the efforts of XR in his disappointing need to be top prophet of doom, rather than uniting his efforts w others to move forward together the best we can. The dangerous effect is that one does nothing, incapacitated by buying into McPherson's arrogant insistence that the game is already over. He will be left behind because of his egoic need.
When hawkings was asked when we should think about leaving earth he replied 30 yrs.ago.
If the McPherson theory is correct by mid-summer we will see extreme temperature rise which well cause massive crop failure globally the plane is already on fire the landing gear is not working but we got to keep on flapping are wings we got to keep on keepin on life is a garden dig it grow your garden never give up I believe there is only a few ways out of this mess beyond self-sufficiency and learning how to love and take care of each other so quickly because life depends on it
"Where the people's voice is not heard, there will be revolution." The World Teacher
Please can someone explain what Rupert meant when he spoke about carbon is 60 thousand times??? Thanks ❤.
How much attention are the corporate elites paying to climate chaos? There have to be at least some who actually do get it. Right?
Anthony Davis If they do, they are not talking. Might hurt the bottom line.
All banksters are climate change propaganda supporters.
In fact you can see all the lobbies are in the side of climate propagandists when mass medias only let the pros talk and never let the hundred scientist who deny it talk.
The deniers are always censored , intimidated , mocked or even threaten in the mass media who belong to corporate and big money lobbies.
That's a sign that never lies.
"Build some resilience before the events hit" My suggestion to build resilience is to make Meditation and the cause of Waking UP the Mind and Heart a part of Extinction Rebellions response....we are dealing with mass habituation and mechanical instincts mindlessly driving us forward toward destruction.The 'sleep' of normal humanity must be addressed if we want to arouse them and us to wise action...
And i will say fuck your meditation. You will be a pretensious bastard at best.
Of course, you are dealing with people who have a physical reason for not being compassionate or caring about others: they have defective amygdalae. I don't see how any amount of meditation can fix a fundamental physical problem like that-even if you could possibly induce people to try it.
Mark, you spoke really well. And said a lot of interesting things. I could have just go on listening. I hope we will hear more from you. Perhaps you could get Jem Bendell to interview you on his channel.
Citizens assemble NEEDS to be on an online platform, we don't need another Catalonia, catastrophe! We NEED to takeover the system by making a unified online platform that is completely transparent.
You do know climate is ONE of 12 things taking us down this moment. The house is being burnt by way more than one match. It may or is way to late . To Ma y people doing to much damage. Feedbacks , tipping points , CH4 will or are taking over. We are in bad shape. Mother Nature wants us GONE GONE GONE ,,she's the BOSS ❤️❤️🌎❤️❤️
Extinction Rebellion may fizzle out: Extinction Level Events do not, until they have run their course.
They are right about the need for action. But what can they do when China is building 8 new airports a year and India plans to complete 30 new airports in the next several years. Be a nuisance at Heathrow??
5:44 what is meant by deep adaptation. you're welcome.
Dischordian there is an important article available online; you can find it by googling “deep adaptation “; it cones up on the top stop and links to the life worth site, where the map article is available😊
Ohhh! thank you
People only are going to be able to take the best decisions for a better ( or at least less frightening ) future.
These videos all begin with “It’s over. We’re all gonna die.” But no one ever explains HOW. Can SOMEONE PLEASE explain exactly HOW XR has reached this conclusion? I’m not a climate change denier, I’m just frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be any video that simply lays out the path ahead of us in plain language so that I can understand what the fuck is going on. Please help me understand.
Read this article by David Wallace Wells. It outlines most of the deadly probabilities:
Basically, there is an ongoing runaway greenhouse effect which includes self reinforcing feedback loops. This means more carbon, more heat, less arctic ice. Ice in the arctic reflects more heat which would otherwise be absorbed by the sea. Once melted, the arctic heats up even faster with the possibility of massive amounts of methane being released from the sea bed and melting permafrost in northern Siberia and Canada. It is unknown how much carbon is held in either, but some estimates go as high as twice the amount already in the atmosphere.
Climate science has been in agreement about global warming greatly exacerbated by human activity since at least the 1980s. The Paris climate agreement and IPCC which organised it are far, far too conservative with their predictions.
At 2°C of warming which we are aiming for with massive mitigation, or 4°C of warming which we are headed for, the temperate weather we have enjoyed along with the regular seasonal air and sea currents and lower temperatures becomes more extreme. There will be huge droughts and floods and heatwaves and agriculture will become impossible and the majority off all populations will starve to death as arable land becomes desert.
Crop yields worldwide including Europe and North America are already shrinking.
4°C of warming generates continuous feedback loops which will eventually bring the world to 8 or 12 degrees of warming, which is too hot for most species to survive and will occur with insufficient time for them to adapt. In short, without massive Marshall plan, Manhattan project style action and the mass mobilisation and revolution, we will go extinct.
The IPCC recommendations factor in massive deployment of largely non-existent carbon capture technology and would need the total decommissioning of non-renewable energy sources.
The companies responsible are fighting decarbonisation every step of the way to keep their profit margins with the help of 'think tanks' lobbying groups) and media moguls with a stake in the business. It is a battle more severe than any in our history, with nothing short of the fate of mankind at its heart.
Sorry nobody replied sooner. Hope this covers it! We need you on our side. Politics has failed, scientists have failed. The only option to be heard is rebellion. We all need to do whatever we can.
Mass migration, food&water shortages first. Power cuts, goods shortages, over crowding, social services worse, air pollution, diseases increase etc etc. I'm a survival expert&even without climate change there are many ways.
Why is adding more train lines something that's obvious to reduce carbon output?
Because comprehensive infrastructure will make personal vehicles less necessary, thus reducing fuel consumptionand gas emissions from all the cars currently driving about.
Began on the morn
Yet did not pass
Toward darkened gulfs
Began when stars lay hidden
From glistening eyes
That became beacons
Unto which a path could be found
Following wind and earth
Into the light
What does DXE think of veganism? Have to ask because animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, land use, water use, water pollution, ocean dead zones, deforestation, air pollution, amazon fires(deforestation), desertification, ect. Pretty much something that we can act on right now and take personal responsibility for. 👍 It's more of a vote with your dollars than expecting gov to do anything imo.
Starchivore88 are you a food producer or just another consumer?
Equality is good!
Diversity and small easy to manage business models is good!
Culturing uniqueness and creativity is good!
Putting wealth back into the hands of the people is good when those people have been informed!
Extinction word is the slap in the face that was much needed
Watch Australia burning, see mountains of ice melting into the sea, see the children struggling with asthma because of air pollution, watch the planes pumping poison in to the sky, observe the oceans being depleted by the greed of trawlers and consumers, feel the trauma of baby animals orphaned from their parents that are killed for poaching and trophy hunting, smell the blood in the air of a slaughter house, feel the pain of animals run over in the road, look in the mirror and see if you can live with what you see! If not change begins with yourself.
Have you actually read any the scientific data?
@@thebritishbookworm2649 about what?
@Dean what do think about?
@@thebritishbookworm2649 what I think about? Yes. Do you?
@Dean am asking you have you read the actual scientific data todo with what they are talking about my friend?
I need to collect scientific papers to give my stepdad to read. I was convinced b4 reading bendells' paper n ipcc report cos youtube n previous understanding ... what paper convinced you the most or have had best success with at getting fam n friends onboard?
Stephen Jenkinson , Derrick Jensen , Thomas Lovejoy , Dahr Jamail , Peter Wadham , Guy Mcpherson , Markus Heilig , Paul Beckwith , Stuart Scott , Jem bendell , Ira Leifer , Sam Carana , Kevin Anderson
@@hansasperger9305 david spratt, tim Garrett
@@DoseofTruth Yea Yea you have to start somewhere
Dr Kevin Anderson.
The thing that sent me into a panic (some years ago) was watching a lecture by Albert Bartlett here on TH-cam. When you really grasp the consequences of exponential growth our society is a terrifying place.
Call the online platform UNITY and have every citizen register, then every decision, if over half of all voting citizens agree, can then become LEGAL or APPROVED. It is ESSENTIAL that I can see what you voted and vice versa to avoid any corruption...EASY!
Most likely utter hardship will FORCE us to take extraordinary action.
what did he mean by there being no emergency?
I'm wondering this as well.
"There is no emergency because it's the wrong kind of emergency: we have to do everything now, so then we might offset something later. Something uncertain, something we don't want."
What does this mean?
@@mr0marth my best guess is that he means that its not an immediate enough emergency to make a good story and spur people into action
but saying there is no emergency is a weird way to say that so idk
You're not "getting real about the climate" unless you also focus on material preparedness, preparedness skills, and individual/small group survival. Start talking about those and I might start taking XR seriously.
Eric Campbell answers around 49mins
@@justinemarley5740 I'm not talking about citizens assemblies and starting fewer construction projects. Those are large-scale mitigation measures. I'm talking about making ourselves tougher, more skilled, more empathetic, more resourceful, etc., so we are individually prepared for a world beset by climate events and their secondary effects.
Practical PDA on facebook ;)
They ARE working on this stuff ...
If uv no garden etc, u can still build ur own DIY aquaponics system for ur own fish n salad, collect seeds, grow saplings for community food forests etc. Get involved with ur local eco group. Most churches r now 'eco church' i hear. Theres now hydro tech that doesnt harm fish etc suitable for small rivers that power 60 homes. So many ideas out there when u start looking n researching n not waiting to b told what to do :)
Eric Campbell Whether you start taking XR seriously isn't really anyones concern - its your life and future or lack of - in the first five minutes we were told about all the things we are dependent on others for, and the changes we should be making to be more self sufficient. I don't know how old you are but you need to get off your ass, not sit on it waiting to be persuaded.
@@hansiesma16 Lmao, you're lecturing me about getting off MY ass? Look at all the XR members who are completely unprepared for the next heat wave or hurricane. My concern is that all these pasty white city-dwelling liberals won't be able to continue the movement after the climate events hit because they'll fold like paper under real adversity.
It seems that there's less need to be heavy-handed or disruptive the more I learn about what's coming....let it be
Why are we f’d? This went up on TH-cam 4 years ago, 4 years later and 77k views, 338 comments. Meanwhile a viral TikTok gets 100s of thousands of views in a week. The people are asleep and the reckoning is inevitable.
Rupert....Rubber- soled sports shoes are a good idea when picking up a live micriphone....
To the question at 55 mins. I agree with Rupert as it worked for my talks, too; I used the phrasing "On the edge of civilization extinction" and there was the highest number of attendees so far. The human mind is full of cognitive dissonances.
Do you guys hear the babies in the background? That is why this all is happening. They didn’t ask for this shit show. Neither did the wildlife that are disappearing.
The skyrocketing of human population is a result of the global economic system, much like climate change and soil degradation. I know it's easier to blame the people around you but misplaced anger is just that: misplaced.
Have you read Saiesh Rao's books? check him our at It's important that people see that we cannot solve this if we continue eating animals. He explained really well at the Paris Climate talks and the European Union Parliament.
@Donald McCarthy the fuck does that even mean?
the human population is tapering off yet our consumption is growing, it is better to go vegan to stop all those calves, piglets and chicks from being born in the first place
kirin smith can’t argue with correct logic!
Pedal faster. An ice free arctic in 2019/2020 means game over.
OwlNation Legal Yes. Might happen next year.
Thank you , refugees 🙏 welcome! Support the caliphate
Be positive.
We are threatened with the collapse of civilisation.
We know that.
We can avert that albeit with significant consequences in any event.
We are trying and
We will try harder as things unfold.
All of these things are a cause for hope.
The main political requirement is not to start the usual human thing playing the blame game. We don’t need any more hate.
The political answers start with being inclusive.
The rest is fear.
What are the ACTUAL solutions to this? I've yet to see someone give a serious list of ACTUAL changes that need to be made. The point is the establishment won't be going anywhere any time soon. The whole global system is too entrenched. I am quite pessimistic about any serious change happening. We're fucked.
Space read a book called Drawdown. Also try to live plastic free, it will lead you to sustainability'll understand then hopefully. You can't do nothing after knowing the truth of the crisis
I'm not hearing XR discuss the impact of unfathomable amounts of fossil fuel required to create the infrastructue for "clean energy"...fossil fuel is required to decarbonize by 2025-2030.
I am very, very interested in your movement, I have started to follow every step you make as far as my time and energy permits it, however, I am very aware and very awake, and what I see so far is a radical group that was foreseen in Alfonso Cuaron's movie "Children of Men". The film's source is P. D. James' novel The Children of Men (1992). What Extinction Rebellion is inviting us to do is precisely what the system wants in order to have the perfect excuse to smash us all into a brutal fascist global dictatorship, and nobody is as strong as to withstand the power of the system with the military, the courts, the politics, and most of all, 90% of the global population totally mentally controlled, you know that, we know that, I know that. So far, your plan is destined to miserably fail and bring us all into bondage and to bring such amount of chaos that the climate apocalypse is going to be just another nail in our coffin. Having said that, I consider myself even more radical than you, I advocate for the total obliteration, extinction and disapearance of the human race, all of us, you and I, in order to let this planet, our mother recover herself from the worse viral plague that have ever existed, US! I am hiking Mount Cokely tomorrow, in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere region, here on Vancouver Island, I am going to make an approach video talking to you in the face so we can begin a dialogue and start working something out, we must find the way, because your way, despite I support it, despite I have supported it even way before you existed, is destined to fail. Wait for the video here on my channel and the Spanish version of it in my channel "La Conspiración de La Verdad". I am a radical Conceptual artist, if you are interested in finding out how radical I am, visit my art channel "Juan Zavaleta". Let's get started.
While these ppl have good intentions there is no solution on offer other than to simply stop consumption as individuals, down to the very basic local level needs. Self sufficiency, go without that which is not local, park the car, go without the comforts of AC, we can't roll out Solar to everyone without yet another industrial debt, don't bother to need more that a trickle of electricity and we already have enough in the system, one solar panel per house to run basic refrigeration for example. Hard facts I what it is. Funny and/or tragic that Indigenous ppl still don't have these basics and won't likely miss them. We won't change until these things are simply no longer there..Coronal Mass Ejection may be the turning point if every damn gadget we love gets fried in an instant.
Excellent closing remarks from all those on stage.
Thank you, XR!
A bunch of fruit cakes
I Love Fruit Cake...😋
guv should set laws of ban/cut down plastic packaging, 4x4, motor sports, sports travel, holiday flights, make lecky scooters, open waterways to lecky boat public transport, re open rail lines, Supermarkets to sell goods by weight, fast food do vegetarian meals, get kids to walk/cycle to school, phone Co stop selling phone every year, cut down on tek, grow own veg, people in benefits work the land, ban non recyclable inventions, Xmas& Halloween is landfill, wooded housing, ban fires/chimneys, buy&make items locally, local market gardens, eat in season, recycle centres everywhere, solar panel public lights, cobbled roads&more, less is more, nurture nature
why are nuclear power plants at sea level? ridiculous
What is the effect of the pandemic on all this?
In 1982, NASA/Sandia Labs developed technology to harness heat energy directly from magma - and estimated the size of the US reserve to be at minimum, 1000 times global energy demand. Easily converted to heavy duty electricity and clean burning hydrogen fuel, this technology could meet global energy demand carbon free, plus provide power to desalinate sea water to irrigate land for agriculture, industry and housing, to recycle all waste and extract carbon from the air.
In the 40 years since then, I have not once heard any so-called environmentalist; from Al Gore to Greta Thunberg via Just Stop Oil, mention magma energy. One can only suppose that they don't want answers. They want problems they can exploit for their own political ends. And given that they would put their own selfish interests before sustainability, one has to wonder how they are any better than fossil fuel addicted climate change deniers?
Extinction Rebellion talk about Truth; but Roger Hallam's complexity theory metaphor indicates clearly what this about; it's about political polarisation - dividing people, and channelling them into one of two false narratives. In fact, the primary implication of complexity theory is that any significant change to a complex system is almost certain to produce something worse. And worse is what Hallam wants for his followers. His new form of being is a grim green communist dictatorship - animated by the notion that human needs and environmental sustainability are fundamentally incompatible. This is not true.
A secondary implication of complexity theory, is that any necessary change made to a complex system must be the smallest and most effective change necessary to the desired end. And clearly, applying the technology to produce limitless clean energy from magma is a smaller and more effective change to a complex system upon which billions of people depend for their lives and livelihoods, than the wholesale collapse of that system Hallam and co seek to bring about.
I seek to bring about Sustainable Prosperity fuelled by magma energy!
The existing political structure is still described as 1 dimensional, left to right. But it needs expanding to frame the debate.
Evolution or extinction? Are we able to learn to live in harmony with each other, nature and technology including AI? Sustainability not profitability. Mindfulness and self love, respect not exploitation. Our species faces a major die off, the population is passing the peak, passing a tipping point where our population goes from exponential growth to a transition to a new sustainable relationship with the ecosystem that has sustained us up until now. That downward curve can be as steep as a cliff which falls to zero, extinction, or it can begin steeply and recover as it returns to historic levels of sustainability, pre-technology levels such as pre-Columbian America. This could lead to a selection pressure that would produce a new species of hominid, speciation. The curve could be more gentle and could include technological solutions that would level off at a population that could both live more harmoniously with nature and each other and incorporate technology that would represent an evolution into a new species of technologically enhanced humanity, cyborgs. Taking life to other planets, terraforming and evolving new species of humans who could survive other planetary ecologies is another path that will require technologies including genetic engineering to reach for the stars. Managing these changes in a moral and humane way brings hope to a future that appears very scary from our selfish and ethnocentric perspectives. Keep up the good work or as John Perkins says "Dream True" instead of living like the hero of his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman." Be blessed, you are a blessing. Aboriginal cultures have much to teach us.
We need activism to stop the emissions of co2, We all need to plant trees or , Yes, these homes exist. The homes are called earth'ship homes. In taos, new mexico these homes are being built now. Using our intelligence and the laws of nature we won't need carbon emissions power. Let us do our best to redesign our cililization efficiently, cleanly and self sustaining. We are earthling because we were born from our mother earth. Let us take care of our mother earth she has always taken care us. GOD'S speed people.
maximize the probability of survival~=1 never survives alone.
XR needs to find more women, and more POC to take part in these videos, but otherwise pleased these videos are happening.
lisashenmaid Why? Does POC mean pieces of crap? They surely have enough of those
You should work with Reverend billy and the stop shopping gospel choir
Stop adding CO2 and temps go up two or three more degs ? What do you say ER ? We really have nowhere to run. It's simply TO LATE !
Your videos are pretty crude, but I agree with everything you say.
For some inexplicable reason, Hallam, Bradbrooke, the Clare person, Read and the rest of the spokespeople seem to feel compelled to throw in expletives at every opportunity, like naughty adolescents seeking to shock their parents. Really not necessary. Props to Lopatin for keeping it clean. And no less powerful, for that.
I feel that these bare bones , documentary style videos are appropriate . I mostly listen to them and then I can also see the speakers, what more do I need ?
East berlin understood the VALUE of a WALL. i guess...
Marc had a epiphany..... drinking a latte. yet withing XR's own ranks aviation is so touchie that flying drones anywhere near one or two airports is an "issue" of some kind. duh. so how about this one? a digital voice recorder instead of that latte. yes???? that requires batteries? that is so light weight without 2 AAA batts it seems "fake". yet it is excellent for learning the "local language" where I live, although officially.... and 99% socially is considered..... to not be the language everyone speaks but.... it is. and that only by putting those 2 AAA batteries in the recorder does it seem... in "human emotions" that only humans have... to be less "fake" because suddenly it is hefty. but electric jets are right around the corner.
aviation accounts for almost 2 percent of our GHG emissions, which is huge given that none of us have ever even been inside an airplane even once in their life yet [yeah, okay I have and so have a few hundred million... Chinese people so far but there are 7,800 million of us]. yet even withing XR they cannot reach an easy consensus on doing a lot more than flying some drones. the first baby step on positive forcings is an abeyance on all commercial and private air travel immediately as opposed to telling folks to stop using flush toilets and to carry water in buckets again and get rid of their cows. because:
batteries are heavy and to come up with a new invention even the "craziest" [maybe for real] industry insiders say will take 15 to 20 years.....
followed by many years of air safety testing
followed by a few decades to swap out what will then be 400,000 airplanes flying 24/7/365 and instead of merely the 200,000 flying 24/7/365 right now in 2019
followed by 15 to 20 years of the usual latency if we are lucky to still exist in any form than one celled life forms.
and aviation is not essential at all. but already accounts for a whopping 2 percent [even 1 percent would be huge] of GHG.
and it is and always was the first easy baby step. that's the really big epiphany. [or that we can't even see Co2 and believe "water" accounts for life as well as a bonobo like "God". but not Co2.]
FIRST BABY STEP meaning it is WHY we did not do anything. duh. except sign some agreements and talk about "some ice may melt in 2100".
maybe we should go back to only talking about some ice that may begin melting. and love. and build a better border wall along Mexico and start working on a US Space Force..... for radiation management because those golf resorts and fancy hotels are mostly only for air travelers. which is untouchable. but getting rid of our cows and flush toilets? oh that's easy!
the sun ..not co2
The Wikipedia article quote is hilarious. "Long-term"
I'm scared to death.
Me too! 😢
We all are. But when it gets bad I’m going to try my best to be a good person. There are too many who are wanting to blow it up faster. 💚
I’ve known for a few months now. It’s a hard place to sit. We are all scared. 💚
@@annietrueman7 Lucky you. I've known to some extent for almost 2 decades. It's been a curse.
Mike Taylor. That would be tough! Are you done, yet?
Rupert is generally a very sensible chap (and an excellent spokesperson), except when you mention nuclear power and he goes on about this really rather silly idea that they all have to be turned off immediately because we might not be able to later. It doesn't make much sense when you look at the details (It takes a couple of days to safely power down an NPS, and a somewhere between 2 and 5 years to make fuel rods in ponds safe (and all you have to do for that time is top up the pond). I find it very hard to imagine a realistic situation where we can't even manage that. And he just blocks anyone on twitter who tries to have a rational discussion about it, which I found to be very disappointing behaviour for a nominally sensible person.
Existing nuclear power is not a significant risk in comparison to climate change, and saying it is just makes our already massive problem worse (see Germany). The worst that could _possibly_ happen would be about half as bad as Chernobyl, so that's a few thousand deaths (over 60 years). That's peanuts in comparison to what the climate emergency is already doing and will do more of. Keep your risks in perspective, especially if you are a Green that has had 30 years of being told nuclear power is the most dangerous thing in the world. It's not. It's a useful (at least for the time being) extremely low-carbon and low-space-footprint technology. As Greta and XR keep saying: listen to the science.
Too little and way too late, I know, I tried 30 years ago! This ship has sailed! Party up!
I hope no one in the world (or elite) is considering the Thanos solution.
mind-blowing 27:52-30:41
10-20 years huh? Sounds rough. I should be alive around then so I guess I'll find out
Talk is cheap
Far from saving the planet you are factory farming coming home to roost for humanity . Carbon warriors in a carbon based creation prove God has one helluva sense of humour.
Why as a farmer isn't he mentioning geoengineering? That's the big lie..All else is fluff for the misguided..
Why don't they support nuclear?
They might support thorium but if you watch the video they address the fact that there is a large probability that states might be unable to look after the 400 nuclear plants if the climate science is right
Where do you keep the Kool-aid ?
Why are you here?
R Needham I like to see both sides ...
Question from the audience “” will this so to lay low the mountains of the earth “” ha ha, repent , repent ,the end is nigh!
I think people might take this more serious if the people on the stage didn’t look deranged .
Chair is either playing a part as devil's advocate, or is completely full of herself.
It is the job of any interviewer to prompt the interviewees to give a full explanation. To do so, said interviewers must ask all the questions that those with an opposing views would ask. So, it is less a matter of advocating for a devil than it is helping the angels advocate for themselves.
Men talk about climate change.
Well,apparently,we DID cause it !...
@@joelfildes5544 lol as my mum would say you made the mess, now clean it up!!
Good bye humans lol
Meanwhile, ✔️
It’s easy to see its Just a
Big Old Tired Boob hangs out
on at the end of Uncertainty.
And once again, proving
the Orange Cheato ✔️
Is still the Sharpest Hand
Engraved Majic Marker in the B🤡❌✔️
Does that make it real enough for ya❌
save the planet by wearing no trousers take a look at the prophecys of the Hopi indians who talk about different ages that the earth goes though things that happen anyway when men had little or no influence on the earths climate past civilizations could see the signs of the changing ages and prepared for them but modern man now thinks he knows better than nature but nature will always show us otherwise.
Roger. that shirt... it's startin' to bug me.
Yea take it off! LoL!
When I first read about the club of Rome and who funded the club of Rome the climate emergency started to make a lot of sense.
all white panel there
Should be on the news but no it's not.Greed.
There it was. Served up on a golden platter. Heathrow. And you guys wimped out. Or maybe you were bought out. Co-opted? Who knows?
Buh bye
Just very pathetic.
Use hemp and Be Vegan, easy!
@ IKR.., Still, doing nothing and saying that you love whales...